IFH / INTHERMTrade Fair for Domestic Engineering, Sanitary, Heating, Climate. IFH / INTHERM is the most important trade fair for the HVAC sector in Germany |
every 2 years |
Nuremberg (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
04/14/2026 4 days |
IFH/INTHERMSanitation, Heating, Air Conditioning, Renewable Energies Expo |
every 2 years |
Nuremberg (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
04/14/2026 4 days |
BARILGA EXPOBARILGA EXPO, as Mongolia's biggest international construction fair, serves as a significant platform for professionals, businesses, and innovators to showcase their products, services, and advancements in construction technology |
once a year |
Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Buyant-Ukhaa Sports Palace
April 2026 (?) |
BAUEN + WOHNEN AARGAUSpring building, housing, gardening and energy exhibition. Four exhibition halls and a large outdoor area |
once a year |
Wettingen (Switzerland)
Tägi Wettingen
April 2026 (?) |
BAUMESSE DARMSTADTHome, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo. All owners and those who wish to become one can find out about construction |
once a year |
Darmstadt (Germany)
Messplatz Darmstadt
April 2026 (?) |
BIO & CO BESANÇONSustainable Construction and Bio Life Expo. Bio & Co Besançon offers: Eco-housing & renewable energies, healthy food & cooking, well-being & health, fair trade & gardening, ethical fashion, children, leisure... |
once a year |
Besancon (France)
Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis
April 2026 (?) |
BUILD EXPO USA - DALLASAmerica's Premier Regional Building & Construction Event, providing a platform for the latest developments and innovations in the construction sector |
once a year |
Dallas, TX (USA)
Dallas Market Center
April 2026 (?) |
BUILD YOUR HOUSE EXHIBITIONAn established exhibition dedicated to catering to the Design, construction, fit-out, and renovation needs of Qatari nationals, striving to build, renovate, or enhance their homes |
once a year |
Doha (Qatar)
Qatar National Convention Centre
April 2026 (?) |
BUILDING GREEN AAHHUSBuilding Green is Denmark’s largest trade fair for sustainable and energy efficient buildings |
once a year |
Aarhus (Denmark)
April 2026 (?) |
CAUCASUS BUILDInternational Specialized Fair for Construction, Renovation, Furnishing and Design. Discover groundbreaking innovations in construction equipment, green building materials, energy-efficient technologies, and more |
once a year |
Tbilisi (Georgia)
Expo Georgia Exhibition Center
April 2026 (?) |
CENTRAL KENTUCKY HOME & GARDEN SHOWLexington, KY Home & Garden Show. The largest home and garden show in Lexington, KY, features landscaping companies, remodeling contractors, interior design companies, and more... |
once a year |
Lexington, KY (USA)
Central Bank Center
April 2026 (?) |
CHINA REFRIGERATION EXPOInternational Exhibition for Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, Frozen Food Processing, Packaging and Storage |
once a year |
? (China)
April 2026 (?) |
CNHEInternational Xi’an China Exhibition on Heat and Warm Supply & Air Conditioner Boiler Technological Equipments |
once a year |
Xi’an (China)
Xi'an Qujiang International Convention & Exhibition Center
April 2026 (?) |
CONECO - RACIOENERGIAInternational Construction Fair and International Fair of Rationalisation of Energy |
once a year |
Bratislava (Slovakia)
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
April 2026 (?) |
CONNECTICUT SPRING HOME SHOWConnecticut Home Show. If you’re planning on remodeling or renovating your home, this is the home improvement event you can’t afford to miss |
once a year |
Hartford, CT (USA)
Connecticut Convention Center
April 2026 (?) |
FAIRGROUNDS SOUTHERN IDEAL HOME SHOW (SPRING)Raleigh, NC Home Show. Innovative Products and Hundreds of Experts all Under One Roof |
once a year |
Raleigh, NC (USA)
NC State Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
FIREPLACES SALON - KAMINOVInternational Fair for Fireplaces, Hearths and Stoves in Russia, NIS and Baltic States |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
FOR INTERIORThe largest furniture, interiors and home accessories fair in the Czech Republic. A showcase of the latest trends and new collections |
twice a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
April 2026 (?) |
GREEN ENERGY EXPO & ROMENVIROTECGREEN ENERGY EXPO & ROMENVIROTEC, the leading event in the field of renewable energy and environmental protection in Romania, offers a unique business platform to technology and service providers in this field |
once a year |
Bucharest (Romania)
April 2026 (?) |
HABITAT & JARDIN TENDANCE BOISHome Decoration, Gardening, Heating & HVAC Show |
once a year |
Chambery (France)
Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery
April 2026 (?) |
HVAC/R PHILIPPINES - LUZONHeating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Technology Exhibition & Conference |
once a year |
? (Philippines)
April 2026 (?) |
IDEAL HOME SHOW IRELANDIreland's Biggest Homes and Interiors Show |
twice a year |
Dublin (Ireland)
April 2026 (?) |
INAGREENTECHInternational Green Technology and Eco Friendly Products Exhibition. INAGREENTECH attracts hundreds of industry leading companies who see the exhibition as a unique opportunity to showcase their technologies services with green eco friendly products |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
April 2026 (?) |
INDONESIA COLD TECH EXPOINDONESIA COLD TECH EXPO includes: Ice Cream Freezers, Thermometer & Thermo Controllers, Cooler & Freezers, Air Conditioning Systems, Defreezing Machines, Refrigerating Storage Equipment, Water Cooler Machines. Sterilizing Cabinets... |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition
April 2026 (?) |
KENYA HOMES EXPOInternational Trade Expo of all kind of Home Applicance, Tiles, Kitchen Accessories, Building, Electrical, Lighting, Hardware, Safety & Security, Tools, Paints, Generators, Heating & Cooling Products, Machinery & Equipments, etc. |
once a year |
Nairobi (Kenya)
Kenyatta International Conference Center
April 2026 (?) |
MELBOURNE HOME SHOWAustralia’s Home Show for all the latest products, services and innovations for your home improvement project |
twice a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
April 2026 (?) |
MOLDCONSTRUCTBuilding Techniques and Equipment. Building and Finishing Materials. Insulation, Covering. Ceilings and Roofings. Sanitary Engineering Equipment. Ceramic Items. Glassware, Windows & Doors. Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioner Systems |
once a year |
Chisinau (Moldova)
I.E.C. Moldexpo
April 2026 (?) |
MOLDENERGYEquipment and Technologies for Heating. Energetic and Regeneration Systems. Measure and Control Systems. Power-Saving Technologies |
once a year |
Chisinau (Moldova)
I.E.C. Moldexpo
April 2026 (?) |
NEW ENGLAND HOME SHOW - RIThe largest home improvement and idea show in Southern New England! Featuring the “Specialty” RI Flower Show. Hundreds of home-related exhibitors with trends, & services |
once a year |
Providence, RI (USA)
Rhode Island Convention Center Providence
April 2026 (?) |
NEW ENGLAND HOME SHOW - TOPSFIELDSouthern New England's Largest Home Improvement & Ideas Show! With floral display. Hundreds of exhibitors related to the home with trends and services |
once a year |
Topsfield, MA (USA)
Topsfield Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
REBUILDREBUILD provides a unique platform of innovation to invigorate the sector of construction, renovation and the energy efficiency of houses and buildings |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
April 2026 (?) |
RESTARESTA is the largest international construction and housing solutions exhibition in the Baltic States. A key annual gathering point for professionals in the construction and interior design industries, as well as for anyone planning construction projects |
once a year |
Vilnius (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo)
April 2026 (?) |
SALON DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLEAlsatian exhibition of renewable energies and sustainable development |
once a year |
Strasbourg (France)
Hippodrome de Strasbourg - Hoerdt
April 2026 (?) |
SPRINGFESTThis exclusive one-day event features educational seminars and top exhibits for building owners, property managers, facility managers and others responsible for building maintenance and facility operations |
once a year |
Toronto, ON (Canada)
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
April 2026 (?) |
TEK GREENRenewable Energy, Sustainable Construction and Social Responsibility in Construction |
once a year |
Lisbon (Portugal)
Feira Internacional de Lisboa
April 2026 (?) |
TEKTÓNICAInternational Building & Construction Fair |
once a year |
Lisbon (Portugal)
Feira Internacional de Lisboa
April 2026 (?) |
WATER & HEATInternational Specialized Exhibition o. Technologies, Equipment and Materials for Water Production, Preparation and Drainage System Cleaning. Pumping Equipment. Heating Systems and Equipment |
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
Football Manege Sport Complex
April 2026 (?) |
WINNIPEG HOME + GARDEN SHOWAt the Winnipeg Home + Garden Show you can shop for home-related products and services, experience stunning displays to help inspire your next home project, connect with industry experts, enjoy informative presentations... |
once a year |
Winnipeg, MB (Canada)
RBC Convention Centre, Winnipeg
April 2026 (?) |