
Food Processing Industries
Trade shows in February 2025


Agriculture - Food Processing

Dec 37 Jan 60 2025 Feb 114 Mar 109 Apr 97 May 134 Jun 113 Jul 69 Aug 81 Sep 162 Oct 168 Nov 184 Dec 41 Jan 57 2026 Feb 117 Mar 118 Apr 101 May 130 Jun 118 Jul 66 Aug 79 Sep 151 Oct 167 Nov 182 Dec 36
114 Trade Shows related to Food Processing Industries in February 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AQUAPRO EXPOInternational exhibition of equipment and technologies for the extraction, breeding and processing of fish and seafood once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Feb. 2025postponed !
EXPOTROFGreek Fine Food & Beverages Exhibition. EXPOTROF provides exhibitors with the opportunity to showcase their products to industry professionals and engage in direct conversations with Greek and international buyers once a year Athens (Greece) MEC - Mediterranian Exhibition Center 02/01/2025
3 days
IRAN INTFOODEXIran INTFOODEX is an International Exhibition of Dried Fruits, Medical Plants, Saffron, Technology, Industries, and Related Services in Iran/Tehran once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground 02/01/2025
4 days
WORLD’S LEADING WINES LONDONSourcing Event for Wine Importers & Distributors. The World’s Leading Wines events are series of targeted trade tastings, networking events and dinners attended exclusively by the head wine buyers from leading importers and distributors once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) The May Fair Hotel 02/01/2025
1 day
HEXAGONE RENNESGift Show. HEXAGON Rennes is a tradeshow for gifts, souvenirs, decoration, regional items, fragrances, costume jewelry, ready-to-wear, florists, gourmet gifts and objects from brittany once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport 02/02/2025
2 days
ISMGerman International Sweets and Biscuits Fair. Chocolate, Sugar confectionery, Biscuits, Snack foods, Ice cream, deep-frozen sweets... once a year Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 02/02/2025
4 days
PROSWEETS COLOGNEInternational Supplier Fair for the Confectionery Industry. ProSweets Cologne brings together the entire industry know-how of the international supplier industry for the confectionery and snack industry once a year Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 02/02/2025
4 days
SAVEURS & MÉTIERS NAMURProfessional trade fair for catering and food retailing. At Saveurs & Métiers, discover the most complete range of equipment/products for your sector of activity. Numerous artisan demonstrations and expert conferences every 2 years Namur (Belgium) Namur expo 02/02/2025
3 days
H & TProfessional Trade Show of Equipment, Services, Food and Beverages for the Hotel and Restaurant Business once a year Malaga (Spain) Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Malaga 02/03/2025
3 days
HORECA BALEARES - MALLORCATrade fair for hotels and restaurants in the Balearic Islands. The objective is to easily establish business relationships, promote products & services, increase your visibility and be aware of the latest trends once a year Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands) (Spain) Recinto Ferial de Palma de Mallorca 02/03/2025
3 days
PRODEXPOInternational Fair of Foodstuffs and Food Raw Materials. Prodexpo features foodstuffs from across the globe, from essential food and beverages to exquisite speciality as well as organic, sport and healthy food, halal, kosher, and exotic products once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 02/03/2025
5 days
SALON DES VINS DE LOIREProfessional wine fair entirely devoted to the Loire vineyards which spans 4 major regions: Pays Nantais, Anjou-Saumur, Touraine and Centre-Loire once a year Angers (France) Angers Parc Expo 02/03/2025
2 days
SIMECSaudi International Marine Exhibition & Conference. The Specialist in Fisheries, Aquaculture and First Seafood in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Riyadh International Exhibition Centre 02/03/2025
3 days
WORLD’S LEADING WINES AMSTERDAMSourcing Event for Wine Importers & Distributors. The World’s Leading Wines events are series of targeted trade tastings, networking events and dinners attended exclusively by the head wine buyers from leading importers and distributors once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam 02/03/2025
1 daypostponed !
AGROEXPOAgroexpo, Türkiye’s largest and among Europe's four largest agriculture exhibition fair once a year Izmir (Turkey) Fuarizmir 02/04/2025
5 days
CATEREX JAPANJapanese Hospitality and Food Service Business Exhibition. Contributing to the revitalization of the service industry through the exchange and dissemination of people, goods, and information once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 02/04/2025
4 days
HOTERES JAPANInternational Hotel & Restaurant Show. This trade show specializes in hospitality and food service, to help to stimulate service industries though the exchange and dissemination of people, goods, and information once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 02/04/2025
4 days
ICE CREAM & ARTISAN FOOD SHOWThe Ice Cream & Artisan Food Show is the only trade event specifically catering for both Ice Cream and Artisan food markets in the UK once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 02/04/2025
2 days
IFOOD EXPO - SHIRAZInternational Food and Food Processing Industry exhibition. iFood Expo Shiraz features Diary Products, food & beverages machinery and packaging once a year Shiraz (Iran) Fars International Permanent Fairground 02/04/2025
4 days
JAPAN FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHOWJapan Food Service Equipment Exhibition. This trade show specializes in hospitality and food service, to help to stimulate service industries though the exchange and dissemination of people, goods, and information once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 02/04/2025
4 days
THE SOURCE TRADE SHOW - EXETERThe Source is UK South West’s biggest and best show for all those with a keen interest in discovering the latest speciality foods, quality drinks, profitable catering and inspired hospitality once a year Exeter (UK - United Kingdom) Westpoint Exhibition Centre 02/04/2025
2 days
FRUIT LOGISTICAFRUIT LOGISTICA is the most important trade fair in the world for the fresh produce industry (fruit and vegetables) and its direct access to the global market once a year Berlin (Germany) Messegelände Berlin 02/05/2025
3 days
SIDE MAROCSIDE MAROC is a professional meeting platform between national and local operators in the livestock sector and related industries (equipment, supplies, meat, milk and its derivatives, animal feed, etc.) once a year El Jadida (Morocco) Parc d'Exposition Mohammed VI 02/05/2025
5 days
VITAFOODS INDIAThe world of nutraceutical ingredients and raw materials. Vitafoods India is dedicated to India's growing nutraceutical industry. The expo is comprehensively tailored to the regional requirements once a year Mumbai (India) Jio World Centre 02/05/2025
3 days
WORLD’S LEADING WINES COPENHAGENSourcing Event for Wine Importers & Distributors. The World’s Leading Wines events are series of targeted trade tastings, networking events and dinners attended exclusively by the head wine buyers from leading importers and distributors once a year Copenhagen (Denmark) Radisson Blu Royal Hotel 02/05/2025
1 day
KISAN AGRI SHOW - HYDERABADKISAN Agri Show is envisioned to bring the agri industry, professionals, policy makers and farmers on a common platform. They will come together to have a dialogue with each other and explore new advances in the sector once a year Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 02/06/2025
3 days
SALON DU CHOCOLAT ET GOURMANDISES - METZChocolate and delicacies fair. 4 gastronomic worlds are brought together. - Delicatessen: salty and sweet
- Chocolate and Pastry
- Local Artisans
- Drinks: Wines, Beers, Spirits, non-alcoholic drinks…
once a year Metz (France) Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions 02/06/2025
4 days
SENEGAL HVAC R EXPOTrade fair for Air Conditioning and Cooling in Africa. It covers all areas of the climatization sector and provides a unique platform where manufacturers of all sizes and specialties share ideas and showcase the future of HVACR technology once a year Dakar (Senegal) CICAD - Centre International de Conférences Abdou Diouf 02/06/2025
3 days
FOIRE DE NÎMESFair of Nîmes. The fair of Nîmes proposes a rich and varied commercial offer in many domains such as the habitat, the gastronomy, the leisures, the well-being, the household articles, the automobile, the motor-homes and many others once a year Nîmes (France) Parc des expositions de Nîmes 02/07/2025
4 days
HO.RE.CA.International Hotel, Restaurant & Cafe Show once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo 02/07/2025
4 days
INDORE FOOD EXPOIndore (India) International Food Expo. Ready to Cook. Ready to Eat Food. Food Processing Machinery. Food Processing Technology once a year Indore (India) Urban haat, Indore 02/07/2025
3 days
SALON DES VINS DES VIGNERONS INDÉPENDANTS - ANGERSWine fair for independent winegrowers. At the Vignerons Indépendants wine fairs, you will meet the winegrowers themselves who, each with their own words, will tell you about their story, their wine, their profession once a year Angers (France) Centre de Congrès d'Angers 02/07/2025
3 days
UNITED DAIRY TECHDairy and Food Product Expo. United Agri & Dairy Tech provides an unique platform to showcase products, services and technology from Pre Harvest to Post Harvest once a year Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex 02/07/2025
3 days
AGRO-PARKPolish Agricultural Fair. The two-day event helps companies from the agricultural industry to maintain sales contacts with existing customers and enables the presentation of new products in various agricultural sectors once a year Lublin (Poland) Trade and Exhibition Center - Targi Lublin 02/08/2025
2 days
GOVERNMENTAL BEEKEEPING FAIRBeekeeping Fair in Serbia. The practicing beekeepers and the beekeeping equipment manufacturers feature their accomplishments once a year Belgrade (Serbia) Belgrade Fair Grounds 02/08/2025
2 days
SALON VINIFRANCE - ORLÉANSOrléans Wine Fair (France). Every year, the Salon des Vins de France welcomes many winegrowers and artisans from the food trades who come together to share their passion and present the best of their production once a year Orleans (France) Parc des expositions d'Orléans 02/08/2025
2 days
NORD GASTRO & HOTELHusum Gastronomy and Hospitality Fair. Discover trends, find opportunities, learn from colleagues: exchange experiences and recipes for success at the North's Germany most important culinary trade fair once a year Husum (Germany) Messe Husum 02/10/2025
2 days
WINE PARISNternational Wine Fair in Paris, resulting from the union of VINISUD (Mediterranean Wine Fair) and VINOVISION (Northern Wine Fair) once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 02/10/2025
3 days
WINE PARIS & VINEXPO PARISInternational Wine & Spirits Exhibition. Bordeaux is hosting Vinexpo, the leading international wine and spirits event once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 02/10/2025
3 days
AGRO PACK EXPOInternational exhibition for the food and packaging industry in Algeria. AGRO PACK EXPO is the meeting point between professionals and players in the national and international agri-food and packaging industry every 2 years Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 02/11/2025
4 days
BIOFACHSince 1990, BIOFACH has been the can’t-miss destination for pioneers and newcomers who share their passion for organic food and the organic market and want to exchange ideas with like-minded people along the entire value chain once a year Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 02/11/2025
4 days
E-BEERInternational exhibition of machines and equipment for the brewing and packaging industry in Zaragoza every 2 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 02/11/2025
3 days
ENOMAQInternational exhibition of machines and equipment for wineries and bottling in Zaragoza every 2 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 02/11/2025
3 days
OLEOMAQZaragoza International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Oil Mills and Packaging every 2 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 02/11/2025
3 days
OLEOTECExhibition of techniques and equipment for olive growing and olive growing in Zaragoza every 2 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 02/11/2025
3 days
TECNOVIDVine-Growing Techniques and Equipment Show. Bottling machinery and auxiliary equipment, Grape processing machinery every 2 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 02/11/2025
3 days
WORLD AG EXPOInternational Farming Expo. WORLD AG EXPO ia a showcase of Products, Technology and Equipment for the Farm, Dairy, Ranch, Construction and the farming industry in gerneral once a year Tulare, CA (USA) International Agri-Center 02/11/2025
3 days
AGRO ANIMAL SHOWInternational exhibition of effective animal husbandry and poultry. Agro Animal Show is the biggest international-scale winter event in the sphere of animal husbandry and poultry once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 02/12/2025
3 days
AGROSPRING AGRO ANIMAL SHOW / FRUIT.VEGETABLES.LOGISTICS / GRAIN TECH EXPO UKRAINEThe most important platform for animal husbandry and agricultural technology in Ukraine. The complete range of state-of-the-art solutions for livestock, animal husbandry and agricultural technology once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 02/12/2025
3 days
AQUA FARMExhibition and Conference for Aquaculture, Algaculture and Vertical Farming once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere 02/12/2025
2 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade shows worldwide