
Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting
Trade shows in May 2025


Decoration - Furniture - Lighting

Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting Textiles - Fabrics for Decoration
Dec 75 Jan 135 2025 Feb 178 Mar 237 Apr 169 May 129 Jun 99 Jul 61 Aug 64 Sep 199 Oct 227 Nov 181 Dec 61 Jan 134 2026 Feb 159 Mar 240 Apr 160 May 119 Jun 93 Jul 60 Aug 61 Sep 201 Oct 210 Nov 177 Dec 58
129 Trade Shows related to Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting in May 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ARTIERAThe fair gives exhibitors the opportunity to sell their products but above all to show ancient traditions and crafts, food, art, clothing, music... once a year Udine (Italy) Udine e Gorizia Fiere May 2025
BIOCULTURA BARCELONAOrganic Products and Responsible Consumption Fair. The sectors will be: Organic food, Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene, Healthy house, Sustainable fashion, Eco Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing, NGOs... once a year Barcelona (Spain) Palau Sant Jordi 05/01/2025
4 days
FIM - FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MADAGASCARMadagascar International Fair. Industry, Transport, Digital, Tourism, Environment, Culture once a year Antananarivo (Madagascar) Forello Expo May 2025
FOIRE DE TOURSFair of Tours. Used cars, gardens, household furniture and equipment, gastronomy... once a year Tours (France) Parc des expositions de Tours 05/01/2025
11 days
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE LA HAUTE-SAVOIE MONT-BLANCInternational Fair of Haute-Savoie. More than 500 exhibitors present the latest trends in home improvement, furniture, outdoor, crafts, decoration, DIY, gastronomy, leisure, automotive, well-being... once a year La Roche-sur-Foron (France) Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc 05/01/2025
11 days
GARTEN FESTIVAL - DALHEIMGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Lichtenau (Germany) Kloster Dalheim 05/01/2025
4 days
HOBY-XIt’s a visual, interactive, creative and entertaining feast with lots of creative goodies for the girls and new, entertaining options for the boys once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Kyalami Exhibition & Conference Centre 05/01/2025
4 days
LEBENSART MESSE - NEURUPPINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Neuruppin (Germany) Gut Hesterberg May 2025
PHILIPPINES RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year Manila (Philippines) Marriott Hotel, Manila May 2025
SALON ANTIQUITÉ & BROCANTE DE FAYENCEFayencce antiques fair. Around sixty exhibitors from all over France exhibit their latest discoveries, furniture, trinkets, silverware, jewelry, paintings, exceptional pieces and flea markets unknown Fayence (France) Le Grand Jardin à Fayence 05/01/2025
5 days
SALON DE LA CRÉATION ARTISANALEThe Handicraft Exhibition is the place to discover the great wealth of Tunisian heritage, the diversity of products handmade by Tunisian artisans and designers once a year Tunis (Tunisia) Parc des expositions du Kram May 2025
SALON DE LA MAISONThe Salon de la Maison is a major event in the construction, renovation, development and decoration sectors once a year Saint-Denis, Réunion (France) Parc des Expositions et des Congrès de Saint-Denis - Auguste Legros 05/01/2025
11 days
SANLIURFA INSAAT YAPI DEKORASYON FUARIConstruction and residential sector fair in Sanliurfa (Türkiye). Building, construction machinery, workplace safety, architecture, building automation, insulation, decoration, landscaping... once a year Sanliurfa (Turkey) Sanliurfa Fuar Merkezi 05/01/2025
4 days
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL KERKRADEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets twice a year Kerkrade (Netherlands) Markt Kerkrade 05/01/2025
1 day
THE ULTIMATE WOMEN'S SHOW - ORANGE COUNTYThe Nation's Largest Women's Expos, combining the very best in shopping, speakers, makeovers and rejuvenation designed for the Ultimate Experience for women once a year Anaheim, CA (USA) Anaheim Convention Center May 2025
TULLNER FLOHMARKTTulln Flea Market. For lovers of typical and vintage objects, looking for curiosities, decorative objects, gifts... twice a year Tulln (Austria) Messe Tulln 05/01/2025
1 day
FORLI IN FIOREForlì in Fiore presents a wide variety of plants and flowers, from the most common to the most unusual botanical rarities offered by florists from all over Italy once a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlì 05/03/2025
2 days
GAP FOIRE EXPOFair-exhibition of Gap. The professional actors of the Hautes-Alpes exhibit their know-how over 9 days once a year Gap (France) Parc de La Pépinière - Gap 05/03/2025
9 days
GRAND DESIGNS LIVE - LONDONGrand Designs Live features the latest in ideas, innovation and home project guidance. Build, Kitchens & Bathrooms, Gardens and Interiors once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 05/03/2025
9 days
HOME IMPROVEMENT & DESIGN EXPO - WOODBURYHome Improvement & Design Show. Home Improvement & Design Expo WOODBURY will enable visitors to meet with decorators, builders, remodelers, designers, suppliers and other professionals with expertise in the home improvement and design industry once a year Woodbury, MN (USA) HealthEast Sports Center 05/03/2025
1 day
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL WIEZEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets unknown Lebbeke (Belgium) Oktoberhallen 05/03/2025
1 day
THE ULTIMATE WOMEN'S SHOW - ATLANTAThe Nation's Largest Women's Expos, combining the very best in shopping, speakers, makeovers and rejuvenation designed for the Ultimate Experience for women twice a year Atlanta, GA (USA) Cobb Galleria Centre 05/03/2025
2 days
ALGER CERAMICA EXPOAlgerian exhibition exclusively dedicated to the Ceramics sector once a year Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 05/04/2025
5 days
C-STORE POINTC-StorePoint brings together Convenience Retail and Supplier executives to discuss innovation for the in-store experience, interior design, merchandising, fixturing, equipment and foodservice once a year Houston, TX (USA) Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center 05/04/2025
2 days
LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIONALInternational Trade Show and Conference devoted to Architectural and Commercial Lighting every 2 years Las Vegas, NV (USA) Las Vegas Convention Center 05/04/2025
5 days
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL BRUGESExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets twice a year Brugge (Belgium) Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) 05/04/2025
1 day
HD EXPO + CONFERENCEExpo and Conference exclusively for the Hospitality Design Industry. HD Expo is much more than a showcase. It creates longstanding business relationships, inspires new concepts and drives product innovation once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Mandalay Bay Convention Center 05/06/2025
3 days
KEQIAO SPRING TEXTILE EXPOChina (Keqiao) International Textiles, Fabrics & Accessories Exhibition once a year Shaoxing (China) China Light & Textile City International Conference and Exhibition Cen 05/06/2025
3 days
PROPOSTEWorld trade show of furnishing fabrics and curtains once a year Como (Italy) Spazio Villa Erba 05/06/2025
3 days
THE DECORATIVE FAIRThe UK’s most exciting and beautiful antiques fair, full of unexpected treasures, the event features specialist dealers offering a wide variety of objects, furniture, art and accessories dating from the 17th century to the 1970s 3 times a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Battersea Park 05/06/2025
6 days
AHICEAustralasian Hotel Industry Conference and Exhibition once a year Adelaide (Australia) Adelaide Oval 05/07/2025
2 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - SWITZERLANDExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Zurich (Switzerland) Ferienmesse Zürich 05/07/2025
2 days
READYSTOCKReadystock is an international, multi-industry fair of ready-to-sell products fro. various industries. Among them, e.g. household appliances, decorations, gifts, toys, tools, cosmetics, chemicals, groceries, office, school and advertising articles once a year Warsaw (Poland) PGE Narodowy Stadium 05/07/2025
2 days
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL ELBURGExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets unknown Elburg (Netherlands) 05/07/2025
1 day
SYDNEY BUILD EXPOAustralia's Leading Construction & Design Show. Meet and do business with thousands of decision-makers from leading contractors, architects, developers, civil engineers, housebuilders, government, tradies, suppliers and many more once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 05/07/2025
2 days
AFS - ASIA PACIFIC FLOOR MATERIAL EXHIBITIONAsia Pacific Floor Material Exhibition. Resilient Floor-Technology, Industrial Floor Material, Sport Flooring, Planks and Tiles. Floor Materials, Floor System, Floor Machinery, Cleaning Equipment... every 2 years Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex 05/08/2025
3 days
CGFF - CHINA GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL FLOOR FAIRInternational Trade Show for industrial and commercial flooring. CGFF's products on display are floor material, flooring machine, concrete floor and surface treatment technology, floor cleaning equipment, floor maintenance agent & maintenance materials once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex 05/08/2025
3 days
CIHIE - INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED HOUSING INDUSTRY EXPOGuangzhou International Integrated Housing Industry Exhibition and Construction Industrialization Products and Equipment Exhibition once a year Guangzhou (China) Poly World Trade Expo Center 05/08/2025
3 days
COVERINGS & SURFACING KUWAITCoverings & Surfacing is the first commercial and promotional event in the field of covering and decoration in the Maghreb region once a year Mishref (Kuwait) Kuwait International Fairs Ground 05/08/2025
6 days
HOME IN'Home in', the International Exhibition for Furniture & Decoration brings together companies specialized in furniture, decoration and furnishings who provide the latest solutions for the furniture and furnishings industry once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre 05/08/2025
4 days
KUWAIT BUILD & DESIGN WEEKThe largest building and construction event in Kuwait once a year Mishref (Kuwait) Kuwait International Fairs Ground 05/08/2025
6 days
PHILBEX DAVAOPHILBEX Davao is the biggest and most comprehensive building and construction trade event in Mindanao once a year Davao City (Philippines) SMX Convention Center, Davao 05/08/2025
4 days
CHINASHOP - CHINA RETAIL TRADE FAIRTrade show dedicated to cutting-edge technologies and brand-new solutions to the retail industry once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center 05/09/2025
3 days
JACKSONVILLE HOME & GARDEN SHOWThe Jacksonville Home and Garden Show will connect you to the area’s leading remodelers, builders, and design professionals once a year Jacksonville, FL (USA) Jacksonville Fairgrounds - Expo Center 05/09/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - EUTINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Eutin (Germany) Stiftung Schloss Eutin 05/09/2025
3 days
TEFAF NEW YORK - FALLInternatibnal Fine and Decorative Art Fair from Antiquity to 1920 once a year New York, NY (USA) Park Avenue Armory 05/09/2025
5 days
TEFAF NEW YORK - SPRINGModern and Contemporary Art and Design Fair once a year New York, NY (USA) Park Avenue Armory 05/09/2025
5 days
THE BABY SHOW - BIRMINGHAMUK's biggest and best pregnancy & parenting event. The Baby Show is the only place you can test, try & buy from the biggest range of fantastic baby & maternity products, many not available on the high street. 1000s of products from 300+ trusted brands once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 05/09/2025
3 days
ASIA DIGITAL DISPLAY & SHOWCASE EXPOAsia Digital Display & Showcase Expo. As an important component of the digital transformation, the digital display and showcase industry is bracing for high-speed growth and promising prospects once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Complex Area B 05/10/2025
3 days
COMOCREATextile Design Show. COMOCREA is an international trade event for Fabric Patterns, Services, and semi manufactured Textile Products 3 times a year Como (Italy) Spazio Villa Erba May 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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