DISASTERS EXPO EUROPEInternational forum dedicated to mitigating the consequences of world's most costly natural disasters: Heat & Fire, Earthquake, Flooding, Storm...
once a year |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
May 2025 |
FEINDEFFEINDEF is the international benchmark forum that encompasses the defense and security sector in Spain
every 2 years |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
May 2025 |
PRÉVENTICA INTERNATIONAL CASABLANCATrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions
once a year |
Casablanca (Morocco)
Parc d'Exposition de l'Office des Changes (CICEC)
May 2025 |
SAFECONA Comprehensive Showcase on Safe & Sustainable Construction, Building, Materials, Method, Equipment & Real Estate Sectors
once a year |
Dhaka (Bangladesh)
International Convention City Bashundhara
05/01/2025 3 days |
AOC EUROPEAOC Europe connects organisations and individuals across government, defence, industry, and academia to promote the exchange of ideas and information, and review the latest advances in electromagnetic- and information-related fields
once a year |
Rome (Italy)
05/06/2025 3 days |
CONTROLInternational Trade Fair for Quality Assurance. Control illuminates all aspects in theory and presents the current world range of usable technologies, processes, products and system solutions for industrial quality assurance in practice
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
05/06/2025 4 days |
IMDEX ASIAInternational Maritime Defense Exhibition & Conference
every 2 years |
Singapore (Singapore)
Changi Exhibition Centre
05/06/2025 3 days |
AUTOMATION UKAutomation UK is showcases the latest innovations in automation and robotics from across the UK, bringing the latest innovations in robotics and systems integration, and highlights the importance of this to the future growth of the UK economy
every 2 years |
Coventry (UK - United Kingdom)
Coventry Building Society Arena
05/07/2025 2 days |
POWER OF WATER CANADA CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOWThe Power of Water Canada conference & trade show brings together product and service providers specific to the hydroelectric sector in Canada
once a year |
Niagara Falls, ON (Canada)
White Oaks Conference Resort
05/07/2025 3 days |
SECUTECH TAIWANInternational Exhibition and Conference for Security, Smart building, Mobility, Fire and Safety and Info Security
once a year |
Taipei (Taiwan)
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
05/07/2025 3 days |
KIND + JUGEND ASEANKind + Jugend ASEAN is the Premier Trade Show for Maternity, Baby & Kids Products in ASEAN. It's about unveiling products, technologies, and ideas that revolutionize the way we think about children's safety, comfort, and well-being
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
05/08/2025 3 days |
SECURITY ASIAThe biggest Regional Security Event. International Exhibition & Conference. Most powerful brands of the world will showcase their state-of-the-art products, solutions and services in the Defence and Security industry
once a year |
Lahore (Pakistan)
Expo Centre Lahore
05/09/2025 3 days |
FIRE & SAFETY ASIATrade fair for Security and Fire Fighting. The trade show has an aim to bring in latest technologies in Pakistan to ensure the safety of the Country
once a year |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
05/10/2025 3 days |
ANNUAL STORMWATER AND WASTEWATER SAUDI ARABIA CONFERENCEANNUAL STORMWATER AND WASTEWATER SAUDI ARABIA CONFERENCE assembles industry leaders, policy makers and experts to address groundbreaking approaches in stormwater and wastewater management in the Kingdom
once a year |
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
Jeddah Hilton Hotel
05/11/2025 2 days |
ASSET INTEGRITY AND PROCESS SAFETY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION KSAForum aimed at consolidating the safe and smooth operation of oil, gas and petrochemical facilities, ranging from oil fields and offshore platforms to pipelines and refineries in Saudi Arabia
once a year |
Jubail (Saudi Arabia)
King Abdullah Cultural Center
05/13/2025 3 days |
INTERSEC SHANGHAIInternational Fair of Security, Fire Protection, Electronic Security, Industrial Security and Personal Protection
every 2 years |
Shanghai (China)
National Exhibition and Convention Center
05/13/2025 3 days |
IRAQ UDEXIraq International Urban Development Expo. Energy Power, Building Machinery Equipemnt, Manufacturing Technology, Mobolity, Transport, Logistics, Warehouse, HAC + R & Water, Technologies, IT Technologies, Outdoor Landscape, Safety & Security Protection...
once a year |
Baghdad (Iraq)
Baghdad International Fair Grounds
05/13/2025 4 days |
WORKSAFE GORINCHEMAre you looking for the latest trends and developments on the field of safety & health at work ? Are you interested in proces safety and the safety culture in your company ? Visit Worksafe in Gorinchem
once a year |
Gorinchem (Netherlands)
Evenementenhal Gorinchem
05/13/2025 2 days |
WORLD POLICE SUMMITThe World Police Summit is the global meeting place for senior, international police and law enforcement officials and professionals to connect with governments, policy makers and sector professionals
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
05/13/2025 3 days |
ASIA PACIFIC CHINA POLICEChina International Exhibition on Police Technology & Equipment
every 2 years |
Beijing (China)
China National Convention Center
05/14/2025 4 days |
ASIAN SECURITEXAsian International Security, Safety and Fire Detection Show and Conference
once a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
05/14/2025 3 days |
ELECTROTEST JAPAN - OSAKAAsia's Leading Exhibition specialised in Test, Inspection, Measurement and Analysis for Electronics Manufacturing and R&D
once a year |
Osaka (Japan)
Intex Osaka
05/14/2025 3 days |
GLOBAL NUCLEAR POWER TECHNuclear Power Expo. Nuclear Equipment & Materials, Fuel Supply & Pretreatment System, Instrument, Control, Automation & Monitoring System, Waste & Waste Water Treatment, Cleaning, Radioactivity Measurement, Management & Protection Facility
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
05/14/2025 3 days |
MRO BEERMRO Europe gathers the airline supply chain to network, learn and define the commercial aviation maintenance industry. Conference and Exhibition
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
O2 Universum, Praha
05/14/2025 2 days |
MTA ASIAInternational Exhibition on Precision Engineering, Machine Tools and Metalworking Technology
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
05/14/2025 4 days |
SSD - SUPPLY SECURITY & DEFENCE EXPOSSD (Supply Security and Defence Expo) welcomes exhibitors and procurement specialists to have recent information on the suppliers of defence, rescue, and resilience technologies. Uniting Baltic Sea Coastal States for Enhanced Defence and Resilience
once a year |
Tallinn (Estonia)
Tallinn Bekker Port
05/14/2025 3 days |
ENERGY FOR THE FAR EAST REGIONThe most important trade fair of the electrical field in the Far East region of Russia. Automation, Industrial Safety, Communications
once a year |
Khabarovsk (Russia)
Lenin Stadium
05/15/2025 3 days |
INTA ANNUAL MEETINGAnnual meeting of the INTA (International Trademark Association). The great event that brings together the most influential trademark and Intellectual Property professionals in the world
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
05/17/2025 5 days |
AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO EUROPEAutomotive Testing Expo is the leading event dedicated to the quality, safety, reliability and durability of vehicles in Europe
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
Liederhalle Stuttgart
05/20/2025 3 days |
HOPITAL EXPO & GERONT HANDICAP EXPOTrade fair dedicated to equipment and solutions for managing and transforming healthcare facilities
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
05/20/2025 3 days |
QUALITY EXPOManufacturing's Event for QA & Continuous Improvement. Quality Expo & conference provides hands-on access to the newest tools & technologies to help you ensure quality, reduce costs, streamline your process, & deliver the value your customers expect
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
05/20/2025 3 days |
QUALITY EXPO NEW-YORKManufacturing's Event for QA & Continuous Improvement. Quality Expo & conference provides hands-on access to the newest tools & technologies to help you ensure quality, reduce costs, streamline your process, & deliver the value your customers expect
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
05/20/2025 3 days |
SANTEXPOInternational Exhibition of Innovative Health Technologies. Santexpo brings together: - HopitalExpo - GerontHandicapExpo - Salon HIT
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
05/20/2025 3 days |
SEAMLESS MIDDLE EASTSeamless is a great meeting place for the brightest and most innovative minds across the payments, fintech, identity, banking, retail, e-commerce, home delivery and digital marketing industries
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
05/20/2025 3 days |
AIAE (ASIAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION EXHIBITION)Industrial Automation Exhibition. AIAE is an automation industry procurement platform including industrial producing, process energy, technologies of mechanical drivings, electrical machinery, microelectronics, computer, machine vision, process control
once a year |
Beijing (China)
China International Exhibition Centre (CIEC)
05/21/2025 3 days |
CHEMUK EXPOThe great UK Chemical & Process Industries Exhibition. Meet face to face with specialist chemical industry supply chain partners that will be exhibiting to discuss your bespoke requirements. 2 Day Speaker Programme
once a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
05/21/2025 2 days |
DSEI JAPANDSEI Japan is the only large-scale, fully integrated defence event to take place in Japan, providing unprecedented levels of access into the Japanese and wider Asia-Pacific market
every 2 years |
Chiba (Japan)
Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center
05/21/2025 3 days |
KIOSHKazakhstan International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Safety and security
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
IEC Expo Astana
05/21/2025 3 days |
LUBE INDONESIAIndonesia International Lubricants, Grease, Maintenance & Technology Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
05/21/2025 3 days |
STOCKHOLM SMART CITYStockholm Smart City presents the latest visions & solutions for the smart cities and communities of the future. Solutions for a sustainable, safe and connected city. Here, decision-makers, experts, innovators share their experiences and collaborate...
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
05/21/2025 2 days |
TRAFFEXThe UK's leading road maintenance, traffic management and road safety event, Traffex brings together local authorities, contractors and suppliers responsible for maintaining and managing the UK road network
every 2 years |
Coventry (UK - United Kingdom)
Coventry Building Society Arena
05/21/2025 2 days |
UNDERHÄLLSTEKNIKThe Nordic countries' largest meeting place for production-oriented maintenance. Suppliers, decision-makers and users share services and products for sustainable production with increased profitability
once a year |
Malmö (Sweden)
05/21/2025 2 days |
UNDERHÅLLSTEKNIKUnderhållsTeknik is the largest meeting place in the Nordics for production-oriented maintenance
once a year |
Malmö (Sweden)
05/21/2025 2 days |
WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY SHOW - MELBOURNEWorkplace Health & Safety Show. Explore the exhibition showcasing the latest health and safety products and resources or choose from Knowledge Centre Seminars
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
05/21/2025 2 days |
CLOUD & CYBER ​​SECURITY EXPOCloud & Cybersecurity Expo is the most important cybersecurity event for businesses and organizations in the Scandinavian region
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs
05/22/2025 2 days |
IDEAL HOME SHOW SCOTLANDScotland International Home Show. Follow the latest tips and tricks on homes, gardens, interiors and style
once a year |
Glasgow (UK - United Kingdom)
SEC - Scottich Event Campus
05/23/2025 4 days |
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY FRANCECongress on cybercriminality and online-protection. E-Crime congress designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies
once a year |
Paris (France)
The Westin Paris - Vendôme
05/27/2025 1 day |
EXPERT SECURITYInternational exhibition devoted to Security. Safety and security equipment and services
once a year |
Kiev (Ukraine)
Kiev International Exhibition Center
05/27/2025 3 days |
EXPO SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL MEXICOThe largest event for the security industry in Latin America. A 3-day event with technology, solutions and knowledge for manufacturers, distributors, integrators and users, national and foreign, who meet annualy to interact, update and exchange
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
05/27/2025 3 days |
EXPO SEGURIDAD MEXICOThe largest event for the security industry in Latin America. A 3-day event with technology, solutions and knowledge for manufacturers, distributors, integrators and users, national and foreign, who meet annualy to interact, update and exchange
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
05/27/2025 3 days |