
Energy Production & Transportation
Trade shows in September 2025


Chemistry - Energy - Materials

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59 Trade Shows related to Energy Production & Transportation in September 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
COMMERCIAL UAV EXPO AMERICASCommercial UAV Expo is a conference and exhibition focused on high-precision UAS for industrial use Surveying & Mapping; Civil Infrastructure; Process, Power & Utilities; Mining; Construction; Emergency Response & Search & Rescue (SAR); Agriculture... once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Caesars Palace 09/02/2025
3 days
INTERSOLAR MEXICOInternational Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry in Mexico once a year Mexico City (Mexico) Centro Citibanamex 09/02/2025
3 days
POWER-GEN INDIAInternational Electricity Generation & Distribition Exhibition in India. POWER-GEN India & Central Asia is the region's premier power industry event once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre 09/02/2025
3 days
POWERGEN INDIA & INDIAN UTILITY WEEKThe energy sector supply chain comes together at POWERGEN India & Indian Utility Week. The summit and exhibition focuses on key drivers in smart energy for the region and India’s strategy for achieving a smooth transition towards a low carbon supply once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre 09/02/2025
3 days
ANGOLA OIL & GASAngola Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition. The event brings together the top leaders in energy and related sectors, from government officials to corporate executives, to make deals and find solutions to the most pressing issues once a year Luanda (Angola) CCTA - Centro de Convenções Talatona 09/03/2025
2 days
NSW MAJOR PROJECTS CONFERENCENew South Wales's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 09/03/2025
2 days
WOOD AND BIOENERGYInternational exhibition of Woodworking. International exhibition of Bioenergy every 2 years Jyväskylä (Finland) Jyväskylä Congress Centre 09/03/2025
3 days
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KUWAIT - OIL AND GASThe Digital Transformation Kuwait - Oil and Gas Conference is designed to explore the transformative potential of digitalization in Kuwait’s energy sector once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) 09/08/2025
2 days
RE+More than just the largest clean energy event, RE+ is a catalyst for industry innovation designed to supercharge business growth in the clean energy economy once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) 09/08/2025
4 days
CLIMATETECHThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications once a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano City 09/09/2025
4 days
ENLIT ASIALarge scale exhibition and conference series focused on the technology strategies behind ASEAN's largest utilities - power, gas and water once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 09/09/2025
3 days
GASTECH EXHIBITION & CONFERENCEA landmark event in the energy industry’s calendar, and the world’s largest meeting place for the global natural gas, LNG, hydrogen, low-carbon solutions, and climate technologies industries once a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano City 09/09/2025
4 days
GASTECH HYDROGENThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications once a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano City 09/09/2025
4 days
SILICONE EXPO USATrade Show bridging Ideas, Materials, and Possibilities for the Silicone Industry. The event will draws attendees from a wide range of end user groups, fostering connections and innovation within the silicone industry once a year Cleveland, OH (USA) Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland 09/09/2025
3 days
SUGAREX THAILANDThe world’s largest specialized sugar and bioethanol technology event that brings together an international congregation of sugar companies and also its supporting industries gathered in the capital city of Bangkok once a year Khon Kaen (Thailand) KhonKaen International Convention Exhibition Center 09/11/2025
2 days
THAILAND SUGAR CONFERENCEAnnual Conference for sugar and bioethanol industry players in Thailand and South-East Asia once a year Khon Kaen (Thailand) KhonKaen International Convention Exhibition Center 09/11/2025
2 days
HUSUM WINDHUSUM WIND is the most important theme fair for renewable energies for the German-speaking market. Onshore and offshore wind, green hydrogen, storage technologies, recycling & repowering and the associated finance industry every 2 years Husum (Germany) Messe Husum 09/16/2025
4 days
SOLAR & STORAGE LIVE - EUROPE - ZURICHExhibiton & Congress dedicated to Solar PV, Storage, and Complimentary Systems. The forum brings key stakeholders within the energy value chain together with the innovators & disruptors to showcase their technology service solutions once a year Zurich (Switzerland) Ferienmesse Zürich 09/16/2025
2 days
AEE WORLD ENERGY CONFERENCE & EXPOOne of the world's major energy congresses. Energy management, efficiency, automation, data analytics, policy, supply, procurement, resiliency, sustainability, and more once a year Atlanta, GA (USA) 09/17/2025
3 days
BIOMASS EXPO JAPAN - CHIBABiomass power is expected to play a proeminent role in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. BIOMASS EXPO works as a valuable business platform and attracts professionals from all over the world, gathering a wide range of biomass technologies once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center 09/17/2025
3 days
COILTECH ITALIAInternational trade show for the Coil & Winding industry. Materials and machineries for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and winding systems once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere 09/17/2025
2 days
ELECTRIC, POWER & RENEWABLE ENERGY INDONESIAElectric Indonesia Series of Power Generation, Electronics and Electrical Equipment Exhibitions every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 09/17/2025
4 days
INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO - MAKUHARI MESSEInternational exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center 09/17/2025
3 days
PV EXPO - CHIBAJapanese International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo. PV EXPO gathers a full range of products and technologies from next-generation solar cells to solar power plant construction, maintenance and operation once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center 09/17/2025
3 days
RENERGY - RENEWABLE ENERGY INDIA EXPOInternational Renewable Energy Expo & conference. Renewable Energy India expo showcases manufactured products related to renewable ernergies such as hydro energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wind energy and energy efficiency once a year Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart 09/17/2025
3 days
RENEWABLE ENERGY INDIA EXPORenewable Energy Exphibition in India. Renewable Energy India Expo intends to accelerate the growth of India’s Renewable Energy sector and contribute to the country’s sustainable economic development once a year Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart 09/17/2025
3 days
WIND EXPO - CHIBAJapanese International Wind Power Generation Exhibition. WIND EXPO gathers a wide range of technologies for wind power generation: wind turbines, wind farm construction, maintenance, operation, offshore wind technologies, etc. once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center 09/17/2025
3 days
ENERGY MANAGEMENT SUMMITThe Energy Management Summit is an excellent platform for collaboration between those lookink to reduce their energy costs, and those who provide the latest solutions and services in this sector once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London Heathrow 09/22/2025
2 days
EU PVSEC - EUROPEAN PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ENERGY CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONEuropean Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition once a year Bilbao (Spain) Bilbao Exhibition Centre 09/22/2025
5 days
PAK WATER & ENERGY EXPOTrade show dedicated to Water and Energy utilities. Awareness of Water conservation, waste water treatment, recycling & renewable energy... once a year Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore 09/22/2025
3 days
WEE - WORLD ENERGY EXPOA professional international event for supporting the energy industry in a high-quality communication platform for professional groups who are seeking new technologies, new products, or eager to exchange experiences once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Hilton Baku 09/22/2025
4 days
WORLD LP GAS FORUMAt LPG Week, you gain valuable insights into the LPG business, explore new growth opportunities, cutting-edge innovations and make important business connections that could transform your company's future once a year Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 09/22/2025
5 days
ANNUAL DEMAND RESPONSE & GRID EDGE TECHNOLOGIES FORUM - USAThis forum brings together energy industry stakeholders to examine the latest technology advances, case studies, and business strategies for optimizing demand response, energy efficiency, DER (Distributed Energy resources) integration and control... once a year Oakland, CA (USA) The Oakland Center Sept. 2025 (?)
BIOENERGIAInternational exhibition of Bioenergy every 2 years Jyväskylä (Finland) Jyväskylä Congress Centre Sept. 2025 (?)
ECOENERGYInternational Fair and Congress of Clean and Renewable Technologies for Energy Generation every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) World Trade Center São Paulo Sept. 2025 (?)
ENERSOLAR + BRAZILInternational Fair of Solar Energy Technologies every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) World Trade Center São Paulo Sept. 2025 (?)
ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY TECHTrade Show of Environment, Clean Energy and Carbon Reduction Industry. Water Treatment, Recycling, Atmosphere, Measurement, Green Technology, Power Generation, Gas, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Energy Efficiency... once a year Busan (Korea South) Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) Sept. 2025 (?)
FUTURE RESOURCEThe UK's leading event for energy and water efficiency once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Sept. 2025 (?)
ICOLD EUROPEAN CLUB SYMPOSIUMThe theme of the Symposium is “The future of Dams (in Europe): Prospects and Challenges in a changing Environment” every 2 years ? (Europe) Sept. 2025 (?)
LANKAENERGYInternational Power & Electrical Engineering Show. LANKAENERGY is an International Trade Show & Conference dedicated to Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Installation & Electrical Engineering in Sri Lanka once a year Colombo (Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre (SLECC) Sept. 2025 (?)
LAOENERGYInternational trade show for power, transmission, distribution & electrical engineering in Laos once a year Vientiane (Laos) National Convention Centre, Vientiane Sept. 2025 (?)
LOCAL SOUTH AFRICAN MANUFACTURING EXPOThe Local Manufacturing Expo will showcase South Africa's manufacturing capabilities across a wide variety of industry sectors: Industry, Construction, Mining, Agriculture, Power... once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre Sept. 2025 (?)
MEXICO WINDPOWERMexico WindPower is the premier wind energy event in Mexico showcasing the latest in innovations and technology for leading national and international decision makers once a year Mexico City (Mexico) Centro Citibanamex Sept. 2025 (?)
MICROGRID GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUMThe Microgrid Global Innovation Forum brings together technology innovators, utilities, energy providers, developers and policy makers for in-depth networking and information sharing on the cutting edge of microgrids in North America and globally once a year Oakland, CA (USA) The Oakland Center Sept. 2025 (?)
MICROGRID GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM - EMEAThis forum focuses on microgrid advances, case studies and applications for enabling electrification in remote, rural and off-grid environments. The event brings all actors interested in maximizing the effective use of hybrid renewable energy systems once a year ? (World) Sept. 2025 (?)
PAKISTAN SOLAREXPakistan's Leading Event for Solar & Energy Storage Industry and Energy Efficient Products once a year Karachi (Pakistan) Karachi Expo Centre Sept. 2025 (?)
RI-EXPO - NTERNATIONAL ENERGY EQUIPMENT EXPO RUSSIARussian International Industrial & Energy Equipment Manufacturing Expo once a year Moscow (Russia) Gostiny Dvor - Moscow Sept. 2025 (?)
SOLAR & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY UZBEKISTANInternational Solar Energy and Technology Expo. Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Power Inverters, Solar Energy Storage Solutions, Solar Monitoring and Control Systems, Solar Heating and Cooling Systems... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre Sept. 2025 (?)
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT GREECEGain crucial insights into the growing and evolving solar energy market. You'll also be able to strengthen your network by meeting the major market players once a year Athens (Greece) Divani Palace Acropolis Sept. 2025 (?)
TANZANIA ENERGY CONGRESSTanzania Energy Congress will focus on exciting updates in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector including strategic discussions on how to attract investment and create opportunities for the industry once a year Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) JNICC - Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre Sept. 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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