Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Trade Shows in August 2026


Logistics - Transport - Packaging

Dec 30 Jan 44 2025 Feb 51 Mar 64 Apr 73 May 111 Jun 100 Jul 43 Aug 39 Sep 118 Oct 118 Nov 104 Dec 32 Jan 46 2026 Feb 42 Mar 73 Apr 71 May 97 Jun 89 Jul 41 Aug 43 Sep 100 Oct 108 Nov 105 Dec 26
43 Trade Shows related to Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
HIPLEXHiplex will showcase latest Technology & Machinery used of Manufacturing of Raw Materials and various Products made of Plastics and Petrochemicals with Participation from all over the World every 3 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 08/07/2026
4 days
EXPO LOGISTI-KInternational Exhibition on Logistics and Material Handling every 2 years Buenos Aires (Argentina) La Rural Predio Ferial 08/11/2026
3 days
EXPO TRANSPORTE ARGENTINAInternational Exhibition of Freight and Passenger Transport Technologies and Equipment every 2 years Buenos Aires (Argentina) La Rural Predio Ferial 08/11/2026
3 days
ELMIA LASTBIL - THE TRUCK EXHIBITIONInternational Trade Fair on the Road Haulage and Transport Sector. For four days, an entire industry gathers in the spirit of heavy vehicles. Interesting topics will be discussed and meetings for truly significant deals are forged every 2 years Jönköping (Sweden) Elmia exhibition halls 08/19/2026
4 days
ADAS & AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES - USAExhibitors will showcase the latest technologies to enable and accelerate end-to-end autonomous and ADAS (Advanced driver-assistance system) applications, including testing tools, simulation, software, sensing and AI once a year San Jose, CA (USA) San Jose McEnery Convention Center Aug. 2026 (?)
AGRITECH UGANDAUganda Agritech is a Comprehensive Exhibition on Agriculture, Farm Machinery, Dairy & Dairy Technology, Grain & Seeds, Rice & Rice Technology, Poultry & Livestock, Food Farm equipment & Technologies once a year Kampala (Uganda) UMA Exhibition Centre Lugogo Aug. 2026 (?)
COMPACK SRI LANKACOMPACK is one of the leading international platform for packaging machinery, material & system manufacturers, showcasing their products and services to potential customers from all over the world once a year Colombo (Sri Lanka) BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) Aug. 2026 (?)
ELECTRIC & HYBRID MARINE EXPO - NORTH AMERICAWorld's leading Exhibition for Marine Electrification, Decarbonization, Future Fuels & Low-Carbone Shipping Solutions, Technologies for electrification & hybridization of workboats, ferries, superyachts... + port & harbor infrastructure once a year ? Aug. 2026 (?)
FASTMARKETS FOREST PRODUCTS LATAM CONFERENCEInternational Conference for Forest Products, Pulp, Paper and Packaging Industry in Latin America once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Renaissance São Paulo Hotel Aug. 2026 (?)
FOOD-BEVERAGES-KITCHEN AFRICA - KENYAFood-Beverages-Kitchen Africa i. an international trade show on Food, Processing, Kitchen, Beverages and Packaging Technology & Hospitality in Esat Africa once a year Nairobi (Kenya) The Sarit Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
FOODPRO UGANDATrade show dedicated to Food, Beverages, Processing, Packaging & Technology Industry in Uganda once a year Kampala (Uganda) UMA Exhibition Centre Lugogo Aug. 2026 (?)
FOODWEEK & HORECA UZBEKISTANInternational Exhibition of Food and Drinks, Food Processing and Packaging and HoReCa in the Republic of Uzbekistan once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) CAEx Uzbekistan Aug. 2026 (?)
GLE EXPO AFRICAGLE Expo is an exclusive platform for the global elevator & escalator industry leaders to explore business opportunities in many of the upcoming markets once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Sandton Convention Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
GRAINS AFRICA - KENYAGRAINS AFRICA KENYA is an international trade show on Grains & Technology, Flour, Machinery & Equipment, Storage System & Packaging in East Africa once a year Nairobi (Kenya) The Sarit Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
INDIA FOODEXInternational exhibition on Food Products & Processing Packaging Machinery & Allied industries in India once a year Bangalore (India) Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
INDO BEAUTY EXPOInternational Exhibition on Cosmetics, Skincare, spa and wellness, hair products, quipment & packaging technology once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Aug. 2026 (?)
INDONESIA AGROFOOD EXPOIndonesia Agro Food Expo. In conjunction:
- Indonesia Fruits & Vegetables Expo
- Indonesia Spices Expo
- Indonesia Cacao, Coffee & Tea Expo
once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Aug. 2026 (?)
INDONESIA MARINE & OFFSHORE EXPO (IMOX)International Exhibition of Maritime Technology and Equipment in Indonesia once a year Batam (Indonesia) Radisson Golf & Convention Centre, Batam Aug. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL FOODTEC INDIAInternational Exhibition and Conference for Food Processing and Packaging, Ingredients, Beverages, Cooling and Refrigeration once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
INTERPLAST-PACK AFRICA - KENYAINTERPLAST-PACK AFRICA is an international trade show on Plastics, Polymers, Rubbers, Corrugated, Packaging and Printing in East Africa once a year Nairobi (Kenya) The Sarit Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
IOTE - SHENZHENChina International Internet of Things Exhibition. Meet professional integrators and end users from around the world. Areas: industry, logistics, infrastructure, smart cities, smart retail... once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center Aug. 2026 (?)
IPMEX MALAYSIAInternational Printing, Paper, Packaging Machinery Exhibition in Malaysia every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
ITS WORLD CONGRESS & EXHIBITION - ATLANTAITS World Congress is the global event that brings together world leaders, practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and private industry to advance and unite the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) industry once a year Atlanta, GA (USA) Georgia World Congress Center Aug. 2026 (?)
IVT OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE & EXPO USAIVT Off-Highway Vehicle Technology Conference & Expo showcases the latest industrial vehicle technologies, from cabin designs and components to powertrains, hydraulics, materials, testing equipment and autonomous-operation know-how once a year Rosemont, IL (USA) Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Aug. 2026 (?)
LIFT EXPO RUSSIAInternational Exhibition of Elevator, Escalator and Lifting Mechanisms in Russia. Vertical transportation technologies, escalators and moving walks, including residential, commercial and hospital elevators, home and personal lifts, auto lifts... once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
LOAD UP NORTHInternational fair for construction machinery, road construction, transport and recruitment, as well as soil and forestry, but also service and aftermarket once a year ? Aug. 2026 (?)
LOGMAT SRI LANKALogistics & Material Handling Expo. LOGMAT creates an opportunity to explore fresh business in the areas of logistics, storage, transportation, supply chain management, material handling & packaging every 2 years Colombo (Sri Lanka) BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) Aug. 2026 (?)
MALAYSIA RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year ? Aug. 2026 (?)
MEAT TECH ASIAInternational Exhibition on Meat Products, Processing and Packaging Technologies, Live Stock Sector & allied industries once a year Bangalore (India) Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
NAVALSHORENavalshore is the platform for finding innovations and connecting with the South American maritime community. The meeting point for the naval industry that brings together national and international shipowners, shipyards, manufacturers and suppliers once a year Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) ExpoMag Aug. 2026 (?)
PACKAGE FULFILLMENT, LOGISTICS AND DELIVERY EXPO - NORTH AMERICAPACKAGE FULFILLMENT, LOGISTICS AND DELIVERY EXPO showcases the next-generation technologies, systems and services needed in the package and parcel journey from the supply chain, order picking and packing, all the way through to final delivery and returns once a year Rosemont, IL (USA) Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Aug. 2026 (?)
PAPER AND TISSUE AFRICA - KENYAPAPER AND TISSUE AFRICA is an international trade show on Paper, Pulp, Tissue, Packaging and Related Industries in Esat Africa once a year Nairobi (Kenya) The Sarit Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
PROPACK VIETNAMInternational Exhibition on Food Processing, Packaging Technology & Equipment in Vietnam once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC Aug. 2026 (?)
SEJEM INPAKInternational Fair of Packaging, Packing Techniques and Logistics every 2 years Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) Pomurski sejem Aug. 2026 (?)
TAEX - THE AQUA CULTURE EXPOIndia's Aquaculture Expo. Aquaculture, which stretches along 8118 km of India’s coastline, is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country once a year Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart Aug. 2026 (?)
TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS & IOT EXHIBITIONInternational Logistics & Transport International Expo once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Aug. 2026 (?)
TDEX - THE DAIRY EXPOIndia's Dairy Industry International Trade Show. Feed and Fodder Equipment, General Facility Items, Health Products, Sustainability, Laboratory Products and Services... once a year Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart Aug. 2026 (?)
TILOG-LOGISTIXInternational Exhibition on Intralogistics Technologies, Equipment, Systems, and Services for Food & Beverage, Personal Care, Automotive, and Electronics Sectors once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
TOP FROTASTop Frotas is a key event in the business fleet sector, bringing together suppliers (products, services and solutions) and qualified buyers, through personalized meetings once a year Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) Hotel Grand Premium Brisa, Salvador - Bahia Aug. 2026 (?)
TPEX - THE POULTRY EXPOThe Poultry Expo will welcome a global audience of poultry professionals in the heart of India, showcasing the newest solutions, technologies, researches, processes, services and products that the Global Poultry Industry has to offer once a year Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart Aug. 2026 (?)
VIETCORRUGATEDVietnam's Professional Trade Show for Corrugated Equipment, Technologies, and Trends once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC Aug. 2026 (?)
VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - HO CHI MINHThe Vietnam International Food & Drink Expo brings thousands of high-quality food products, new flavors of beverage products, display area of equipment, modern processing technology and abundant food additives once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC Aug. 2026 (?)
WOFEX MANILAWorld's Food Expo. WOFEX brings together all segments of the Food and Beverage Industry once a year Manila (Philippines) World Trade Centre Metro Manila (WTCMM) Aug. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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