
Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Trade Shows in November 2025


Logistics - Transport - Packaging

Dec 30 Jan 44 2025 Feb 51 Mar 64 Apr 73 May 112 Jun 100 Jul 42 Aug 39 Sep 119 Oct 118 Nov 104 Dec 32 Jan 46 2026 Feb 42 Mar 73 Apr 71 May 97 Jun 89 Jul 40 Aug 43 Sep 101 Oct 108 Nov 105 Dec 26
104 Trade Shows related to Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
INTERMOBILITY EXPOINTERMOBILITY EXPO is the event for the transport industry to meet their peers and leading policy and decision makers from the Middle Esat Region. Connecting Infrastructure for a Sustanable Mobility Ecosystem every 2 years Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) Nov. 2025
PIMEC - PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME EXPO & CONFERENCEPIMEC (Pakistan International Maritime Expo and Conference) provides opportunities to Maritime Industry both in Public & Private sectors to display products and develop business relationships and highlights Pakistan's maritime potential every 2 years Karachi (Pakistan) Karachi Expo Centre 11/03/2025
4 days
ANDINA-PACKTransformation, processing and packaging exhibition for the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in South America every 2 years Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones 11/04/2025
4 days
ANTWERPXLInternational Heavy Shipping Exhibition in Antwerp once a year Antwerp (Belgium) Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo 11/04/2025
3 days
COSMEX - THAILANDASEAN's Only Exhibition on Manufacturing Technologies, Machinery, Packaging & ODM/OEM Services for Cosmetics, Personal Care & Dietary Supplement Products once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 11/04/2025
3 days
EUROPORTEuroport, organized in the world port city of Rotterdam, serves as the premier international maritime event for cutting-edge technology and complex shipbuilding every 2 years Rotterdam (Netherlands) Ahoy Rotterdam 11/04/2025
4 days
GULFOOD MANUFACTURINGThe biggest food and beverage process industry event for the Middle East & Africa once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) 11/04/2025
3 days
ICT & LOGISTIEKTrade show for ICT applications and services in the logistics chain. The annual event where you will find the (IT) solutions that are needed to efficiently organize and implement your logistics processes once a year Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht 11/04/2025
3 days
LOGISTICAInternational Trade Fair on Material Handling. Logistics real estate, Healthy & safe warehouse, Zero emission logistics, smart warehousing... every 2 years Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht 11/04/2025
3 days
LOGISTIK & TRANSPORTLogistics and Transport Exhibition and Conference in Sweden once a year Gothenburg (Sweden) Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre 11/04/2025
2 days
TRANSLOGISTICA POLANDTransLogistica Poland is the leading in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe business event for entrepreneurs who use or seek transport and logistics services, as well as for everyone professionally associated with the industry once a year Warsaw (Poland) Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI 11/04/2025
3 days
AGRI TRADE EQUIPMENT EXPOSITIONInternational trade fair for agricultural machinery. Agri-Trade is considered one of the Best Agricultural Equipment shows in Canada once a year Red Deer, AB (Canada) Westerner Park 11/05/2025
3 days
DMP - CHINA (DONGGUAN) INTERNATIONAL PLASTICS, PACKAGING & RUBBER EXHIBITIONChinese International Plastics, Packaging & Rubber Exhibition. International Mould & Metalworking Exhibition + Plastics Exhibition once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center 11/05/2025
4 days
SUISSE TRANSPORTTrade fair for transport, vehicles, equipment and their maintenance in Bern. Covers three branches: transport/commercial vehicles, garage/workshop, aftermarket and bodywork every 2 years Bern (Switzerland) BernExpo AG 11/05/2025
4 days
THAILAND SMART CITY EXPOThailand's Smart City Technology Expo. Smart Living, Smart Telecom, Smart Energy, Smart Mobility, Smart Healthcare, Smart Environment, Smart Industry & Retail once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 11/05/2025
3 days
URBANEXT CENTRAL ASIAThe exhibition & conference URBANEXT is the platform that promotes the introduction of brand-new technologies for the Smart City in Kazakhstan and the entire Central Asian region once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) IEC Expo Astana 11/05/2025
3 days
VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - HANOIFood & Drink Expo in Vietnam. The event brings thousands of high-quality food products, new flavors of beverage products, equipment, modern processing technology & abundant food additives once a year Hanoi (Vietnam) I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa) 11/05/2025
4 days
VIMAF - VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY FAIR - BAC NINHVietnam International Machinery Fair. Metalworking & Machine Tool, Factory Automation & Motion Control, Plant Equipment, Parts, Materials & Industrial Machinery, Construction Machinery Parts & Logistic Equipment, Vietnam Industrial Supporting Products... once a year Bac Ninh (Vietnam) Kinh Bac Cultural Center 11/05/2025
3 days
VMAT - VIETNAM MATERIAL HANDLING FIESTAMaterial Handling, Warehousing, Storage & Racking Systems, Transportation and Logistics Automation Trade Show 4 times a year Bac Ninh (Vietnam) Kinh Bac Cultural Center 11/05/2025
3 days
SYRIA FOODPEXThe SYRIA FOODPEX expo is the premier event for professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts in the food and packaging industries. It serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing innovation, connecting industry leaders, and exploring the latest market trends once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 11/06/2025
4 days
FOODTECHFood Equipment and Technology Trade Show dedicated to bringing future solutions to all segments of the Food and Beverage industry every 2 years Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo 11/07/2025
4 days
CCVS - CHINA COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SHOWEvent based in central China, to cover all the end-consumers and dealers to increase the China Commercial Vehicles Show Market Share every 2 years Wuhan (China) Wuhan International Convention & Exhibition Center 11/10/2025
4 days
GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL SCREEN PRINTING & INDUSTRIAL INK-JET PRINTING & DIGITAL INTELLIGENT PRINTINGGuangzhou International Screen Printing & Industrial Ink-jet Printing & Digital Intelligent Printing Expo once a year Guangzhou (China) 11/10/2025
3 days
COSMOPROF ASIAInternational Perfumery and Cosmetics Exhibition. The show serves as an ideal platform for the entire beauty industry to unveil the latest trends, enable partnerships and business opportunities once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 11/11/2025
3 days
PAPER & TISSUE ASIA - KARACHIPaper & Tissue Industry International Trade Show every 2 years Karachi (Pakistan) Karachi Expo Centre 11/11/2025
3 days
TRANSLOGISTICA UZBEKISTANTranslogistica Uzbekistan is the only exhibition in Uzbekistan dedicated to transport and logistics once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/11/2025
3 days
AFRICA PPPInfrastructure Investment Partnerships Conference. AFRICAPPP is the platform for reducing the infrastructure gap by using a collaborative approach between the public and private sector. Renewable, transport, bulk water, waste to energy, port sectors... once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Hyatt Regency, Casablanca 11/12/2025
3 days
ALL INDONESIA COOLTECH EXPOInternational Trade Show for Cold Chain System - Technology of Logistics, Delivery, Supply Chain, Storing and Retailing once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/12/2025
4 days
COSMOPROF ASIA - HONG-KONGCosmoprof Asia, the leading b2b international beauty trade show in Asia, is where global beauty trendsetters gather to introduce their cutting-edge technologies, product innovations and new solutions once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 11/12/2025
3 days
ECOMMERCE PACKAGING & LABELLING EXPO - UKForum dedicated to ecommerce packaging and labelling market. Hear company showcases, what the latest innovations are looking like for the coming years and where the market is currently a is once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 11/12/2025
2 days
HYDROGEN CONFERENCEExplore the industry developments to unlock hydrogen’s role in the energy transition with Wood Mackenzie’s hydrogen research analysts and industry leaders. Examine key drivers and challenges of deploying low-carbon hydrogen once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) 11/12/2025
2 days
INA SHOP EXPOInternational Exhibition on Retail Industry. Shop Fitting & Equipment system, Architecture, Visual merchandising & Store Design, Refrigeration & Catering Equipment, Retail System & Technology, Logistic & Supply Chain once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/12/2025
4 days
INJECTION MOLDING & DESIGN EXPOThe Injection Molding and Design Expo is North America’s premier event focused on the injection & molding market every 2 years Cleveland, OH (USA) 11/12/2025
2 days
KAZUPACK / KAZPRINTMEDIAInternational Kazakhstan Exhibition: "Packaging for all Industries / Printing, Advertising & Publishing" once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) Atakent International Exhibition Centre 11/12/2025
3 days
REFRITECH EXPOInternational Exhibition on Platform for Cold Chain System (The Technology of Logistics, Delivery, Supply Chain, Storage and Retailing) once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/12/2025
4 days
RETAIL SUPPLY CHAIN + LOGISTICS EXPO - UKInternational Forum dedicated to Retail Supply Chain & Logistics. In order to deliver faster delivery times and an easier return system, retailers need to adapt their supply chain, and have a seamless warehousing and distribution system once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 11/12/2025
2 days
SEAFOOD SHOW OF ASIAInternational exhibition on Fishery and Seafood, Seafood materials, Products and Processing equipment & Cold Chain technology once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/12/2025
4 days
SIAL INTERFOOD INDONESIAInternational Exhibition on Food & Beverage Product, Technology, Ingredient, Additive, Raw Materials, Services, Equipment, Supplies once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/12/2025
4 days
SMART RETAIL TECH - UKSmart Retail Tech is the leading expo focusing on ‘New Retail’. It facilitates the opportunity for businesses to create the perfect customer journey making both online and in store shopping more personal, tailored and enjoyable once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 11/12/2025
2 days
THAILAND MARINE & OFFSHORE (TMOX) EXPOSpecialized Maritime, Offshore and Shipbuilding event in Thailand once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 11/12/2025
3 days
WORLDFOOD KAZAKHSTAN / WORLDFOODTECH KAZAKHSTANCentral Asian International Food Industry Exhibition. Food, drinks, technologies... once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) Atakent International Exhibition Centre 11/12/2025
3 days
PAPER MIDDLE EAST - SAUDI ARABIAInternational Exhibition for Paper, Board, Tissue, Printing & Packaging Industry. Paper ME covers Paper, Board, Tissue, Packaging Printing industries, demonstrating that it is a perfect hub to showcase the latest equipment, machinery, products services once a year Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events 11/17/2025
3 days
PRINT 2 PACK - SAUDI ARABIAPrint 2 Pack Exhibition is the ideal platform for Packaging and Printing Machinery, Products, Raw Materials, Chemicals, Equipment, Labeling, Logistics and services for the manufacturers, professionals and traders in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East once a year Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events 11/17/2025
3 days
WCRR CONGRESSThe World Congress on Railway Research is the world’s largest international congress on railway research. WCRR’s ambition is to offer an overview of technical railway development and innovation to facilitate ideas for future orientation every 3 years Colorado Springs, CO (USA) 11/17/2025
5 days
AGROFOOD WEST AFRICA - ACCRAInternational Trade Show on Agriculture & Livestock, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality every 2 years Accra (Ghana) Accra International Conference Centre – Grand Arena 11/18/2025
3 days
CTW - CHINA TRADE WEEK - SAUDI ARABIAChina Trade Week - Saudi Arabia is the B2B and B2G exhibition, connecting industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs with the dynamic markets of the Middle East once a year Dammam (Saudi Arabia) Dhahran International Exhibition Centre 11/18/2025
4 days
FÖRDERPROZESS-FORENIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics once a year Würzburg (Germany) Marienberg Fortress 11/18/2025
2 days
INTERPACKEXPOInternational exhibition on Technologies and Equipment for the Packaging Industry and Warehousing once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/18/2025
3 days
ISRAFOODInternational exhibition for Food & Beverage. Including Manufacturers, Importers of Food & Beverage, Delicacy Avenue, IsraWine, Food Pack & Food Logistics once a year Tel Aviv (Israel) TLV Convention Center - Tel Aviv Fairgrounds 11/18/2025
3 days
PROD&PACKProd&Pack presents an exhaustive offer of innovative products and services through four main areas: Equipment & Processes; Packaging & Packaging; Services and Handling every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo 11/18/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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