INTERTRAFFIC MEXICOInternational Trade Show for infrastructure, safety, parking, smart mobility and traffic management
every 2 years |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
06/17/2025 3 days |
AI WORLD CONGRESSThe world’s leading AI Conference, focusing on IoT applications, AI Solutions, Artificial Intelligence and IoT Companies for all verticals: automotive, healthcare, business, technology, machine learning, ML, robotics, robots, wireless, mobile, asset...
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Kensington Conference and Events Centre
06/18/2025 2 days |
MANUFACTURING EXPOASEAN’s Leading Machinery and Technology Event for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
06/18/2025 4 days |
NAVAL DEFENSE PHILIPPINESInternational Exhibition of Naval Defense Technology, Weaponry, Equipment and its Supporting Industries
once a year |
Manila (Philippines)
SMX Exhibition and Convention Center
06/18/2025 3 days |
SECURITY & COUNTER TERROR EXPOInternational Counter Terrorism Expo. Counter Terror Expo is the 1st global event for professionals tasked with ensuring effective response to modern threats. It features a conference designed to deliver insight, analysis & perspective to current issues
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
06/18/2025 2 days |
VIMAF - VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY FAIR - BINH DUONGVietnam International Machinery Fair. Metalworking & Machine Tool, Factory Automation & Motion Control, Plant Equipment, Parts, Materials & Industrial Machinery, Construction Machinery Parts & Logistic Equipment, Vietnam Industrial Supporting Products...
once a year |
Binh Duong New City (Vietnam)
WTC Expo Binh Duong New City
06/18/2025 3 days |
CONFERENCE OF U.S. MAYORSConference of U.S. Mayors. The primary purpose of this meeting is to engage with the White House, the current administration, and Congress and to discuss the priorities of America’s mayors
twice a year |
Tampa, FL (USA)
06/19/2025 4 days |
TECHNOPRINT EGYPTInternational Printing Expo in Egypt. Graphic Design, Offset Printing, Flexography, Rotogravure, Digital Printing, Printing for Security Purposes...
every 2 years |
Cairo (Egypt)
Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre
06/19/2025 3 days |
PAN AFRICAN DATACENTRES EXHIBITION & CONFERENCEDedicated 2-day Exhibition & Conference addressing the infrastructure and issues needed to create and operate effective and efficient Data Centres across the continent. Infrastructure, Services, Solutions
once a year |
Johannesburg (South Africa)
Sandton Convention Centre
06/23/2025 2 days |
ASBESTONOMYInternational event dedicated to players in the asbestos industry. A cycle of conferences to inform, understand and discover the latest innovations in asbestos risk management
once a year |
Berlin (Germany)
06/24/2025 2 days |
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY GERMANYCongress on cybercriminality & online-protection. E-Crime congress is designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies
twice a year |
Munich (Germany)
06/24/2025 1 day |
INNOVATIVE MATERIAL MEETINGS UTAHInternational Summit and Meetings on advanced materials for the aerospace and outdoor industries
once a year |
Layton, UT (USA)
Davis Conference Center
June 2025 (?) |
INTERTRAFFIC ISTANBULInternational Trade Show for the infrastructure, ITS traffic management, safety and parking sectors
every 2 years |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
June 2025 (?) |
ISDEFInternational Defence and Homeland Security Expo in Isreal
every 2 years |
Tel Aviv (Israel)
TLV Convention Center - Tel Aviv Fairgrounds
June 2025 (?) |
KIELCE WORK SAFETY-EXPOOccupational Safety and Fire Security Protection Systems Trade Show
every 2 years |
Kielce (Poland)
Kielce Fairground
June 2025 (?) |
POLYMER TESTING WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational exhibition for polymer testing & analysis
once a year |
June 2025 (?) |
TRANSNAVInternational Navigational Conference on Maritime Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
every 2 years |
Gdynia (Poland)
Gdynia Maritime University
June 2025 (?) |
VEHICLE & ENVIRONMENTThis event will dive into the key topics of E-Mobility, Automated and Connected Mobility (ADAS/ AD), Electric and Electronics (E/E), in light of the major perspective of automotive sustainability
once a year |
Graz (Austria)
June 2025 (?) |