
Building, Construction & Architecture
Trade Shows
2025 - 2026


Building, Construction & Architecture

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2627 Trade Shows related to Building, Construction & Architecture
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IMMEInternational Mining & Machinery Exhibition. IMME is the largest Trade Fair dedicated to the Mining Industry in India attracting over 350 companies from 12 countries every 2 years Kolkata (India) Science City Exhibition Ground Oct. 2026 (?)
IRF ASIA REGIONAL CONGRESSAsia Road Meeting & Exhibition. IRF Asia Regional Congress will address the specific needs of the region by bringing together industry leaders, experts and decision-makers every 4 years ? Oct. 2026 (?)
OMRInternational Exhibition and Conference for Shipbuilding and Equipment and Technologie. for Development of the Arctic and Continental Shelf every 2 years St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
PRÉVENTICA LYONTrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
SAIE BOLOGNAInternational Building Fair. Design, construction, plant engineering every 2 years Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
SHIPTEC CHINAInternational Shipbuilding, Marine Equipment & Offshore Engineering Exhibition in China every 2 years Dalian (China) Dalian World Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
APTA EXPOAPTA EXPO is public transportation's premier showcase of technology, products and services every 3 years Chicago, IL (USA) McCormick Place 10/04/2026
4 days
FIRE SHOWFIRE SHOW will present new products, services and technologies in the area of ​​ rescue and fire protection every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 10/06/2026
3 days
INTERBADInternational Trade Fair for Swimming Pools, Pool and Baths Technology, Saunas, Physiotherapy every 2 years Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 10/06/2026
3 days
THE BRITISH TUNNELLING SOCIETY CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONBTS Conference and Exhibition is the largest gathering of tunnelling professionals in the UK. An essential meeting point for everyone involved in the design, construction and operation/maintenance of underground infrastructure every 2 years London (UK - United Kingdom) Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre 10/06/2026
2 days
CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL DE L'AFTESThe French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (AFTES) International Congess & Expo every 3 years Lille (France) Lille Grand Palais 10/12/2026
3 days
BELEKTROBelektro is a trade fair for electronic, digital and building technology. Experience the complete spectrum of electrical engineering, lighting, heating technology, renewable energies, air conditioning and ventilation technology, digital technology, etc... every 2 years Berlin (Germany) Messegelände Berlin 10/13/2026
3 days
CHILLVENTAInternational Trade Fair for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps. Chillventa will be exhibiting the latest Trends & Innovation in the field of heat exchangers, control & instrumentation or evaporators, refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilatio every 2 years Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 10/13/2026
3 days
TRANSEXPOTRANSEXPO brings together leaders and experts from the public transport sector, offering a unique opportunity to establish valuable business contacts and learn about the latest trends and innovations in the industry every 2 years Kielce (Poland) Kielce Fairground 10/14/2026
3 days
VVS-DAGENEHVAC Exhibition in Norway. For HVAC consultants, construction engineers, plumbers, wholesalers, contractors, teachers, suppliers, researchers, architects, builders, city an county council engineers, town planners, heating and ventilation specialists... every 2 years Lillestrøm (Norway) Nova Spektrum, Oslo 10/14/2026
3 days
SKYDD - SECURITY, FIRE & RESCUENorthern Europe's largest trade fair for the Security industry. Security, Fire & Rescue Expo every 2 years Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 10/20/2026
3 days
FIGAS & VEHIGAS"FIGAS & VEHIGAS", the International Tradeshow for the Gas Industry is the largest Event in Perú to sell Equipment, Supplies and Services for the Gas Industry, including Industrial, Residential and Vehicular every 2 years Lima (Peru) Centro de Exposiciones Jockey 10/21/2026
3 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - GERMANY - BERLINExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Berlin (Germany) The Station Berlin Nov. 2026 (?)
ARCHITECT @ WORK - NORWAYExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years ? Nov. 2026 (?)
BUILDING IRAQIraq International Building, Construction Materials and Infrastructure Exhibition every 2 years Baghdad (Iraq) Baghdad International Fair Grounds Nov. 2026 (?)
CLEAN NZNew Zealand's only dedicated Cleaning & Hygiene Trade Show every 2 years ? Nov. 2026 (?)
COACH AND BUS UKCoach and Bus Exhibition. Coach and Bus Live will provide its exhibitors the chance the meet amongst over 6, 000 industry professionals, decision makers from a range of bus and coach operators, local authorities and community transport providers every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
ENERGIKATrade Show of actors and innovations of the world of electricity every 2 years Biarritz (France) Halle d'Iraty Nov. 2026 (?)
ENVIROPRO NANCYExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Nancy (France) Parc des Expositions de Nancy Nov. 2026 (?)
EUROBUS EXPOEuropean Trade Show, specially designed for the Coach & Bus Industry. EuroBus Expo will provide its exhibitors with the chance the meet international decision makers from a range of bus & coach operators, local authorities & community transport provider every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
FUNEXPOInternational show of Arts, Funerary Techniques & Equipment every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo Nov. 2026 (?)
HINCHALIAInternational Fair of Inflatable Products every 2 years Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia Nov. 2026 (?)
ILEK - INTERNATIONAL LIFT EXPO KOREAInternational Expo for the Lift industry in Korea. A platform for cutting edge technologies and products every 2 years Seoul (Korea South) Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center Nov. 2026
INDUFERIAS - HINCHALIAInternational Fair for Amusement Park & Playground Equipment, Slot Machines & Accessories every 2 years Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia Nov. 2026 (?)
INMEX CHINAInternational Maritime Expo. INMEX China is an important platform for the maritime industry featuring Ship building, Ship Repairs, Marine Services and Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Ports and Port development every 2 years Guangzhou (China) Poly World Trade Expo Center Nov. 2026 (?)
INNOBATTrade fair of innovative products for the building industry every 2 years Biarritz (France) Halle d'Iraty Nov. 2026 (?)
MUSCONConstruction Suppliers Trade Show. Furniture & Interior Decoration, Construction, Building Materials, Heating System, Marbles & Granites, Glass Products, House Appliances, Plastics… every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
PEST-PROTECTInternational Trade Fair and Symposium for Pest Control. Pest-Protect addresses the areas of pest control, disinfection, crop protection and building protection every 2 years ? Nov. 2026 (?)
SALON PROFESSIONNEL DE LA CONSTRUCTION ET DU BÂTIMENT « CARTHAGE »International Exhibition of Construction and Building every 2 years Tunis (Tunisia) Parc des expositions du Kram Nov. 2026 (?)
SITCE - SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CONGRESS AND EXHIBITIONInternational Transport Congress and Exhibition in Singapore. SITCE focuses on innovative solutions for urban transport systems every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Nov. 2026 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - THAILANDZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering every 2 years Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Nov. 2026 (?)
SALON EQUIP'HOTEL PARISInternational Exhibition for the Hotel, Restaurant, Café and Catering Industries every 2 years Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/02/2026
4 days
FINNMATERIASpecial exhibition in ore prospecting, mining industry, ore and mineral dressing, metals processing and upgrading, aggregate industry every 2 years Jyväskylä (Finland) Jyväskylä Congress Centre 11/04/2026
2 days
DENKMALEuropean Trade Fair for Preservation of Monuments and Urban Renewal every 2 years Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig 11/05/2026
3 days
MUTECInternational Trade Fair for Museums, Collections, Restoration and Exhibition Technology every 2 years Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig 11/05/2026
2 days
ARCHISTONEInternational exhibition of natural stone construction in Madrid. Included in the “Semana Internacional de la Construcción” every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
BIMEXPOLeading European Fair in Services, Networking, Knowledge and Solutions BIM (Building Information Modeling) every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
CONSTRUCTECInternational Trade Show for Construction Material & Building Solutions Exhibition every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
PISCIMADPool and Garden Fair. Prefabricated pools and surface spas, technology systems, home automation and automation for water disinfection, systems for saving electricity and water consumption... every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
SMART DOORSTrade show dedicated to doors and automatic opening. SMART DOORS is an appointment with innovation and the most complete showcase of new developments for the door and automated device sector every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
VETECOWindow, Curtain Walls and Structural Glass Trade Show every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/10/2026
4 days
ENGINE FORUM KOBEInternational business convention for the aeronautical engine, turbine and propulsion systems industry every 2 years Kobe (Japan) International Convention Center Kobe (ICCK) 11/17/2026
2 days
PISCINE GLOBALEuropean Swimming Pool Industries Show every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo 11/17/2026
4 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - FRANCE - NANTESExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Nantes (France) Exponantes - La Beaujoire 11/19/2026
2 days
GET NORDTrade fair for Electrical Engineering, Sanitation, Heating and Air-Conditioning every 2 years Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg Messe und Congress 11/19/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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