LOCAL SOUTH AFRICAN MANUFACTURING EXPOThe Local Manufacturing Expo will showcase South Africa's manufacturing capabilities across a wide variety of industry sectors: Industry, Construction, Mining, Agriculture, Power...
once a year |
Johannesburg (South Africa)
Johannesburg Expo Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MEASUREMENT WORLDBiennial European event dedicated to Measurement. A leading event for a whole profession bringing together specialists in Analysis, Control, Optics, Process and Vision
every 2 years |
Lyon (France)
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MEXICO WINDPOWERMexico WindPower is the premier wind energy event in Mexico showcasing the latest in innovations and technology for leading national and international decision makers
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MICROGRID GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUMThe Microgrid Global Innovation Forum brings together technology innovators, utilities, energy providers, developers and policy makers for in-depth networking and information sharing on the cutting edge of microgrids in North America and globally
once a year |
Oakland, CA (USA)
The Oakland Center
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MICROGRID GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM - EMEAThis forum focuses on microgrid advances, case studies and applications for enabling electrification in remote, rural and off-grid environments. The event brings all actors interested in maximizing the effective use of hybrid renewable energy systems
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MIRAThailand's Leading Industrial Solutions Event in Eastern Economic Corridor on Maintenance, Industrial Robotics, Automation, and Subcontracting
once a year |
Pattaya (Thailand)
Nongnooch Pattaya International Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2025 (?) |
NON-FERROUS METALS AND MINERALS CONGRESS & EXHIBITIONInternational Congress & Exhibition of Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals. The Non-Ferrous Metals & Minerals Congress & Exhibition attracts senior executives and technical specialists of mining and metallurgical industry enterprises
once a year |
Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
OIL & GAS ASIA - LAHOREOil & Gas Machinery & Technology International Trade Show
once a year |
Lahore (Pakistan)
Expo Centre Lahore
Sept. 2025 (?) |
OMAN MINERALS & MINING EXHIBITION & CONFERENCEOman Mining Expo is an international event that highlights the potential of mineral and mining industries in Oman. New technologies, uncovering significant mineral deposits, best practices, emerging opportunities, case studies...
once a year |
Muscat (Oman)
Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
PAKISTAN SOLAREXPakistan's Leading Event for Solar & Energy Storage Industry and Energy Efficient Products
once a year |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
PHARMACONEXInternational Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition & Conference for North Africa and Middle East
once a year |
Cairo (Egypt)
EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center)
09/01/2025 3 days |
PHARMATECHEXPOInternational Exhibition of Equipment & technology for the Pharmaceutical Industry
once a year |
Kiev (Ukraine)
Kiev ExpoPlaza Exhibition Center
Sept. 2025 (?) |
RAW MAT INDIAIndian's Great Resource & Industry Expo. Heavy Engineering, Light Engineering, Foundries - Iron, Steel, Non Ferrous Manufacturers, Plastic Components, Automobile Components, Wood Products, Chemical Industries, Rubber Products, Machine Tool Builders...
once a year |
Coimbatore (India)
Codissia Trade Fair Complex
Sept. 2025 (?) |
REFUEL FORUM AFRICAThis Africa region's leading exhibition covers all areas of the service station, from car wash equipment to the latest retail technologies. Two days to network, share ideas and discover new products and new ways of doing business
once a year |
Cape Town (South Africa)
The Westin Grand Cape Town
09/01/2025 3 days |
RI-EXPO - NTERNATIONAL ENERGY EQUIPMENT EXPO RUSSIARussian International Industrial & Energy Equipment Manufacturing Expo
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Gostiny Dvor - Moscow
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SOLAR & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY UZBEKISTANInternational Solar Energy and Technology Expo. Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Power Inverters, Solar Energy Storage Solutions, Solar Monitoring and Control Systems, Solar Heating and Cooling Systems...
once a year |
Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT GREECEGain crucial insights into the growing and evolving solar energy market. You'll also be able to strengthen your network by meeting the major market players
once a year |
Athens (Greece)
Divani Palace Acropolis
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SUBBCON EECThe First and Only Industrial Subcontracting and Business Matching Event in the Eastern Economic Corridor
once a year |
Pattaya (Thailand)
Nongnooch Pattaya International Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2025 (?) |
TANZANIA ENERGY CONGRESSTanzania Energy Congress will focus on exciting updates in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector including strategic discussions on how to attract investment and create opportunities for the industry
once a year |
Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania)
JNICC - Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
TANZANIA OIL & GAS CONGRESSTanzania’s Oil and Gas Sector International Congress
once a year |
Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania)
JNICC - Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre
Sept. 2025 (?) |
AFRICA HEALTHAfrica Health Exhibition and Congress. Connecting the African healthcare community for a sustainable and innovative future
once a year |
Cape Town (South Africa)
Cape Town International Convention Centre
09/02/2025 3 days |
COMMERCIAL UAV EXPO AMERICASCommercial UAV Expo is a conference and exhibition focused on high-precision UAS for industrial use Surveying & Mapping; Civil Infrastructure; Process, Power & Utilities; Mining; Construction; Emergency Response & Search & Rescue (SAR); Agriculture...
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Caesars Palace
09/02/2025 3 days |
INTERSOLAR MEXICOInternational Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry in Mexico
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
09/02/2025 3 days |
MOGSECMalaysian Oil & Gas Services Exhibition & Conference
every 2 years |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
09/02/2025 3 days |
OE - OFFSHORE EUROPEOffshore Conference. OE showcases the latest technology, services and expertise enabling oil to be explored and produced. It sees the complete supply chain of companies participating including operators, drilling contractors & oilfield service companies
every 2 years |
Aberdeen (UK - United Kingdom)
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre
09/02/2025 4 days |
OIL AND GAS ASIAAsian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition
every 2 years |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
09/02/2025 3 days |
POWER-GEN INDIAInternational Electricity Generation & Distribition Exhibition in India. POWER-GEN India & Central Asia is the region's premier power industry event
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre
09/02/2025 3 days |
POWERGEN INDIA & INDIAN UTILITY WEEKThe energy sector supply chain comes together at POWERGEN India & Indian Utility Week. The summit and exhibition focuses on key drivers in smart energy for the region and India’s strategy for achieving a smooth transition towards a low carbon supply
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre
09/02/2025 3 days |
SPE OFFSHORE EUROPESPE Offshore Europe brings together new and innovative ways to move the upstream industry forward. This is the platform to grow your network, expand your technological knowledge, and boost your brand exposure amongst the offshore energy industry
every 2 years |
Aberdeen (UK - United Kingdom)
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre
09/02/2025 4 days |
ANGOLA OIL & GASAngola Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition. The event brings together the top leaders in energy and related sectors, from government officials to corporate executives, to make deals and find solutions to the most pressing issues
once a year |
Luanda (Angola)
CCTA - Centro de Convenções Talatona
09/03/2025 2 days |
CINTE TECHTEXTIL CHINAChina International Nonwowens, Techtextiles and Machinery Exhibition and Conference
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
09/03/2025 3 days |
CITEXPOChina International Tire Expo. Tire Manufactures, Dealers, Traders and other relevant Enterprises from China and overseas
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
09/03/2025 3 days |
MINEXIzmir International Mining, Natural Resources and Technology Exhibition. Minex is a huge business opportunities for mining professionals from all over the world
every 2 years |
Izmir (Turkey)
09/03/2025 4 days |
NSW MAJOR PROJECTS CONFERENCENew South Wales's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
09/03/2025 2 days |
THAILAND LAB INERNATIONALInternational Trade Exhibition & Conference on Laboratory, Scientific Equipment & Technology
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Impact Exhibition & Convention Center
09/03/2025 3 days |
WOOD AND BIOENERGYInternational exhibition of Woodworking. International exhibition of Bioenergy
every 2 years |
Jyväskylä (Finland)
Jyväskylä Congress Centre
09/03/2025 3 days |
3P - PLAS PRINT PACK PAKISTANInternational Plastic, Printing & Packaging Exhibition & Conference
once a year |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
09/04/2025 3 days |
CAMXCAMX – the Composites and Advanced Materials Expo – is the largest, most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Orange County Convention Center
09/08/2025 4 days |
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KUWAIT - OIL AND GASThe Digital Transformation Kuwait - Oil and Gas Conference is designed to explore the transformative potential of digitalization in Kuwait’s energy sector
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
09/08/2025 2 days |
IRAN PLASTInternational Trade Fair Plastic, Rubber Equipment & Machinery in Iran
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
09/08/2025 4 days |
RE+More than just the largest clean energy event, RE+ is a catalyst for industry innovation designed to supercharge business growth in the clean energy economy
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
09/08/2025 4 days |
AERO-ENGINES EUROPEAero-Engines Europe is a two day conference attracting senior engine attendees. This leading event is dedicated to the trends and issues related to the region’s aero engine community, gathering stakeholders from across the value chain
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Messe und Congress
09/09/2025 2 days |
CLIMATETECHThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
Fiera Milano City
09/09/2025 4 days |
ENLIT ASIALarge scale exhibition and conference series focused on the technology strategies behind ASEAN's largest utilities - power, gas and water
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
09/09/2025 3 days |
GASTECHInternational Conference & Exhibition for the LNG, LPG and Natural Gas Industries
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
Fiera Milano City
09/09/2025 4 days |
GASTECH EXHIBITION & CONFERENCEA landmark event in the energy industry’s calendar, and the world’s largest meeting place for the global natural gas, LNG, hydrogen, low-carbon solutions, and climate technologies industries
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
Fiera Milano City
09/09/2025 4 days |
GASTECH HYDROGENThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
Fiera Milano City
09/09/2025 4 days |
IPLAS ECUADORInternational Plastics Fair organized by ASEPLAS, the Ecuadorian Plastics Association. Raw materials, supplies, equipment and machinery
once a year |
Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Centro de Convenciones de Guayaquil
09/09/2025 4 days |
RIO PIPELINE & LOGISTICSRio Pipeline Congress now includes logistics, featuring strategic discussions on the transportation and distribution of hydrocarbons to further strengthen the links between supply chains and the pipeline sector
every 2 years |
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Fairmont Hotel, Rio de Janeiro - Copacabana
09/09/2025 3 days |
SILICONE EXPO USATrade Show bridging Ideas, Materials, and Possibilities for the Silicone Industry. The event will draws attendees from a wide range of end user groups, fostering connections and innovation within the silicone industry
once a year |
Cleveland, OH (USA)
Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland
09/09/2025 3 days |