
Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Trade Shows
2025 - 2026


Chemistry - Energy - Materials

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1570 Trade Shows related to Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
VALVE WORLD ASIA EXPO & CONFERENCEPiping and Valve Professionals Conference & Expo in China. Valve World Expo & Conference Asia is a valuable meeting point for valve professionals from all over the world with a special emphasis on recent developments in China every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/22/2026
2 days
EXPOBORInternational Rubber Technology Trade Show. Hub of connections and innovative ideas that drive the market forward in the most diverse segments of the rubber industry every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte 06/23/2026
3 days
PNEUSHOWInternational Tire Industry Expo. PNEUSHOW – simultaneous to Expobor – International Rubber Technology Show, showcases products, machines, solutions and innovations that contribute to all stages of a tire’s life every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte 06/23/2026
3 days
EXPOCOBRESalon international et conférence sur les technologies et les machines pour l'industrie minière du cuivre every 2 years Lima (Peru) Centro de Exposiciones Jockey 06/24/2026
3 days
ECCMEuropean Conference on Composite Materials every 2 years ? July 2026 (?)
QME - QUEENSLAND MINING & ENGINEERING EXHIBITIONQueensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition every 2 years Mackay (Australia) Mackay Showgrounds July 2026 (?)
COMEXPO - MANUFACTURING EXHIBITION - SRI LANKAComplete Manufacturing Exhibition. It will bring together manufacturers, traders, distributors, consultants, installation experts and virtually everyone directly or indirectly associated with the engineering & machine Tools Industry every 2 years Colombo (Sri Lanka) BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) Aug. 2026 (?)
FEIPLAR COMPOSITES & FEIPURInternational Exhibition and Conference on Composites, Polyurethane and Engineered Plastics every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center Aug. 2026 (?)
MINING ZANJANIranian international exhibition of Mine, Mining, Mining Industries, Mining Processing, Mining Machineries, Road Construction, Services & Related Equipment every 2 years Zanjan (Iran) Zanjan International Exhibition Center Aug. 2026 (?)
HIPLEXHiplex will showcase latest Technology & Machinery used of Manufacturing of Raw Materials and various Products made of Plastics and Petrochemicals with Participation from all over the World every 3 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 08/07/2026
4 days
EXPOPLAST PERÚInternational Fair of Plastic Industry in Peru. The gateway to the Plastic Industry of Peru and the Andean countries every 2 years Lima (Peru) Villa Ciudad Ferial 08/19/2026
4 days
OFFSHORE NORTHERN SEASOFFSHORE NORTHERN SEAS has become one of the world’s most important meeting places for everyone involved in the energy business every 2 years Stavanger (Norway) Stavanger Forum 08/24/2026
4 days
INTERPLASTTrade Fair and Congress of Plastic Technology Integration every 2 years Joinville SC (Brazil) Complexo Expoville 08/25/2026
4 days
CISAPInternational Conference on Safety and Environment in Process Industry every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
CITEXTInterantional Business Convention for technical textile materials every 2 years Troyes (France) Espace Argence Sept. 2026 (?)
COLOMBIAPLAST - EXPOEMPAQUEPlastic, Rubber & Petrochemical International Trade Fair + Packaging International Trade Fair every 2 years Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones Sept. 2026 (?)
DAThe international conference Distillation & Absorption will showcase the newest and best in distillation & absorption technology and will cover a broad range of fundamental and applied aspects every 4 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
EBRATSBrazilian Meeting and Exposition of Surface Finishing every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
ENGINEERING ASIA - LAHOREEngineering Asia International Exhibition aims at developing and promoting every sphere of engineering sector in Pakistan through inter & intra industrial cooperation and joint ventures among local and foreign partners every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
EXPO HOSPITALInternational Exhibition of Technologies, Products and Service for Hospitals and Clinics every 2 years Santiago (Chile) Metropolitan Santiago Convention & Event Center Sept. 2026 (?)
EXPOMINAMining Industry Trade Show in Peru. EXPOMINA PERÚ will bring together the main mining suppliers and international delegations. The latest in machinery, technology and services will be on display for the more than thousands of visitors expected to receive every 2 years Lima (Peru) Centro de Exposiciones Jockey Sept. 2026 (?)
FLUID PUMP ASIA - LAHOREInternational Exhibition & Conference dedicated to Fluids, Pumps, Fitting Components and Parts Actuators, Positioners Pumps, Compressors, Engineering services, Software Measuring, Control Technology... every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
IMPCInternational Mineral Processing Congress every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
INACHEMIndonesia International Exhibition for all sector of Chemical, Machinery, Processing & Technology every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Sept. 2026 (?)
INDIA PLASTICS SHOWINDIA PLASTICS SHOW is a global congregation of plastics & polymers Industry. The Exhibition, conceived and promoted by the government of Gujarat, provided the definitive platform for an industry confluence to everyone who matters in the plastic industry every 2 years Gandhinagar (India) Helipad Grounds, Gandhinagar Sept. 2026 (?)
INDOPLASIndonesia International Plastics Exhibition. INDOPLAS showcases Machinery & Equipment and Services for the plastics & rubber industries, Raw Materials Auxiliaries, Semi-Finished & Finished Products, Technical Parts & Reinforced Plastics every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Sept. 2026 (?)
INDUSTRIAL PROCESSINGTrade Show for the Complete Processing Industry. Industrial Processing will include companies that focus on powder, granulate and bulk material processing industries, as well as companies that focus on liquid and gas-related technologies every 2 years Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht Sept. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL POWDER & BULK SOLIDS - TEXASPowder & Bulk Solids Exhibition. International Powder & Bulk Solids suppliers include all major industry sectors: Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, Beverage, Cosmetics, Plastics, Fabricated Primary Metals, Cement, Paints & Pigments, Grain, Mining every 2 years Houston, TX (USA) Sept. 2026 (?)
MET + HTSInternational Exhibition on Materials Engineering, Technology & Heat treatment every 2 years Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
MMMM - MINERALS, METALS, METALLURGY & MATERIALSInternational Trade Fair for Minerals, Metals & Metallurgy. MMMM is the ideal platform for technology transfer, business meets and joint ventures for identifying potential investors to boost industrial production, collaboration and international trade every 2 years New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre Sept. 2026
NOSEInternational Conference on Environmental Odor Monitoring and Control every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
POWER & ALTERNATIVE ENERGY ASIA - LAHOREPower & Alternative Energy International Trade Show every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
ROGE.EThe major South American oil and gas show, and one of the largest energy events in the world every 2 years Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) RioCentro - Exhibition & Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
SOLAR & WINDTECH ASIA - LAHORETrade Show dedicated to the Development of the Renewable Energy Sources like Wind and Solar every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
TAIPEI PLASTaipei International Plastics & Rubber Industry Show every 2 years Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
ELECTRA MINING AFRICASince 1972, Electra Mining Africa has been the ultimate platform for businesses in mining, electrical, automation, manufacturing, power, and transport to connect and grow every 2 years Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre 09/07/2026
5 days
LOCAL SOUTHERN AFRICAN MANUFACTURING EXPOSouthern African Manufacturing Expo. Industry, Construction, Agriculture, Power every 2 years Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre 09/07/2026
5 days
REIFENInternational Trade Fair for Retreading, New Tires, Tyro Trade, Tire and Chassis Technology, Vulcanization every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 09/08/2026
5 days
FAIR KATOWICEInternational Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy every 2 years Katowice (Poland) Katowice International Fair 09/09/2026
3 days
MEDICAL FAIR ASIAInternational Exhibition on Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands 09/09/2026
3 days
MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIAManufacturing Processes for Medical Technology Exhibition and Conference every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands 09/09/2026
3 days
ECASIA CONFERENCEEuropean Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis every 2 years Brussels (Belgium) 09/13/2026
6 days
ICAAInternational Conference on Aluminum Alloys every 2 years Berlin (Germany) 09/13/2026
5 days
LABELEXPO AMERICASLabelexpo Americas is the largest even. for the label and package printing industry in the Americas every 2 years Chicago, IL (USA) Donald E. Stephens Convention Center 09/15/2026
3 days
WAC - WORLD ADHESIVE & SEALANT CONFERENCEWorld Adhesive & Sealant Conference every 4 years London (UK - United Kingdom) Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre 09/16/2026
3 days
FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE BOGOTABogota International Industrial Fair. Event specialized in new technologies applied to all productive industries on the South American continent every 2 years Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones 09/21/2026
5 days
CONTROL-TECHFair of Industrial Measuring Technology and Non-Destructive Testing every 2 years Kielce (Poland) Kielce Fairground 09/22/2026
3 days
EMPACK GHENTTrade Fair for Innovative Packaging Solutions. Empack exhibitors will showcase Packaging Materials, Equipment & Technologies, Labeling and Marking Technology, Creative and Design, Recycling, Services every 2 years Ghent (Belgium) Flanders Expo 09/22/2026
2 days
INTERNATIONAL PIPELINE EXPOWorld's Pipeline Industry Exhibition every 2 years Calgary, AB (Canada) BMO Centre 09/22/2026
3 days
INTERNATIONAL PIPELINE EXPOSITIONInternational Pipeline Exposition & Conference. International Pipeline Exposition brings together thousands of pipeline professionals showcasing the most recognized brands & the latest technologies, products & services in the pipeline industry every 2 years Calgary, AB (Canada) BMO Centre 09/22/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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