ISFAHAN PLASTInternational Exhibition of Rubber, Plastics and Related Industries
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
June 2025 (?) |
MARINE WEEKMADEX (International Defense Industry Exhibition) + SEA-PORT (International Ports, Logistics & Environmental Technology Exhibition) + KORMARINE (International Marine, Shipbuilding, Offshore, Oil & Gas Exhibition)
every 2 years |
Busan (Korea South)
Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center)
June 2025 (?) |
NEW YORK ENERGY CAPITAL ASSEMBLYExclusive networking platform for private oil, gas, royalties and minerals companies, institutional and private investors
once a year |
New York, NY (USA)
Nasdaq Market site
June 2025 (?) |
OIGASTECH - IRAQ OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITIONIraq Oil & Gas Technology Exhibition. OIGATECH is focused on the dissemination of new and current technology, best practices, and multi-disciplinary activities designed to emphasize the importance of the value chain and maximizing asset value
once a year |
Baghdad (Iraq)
Baghdad International Fair Grounds
06/01/2025 4 days |
POLYMER TESTING WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational exhibition for polymer testing & analysis
once a year |
June 2025 (?) |
SEPEM INDUSTRIES SUD-EST - MARTIGUESIndustrial Trade Show dedicated to Service, Equipment, Process and Maintenance for South France
every 2 years |
Martigues (France)
La Halle de Martigues
June 2025 |
SOLAR & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY RUSSIAInternational Solar Energy and Technology Expo. Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Power Inverters, Solar Energy Storage Solutions, Solar Monitoring and Control Systems, Solar Heating and Cooling Systems...
once a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
June 2025 (?) |
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT - IBERIAInternational conference bringing together solar energy manufacturers, large-scale developers, asset managers and investors
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Palacio Neptuno
June 2025 (?) |
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT ENERGY STORAGE SPAINGain crucial insights into the growing and evolving solar energy market. You'll also be able to strengthen your network by meeting the major market players
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Hotel Emperador, Madrid
June 2025 (?) |
SOLSCOPEInternational meeting of professionals in Geotechnics, Drilling and Foundations. A rich place for exchanges between project owners, construction companies, design offices, suppliers of materials and services, experts and insurers
every 2 years |
June 2025 (?) |
SOUTH SUDAN OIL & POWER CONFERENCESOUTH SUDAN OIL & POWER CONFERENCE will shape the future of South Sudan’s energy by bringing industry leaders together to discuss the country’s oil and power plans
once a year |
Juba (South Sudan)
Radisson Blu Hotel, Juba
June 2025 (?) |
VICTORIAN TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCEVictoria's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
June 2025 (?) |
W-POWER CHINAInternational Wind Energy Exhibition & Conference. W-Power China showcases an extensive range of products including wind turbines, offshore wind energy equipment, accessories & technology, wind farm management system & other equipment
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
June 2025 (?) |
F-CELL CANADACanada's Annual International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Event
once a year |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Vancouver Convention Centre
06/02/2025 3 days |
+INDUSTRY+INDUSTRY is Spain's largest platform dedicated to Smart Manufacturing. A very dynamic space, focused on technology and innovation. Networking, workshops, conferences, live demonstrations...
every 2 years |
Bilbao (Spain)
Bilbao Exhibition Centre
06/03/2025 3 days |
3D PRINT CONGRESS & EXHIBITION - LYONThe Leading Additive Manufacturing event in France. The whole industry gathers during 3 days to present their latest innovations and industrial solutions in additive manufacturing
once a year |
Lyon (France)
06/03/2025 3 days |
BAKU ENERGY WEEKBaku International Energy Exhibition. Understand. - CASPIAN OIL & GAS: Caspian International Oil and Gas Exhibition - CASPIAN POWER: Caspian international exhibition of energy production and green energies - BAKU ENERGY FORUM
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
06/03/2025 3 days |
CASPIAN OIL & GASAzerbaijan International Oil and Gas, Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition and Conference
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
06/03/2025 3 days |
CASPIAN POWERCaspian International Power and Alternative Energy Exhibition
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
06/03/2025 3 days |
CHINA INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY EXPOChina International Nuclear Power Industry Expo. An important industrial chain platform for the management, use, supply and maintenance of China's nuclear power industry
once a year |
Yantai (China)
Yantai International Expo Center
06/03/2025 3 days |
ITM INDUSTRY EUROPEIndustrial Fair dedicated to Innovations, Technologies, Machines
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
06/03/2025 4 days |
PORTUGAL SMART CITIES SUMMITThe “Smart Cities” Concept encompasses more than mobility, digital platforms or sustainability. The fundamental objective of a Smart City is the incorporation of all these areas in order to improve the lives of citizens in the world
once a year |
Lisbon (Portugal)
Feira Internacional de Lisboa
06/03/2025 3 days |
PUMPS & VALVES BILBAOInternational Trade Show for Pump Systems, Valves and Equipment for Industrial Processes
every 2 years |
Bilbao (Spain)
Bilbao Exhibition Centre
06/03/2025 3 days |
SUBCONTRACTING POZNANSUBCONTRACTING is a special trade fair for industrial subcontractors that will be held together with the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE industrial fair. Searching subcontracting offers and arranging an appointment is possible on the online platform
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
06/03/2025 4 days |
YANTAI INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY AND EQUIPMENT EXPOChina International Nuclear Power Industry and Equipment Exhibition
once a year |
Yantai (China)
Yantai International Expo Center
06/03/2025 3 days |
AMM - ASTANA MINING AND METALLURGY CONGRESSAMM Exhibition & Congress presents advanced technologies and innovative developments for the mining and metallurgical industry, where participants represent their equipment & technology for prospecting, production, and processing of mineral resources
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
Hilton Astana
06/04/2025 2 days |
BAKU ENERGY FORUMDuring the forum, discussions will be held on Azerbaijan's close cooperation with foreign partners, debates on new and promising projects with current and new investors, expert forecasts, development of energy resources in Azerbaijan
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
06/04/2025 2 days |
CHEMSPEC EUROPEChemspec Europe is the place to be for purchasers and agents to meet with manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of fine and speciality chemicals to source specific solutions and bespoke products
once a year |
Cologne (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Cologne
06/04/2025 2 days |
CHINA INTER LUBRICShanghai International Lubricants and Technology Exhibition + Shanghai International Metalworking Fluids and Surface Cleaning Technology Exhibition
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
06/04/2025 3 days |
DIE & MOULD CHINAInternational Exhibition on Die & Mould Technology and Equipment. DIE & MOULD CHINA aims to promoting the development of China's Die & Mould Industry
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
06/04/2025 4 days |
DMCChina International Exhibition on Die & Mould, Metal Processing and Forming Industry
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
06/04/2025 4 days |
ENERGY CAPITAL CONFERENCEEnergy Capital Conference addresses effective strategies for oil and gas executives interested in expanding their knowledge of how to successfully access and deploy capital
once a year |
Houston, TX (USA)
Hilton Post Oak
06/04/2025 1 day |
GEO BUSINESSThe largest geospatial event in the UK. GEO Business is designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information. Exhibition, conference, meetings
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
06/04/2025 2 days |
HANOI PLASHanoi International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition. Plastic & Rubber Machinery, Chemical & Raw Materials, Mould, Recycling...
once a year |
Hanoi (Vietnam)
I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa)
06/04/2025 4 days |
INDEXPO - MUMBAIIndia's Industrial & Engineering Expo. Indexpo is a networking platform for meeting the manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products with Buyers coming from all over India and international visitors
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
CIDCO Exhibition Centre
06/04/2025 3 days |
PLASTICS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES EUROPEForum exploring how the shift to electric vehicles is creating new opportunities for the plastics supply chain
once a year |
Cologne (Germany)
06/04/2025 2 days |
QLD TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCEQueensland's largest transport infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, Ports, Roads, Railways & Airports
once a year |
Brisbane (Australia)
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
06/04/2025 2 days |
VALVE WORLD AMERICAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control
every 2 years |
Houston, TX (USA)
George R. Brown Convention Center
06/04/2025 2 days |
CTEF SHANGHAIChina (Shanghai) International Chemical Technology & Equipment Exhibition
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
06/05/2025 3 days |
MEDICAL TAIWANTaiwan International Medicare & Healthcare Exhibition. Electromedical Equipment, Biotechnology Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Services, Hospital, Laboratory & Diagnostic Equipment, Single-use Item, Dental/Orthopedic/Ophthalmic Equipment...
once a year |
Taipei (Taiwan)
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
06/05/2025 3 days |
APAC - ASIA PACIFIC ENERGY ASSEMBLYThe Asia Pacific Energy Assembly in Singapore is recognised as one of Asia-Pacific’s largest and most influential energy investment events
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
06/09/2025 2 days |
NANOTECHNanotechnology Conference and Expo. Fabrication, Characterization & Tools, Advanced Materials, Electronics & Microsystems, Medical & Biotech, Energy & Environment, Ventures, Investment & Partnering...
once a year |
Austin, TX (USA)
JW Marriott, Austin
06/09/2025 3 days |
OIL & GAS COUNCIL ASIA-PACIFIC ASSEMBLY AND GALA DINNEROil & Gas Council Asia-Pacific Assembly. The Oil & Gas Council Asia-Pacific Assembly Assembly will bring together 750 senior oil and gas executives from across the upstream, midstream, downstream, finance, investment and petroleum services sectors
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
Marina Bay Sands
06/09/2025 2 days |
TECHCONNECT WORLD INNOVATIONFor over 20 years the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo has connected top applied research and early-stage innovations from universities, labs, and startups with industry end-users and prospectors
once a year |
Austin, TX (USA)
JW Marriott, Austin
06/09/2025 3 days |
DENIMINISTThe largest Denim exhibition of Eurasia. Denim Fabrics, Accessories & Equipment, Denim Garment Machinery, Dyes & Chemicals, Denim Production Factories, Denim Threads, Finishing & Washing Technologies, Purification Technologies, Denim Clothing & Bags...
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Wow Hotel & Convention Center
06/10/2025 3 days |
DESIGN & MANUFACTURING ATLANTICCAD/CAM/PDM - Contract Service Providers in Plastics Processing, CNC Manufacturing, Sheet Metal, Subassemblies, Electronic Components and R&D Services
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
06/10/2025 3 days |
EXPO PACK LATIN AMERICA - GUADALAJARAInternational Packaging Process Show. For end users and suppliers around the world, EXPO PACK LATIN AMERICA offers a quality professional experience and a wide range of packaging innovations for each vertical market
every 2 years |
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Expo Guadalajara
06/10/2025 3 days |
GAS, LNG & THE FUTURE OF ENERGY CONFERENCEConnect with Wood Mackenzie’s experts and industry professionals to find out more about pathway forward for the future of gas and LNG, North America's domestic dynamics and the implications for global LNG markets
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
06/10/2025 2 days |
GLOBAL ENERGY SHOWNorth America's Leading Energy Event. North America’s leading B2B energy exhibition and conference bringing technology, innovation and the transfer of knowledge under one roof
once a year |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
BMO Centre
06/10/2025 3 days |
GLOBAL ENERGY SHOW - CALGARYGlobal Energy Show. Join leading oil & gas companies, business partners, media and industry analysts from over 90 countries
once a year |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
BMO Centre
06/10/2025 3 days |