CALZATEX PERÚTrade show of Suppliers for Leather and Footwear Industry in Peru |
once a year |
Lima (Peru)
Centro de Exposiciones Jockey
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CARBON CAPTURE, UTILIZATION AND STORAGE (CCUS) CONFERENCEConference dedicated to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). 330 industry players from 220+ companies join to explore the key challenges of CCUS. Inflation Reduction Act, CO2 sequestration at scale, the CCUS value chain... |
once a year |
Houston, TX (USA)
JW Marriott Houston by the Galleria
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CERVEZA MEXICO - MEXICO CITYInternational Beer Exhibition in Mexico City. Expo + Congress + Competition |
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Mexico World Trade Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CHICAGO BUILD EXPOA Leading & Large-Scale Construction Expo for Chicago & the Midwest. Network with thousands of decision makers from the Midwest's leading contractors, realtors, developers, architects, housebuilders, civil engineers... |
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
McCormick Place
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CHICAGO COLLECTIVE - WOMEN'S EDITIONThe Chicago Collective is one of the greater womenswear show in North America, hosting top brands from around the world |
twice a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
The Mart
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CINE GEAR EXPO - ATLANTAInternational event for professionals engaged in the film & entertainment technology industry. Cine Gear features exhibits, new product and service introductions, complimentary seminars led by industry leaders, and ample opportunity to network with peers |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CMHC WESTCardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC) leads the medical community’s effort to understand, treat, and prevent cardiorenal metabolic-related risk factors and diseases |
once a year |
Boston, MA (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
COFFEE FEST - MINNEAPOLISCoffee Fest attracts the top-selling brands in the specialty coffee industry and beyond. Coffee Fest is along-side the International Restaurant and Foodservice Show |
once a year |
Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Minneapolis Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CONGRESSO ABES / FENASANThe largest event of Environmental Sanitation of the Americas |
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Expo Center Norte
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CONNECT WESTConnect is the premier event that brings together planners, suppliers and experts in Corporate, Association, Speciality, Expo, Tour and Sports meetings & events for preset appointments, general sessions, planner/supplier round tables & quality networking |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
COPEO / FICONNECongress and Exhibition of Innovation in Dentistry in North and Northeast Brazil |
once a year |
Olinda (Brazil)
Centro de Convenções de Pernambuco
Oct. 2026 (?) |
CORPUS CHRISTI SOUVENIR AND RESORT SHOWThe Corpus Christi Souvenir and Resort Show is a platform for attendees to find a versatile and unique selection of souvenir, resort, fashion accessories, and more that promises to set your store apart |
once a year |
Corpus Christi, TX (USA)
Corpus Christi American Bank Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DECK EXPODeckExpo is the premier trade event dedicated solely to the deck, dock and railing industry for the residential marketplace |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DESERET NEWS HOME SHOWDeseret, UT NEWS HOME SHOW features trendy furniture, home furnishings, new interior designs, remodelling and revamp |
once a year |
Sandy, UT (USA)
Mountain America Expo Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DESIGN CHICAGODesign Chicago is the Midwest’s Largest Residential Design Conference featuring two days of education, product features and design inspiration from the kitchen, bath and home furnishings showrooms |
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
The Mart
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DIGITAL DEALER CONFERENCE + EXPODigital Dealer Conference & Expo, held annually, brings together automotive dealers, OEMs, thought leaders, and auto retail solution providers for an experience, powering professional growth and connections |
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Mandalay Bay Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DIGITAL SIGNAGE EXPO (DSE)International Innovative Digital Communications and Interactive Technology Solutions Trade Exhibition in Las Vegas |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SUMMITThe Aviation Week Network Digital Transformation Summit is the gathering place for aerospace & defense and commercial aviation OEMs, suppliers and operators who are looking to utilize the power of technology to drive efficiency in their organization |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
DREAM HACK ATLANTAThe world's largest video game festival circuit. Visit DreamHack, enjoy a wide range of gaming activities and the best international esports content and competitions, share an exclusive space for video game enthusiasts, see the best cosplayers... |
once a year |
Atlanta, GA (USA)
Georgia World Congress Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ECSE - ECOMMERCE SUMMIT & EXPOECSE brings together the community of experts, decision makers, startups and professionals in Mexico to share strategies, innovation and trends in eCommerce, marketing, logistics & crossborder and technology |
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EDIFICAInternational Exhibition of Machinery, Materials and Construction Systems |
every 2 years |
Santiago (Chile)
Espacio Riesco
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EDMONTON FALL HOME SHOWEdmonton Home & Interior Design Show |
once a year |
Edmonton, AB (Canada)
Edmonton Expo Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ELECTRIC & HYBRID VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY EXPO - NORTH AMERICAThe Industry's Leading Global Electric, Hybrid & Plugin Hybrid Vehicle Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference in North America. Electrical Powertrains and Components, Battery Management Systems, Materials and Equipment |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ELECTRIC POWER WEEKELECTRIC POWER WEEK covers all aspects of the electric power sector and facilitates the conversations and connections necessary to power the industry forward |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ELECTRICITY TRANSFORMATION CANADAThe largest conference and exhibition of the renewable energy and storage industry in Canada |
once a year |
? (Canada)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EMS WORLD EXPOEmergency medical Service trade show in USA. EMS WORLD EXPO features life saving process training, diagnostic labs, emergency medicines, surgicals, defibrillator, all medical supports, healthcare service providers, technology update... |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ENERGY SOLUTIONS SHOWElectric Power Generation Exhibition in Brazil. Production, transport, distribution, energy efficiency, free market, production and storage. Expo, conferences, workshops |
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO AGROFUTUROBusiness and Knowledge Platform for the Agro industry in Latin America |
once a year |
Bogotá (Colombia)
Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO AMBIENTESEXPO AMBIENTES brings together Products and Services for Home Lovers |
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Mexico World Trade Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO ETUDIENTE NACIONALExpo Estudiante Nacional brings together more than 100 universities and higher education institutions for 4 days to advise and guide 10th and 11th grade graduates, parents and the general public interested in Higher Education |
once a year |
Bogotá (Colombia)
Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO FAC FARMACIAS Y CUIDAD PERSONALThe great event in Mexico focused on promoting all solutions for health and wellness |
once a year |
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Expo Guadalajara
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO FLOR ECUADORInternational Floriculture and Horticulture Exhibition in Ecuador |
once a year |
Quito (Ecuador)
Centro de Exposiciones Quito
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPO HABITATION D'AUTOMNEHome Expo. EXPO HABITATION D'AUTOMNE attracts Home builders, real-estate developments, renovation specialists, interior design products and services, building materials from basement to roof and so on |
once a year |
Montreal, QC (Canada)
Stade Olympique, Montréal
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPOCIHACExpo CIHAC is the most important construction, engineering, architecture and design event in Mexico and Latin America |
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPOESTUDIANTE NACIONALNational Student Expo brings together 100+ universities and higher education establishments in Bogota to advise and guide high school students, parents and the general public interested in higher education |
once a year |
Bogotá (Colombia)
Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPOLAGESBrazilian Livestock Fair. Exhibitions, lectures and negotiation sessions make up the event's program at Conta Dinheiro Park, in Lages |
once a year |
Lages (Brazil)
Parque de Exposições Conta Dinheiro
Oct. 2026 (?) |
EXPOTEXTIL PERÚInternational Textile Industry & Garment Expo |
once a year |
Lima (Peru)
Centro de Exposiciones Jockey
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FASTMARKETS FOREST PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA CONFERENCENorth American Forest Products Conference. Join senior leaders from the pulp, paper and packaging industry as we leverage lessons learned |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FASTMARKETS FOREST TRANSPORT SYMPOSIUMInternational Conference and Exhibition dedicated to the global Forest Products Logistics Industry |
once a year |
? (USA)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FERRETEXPOHardware & Construction Materials Show |
once a year |
Guatemala City (Guatemala)
Grand Tikal Futura Hotel
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FESTIVAL GASTRONÓMICO INTERNACIONAL DE COCHABAMBAInternational Gastronomic Festival of Cochabamba. A gastronomic journey, from the flavors of origin, passing through the cuisine of our ancestors as a legacy of an ancient culture, heritage and cultural fusion, up to the current contemporary cuisine |
once a year |
Cochabamba (Bolivia)
Recinto Ferial de Alalay
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA POÉSIE DE TROIS-RIVIÈRESPoetry international Festival. This event highlights the richness of the French language and celebrates established and emerging authors here |
once a year |
Trois-Rivières, QC (Canada)
Delta Trois-Rivieres Hotel & Conference Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FI FOOD INGREDIENTS NORTH AMERICANorth America International Food Ingredients Fair. The event serves the global food, beverage and dietary supplements markets, offering food and beverage manufacturers direct access to the widest range of ingredient suppliers from around the world |
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Mandalay Bay Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FISPInternational Security and Protection Trade Show |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FORT LAUDERDALE INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOWInternational Boat Show. Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show feaures high performance boats, cabin cruisers, flats boats, express cruisers, sailing yachts, motor yachts, bowriders, catamarans, ski boats, jet boats, inflatables, canoes, and superyacht |
once a year |
Fort Lauderdale, FL (USA)
Greater Ft. Lauderdale - Broward County Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FRUITTRADEChilean Convention & Business Roundtable of Fruit Producers and Exporters to the World. Fruit Trade is the event with the longest history and attendance of the Chilean fruit industry |
once a year |
Santiago (Chile)
Espacio Riesco
Oct. 2026 (?) |
FUTURE LABS LIVE - USAThis is the world’s most diverse, stimulating, and exciting event for the future of all labs. Start-ups and disruptors will meet lab heads and lab techs, together with the tech & practice innovators |
once a year |
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Pennsylvania Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
G & S ARKANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - HOT SPRINGSArms and Ammunition Fair. G & S ARKANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, collectible firearm, hunting gears, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training... |
twice a year |
Hot Springs, AR (USA)
Garland County Fairgrounds
Oct. 2026 (?) |
G2E - GLOBAL GAMING EXPOGlobal Gaming Expo. As the economy, and the gaming industry continue to evolve and change, G2E continues to keep you at the forefront of the latest trends and insights |
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
The Venetian Resort and Hotel
Oct. 2026 (?) |
GAMESFORUM SEATTLEB2B Conference about the Business of Games |
once a year |
Seattle, WA (USA)
Bell Harbor International Conference Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |