IITE - ISFAHAN INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & HANDICRAFTS EXHIBITIONIsfahan International Tourism & Handicrats Exhibition |
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IJT AUTUMN - INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY AUTUMNJapan International Jewelry Trade Expo. All kinds of jewellery, diamonds, gemstones, pearls, accessories, jewellery-related products, watches... |
once a year |
Yokohama (Japan)
Pacifico Yokohama
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IMARC (INTERNATIONAL MINING AND RESOURCES CONFERENCE)World Congress devoted to Mining and Mining Investment |
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IMED EXPO - SHIRAZIranian international Medical, Dentistry, Laboratory, Hospital Equipment, and Related Industries exhibition |
once a year |
Shiraz (Iran)
Fars International Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IMMEInternational Mining & Machinery Exhibition. IMME is the largest Trade Fair dedicated to the Mining Industry in India attracting over 350 companies from 12 countries |
every 2 years |
Kolkata (India)
Science City Exhibition Ground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INDIA CHEMInternational Exhibition & Conference on Chemicals, Petro-Chemicals and Plastics, Pharmaceuticals, Technologies, Process Plant Machinery, Control & Automation Systems Machinery, Control & Automation Systems |
every 2 years |
? (India)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INDIAN PETROCHEM CONFERENCEAnnual International Petrochemicals Conference. An independent and exclusive forum for interaction between the global petrochemical fraternity in India |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Hotel The Lalit, Mumbai
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INDO SIGN & ADVERTISING EXPOInternational Exhibition On Sign and Advertising. Held in conjunction with ALLPRINT EXPO |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INGREDIENT IQIndia’s Animal Feed Ingredients Exposition. The quality, sustainability, and nutritional value of animal feed depend heavily on the ingredients used |
once a year |
Pune (India)
Auto Cluster Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTER CORRUGATED EXPOInternational Trade Corrugated Carton Exhibition |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERFILIÈRE SHANGHAIINTERFILIERE SHANGHAI is the Rendez-vous between China, the Leading Textile Manufacturing Country, and the rest of the World |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai Exhibition Center (SEC)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERIOR EXPO KYRGYZSTANKyrgyzstan International Exhibition of Interior, Exterior, Furniture and Fittings. Decor & Finishes, Architectural Elements, Floors, Lighting, Kitchens & Bathrooms, Textile, Furniture, Smart Home & Technology, Landscape Design & Gardening... |
once a year |
Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
Arena of Ksapes
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TRANSPORTATIONIran International Exhibition of Transportation, Commercial Vehicle, Heavy Vehicle, EV, Smart Cities, Comprehensive Urban Management, Machinery & Related Industries |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL METAL TECHNOLOGY TAIWAN (IMT TAIWAN)International Trade Show for the Metal Technology Sector |
once a year |
? (Taiwan)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERNEPCON JAPAN - NAGOYAThe international trade show NEPCON JAPAN is specialised in essential areas for electronics manufacturing and R&D, and increased its value as an exhibition representing Asia's leading one-stop venue for all those involved in the electronics industry |
once a year |
Nagoya (Japan)
Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTERWINE CHINAChina International Wine, Brewery and Beverage Processing Technology & Equipment Trade Fair |
twice a year |
Guangzhou (China)
Poly World Trade Expo Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
INTRAInternational Advanced Materials & Convergence Technology Exhibition in Korea. Ceramic, Advanced Nano Materials, Advanced Chemistry Materials, Advanced Carbone/Rare Earth/Composite Materials, High Functional Adhesive/Coating, Ligthweight Materials... |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IOT & 5G SOLUTIONS AUTUMNIOT & 5G SOLUTIONS is a long-awaited special exhibition gathering all kinds of IoT (Internet of Things)/M2M related products and services |
once a year |
Chiba (Japan)
Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IPAP & PACPROCESS - TEHRANIrannian International Printing, Packaging & Processsing Trade Show |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IPEX - INDO PHARMACEUTICAL EXPOInternational Exhibition on Pharmaceutical: Raw Materials, Active Ingredients, Processing Machinery, Packaging Machinery, Equipments |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IPI - TOKYO INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM INCENTIVE SHOWPremium Incentive Show is the largest Japanese exhibition for promotions, corporate gifts and marketing |
twice a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IPIF - INTERNATIONAL PACKAGING INNOVATION FORUMIPIF - International Packaging Innovation Forum gathers the whole industrial chain to promote sustainable development of packaging. Meet experts from packaging industry associations, chambers of commerce, raw material suppliers, packaging manufacturers... |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai Hongqiao Xiangyuan Xi'an Hotel
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IRAN CHANDELIERS AND DECORATIVE LIGHTS EXPOIran Chandeliers and Decorative Ligths Expo. Iran is among the top 5 countries in the world in the production of chandeliers and decorative lights, along with Italy, the Czech Republic, France, and China |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IRAN HSE & FIRE EXPOIran HSE & Fire Expo is an International Specialized Exhibition of Health, Safety, Workplace, Fire Department, Crisis Management, Relief and Rescue |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IRAN MEDIran International Exhibition of Medical, Dental, Laboratory & Pharmaceutical Equipment |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Shahr-e- Aftab International Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IRAN MODEInternational Exhibition of Iran Apparel Exhibition. Clothes for women, men, children |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IRF ASIA REGIONAL CONGRESSAsia Road Meeting & Exhibition. IRF Asia Regional Congress will address the specific needs of the region by bringing together industry leaders, experts and decision-makers |
every 4 years |
? (Asia - Pacific)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ISFAHAN BUILDINGInternational Exhibition of Building & Construction related Industries |
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ISFAHAN OIL SHOWInternational Exhibition of New Technologies in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical in Isfahan (Iran) |
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ISSA CLEANING & HYGIENE EXPOAustralian Industrial Cleaning & Hygiene Trade Show |
once a year |
? (Australia)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
IST - INFORMATION SECURITY EXPO - CHIBAInformation Security Expo & Conference in Chiba |
once a year |
Chiba (Japan)
Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ITAP - INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION ASIA PACIFICITAP is the leading Advanced Manufacturing Event in Asia Pacific. It serves as a strategic platform that is shaped by the leaders and experts in support of their transformative initiatives, made possible by the process of digitalisation |
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
Singapore Expo
Oct. 2026 (?) |
JAPAN IT WEEK AUTUMNJapan IT Week is a B2B exhibition where the latest IT products and solutions gather in one place. Visit the show to implement new IT solutions and engage with optimal business partners |
once a year |
Chiba (Japan)
Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
JAPAN WIND ENERGYAsia’s Senior Onshore and Offshore Wind Leaders' Meeting Point |
once a year |
? (Japan)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
JINHAN FAIR FOR HOME & GIFTSFair for Home & Gifts. Jinhan Fair for Home & Gifts is the largest and most professional export trade platform on the professional sector of home & gifts |
twice a year |
Guangzhou (China)
Poly World Trade Expo Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
JOINING KOREAKorea Joins (Adhesive, Coating, Film) Technology Fair |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KAOHSIUNG FOOD SHOWInternational Kaohsiung Food Show in Taiwan |
once a year |
Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
Koahsiung Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KAOHSIUNG HORECAInternational Hotel, Restaurant, Baking and Catering Show in Taiwan. KAOHSIUNG HORECA showcases products such as Foods and Beverages Processing Machinery, Dinnerware, Metal and Plastic Tableware & Kitchenware, Cookware, Kitchen Room Furniture |
once a year |
Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
Koahsiung Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KAZAGRO / KAZFARMInternational Exhibition for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. The latest agricultural machineries and equipment, farming and livestock raising as well as food processing Technologies |
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
Korme World Trade Center Astana
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KAZAKHSTAN BAKERY EXPOKazahhstan International Bread, Pastry, Confectionery Products, Technologies and Machinery Fair |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Baluan Sholak Sports Palace
Oct. 2026 (?) |
K-COP - KOREA POLICE WORLD EXPOB2B platform that presents the latest trends on high-tech security industry and the global security industry |
once a year |
Incheon (Korea South)
Songdo Convensia
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KEQIAO AUTUMN TEXTILE EXPOChina (Keqiao) International Textiles, Fabrics & Accessories Exhibition |
once a year |
Shaoxing (China)
China Light & Textile City International Conference and Exhibition Cen
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KIMESKorean International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show |
twice a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KOAA SHOWKorea Autoparts & Auto-related Industries Show. Displaying e-mobility, charger and various auto products, including auto electronics, accessories, chemicals, car cares, maintenance, testing and producing solution as well as auto parts |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KOCEMKorea International Ceramic Industry Exhibition |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KOREA METAL WEEKInternational Foundry, Forging, Furnace and Thermal Processing Technology Exhibition for Korea. International Fastener, Cable & Wire Production Machinery & Technology Exhibition |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
KYRGYZTRANSLOGISTICLogistics, Transport and Warehousing Equipment Exhibition in Kyrgyzstan. Logistics, Commercial Transport, Storage Equipment |
once a year |
Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
Arena of Ksapes
Oct. 2026 (?) |
L&D INNOVATION & TECH FEST - AUSTRALIALearning & Development event. L&D Innovation & Tech Fest will run alongside HR Innovation & Tech Fest, the fastest growing and most vibrant HR event |
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
Hyatt Regency, Sydney
Oct. 2026 (?) |
LAB MYANMARInternational Exhibition & Conference on Laboratory, Analytical, Biotechnology and Scientifi c Instruments & Technology in Myanmar |
once a year |
Yangon (Myanmar (Burma))
Myanmar Expo Hall @ Fortune Plaza
Oct. 2026 (?) |
LANDSCAPE & GARDENING EXPOInternational Exhibition on Nursery, Landscape, Gardening Products, Outdoor Living, & Leisure Industry |
once a year |
? (India)
Oct. 2026 (?) |