ZOOTECHNIAInternational Fair for Livestock and Poultry, engaging specialized industry firms, public and private sector stakeholders, and interested professionals from both Greece and beyond |
every 2 years |
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre
01/30/2025 4 days |
PET EXPO & SHOW MODENAA pet event to discover and learn. All categories of pets are represented, as well as products and services for them. A rich program of demonstrations, workshops, educational meetings... |
twice a year |
Modena (Italy)
Modena Fiere
03/01/2025 2 days |
PET EKSPOInternational Pets and Zoo Industry Exhibition. Pet Food, Accessories. Veterinary. Education and Information |
once a year |
Riga (Latvia)
Riga International Exhibition Centre
03/02/2025 2 days |
ANIMAL HEALTH INNOVATION EUROPEAnimal Health Innovation Europe is the sector’s premier investment forum in Europe showcasing the innovators in animal health and nutrition and connecting those businesses with financial investors and strategic corporate partners |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
03/03/2025 3 days |
EXPOZOOExhibition for professionals of the pet market in France |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
03/07/2025 3 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - VERCELLIItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Vercelli (Italy)
Vercelli Fiere
03/08/2025 2 days |
MEIN HUND - RAVENSBURGDog Show. MEIN HUND - RAVENSBURG showcases puppies, all products for pets, pet grooming salons, chew toys, dog food and fun activities for pets |
once a year |
Ravensburg (Germany)
03/08/2025 2 days |
PET EXPO ROMANIAPets & veterinary products Expo. Pet Expo Romania is a unique opportunity in Romania for companies in the pet market to showcase products services and get in touch with a large number of potential partner companies and a huge number of target consumers |
once a year |
Bucharest (Romania)
03/22/2025 2 days |
FOR PETSTrade Fair of Food, Supplies & Service for Pets in Czech Republic |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
03/27/2025 4 days |
ANIMALS’ & VETERINARY DAYSThe largest event in Poland dedicated to accompanying animals. Pets, food, hygiene articles and accessories... |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Ptak Warsaw Expo
03/28/2025 3 days |
PET SHOW ISTANBULPet Products, Materials and Accessories Suppliers & Veterinary Medicine Exhibition |
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
April 2025 (?) |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - PADOVAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Padua (Italy)
04/05/2025 2 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - GONZAGAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Gonzaga (Italy)
Fiera Millenaria di Gonzaga
04/12/2025 2 days |
HORSES - HEVOSETThe largest trade fair for horse industry in Finland |
once a year |
Tampere (Finland)
Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre
04/12/2025 2 days |
PETEXPOPet fair in Finland. Pet Exhibition features dozens of breeds of dogs and cats as well as rodents and reptiles |
once a year |
Helsinki (Finland)
Helsinki Fair Centre
04/12/2025 2 days |
ANIMAL TECHInternational Fair for Animal Production. The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock |
every 2 years |
Brno (Czech Republic)
Brno Exhibition Centre
04/27/2025 4 days |
ANIMAL VETEXInternational Veterinary and Livestock Fair. The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock |
every 2 years |
Brno (Czech Republic)
Brno Exhibition Centre
04/27/2025 4 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - ROVIGOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Rovigo (Italy)
Rovigo Fiere
May 2025 (?) |
FIERA INTERNAZIONALE DELL'AGRICOLTURA E DELLA ZOOTECNIAFoggia Agriculture and Zootechny international Trade Fair |
once a year |
Foggia (Italy)
Fiera di Foggia
May 2025 |
UNITECHDAYSAnimal and plant technical days. Organized by agronomy engineering students from the UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute, UniTechDays deals with animal and plant production. It attracts 500 students, sector professionals and farmers |
once a year |
Beauvais (France)
Institut polytechnique UniLaSalle Beauvais
May 2025 (?) |
FIERAVICOLACesena International Poultry Exhibition |
once a year |
Rimini (Italy)
Rimini Fiera
05/07/2025 3 days |
SOFISTICATSpring Bucharest International Cat Show organized by the Feline Association "SofistiCat" |
once a year |
Bucharest (Romania)
Sala Palatului Cultural Center
05/10/2025 2 days |
VETFORUM EUROPEVetForum Europe brings you the opportunity to connect and meet with other veterinary industry players over two days of meetings and informal networking |
once a year |
Barcelona (Spain)
Eurostars Sitges
05/12/2025 3 days |
DEUTSCHE VETVeterinary Forum. The event offers vets practical and relevant training with clinical programmes for small animal vets |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/16/2025 2 days |
DEUTSCHEVETDeutscheVET is a must for anyone interested in animal health and veterinary medicine. Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your specialist knowledge and make valuable contacts |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/16/2025 2 days |
GALMED - LVIV MEDICAL FORUMMedical Equipment, Instrument and Apparatus for Medical Institutions. Rehabilitation and Prosthesis Means. Pharmaceutical Medicines. Veterinary Preparations |
once a year |
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lviv Palace of Arts
05/20/2025 3 days |
EQUITAINE9 days of events and promotion of the Equine sector in New Aquitaine. Presentation of local breeds, Demo of mounted and hitched handling, Demo of osteopathy, Demo of aerobatics... |
once a year |
Bordeaux (France)
Parc des expositions de Bordeaux-Lac
05/24/2025 6 days |
BVA LIVEVeterinary Forum. The event offers vets practical and relevant training with clinical programmes for small animal vets |
once a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
06/12/2025 2 days |
LATVIAN WINNERInternational pedigreed Cat & Dog Exhibition. Exciting shows, demonstrations and bargain purchases... |
once a year |
Riga (Latvia)
Riga International Exhibition Centre
06/14/2025 2 days |
EXPOSIÇÃO CANINA - PORTOInternational Dog Show of Northern Portugal |
once a year |
Porto (Portugal)
July 2025 (?) |
ASVMFORUMInternational Forum on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Aug. 2025 (?) |
WORLD DOG SHOWThe most important Dog Show and Championship in the World |
once a year |
Helsinki (Finland)
08/08/2025 3 days |
ANIMAL EXPOAnimal Expo is the largest salon in France dedicated to the pets and their universe |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Parc Floral de Paris
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SMART POULTRY WORLDSmart Poultry World is a forum that combines an exhibition floor and lectures by leading professionals in the field, and focuses on innovations in the Poultry industry |
once a year |
Sofia (Bulgaria)
Sept. 2025 (?) |
TARIM VE TEKNOLOJI GUNLERIHighlights of the show are animal husbandry, agricultural technology and machinery |
once a year |
Tekirdag (Turkey)
Karaevli Otel
Sept. 2025 (?) |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - ERBAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Erba (Italy)
Lario Fiere
09/06/2025 2 days |
MEIN HUND - SCHLOSS OELBERDog Show. MEIN HUND - SCHLOSS OELBER presents club and services for dogs, pet grooming salons, pet care services, dog food and chew toys |
once a year |
Baddeckenstedt (Germany)
Schloss Oelber
09/06/2025 2 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MANTOVAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
twice a year |
Mantua (Italy)
MAMU Multicentre Mantova
09/07/2025 2 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - AREZZOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
twice a year |
Arezzo (Italy)
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi
09/13/2025 2 days |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MASSA CARRARAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Carrara (Italy)
09/27/2025 2 days |
ANIMAL FARMING KRASNODARInternational exhibition of equipment, feed and veterinary products for animal farming |
once a year |
Krasnodar (Russia)
Expograd Yug
Oct. 2025 (?) |
ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE CANINA - UMBRIADiscover more than two hundred dog breeds from around the world. Various activities particularly suited to families |
once a year |
Bastia Umbra (Italy)
Oct. 2025 (?) |
EXPOVETExpovet is the largest trade fair in Flanders for veterinarians and veterinary assistants where networking is central and innovation and passion are the driving forces |
once a year |
Lebbeke (Belgium)
Oct. 2025 (?) |
FASZINATION PFERD NÜRNBERGHorse ShowaFaszination Pferd is Bavaria's largest indoor event of horsemanship, is one of the top horse events in Germany. It presents an extensive program of dressage and jumping, daily programs as well as a large exhibition for sale equestrian needs |
unknown |
Nuremberg (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
Oct. 2025 |
once a year |
Rostock (Germany)
HanseMesse Rostock
Oct. 2025 (?) |
MEIN HUND - VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGENDog Show. MEIN HUND - VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGEN presents club and services for dogs, pet grooming salons, pet care services, dog food and chew toys |
once a year |
Villingen-Schwenningen (Germany)
Südwest Messe
Oct. 2025 (?) |
PETS FESTIVALItalian pet market fair. Is there anything better to do in October than living a wonderful weekend with cats, dogs, alpacas and llamas, donkeys, fish and much more ? |
once a year |
Cremona (Italy)
Cremona Fiere
Oct. 2025 (?) |
WALLONIA DOG SHOWAnnual international dog show organized by the Royal Club Canin du Hainaut |
once a year |
Mons (Belgium)
Lotto Mons Expo
Oct. 2025 (?) |
ZANIMALSExhibition-Sale of puppies and kittens by breeding breeders, International Cat Show with Beauty Contest, Fish, Birds, Rodents and other NACS, Fossil, Plant and Mineral Exchange... |
once a year |
Alès (France)
Parc des expositions d'Alès
Oct. 2025 (?) |
SOMMET DE L'ÉLEVAGEEuropean Exhibition of Livestock Professionals. Located in the center of France, the world cradle of the largest beef breeds, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE is an exceptional showcase of French breeding |
once a year |
Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Grande Halle d'Auvergne
10/07/2025 4 days |