
Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific
2025 - 2026

All trade shows in Asia - Pacific


Countries in Asia - Pacific

389 Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific related to Logistics - Transport - Packaging
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ODISHA PROPACK INTERNATIONAL EXPOLargest Packaging/Printing Trade Show in India, offering you the perfect opportunity to stay at the forefront of market trends and explore lucrative investment possibilities once a year Bhubaneswar (India) Janata Maidan 11/26/2025
4 days
BREWS & SPIRITS EXPOBrews & Spirits Expo aims to offer a platform to foster partnerships by showcasing new & exciting developments in the alcohol and brew industry through its expo and conference once a year Bangalore (India) KTPO Trade Centre 11/27/2025
3 days
MUNICIPALIKAInternational Exhibition & Conference on Public Works, Municipal Services and Urban Development once a year Gandhinagar (India) Mahatma Mandir Exhibition Centre 11/27/2025
3 days
GPPE SURABAYAIndonesia International Printing & Packaging Expo. Global Printing & Packaging Expo (GPPE) is the new exhibition focusing on Indonesia’s promising landscape in the printing and packaging industries once a year Surabaya (Indonesia) Grand City Convention & Exhibition Centre Dec. 2025
IFOOD EXPO - ISFAHANInternational exhibition of food & beverages industry. Dairy Products, food & beverages machinery and packing once a year Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground Dec. 2025 (?)
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF ADVERTISINGIran International Exhibition of Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Export Chain and Related Industries once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Dec. 2025 (?)
IPACKPRINT - ISFAHANIranian international printing, packaging, and carton industry exhibition once a year Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground Dec. 2025 (?)
IRAN PRINT PACK EXPOTehran Print Pack Expo is the most important international event in the field of Printing, packing, and related machinery in Iran once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Dec. 2025 (?)
NEPAL 5P INTERNATIONAL EXPONepal’s Only International Trade Show For Plastic, Paper, Printing, Packaging And Processing Industries once a year Kathmandu (Nepal) Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall Dec. 2025 (?)
NEPAL PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL EXPOThe Nepal Pack Print Expo is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the latest developments and innovations in the Nepal Packaging & Printing industry once a year Kathmandu (Nepal) Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall Dec. 2025 (?)
LABELEXPO ASIALabelexpo Asia is the largest event for the label and package printing industry in South Asia every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 12/02/2025
4 days
MARINTEC CHINAInternational Maritime Conference & Exhibition. During Marintec China, Industry leaders from prominent organisations share their insights on the ever-evolving maritime landscape every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 12/02/2025
4 days
MANUFACTURING INDONESIAInternational Manufacturing Machinery, Equipment, Materials and Services Exhibitions in Indonesia once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 12/03/2025
4 days
PAPER +Paper+ is the international trade fair and key meeting ground for the buyers and suppliers of pulp, paper and conversion industries every 2 years Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart 12/03/2025
4 days
COSMOPROF INDIA - MUMBAICosmoprof India in Mumbai is the ideal business-to-business event for the fast-growing beauty market in India once a year Mumbai (India) Jio World Centre 12/04/2025
3 days
CASPIAN PORTS & LOGISTICSPorts, Shipping and Logistics Exhibition and Conference event for the Caspian Sea region every 2 years Aktau (Kazakhstan) Rixos Water World Aktau 12/09/2025
3 days
AGHUBAghub is a networking platform for the indian agri community. It will bring together the interdependent sectors of Agriculture. Growers, Technology providers, the Service sector & Policymakers will meet here to find synergies & interdisciplinary solutions every 2 years Pune (India) Pune International Exhibition and Convention Center 12/10/2025
5 days
KISAN AGRI SHOW - PUNEKISAN Agri Show is envisioned to bring the agri industry, professionals, policy makers and farmers on a common platform. They will come together to have a dialogue with each other and explore new advances in the sector once a year Pune (India) Pune International Exhibition and Convention Center 12/10/2025
5 days
MYANMAR PLAS PRINT PACKMyanmar International Plastics, Printing & Packaging Industry Exhibition once a year Yangon (Myanmar (Burma)) Yangon Convention Center (YCC) 12/16/2025
4 days
MYANMAR PRINTMyanmar International Printing & Packaging Industrial Exhibition once a year Yangon (Myanmar (Burma)) Yangon Convention Center (YCC) 12/16/2025
4 days
ARTS - INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED RAIL TRANSIT TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITIONShanghai International Advanced Rail Transit Technology Exhibition. The expo includes: vehicles & parts, rail transit vehicle interiors, rail security technology & equipment, rail transportation power & new energy, communication, signals, tunnel... once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 12/17/2025
3 days
CIBE - CHINA INTERNATIONAL BUS EXPOShanghai International Bus Exhibition. VIBE attracts 400+ exhibitors in the sectors of vehicles, bus components, charging facilities and intelligent transport systems once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 12/17/2025
3 days
INDIA FOOD PACK EXPOThe India Food Pack Expo will bring about new technology and easy sourcing opportunities for Indian food manufacturers to make cost effective and quality packaging solutions for their existing and NPD (New product development) once a year ? (India) Jan. 2026 (?)
INDIA INTERNATIONAL DAIRY EXPOIndia Dairy Processing Expo is a dedicated trade show for dairy processing, packaging, distribution, and products once a year ? (India) Jan. 2026 (?)
INDONESIA RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Ayana Midplaza Jakarta Jan. 2026 (?)
INFEX - GENERAL EXHIBITION OF FOOD INDUSTRIESSpecialized Exhibition of Food Industries (Processing, Packaging, Products) once a year Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground Jan. 2026 (?)
IWEX IRANIWEX is an International Waste Management, Recycling, Machinery, and Related Industries Exhibition in Iran/Tehran every 2 years Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Jan. 2026 (?)
MAURITIUS MARITIME WEEKMauritius Maritime Week is the biggest maritime transport event taking place in the Indian Ocean Region of Mauritius once a year Balaclava (Mauritius) The Ravenala Attitude Jan. 2026 (?)
NATIONAL EXPOIndia's International Industry Fair. - Plants, Equipments and Technology for Steel Plants, Sponge Iron Plants, Rolling Mills, Power Plants and Heavy Industries
- Electrical & Electronics Pavilion
- Packaging Machinery
once a year Raipur (India) Shriram Business Park Jan. 2026 (?)
NEPAL AGRITECH INTERNATIONAL EXPONepal's Largest Exhibition on Agriculture, Farm Machinery, Dairy, Poultry, Livestock, Food, Beverages, Aqua Fisheries & Technologies once a year Bharatpur (Nepal) (Nepal) Chitwan Expo Center Jan. 2026 (?)
IRAN RETAIL SHOWThe Iran Retail Show is an international event in the field of the Retail industry in Iran. The objective is to provide the participants and exhibitors with information on the latest developments in Iran’s Retail Industry once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground 01/02/2026
4 days
INDUSFOOD MANUFACTURINGIndia's most extensive Food Processing Technology Trade Show, showcasing cutting-edge solutions across four sector-specific exhibitions: Food Processing Technology, Packaging Technology, Food Ingredients, and Hospitality Equipment once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre 01/06/2026
3 days
GAPEXPOInternational Garment Accessories & Packaging Expo. Showcasing Products, Machinery & Raw Materials once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara 01/14/2026
4 days
GREEN FACTORY EXPO JAPAN - TOKYOGreen Factory Expo is about all kinds of technologies & solutions for green factories such as renewable energy technologies, energy-saving solutions, and resource circulation technologies, etc. once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 01/21/2026
3 days
MOBILE SOLUTIONS EXPO (MOBIX OSAKA)International Mobile Solutions Trade Expo. Mobile Solutions Expo (MOBIX Osaka) showcases GPS services, Smartphones, Mobiles, Terminals, TabletPCs, Handy Terminals, Peripheral Devices, Mobile Software, Middleware, Mobile Applications Development once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 01/21/2026
3 days
SMART LOGISTICS EXPO - TOKYOJapanese Exhibition gathering solutions and innovative technologies for logistics, gathering IoT, AI, and Robots for Logistics Innovation once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 01/21/2026
3 days
CONVERTECH JAPANInternational Exhibition and Conference for Converting and Advanced Printing Machinery once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 01/28/2026
3 days
BAPA FOODPRO BANGLADESHInternational Exhibition of food products and beverages, food processing machinery, food packaging machinery and related technology once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara Feb. 2026 (?)
CSF - ASIA VENDING & SMART RETAIL EXPOGuangzhou International Self-service Vending System and Facilities Expo Fair once a year Guangzhou (China) Poly World Trade Expo Center Feb. 2026 (?)
FOOD PACK ASIAFood Processing and Packaging Industry International Exhibition. FOOD PACK ASIA features Food Processing & Drink Technologies, Packaging Technology, Confectionery machinery & Bakery Equipment, Hotel & Restaurant Equipment, Food & Beverage once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Feb. 2026 (?)
IFOOD EXPO - SHIRAZInternational Food and Food Processing Industry exhibition. iFood Expo Shiraz features Diary Products, food & beverages machinery and packaging once a year Shiraz (Iran) Fars International Permanent Fairground Feb. 2026 (?)
INDORE FOOD EXPOIndore (India) International Food Expo. Ready to Cook. Ready to Eat Food. Food Processing Machinery. Food Processing Technology once a year Indore (India) Urban haat, Indore Feb. 2026 (?)
INTELLI SUPPLY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONIntelliSupply covers everything from intralogistics and freight forwarding on import/export and fleet transportation solutions. Source for the latest in supply chain innovations and trends once a year Johor Bahru (Malaysia) Persada Johor International Convention Center Feb. 2026 (?)
IPF BANGLADESHBangladesh International Plastics, Printing & Packaging Industry Fair once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara Feb. 2026 (?)
IRAN INTFOODEXIran INTFOODEX is an International Exhibition of Dried Fruits, Medical Plants, Saffron, Technology, Industries, and Related Services in Iran/Tehran once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Feb. 2026 (?)
KISAN AGRI SHOW - HYDERABADKISAN Agri Show is envisioned to bring the agri industry, professionals, policy makers and farmers on a common platform. They will come together to have a dialogue with each other and explore new advances in the sector once a year Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) Feb. 2026 (?)
NAGPUR FOOD EXPO - NEWNagpur (India) International Food Expo. Ready to Cook. Ready to Eat Food. Food Processing Machinery. Food Processing Technology once a year Nagpur (India) Reshimbagh Ground Feb. 2026 (?)
NEPAL FOOD & BEVERAGE INTERNATIONAL EXPONepal Food & Beverages Expo. Food Equipment Industry. A large, professional audience of retailers, wholesalers, dedicated importers, and many more food & drink players once a year Kathmandu (Nepal) Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall Feb. 2026 (?)
NEPAL FOOD & BEVERAGESNepal Food & Beverages international Expo once a year Kathmandu (Nepal) Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall Feb. 2026 (?)
RFID INDIA EXPOInternational Conference and Exhibition of RFID Technologies and Applications once a year ? (India) Feb. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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