HOLIDAY & SPA EXPOTourism exhibition HOLIDAY & SPA EXPO is the premier event of the Tourism Industry in Bulgaria which gathers leading local and foreign companies every year |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
03/09/2025 3 days |
ARCHITECTURE BUILDING WEEKInternational business exhibition for energy efficient, ecological and functional construction |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
03/26/2025 4 days |
BULGARIA BUILDING WEEKInternational exhibition for energy efficient, ecological and functional construction. Construction equipment and machinery, Basic construction, External building activities, Interior materials and technologies, Vertical planning and landscape design... |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
03/26/2025 4 days |
FLOWER SPRINGSpecialized Exhibition of Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Garden Equipment and Supplies |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
03/26/2025 5 days |
NATURE, HUNTING, FISHING, TOURISM-SPORTNature, Hunting, Fishing, Tourism & Sport International Exhibition |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
03/26/2025 5 days |
ITALIAN FESTIVAL OF BEAUTY AND HAIR-STYLEInternational Exhibition of Hairdressing, Beauty, Make-up, Perfumery and Fashion |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
03/28/2025 3 days |
TF-FESTBulgarian International Exhibition of Training Companies. A bridge Between School and Business |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
04/23/2025 3 days |
ARENA OF BEAUTYNational hairdressing, cosmetics, manicure, pedicure, SPA & Wellness exhibition |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
04/25/2025 3 days |
DIGITALKICT forum gathering of 900+ startup founders, investors, entrepreneurs and business leaders... |
once a year |
Paradise Center
May 2025 (?) |
ACCESS MBA - SOFIAACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
twice a year |
InterContinental, Sofia
05/10/2025 1 day |
ACCESS MASTERS - SOFIAAccess Masters events introduce you to admissions representatives of top Masters programmes from around the world. Find out more about graduate studies in Business, Management, Marketing, Finance... during personalised meetings and small group talks |
once a year |
InterContinental, Sofia
05/11/2025 1 day |
BATA AGROBATA AGRO is the largest forum in Bulgaria for the presentation of agricultural machinery and everything for agriculture |
once a year |
Stara Zagora
Stara Zagora Airport
05/12/2025 5 days |
BULDENTALInternational Exhibition for Dental Equipment, Technician, Materials, Consumables in Bulgaria |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
05/28/2025 3 days |
BULMEDICAInternational Exhibition for Medicine Equipment, Technician, Materials, Consumables in Bulgaria |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
05/28/2025 3 days |
DERMA & AESTHETICSInternational exhibition for dermatological and aesthetic medicine in Bulgaria |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
05/28/2025 3 days |
AUTOMOTIVE EXPO SOFIABusiness exhibiition for auto parts, service equipment, accessories and consumables |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
June 2025 (?) |
TRUCK EXPOInternational Exhibition of Commercial Vehicles. TRUCK EXPO is the largest exhibition in Bulgaria for heavy and light cargo trucks, buses and specialized vehicles |
every 2 years |
International Fair Plovdiv
June 2025 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCES SGEMForum combining all fields of Geosciences. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM attracts educators and practitioners representing research & educational institutions, companies, government agencies and consulting organizations |
once a year |
Albena Resort & SPA
06/28/2025 10 days |
ANIVENTURE COMIC CONFestival for Cosplay, Gaming Comic Books and TV Series in Sofia (Bulgaria) |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
07/05/2025 2 days |
INFOTECH, PC WORLD – BULGARIAInternational Exhibition of Information Technologies. Specialized Software Exhibition |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Sept. 2025 (?) |
MACHINE BUILDING PLOVDIVInternational Exhibition of Machine Building |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SMART POULTRY WORLDSmart Poultry World is a forum that combines an exhibition floor and lectures by leading professionals in the field, and focuses on innovations in the Poultry industry |
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
TEXTAILOR EXPOInternational trade fair specializing in textile equipment and products. TexTailor Expo is a representative forum for the Balkan textile, leather and fashion industries, representing them globally and supporting their growth and innovation |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
09/23/2025 5 days |
INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL FAIRThe International Technical Fair is a best established industry exhibition of Southeast Europe. It presents the most promising trends in modern economy with expositions of innovative technologies, machinery and solutions for the industry and for the home |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
09/24/2025 4 days |
MACHTECH & INNOTECHInternatational Specialised Exhibition on Machines, Technologies & Industrial Equipment |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
09/30/2025 4 days |
COPI'SB2b exhibition for printing and advertising industry in Bulgaria |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
Oct. 2025 (?) |
MEDICUS, DENTO, GALIENAInternational Exhibition of Medicine, Dentistry And Pharmaceutics |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Oct. 2025 (?) |
TECHNOMEBELTrade fair for materials, accessories, machines and equipment for the woodworking and furniture industry |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
10/21/2025 4 days |
BULPEKInternational Specialized Exhibition for Bread and Confectionery Production |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/12/2025 4 days |
INTERFOOD & DRINK BULGARIABulgarian International Food & Drink Exhibition. Food and Drinks, Organic Products, Additives, Machines and Technologies |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/12/2025 4 days |
MEATMANIABulgarian International Meat and Meat Products Exhibition. As part of INTERFOOD & DRINK |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/12/2025 4 days |
SALON DU VINBulgarian International Wine and Spirits Fair. As part of INTERFOOD & DRINK |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/12/2025 4 days |
THE WORLD OF MILKInternational exhibition for milk and dairy products. In parallel with Meatmania, Dairy Expo Sofia, Bulpek and Interfood & Drink |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/12/2025 4 days |
BEGE EXPOExpo devoted to Equipment and services in the field of Entertainment Business and Leisure Industry |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/26/2025 2 days |
EASTERN EUROPEAN GAMING SUMMIT (EEGS)International conference on online gaming. Held alongside the Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE), the Eastern European Gaming Summit brings together experts from gaming industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Balkans |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
11/26/2025 2 days |
BALKANICA WEDDING & HONEYMOON EXPOWedding Expo in Sofia. BALKANICA WEDDING & HONEYMOON EXPO, the biggest wedding fair in Bulgaria is addressed to all couples who are going to have a wedding, but also to the professionals in the wedding industry |
once a year |
Sofia Hotel Balkan
Jan. 2026 (?) |
AGRAInternational Agricultural Exhibition. The exhibition covers all aspects and sectors of agriculture: science, practical work, technologies, equipment, products, innovations, and services |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Feb. 2026 (?) |
FOODTECH PLOVDIVInternational Exhibition of Food Products and Technologies |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Feb. 2026 (?) |
SIHREInternational Hotel & Restaurant Equipment Exhibition |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
Feb. 2026 (?) |
VINARIAInternational Exhibition of Vine-Growing and Vine-Producing |
once a year |
International Fair Plovdiv
Feb. 2026 (?) |
WINE & SPIRITS SHOWBulgarian Wine and Spirits Fair, aimed at bringing together producers and traders of wines, craft beers and spirits with distributors, restaurateurs, hoteliers, bartenders and other professionals |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
Feb. 2026 (?) |
WORLD OF FURNITUREInternational Exhibition for Furniture, Interior Textile and Home Accessories |
once a year |
Inter Expo Center
Feb. 2026 (?) |
HEMUSInternational Defense Equipment Exhibition |
every 2 years |
International Fair Plovdiv
06/03/2026 4 days |
MOTOR SHOW SOFIAInternational Specialized Exhibition for Automobiles, Spare Parts and Auto Cosmetics |
every 2 years |
Inter Expo Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |