AQUA-THERM NITRAInternational Trade Fair for Heating Technology, Air Conditioning, Sanitary, Environmental Protection Technology, Measurement and Regulation |
every 2 years |
Agrokomplex Nitra
02/04/2025 4 days |
MOTORCYCLESInternational Exhibition of Motorcycles and Accessories |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
03/13/2025 4 days |
AUTOSALON BRATISLAVAInternational Motor Show Bratislava |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
April 2025 |
CONECO - RACIOENERGIAInternational Construction Fair and International Fair of Rationalisation of Energy |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
04/02/2025 4 days |
FURNITURE AND LIVINGInternational Furniture and Household Accessories Fair |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
04/23/2025 5 days |
GARDENIA NITRAInternational Sale Exhibition for Gardening, Hobby-Gardeners, Bonsai and Friends of Flowers |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
04/23/2025 5 days |
PROFESIA DAYS - BRATISLAVAJob and career opportunities fair in Slovakia. It is built on open communication and interaction between visitors, employers and experts from various fields |
once a year |
Nivy centrum
04/23/2025 2 days |
EUROWELDINGInternational Exhibition for Welding and Welding Technologies |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
05/20/2025 4 days |
INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING FAIRInternational Engineering Fair of Machinery, Tools, Equipment and Technologies |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
05/20/2025 4 days |
BRATISLAVA COLLECTORS DAYSBratislava International Collectors Fair. Coins, banknotes, medals, old papers, postage stamps, postcards, antiques, minerals & semi-precious stones, phone cards, badges, historical jewelry, toys, old books, vinyl records... |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
06/06/2025 2 days |
ANGLING INTERNATIONAL LIVEAngling International LIVE is the trade show that brings together tackle businesses from 30+ European nations plus suppliers and buyers from China, Japan, India, North Africa, Australia, the USA and Canada |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
06/26/2025 3 days |
AGROKOMPLEXInternational Agricultural and Food Exhibition in Slovakia |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
Aug. 2025 (?) |
FISHING AND HUNTING, BEEKEEPINGFishing, Hunting & Beekeeping Expo |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
Aug. 2025 (?) |
PROFESIA DAYS - ŽILINAJob and career opportunities fair in Slovakia. It is built on open communication and interaction between visitors, employers and experts from various fields |
once a year |
Holiday Inn, Zilina
Sept. 2025 (?) |
GAUDEAMUS NITRAExhibition dedicated to European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Regional exhibition for students from central Slovakia. Presentation of Schools from all over Slovakia and the Czech Republic |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
09/23/2025 2 days |
GAUDEAMUS BRATISLAVAExhibition dedicated to European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Schools from both Slovakia and Czechia |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Oct. 2025 (?) |
MODDOMMODDOM, international fair of furniture in Bratislava, offers a selection of furniture, accessories and plenty of novelties and innovations from interior design |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Oct. 2025 (?) |
PROFESIA DAYS - KOŠICEJob and career opportunities fair in Slovakia. It is built on open communication and interaction between visitors, employers and experts from various fields |
once a year |
Spolocenský Pavilón
Oct. 2025 (?) |
AUTOSALON NITRAInternational Exhibition for Passengers and Commercial Vehicles and Accessories |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
10/09/2025 4 days |
BIBLIOTÉKA PEDAGOGIKABiblioteka: Bratislava international book fai. Pedagogika: Bratislava exhibition of education and didactic technique |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
BIOSTYLEInternational Trade Fair of Healthy Nutrition and Ecology |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
BOOK FAIR - BIBLIOTEKA PEDAGOGYInternational Book Fair in Bratislava. Find a book that will match your taste, meet your favorite author, take part in ceremonial book launches and listen to interesting lectures and discussions about literature production |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
CHRISTMAS DAYS BRATISLAVAConsumer Goods Fair. Organized by Incheba Expo Bratislava, this fair is a popular event during the pre-Christmas season, attracting visitors in search of Christmas gifts and decorations... |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
ESOTERIKAExpo dedicated to Healthy food, spiritual development, alternative treatments, energy flows, fortune telling... |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
INTERBEAUTYInternational Exhibition of Cosmetic Products and Services. A meeting place for top professionals who present their skills in exhibition performances and competitions |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
MINERALS BRATISLAVAInternational Show for Minerals, Fossils, Precious Stones and Jewelry. MINERALS BRATISLAVA make you discovering a variety of minerals, precious stones and fossils |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
GAUDEAMUS KOSICEExhibition dedicated to European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Schools from both Slovakia and Czechia |
once a year |
Congress Hotel Centrum, Kosice
11/04/2025 2 days |
INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF EXOTIC ANIMALSInternational Fair of Exotic Animals |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
Dec. 2025 (?) |
DANUBIUS GASTROInternational Fair for Gastronomy in Slovakia. The international fair of gastronomy is a place to be for all lovers of delicious food, coffee, wine and drinks |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Jan. 2026 (?) |
ITF SLOVAKIATOURThe fair of travel and tourism ITF SLOVAKIATOUR offers a full service for exploring Slovakia and abroad. The opportunity to compare the offer of travel agencies. Representation of individual countries, regions, cities and resorts |
once a year |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Jan. 2026 (?) |
NITRA DOG EXPOThe NITRADOG Pribina Cup show is a prestigious international event for all enthusiasts of four-legged friends. An unrepeatable experienc for all who are interested in the beauty, elegance and grace of different breeds of dogs from around the world |
once a year |
Agrokomplex Nitra
Jan. 2026 (?) |
IDEBInternational Defense Exhibition. As an unique platform for the presentation of products and services for the defence, security and rescue forces, IDEB presents innovations and modern defence approaches |
every 2 years |
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
May 2026 (?) |
AGROSALON NITRASlovak International Agricultural and Food Fair + Farm Animal Exhibition |
every 2 years |
Agrokomplex Nitra
Aug. 2026 (?) |