
Trade Shows in Lithuania
2025 - 2026


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Kaunas(3) Ozurgueti(1) Vilnius(22)
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26 Trade Shows in Lithuania
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BALTIC INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT TOUR - LITHUANIA - VILNIUSThe biggest Baltic State specialised public fair for International Education is taking place in three capitals – Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn once a year Vilnius Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva 03/02/2025
1 day
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT BALTICSGain crucial insights into the growing and evolving solar energy market. You'll also be able to strengthen your network by meeting the major market players once a year Vilnius Vaidilos Theater 03/20/2025
1 day
BEAUTY EXPOBEAUTY EXPO is the place where beauty industry professionals meet to present beauty news, trends, and discoveries once a year Kaunas Zalgirio Arena 03/21/2025
3 days
HELSO ELECTRICITYThe International Electrotechnical Exhibition “Helso Electricity brings together the Lithuanian electrotechnical community. Building engineering, power grid maintenance, telecommunications, installation, renewable energy... once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 03/21/2025
1 day
SVEIKATOS DIENOS - WELLNESS DAYSThe aim of the exhibition is to connect a wide variety of subjects within the theme of wellness, including physical, occupational, emotional, social and environmental wellness once a year Kaunas Zalgirio Arena 03/21/2025
3 days
STUDIESProfessional Education, Continuous Teaching of Adults, Informational Technologies in Educational System once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 03/27/2025
2 days
HOME WORLDTrade show dedicated to construction, interior, furniture and real estate industries once a year Kaunas Zalgirio Arena 04/11/2025
3 days
PELENÉOne of the largest international exhibition of the beauty industry in the Baltic States. PELENĖ is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the latest products, services, and beauty trends once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 04/11/2025
3 days
RESTARESTA is the largest international construction and housing solutions exhibition in the Baltic States. A key annual gathering point for professionals in the construction and interior design industries, as well as for anyone planning construction projects once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 04/24/2025
3 days
PLANT FAIR - AS SODINUVilnius Plant Lovers Expo. Fruit Trees, Berry Bushes, Ornamental Trees and Bushes, Perennial and annual Flowers... once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 04/27/2025
1 day
BALTTECHNIKAInternational Exhibition of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Equipment, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Measuring and Control Devices and Ecology every 2 years Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 05/14/2025
3 days
MOTIVATED @ WORKConference for leaders of various levels and teams, HR specialists, and anyone aspiring to improve. Various topics will be discussed related to motivation and career once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 05/14/2025
1 day
BALTIC SEA PORTS & LOGISTICSBaltic Sea Ports & Shipping International Expo every 2 years Ozurgueti Paragraph Resort & Spa, Shekvetili 05/20/2025
3 days
COMIC CON BALTICSUnder one roof you’ll meet actors and creators from the big screen, modern and comics artists, stuntmen, crazy costume creators, mind-blowing photo booths, props, the newest computer games and trendy board games once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 05/23/2025
3 days
ECOMEXPOEcomexpo is the largest international event for e-commerce professionals in the Baltic States. The entire e-commerce community gathers under one roof to gain practical knowledge, exchange useful contacts and make new business connections once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Sept. 2025 (?)
VYNO DIENOSThe largest Wine Exhibition in the Baltics. The mission VYNO DIENOS is to unite the community of wine lovers, professionals and producers, together - to develop wine and other drinks culture in Lithuania once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 09/09/2025
2 days
TRANSBALTICAInternational Conference dedicated to Transportation Science and Technology every 2 years Vilnius Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 09/18/2025
2 days
ART VILNIUSVilnius Contemporary Art Fair. Each year, Art Vilnius wishes to highlight a particular theme once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 10/03/2025
3 days
BALTIC DAYS OF DENTISTRYBALTIC DAYS OF DENTISTRY is the largest international Dentistry exhibition and conference in the Baltic States, showcasing the latest innovations, advancements, and trends in the field of dentistry every 2 years Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 10/17/2025
2 days
STAY HEALTHYSTAY HEALTHY is the premier event for health, sports, and lifestyle enthusiasts, and for anyone eager to learn and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Health Forum, Well–being Fair, Training Area... once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 10/17/2025
2 days
GAMEONGAMEON is the largest video game exhibition in the Baltics. It combines the biggest Baltic B2C games expo, a conference, and high-quality B2B events for entertainment industries of the future once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 10/24/2025
3 days
TURIME TAU DARBA!"Turime Tau darba!" (We have a job for you!) is the first job fair in Lithuania for employees and employers from all business industries! once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 11/08/2025
1 day
EROSOne of the largest and most Exciting Erotic Festival in the Baltic States. Unforgettable performances by professional dancers, exhibition of the the latest erotic products, seminars, and consultations on sexuality... once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 11/21/2025
2 days
ADVENTURInternational tourism, leisure and sports exhibition. ADVENTUR is the only international tourism, travel and active leisure exhibition in Lithuania promoting tourism services and active lifestyle once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Jan. 2026 (?)
VILNIUS BOOK FAIRThe Vilnius Book Fair is the largest book fair in the Baltic countries, one of the brightest cultural events in Lithuania once a year Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Feb. 2026 (?)
TASTE VILNIUS HORECAInternational Exhibition of Shop, Hotel and Restaurant Requisites, Groceries and Provisions every 2 years Vilnius Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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