
Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting
Trade Shows in Austria
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Austria


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19 Trade Shows in Austria related to Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BELÉTAGEInternational Exhibition for Fabrics & Design. Belétage Home features Textiles Object Textiles, Design & Sunblinds, Decorative & Furniture Fabrics, Upholstery Fabrics, Leather, Curtains & Accessories, Household Textiles, Wallpaper & Wall Coverings every 2 years Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) 01/29/2025
2 days
WIKAMLower Austria International Art and Antiques Fair. Paintings from the 17th century to the present day, Asian art, Art Deco furniture, exhibitions of silverware from renowned manufacturers, Gothic sculptures... once a year Vienna Schloss Laxenburg 03/08/2025
9 days
WIKAM PALAIS FESTELWIKAM is one of Austria's most important art fairs and an internationally renowned platform for private collectors, museum experts, curators and art-loving visitors from home and abroad once a year Vienna Palais Ferstel 03/08/2025
9 days
WOHNEN & INTERIEUR-MESSEAustria’s largest Fair for Dream Interiors, Design Lifestyle, Accessories and Garden together with Orientierung: Austria's Trade Fair for Interior Furnishings, Kitchen, Upholstery and Mattresses once a year Vienna Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre) 03/12/2025
5 days
HANDWERKAustrian trade fair for wood, metal, tools and paint. Equipment, tools, supplies. Leading craft fair in Austria once a year Wels Messe Wels 03/19/2025
3 days
SCHAU!Exhibition dedicated to garden, living, leisure, enjoyment and mobility once a year Dornbirn Dornbirner Messe 04/03/2025
4 days
FRÜHJAHRSMESSEGraz Spring Fair. Amusement park, music scene, fashion and lifestyle, street food and gastronomy, home and gardening, camping and outdoor leisure, sports... once a year Graz Stadthalle Graz 04/30/2025
5 days
TULLNER FLOHMARKTTulln Flea Market. For lovers of typical and vintage objects, looking for curiosities, decorative objects, gifts... twice a year Tulln Messe Tulln 05/01/2025
1 day
CREATIV SALZBURGInternational Trade Fair for Gift Ideas and Lifestyle once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) 08/29/2025
3 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - AUSTRIAExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Graz 09/03/2025
2 days
HERBST MESSEExhibition dedicated to Living & Furnishing, House & Crafts, Household & Kitchen, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Lifestyle, Gastronomy & Enjoyment, Family & Information... once a year Dornbirn Dornbirner Messe 09/03/2025
5 days
DIE NEUE HERBSTMESSEConstruction & Energy. Fashion and lifestyle. Furniture, interior design. Wellness. Gastronomy... once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe 09/10/2025
5 days
HERBSTMESSE KLAGENFURTWith over 500 participating companies, the Autumn Fair is the largest shopping center in the South of Austria once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe 09/10/2025
5 days
FAIR FOR ART VIENNAFAIR FOR ART Vienna is dedicated to modern and contemporary art and is a meeting place for established artists as well as emerging talents of the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition, works of fine art from the 18th and 19th centuries once a year Vienna Aula der Wissenschaften 09/27/2025
9 days
GUSTAVAustrian designers, creators and craftsmen fair. Decoration, interior textiles, kitchen and bathroom design, fashion, jewelry... once a year Dornbirn Dornbirner Messe 10/17/2025
3 days
BELÉTAGE SALZBURGExhibition for Fabrics & Design. The event offers a variety of products and assortments in the field of fabrics as well as privacy and sun protection once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) Jan. 2026 (?)
CASAInternational Trade Fair for Creative Interior Design, Furnishing and Lifestyle Products every 2 years Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) Jan. 2026 (?)
HAUSBAU + ENERGIESPAREN TULLNBuilding & Energy Efficiency Show in eastern Austria. 320 specialist exhibitors present the complete range from all areas of private house building: building & conversion, living & furnishing, energy saving & heating technology once a year Tulln Messe Tulln 01/16/2026
3 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN SALZBURGInternational Trade Fair for Building, Interior Design and Energy Saving once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) 02/05/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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