
Heating - Air Conditioning
Trade Shows in Austria
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Austria


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5 Trade Shows in Austria related to Heating - Air Conditioning
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
WORLD SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DAYSWorld Sustainable Energy Days, aiming no more fossil fuels. European Pellet Conference, Energy Efficiency Conference, Industrial Energy Transition, Smart E-Mobility... once a year Wels Messe Wels 03/04/2025
4 days
WEBUILD ENERGIESPARMESSE WELSWEBUILD combines technologies and solutions for energy-efficient construction and living, comfortable and environmentally friendly heating and energy technologies. Advanced bathroom and sanitary solutions once a year Wels Messe Wels 03/05/2025
5 days
HAUSBAU + ENERGIESPAREN TULLNBuilding & Energy Efficiency Show in eastern Austria. 320 specialist exhibitors present the complete range from all areas of private house building: building & conversion, living & furnishing, energy saving & heating technology once a year Tulln Messe Tulln 01/16/2026
3 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN SALZBURGInternational Trade Fair for Building, Interior Design and Energy Saving once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) 02/05/2026
4 days
HÄUSLBAUERMESSE KLAGENFURTBuilding, Renovation & Energy Savings Trade Show once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe 02/20/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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