
Tourism - Travel
Trade Shows in Austria
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Austria


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15 Trade Shows in Austria related to Tourism - Travel
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BOOT TULLNBOOT TULLN is the largest boating and water sports trade fair in Austria and the CEE countries. Motor boats, sailboats, luxury yachts, electric boats, canoes & kayaks, tourism, boating holidays, fun sports and diving, accessories... once a year Tulln Messe Tulln 03/06/2025
4 days
SCHAU!Exhibition dedicated to garden, living, leisure, enjoyment and mobility once a year Dornbirn Dornbirner Messe 04/03/2025
4 days
BLÜHENDES ÖSTERREICHAustrian Garden, Holiday and Excursion Fair. The great Austrian fair for garden lovers and travel enthusiasts once a year Wels Messe Wels 04/04/2025
3 days
FREIZEIT MESSE + VERGNÜGUNGSPARKSpring Fair for Travel, Sports, Fashion and Garden. Find out about various holiday and excursion destinations, or get tips for leisure activities in your own garden once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe 04/04/2025
3 days
URLAUB & AUSFLUGUpper Austria's most popular leisure fair. The “URLAUB & AUSFLUG” trade fair lets you discover the best travel and excursion destinations once a year Wels Messe Wels 04/04/2025
3 days
FRÜHJAHRSMESSEGraz Spring Fair. Amusement park, music scene, fashion and lifestyle, street food and gastronomy, home and gardening, camping and outdoor leisure, sports... once a year Graz Stadthalle Graz 04/30/2025
5 days
ADVENTURE ALLRAD AUSTRIAADVENTURE ALLRAD AUSTRIA is probably the largest off-road fair in Austria. From small to large off-road vehicles, roof tents, cabins for pickups, mobile energy technology, tips and tricks for DIY, off-road accessories to outdoor clothing and gadgets... once a year Tulln Messe Tulln 05/23/2025
3 days
CREATIV SALZBURGInternational Trade Fair for Gift Ideas and Lifestyle once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) 08/29/2025
3 days
TREFFPUNKT JAGDThe annual meeting for all hunters and hunting enthusiasts in Austria once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe Sept. 2025
HERBST MESSEExhibition dedicated to Living & Furnishing, House & Crafts, Household & Kitchen, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Lifestyle, Gastronomy & Enjoyment, Family & Information... once a year Dornbirn Dornbirner Messe 09/03/2025
5 days
LEBENSLUSTFair for Senior Citizens. LEBENSLUST meets the requirements of senior citizens in the themes Taste & Garden, Consulting & Knowledge, Living & Security, Fashion & Style, Health & Beauty, Mobility and Travel, Sports & Culture once a year Vienna Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre) 10/01/2025
3 days
CARAVAN SALON AUSTRIAAustrian Camping and Caravanning Fair. Technology, accessories and outdoor activities. Camping furniture, water treatment, equipment, tools, clothing and everything that makes camping so enjoyable once a year Wels Messe Wels 10/15/2025
5 days
FAMILIENMESSE + FRAUENMESSETrade fair for the whole family. Exhibition sections dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, fitness and vitality, practical information and tips for your everyday life and its challenges once a year Klagenfurt Klagenfurter Messe 11/14/2025
3 days
FERIEN-MESSE WIENPlenty of New Ideas on how to Lead a Healthy Life, on Spa Hotels and Saunas, and on how to organize your Leisure Time once a year Vienna Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre) Jan. 2026 (?)
DIE HOHE JAGD & FISCHEREI & OFFROADFor decades now, Hohe Jagd & Fischerei has been one of the most established and largest trade fairs for hunting, fishing, adventure, nature and off-road activities in the Alps-Adriatic-Danube region once a year Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) Feb. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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