
Broadcasting, Television & Entertainment
Trade Shows in Italy
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Italy


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32 Trade Shows in Italy related to Broadcasting, Television & Entertainment
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
CARNEVALE DI VENEZIAThe Venice Carnival is a traditional Italian festival dating back to the Middle Ages. Universally known for his costumes and masks, he attracts considerable crowds once a year Venice 02/14/2025
19 days
ARMI&BAGAGLIInternational Re-enactors Market. An appointment must for anyone working in the field of Living History once a year Piacenza Piacenza Expo 03/22/2025
2 days
FIERA DI SANT' ALDEBRANDOFair of Sant'Aldebrando. It is held in Corso Garibaldi, the commercial and social heart of the city, in the typical atmosphere of village festivals. Crafts, wines and typical foods, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi April 2025
ROMICSRomics is an international exhibition on comics, animation, video games, cinema and entertainment twice a year Rome Fiera di Roma 04/03/2025
4 days
PLAYModena International Games Festival once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 04/04/2025
3 days
TORINO COMICSComics, Cosplay & Video Game Exhibition once a year Torino Lingotto Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
FIERE DEL FUMETO - COMICS & GAMES - ANCONAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Ancona Mole Vanvitelliana 04/12/2025
2 days
FIERA DI MODENAModena Fair. In addition to cultural and sporting shows and entertainments, the following categories of merchandise will be present: home, food, crafts, clothing, automotive, gardening equipment, electronics, books... once a year Modena Modena Fiere 04/23/2025
5 days
FIERA DI SAN CIRIACOAncona Trade Fair. Craft market, local food and products, many activities... once a year Ancona May 2025 (?)
VENEZIA COMICSVenice Festival dedicated to comics, manga, games, video games and animation once a year Venice Forte Marghera 05/03/2025
2 days
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - MILANOEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... twice a year Busto Arsizio Malpensa Fiere 05/10/2025
2 days
LA FIERA CAMPIONARIAInternational Trade Far of Padua. Trends for the home, must-have products for shopping, gastronomy from around the world... many hours of entertainment and pleasure once a year Padua PadovaFiere 05/10/2025
9 days
NAONISCONItalian exhibition of card games, role-playing games, game tournaments, comics... once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 05/18/2025
1 day
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - TEATROInternational Festival of Theatre. The programme will feature daily events with the most important protagonists ot the contemporary theatrical scene, along with the productions made in the context of the Biennale College Teatro once a year Venice Arsenale di Venezia 05/31/2025
16 days
CESENA IN FESTA !Cesena Fair. Shopping, shows, exhibitions, guided tours, typical land and sea menus and ethnic cuisine... once a year Cesena Cesena Fiera June 2025 (?)
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - DANZAInternational Festival of Contemporary Dance. The programme will feature daily events with soloists and international companies as well as the activities of the Biennale College Danza once a year Venice Arsenale di Venezia 07/17/2025
17 days
MOSTRA DI VENEZIAVenice International Film Festival. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote international cinema in all its forms as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue once a year Venice Lido di Venezia 08/27/2025
11 days
FIERA DI SAN MATTEOThe traditional Fiera di San Matteo is dear to the inhabitants of the Metauro Valley and the opportunity for tourists to discover the wealth of places of art, culture and the charm of the surroundings of Fossombrone. Trade fair, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi Sept. 2025 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MICHELESan Michele de Santarcangelo Fair, known as “fiera degli uccelli”. With a centuries-old tradition, this fall event offers regional products, crafts and foods, a street market, festive and cultural entertainment... once a year Santarcangelo di Romagna Piazza Ganganelli Sept. 2025 (?)
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - VICENZAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza Sept. 2025 (?)
I PRIMI D'ITALIAI Primi d'Italia is four days dedicated to continuous tastings, cooking classes, demonstrations by great chefs, quality food production, moments of entertainment... once a year Foligno Piazza della Repubblica, Foligno 09/25/2025
4 days
AMERICAN DREAMAmerican Lifestyle Expo. There is a stainless myth that resists the passage of time: the American Dream, with all its variations in clothing, collecting, food and the most curious vehicles once a year Padua PadovaFiere Oct. 2025 (?)
TUTTINFIERAHobby and leisure time fair. A continuous and varied show, dedicated to an audience of enthusiasts of all ages. The opportunity to have fun while buying handcrafted products, souvenirs, rarities and unique pieces often impossible to find elsewhere... once a year Padua PadovaFiere Oct. 2025 (?)
LUCCA COMICS & GAMESEvent dedicated to Strip Cartoons and Role-Playing and Simulation once a year Lucca Lucca Fiere 10/29/2025
5 days
FIERA DI SAN MARTINOSantarcangelo di Romagna Fair also known as ‘Fiera dei becchi’. With a centuries-old tradition, this fall event offers regional products, crafts and foods, a street market, festive and cultural entertainment... once a year Santarcangelo di Romagna Piazza Ganganelli Nov. 2025 (?)
GAMES&COThe gaming, comics, entertainment, fantasy and cosplay fair in Pordenone once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 11/22/2025
2 days
MILAN GAMES WEEKMilan Games Week, the most important consumer show in Italy dedicated to the world of videogames, Cartoomics, role-playing, board games, pop culture... once a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 11/28/2025
3 days
COUNTRY CHRISTMASCountry Christmas is for lovers of country music and dance and outdoor living. Country dancing with stages, demonstrations, catering, entertainment for the whole family... once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 12/06/2025
3 days
EXTRACONExtracon is the show for comics, gaming and pop culture. Take part in activities in the games and video game areas, buy comics and gadgets, attend live shows, meet designers and distinguished guests once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere Jan. 2026 (?)
DANZAINFIERAFlorence Dance Festival, aimed at professionals and passionate amateurs alike once a year Florence Fortezza da Basso Feb. 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL DE SANREMO - FESTIVAL DELLA CANZONE ITALIANAThe "Festival di Sanremo", is a very popular festival of Italian songs, created in 1951. Many songs presented during the festival have become international hits once a year Sanremo Teatro Ariston Feb. 2026 (?)
TERRA MADRE - SALONE DEL GUSTOItalian festival of the relationship with nature and gastronomy. Agricultural markets. events in schools, book presentations and debates, film screenings... every 2 years Torino Parco Dora Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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