Exhibition Name | Cycle | Venue | Date |
H2O - ACCADUEOInternational Trade Fair Dedicated to Water Treatment Technology | every 2 years | Bologna | 10/07/2025 3 days |
ECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair on Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development | once a year | Rimini Rimini Fiera | 11/04/2025 4 days |
MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT - EXPOBAGNOMCE is where companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy, energy efficiency and water sectors meet new customers & strengthen relationships with those who design, install & create systems for comfort in the industrial sector, residential & commercial | every 2 years | Milan Fiera Milano, Rho | 03/24/2026 4 days |
GEOFLUIDInternational exhibition on technologies and equipment for prospecting, extracting and conveying underground fluids | every 3 years | Piacenza Piacenza Expo | 10/07/2026 4 days |