DISASTERS EXPO USAInternational forum dedicated to mitigating the consequences of world's most costly natural disasters: Heat & Fire, Earthquake, Flooding, Storm... |
once a year |
Miami, FL (USA)
Miami Beach Convention Center
03/05/2025 2 days |
ECOMONDO MEXICOEcomondo Mexico, leading international exhibition-conference, brings together all sectors supporting ecological transition: waste, water, reclamation, integrated services, energy efficiency, sustainable cities, mobility, green infrastructure... |
once a year |
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Expo Guadalajara
03/05/2025 3 days |
FLOOD EXPO USA - CALIFORNIAThe Flood Expo USA is the leading flood prep, management, and recovery event, showcasing the latest tools, strategies, and insights among investment and global industry leaders |
every 2 years |
Miami, FL (USA)
Miami Beach Convention Center
03/05/2025 2 days |
FLOOD EXPO USA - MIAMIThe Flood Expo USA is the leading flood prep, management, and recovery event, showcasing the latest tools, strategies, and insights among investment and global industry leaders |
once a year |
Miami, FL (USA)
Miami Beach Convention Center
03/05/2025 2 days |
AMERICANAThe major multi-sectoral environmental event in North America. Americana is the meeting place for environmental professionals for technical, scientific and commercial exchanges on major environmental issues |
every 2 years |
Montreal, QC (Canada)
Grand Quai du Port de Montréal
03/12/2025 2 days |
DESALINATION LATIN AMERICAInternational investment conference and exhibition for developing effective strategies, sharing experiences, presenting new investment projects and innovations to implement desalination projects and to increase water supplies all over Latin America |
once a year |
Santiago (Chile)
03/12/2025 2 days |
VALVE WORLD AMERICAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control |
every 2 years |
Houston, TX (USA)
George R. Brown Convention Center
06/04/2025 2 days |
ACEAWWA (American Water Works Association) Annual Conference & Expo. ACE program presents solutions to water sector challenges in grouped sessions. Listen & join the discussion as experts share real-world experiences on today’s hot topics |
once a year |
Denver, CO (USA)
06/08/2025 4 days |
A&WMA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONAir & Waste Management Association Conference & Exhibition. A&WMA is the environmental industries’ premier education, networking, & solutions event where you will enhance your knowledge & network with environmental professionals from around the world |
once a year |
Raleigh, NC (USA)
Raleigh Convention Center
06/09/2025 4 days |
CONFERENCE OF U.S. MAYORSConference of U.S. Mayors. The primary purpose of this meeting is to engage with the White House, the current administration, and Congress and to discuss the priorities of America’s mayors |
twice a year |
Tampa, FL (USA)
06/19/2025 4 days |
FIMA - FERIA INTERNACIONAL DEL MEDIO AMBIENTEInternational Environmental Trade Fair. FIMA features all goods and services related to environment care, as well as to enhance the culture of conservation & recovery of natural resources and environment |
every 2 years |
Bogotá (Colombia)
Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
06/19/2025 3 days |
IFAT BRASILThe largest environmental technology fair in Brazil, for water, wastewater, drainage and waste recovery |
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
06/25/2025 3 days |
FARM PROGRESS SHOWFarm Progress Show, the nation’s largest outdoor farm event is displaying new farm equipment, tractors, combines and farm implements; seed and crop protection products; and many additional farm supplies and services |
once a year |
Decatur, IL (USA)
Farm Progress Show Gathering, Decatur, IL
08/26/2025 3 days |
FUTURE WATER WORLD CONGRESSThe Future Water World Congress is the world's most important event for addressing the Global Water Crisis |
once a year |
? (USA)
Sept. 2025 (?) |
AQUATECH MEXICOInternational Trade Exhibition for Process, Drinking and Waste Water. The ideal platform to make profitable business relationships, exchange ideas and learn all about opportunities in the Americas for the water technology |
once a year |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
09/02/2025 3 days |
HUSKER HARVEST DAYSKnown as the world's largest totally irrigated working farm show, Husker Harvest Days gives the unique agricultural experience |
once a year |
Grand Island, NE (USA)
Fonner Park
09/09/2025 3 days |
WEFTECWater Environment Technical Exhibition & Conference. WEFTEC is the biggest meeting of its kind in North America and offers thousands of water quality professionals from around the world the best water quality education and training available today |
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
McCormick Place
09/27/2025 5 days |
CONGRESSO ABES / FENASANThe largest event of Environmental Sanitation of the Americas |
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Expo Center Norte
10/21/2025 3 days |
WQTCWater Quality Technology Conference & Show. At WQTC, Water quality specialists, utility management and executives, Treatment plant managers, Scientists, Engineers, Academics & Students, Distributors & Manufacturers, Consultants, Product Reps meet togethe |
once a year |
Tacoma, WA (USA)
11/09/2025 4 days |
CLEANTECH FORUM - NORTH AMERICACleanTech Forum is a great opportunity to connect and learn from the world’s leading authority on cleantech innovation |
once a year |
? (USA)
Jan. 2026 (?) |
GLOBE FORUMBiennially, thousands of environmental business leaders and sustainability practitioners come in Vancouver to explore the mutually inclusive goals of corporate sustainability, business growth, energy solutions, responsible investment and urban development |
every 2 years |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Vancouver Convention Centre
Feb. 2026 (?) |
NEW YORK FARM SHOWThe New York Farm Show, leading farm show in the Northeast, displays the latest in farm equipment, tractors, combines & farm implements, seed and crop protection products, farm supplies & services, dairy and beef production, woodlot... |
once a year |
Syracuse, NY (USA)
NYS Fairgrounds - Syracuse, NY
Feb. 2026 (?) |
WWETT SHOWInternational Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport Show. The largest, most immersive showcase of the latest innovations within the wastewater industry |
once a year |
Indianapolis, IN (USA)
Indiana Convention Center
02/16/2026 4 days |
GLOBAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUMNorth America's #1 technical conference for research and case studies on waste management. Get ready to share ideas and problem solve with your peers and colleagues from around the world and experience... |
every 2 years |
Indian Wells, CA (USA)
Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells Resort & Spa
02/22/2026 4 days |
VALVE WORLD CALGARY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control |
every 2 years |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
Telus Convention Centre
06/03/2026 2 days |