FURNITURE AND LIVINGInternational Furniture and Household Accessories Fair
once a year |
Nitra (Slovakia)
Agrokomplex Nitra
04/23/2025 5 days |
GARDENIA NITRAInternational Sale Exhibition for Gardening, Hobby-Gardeners, Bonsai and Friends of Flowers
once a year |
Nitra (Slovakia)
Agrokomplex Nitra
04/23/2025 5 days |
GREEN ENERGY EXPORenewable Energy Exhibition: Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Wind Power, Fuel-cell & Hydrogen, IGCC, Biomass, Hydraulic Power, Geothermal, Marine, Wastes, ESCO, Other energies
once a year |
Daegu (Korea South)
Exco (Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center)
04/23/2025 3 days |
HARDWARE PIONEERS MAXUK's largest exhibition and conference dedicated to cutting-edge technologies, solutions and tools for innovation-driven engineering teams
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Business Design Centre, Islington
04/23/2025 2 days |
INALIGHTASEAN’s Trade Show for Lighting Industry
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/23/2025 6 days |
INATRONICSInternational Electronics & Components Exhibition. INATRONICS showcases a full spectrum of products and services for electronic components, material, assemblies, electronics production technologies & consumer electronics
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/23/2025 6 days |
INDIA LAB EXPOInternational Trade Fair for analytical and laboratory technologies, instruments and products
once a year |
Hyderabad (India)
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
04/23/2025 3 days |
INSPIRE HEALTH & CAREBelgian care and health forum which brings together companies, decision-makers, public authorities, nurses and caregivers active in various care establishments
once a year |
Mechelen (Belgium)
04/23/2025 2 days |
INTERFOOD KRASNODARExhibition for Food and Drink Products. InterFood Krasnodar is a key business platform and a venue for leading Russian and international producers to showcase their food products
once a year |
Krasnodar (Russia)
Expograd Yug
04/23/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY EXPO KOREAKorea's largest exhibition of renewable energy. Wind Power, Photovoltaic Energy, Renewable Energy, Smart Grid Technology, Full Cell technology, ESS energy storage...
once a year |
Daegu (Korea South)
Exco (Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center)
04/23/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL SIGN EXPOAnnual event for the global sign industry. See, demo and buy everything you need to be successful in the sign, graphics and visual communications industry at ISA International Sign Expo
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
04/23/2025 3 days |
INTERSOLAR SUMMIT BRASIL NORDESTE'Intersolar Summit Brasil Nordeste' addresses leading local and international experts on solar power and renewable energy in the region
once a year |
Fortaleza (Brazil)
Centro de Eventos do Ceará
04/23/2025 2 days |
KAZAKHSTAN INDUSTRY WEEKInternational Exhibition of Manufacturing Industry
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
IEC Expo Astana
04/23/2025 3 days |
KAZAKHSTAN MACHINERY FAIRInternational specialized exhibition for mechanical engineering and metalworking
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
IEC Expo Astana
04/23/2025 3 days |
KITFKITF, Kazakhstan International Exhibition, serves as a wide-ranging professional platform for the touristic industry of the whole Central Asian Region and is justly considered to be the pinnacle event of the touristic sector of Kazakhstan
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
04/23/2025 3 days |
MEDFELEuro-Mediterranean Fruit & Vegetable International Business Trade Fair
once a year |
Perpignan (France)
Parc des congrès et des expositions de Perpignan
04/23/2025 2 days |
MEDIC WEST AFRICAMedic West Africa is the biggest medical show in this region. Bringing the West African healthcare community together
once a year |
Lagos (Nigeria)
The Landmark Events Centre
04/23/2025 3 days |
MEDLAB WEST AFRICAMedlab West Africa, running co-located with Medic West Africa, brings to the region the ideal medical laboratory event that offers manufacturers the exlusive opportunity to meet a diverse audience of buyers
once a year |
Lagos (Nigeria)
The Landmark Events Centre
04/23/2025 3 days |
MININGWORLD RUSSIAInternational exhibition of technologies and equipment for mining and processing of minerals
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/23/2025 3 days |
MOTORCYCLE TAIWANTaiwan International Motorcycle Show
once a year |
Taipei (Taiwan)
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
04/23/2025 4 days |
MOTORTEC - AUTOMECHANIKA MADRIDSpain's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry Targeting Trade Visitors from the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and North Africa
every 2 years |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
04/23/2025 4 days |
NDT DEFECTOSCOPYInternational specialised exhibition of devices and equipment for industrial non-destructive testing
once a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
Petrocongress Centre
04/23/2025 2 days |
NDT ST. PERTERSBURG - DEFECTOSCOPYInternational Specialized Exhibition of Instruments and Equipment for Industrial Non-Destructive Testing
once a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
Petrocongress Centre
04/23/2025 2 days |
PLASMA TECHPlasma Processing and Technology International Conference
once a year |
Albufeira (Portugal)
04/23/2025 3 days |
PROFESIA DAYS - BRATISLAVAJob and career opportunities fair in Slovakia. It is built on open communication and interaction between visitors, employers and experts from various fields
once a year |
Bratislava (Slovakia)
Nivy centrum
04/23/2025 2 days |
SEBE - INTERNATIONAL BUILDING TRADE FAIRResearch and designing, construction and maintenance of buildings, building construction and civil engineering, hydro construction, construction materials, structures equipping, machines, devices and equipment, adaptation, reconstruction, restoration…
once a year |
Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrade Fair Grounds
04/23/2025 4 days |
SECURITECH INDONESIAIndonesia international Security, Safety & Fire Technology Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/23/2025 6 days |
SICTSurfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference. The SICT offers a great opportunity for scientists, researchers, and experts active in the field of surfaces and coatings science and technologies
once a year |
Albufeira (Portugal)
04/23/2025 3 days |
SMART HOME+CITY INDONESIAIndonesia International Smart Home, Smart Building, Smart Office & Smart City Technology Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/23/2025 3 days |
SMART IOT INDONESIAIndonesia International Smart Internet of Things Exhibition & Conference
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/23/2025 6 days |
SOLAR & ENERGY STORAGE SUMMITSolar & Energy Storage Summit aims to develop relationships with decision makers in technology, finance, operations, development, engineering, origination, and procurement
once a year |
Denver, CO (USA)
Omni Interlock Resort
04/23/2025 1 day |
SOLAR & STORAGE LIVE - USAThe marketplace for the entire solar and storage value chain: installers, developers, farmers, policy makers and solar technologies. Innovation. Investment. Implementation
once a year |
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Pennsylvania Convention Center
04/23/2025 2 days |
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT ASSET MANAGEMENT NORTH AMERICAInternational Solar Manufacturers Conference & Expo. Solar Asset Management North America is the most complete event on Solar Operations & Maintenance and Asset Management in North America
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina
04/23/2025 2 days |
SU ARNASY - WATER EXPOInternational Conference & Exhibition of Water Industry
every 4 years |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
IEC Expo Astana
04/23/2025 3 days |
TAIPEI AMPA - AUTOTRONICS TAIPEITaipei International Automobile Electronics Show
once a year |
Taipei (Taiwan)
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
04/23/2025 4 days |
TF-FESTBulgarian International Exhibition of Training Companies. A bridge Between School and Business
once a year |
Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
International Fair Plovdiv
04/23/2025 3 days |
TRIBOLOGYTribology International Conference. Leading university researchers present their latest findings, and representatives of the industry inspire scientists to develop new solutions
once a year |
Albufeira (Portugal)
04/23/2025 3 days |
UK CYBER WEEKUK Cyber ​​ Week aims to deliver the latest cutting-edge information and strategies, foster collaboration, bring together world-class experts, share knowledge, tools and skills, particularly in the area of ​​ cybersecurity
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Olympia Exhibition Centre
04/23/2025 2 days |
VINORUS.VINOTECHSpecialized exhibition of wine-making and wine-growing, beverages, technologies, raw materials and enological equipment
once a year |
Krasnodar (Russia)
Expograd Yug
04/23/2025 3 days |
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - UAE - DUBAIZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa
04/23/2025 1 day |
ALSMS ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY-BASED MEDICINE & SCIENCEThe premier international meeting in the field of medical lasers and energy-based technologies
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Orange County Convention Center
04/24/2025 4 days |
AMAB - ASSISI MOSTRA ARTE ANTIQUARIATO BASTIA UMBRIALong a reference in the antiques sector - 70 exhibitors and galleries of ancient art - the AMAB also welcomes modern and contemporary art, live performances, meetings dedicated to subjects of artistic and cultural interest
once a year |
Bastia Umbra (Italy)
04/24/2025 8 days |
ART BRUSSELSContemporary Art Fair. Founded in 1968, Art Brussels is one of the most renowned contemporary art fairs in Europe and a must-see in the international art calendar. Every year in April, the fair welcomes around 25.000 visitors
once a year |
Brussels (Belgium)
Brussels Exhibition Centre
04/24/2025 4 days |
AUSTROPHARMTrade Fair for Pharmaceutical products. Austropharm offers the ideal opportunity to inform yourself about innovations, trends and developments in the healthcare sector
every 2 years |
Vienna (Austria)
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
04/24/2025 3 days |
AUTO MOTOR SPORT I-MOBILITY & KONGRESSExhibition & Congress for intelligent mobility. Auto Motor Sport i-Mobility provides a platform for alternative drive systems, such as electro-mobility, carsharing, ride sharing, e-bikes and pedelecs
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
04/24/2025 4 days |
BEAUTY & CAREInternational Medical Aesthetics & Anti-Aging and Professional Product and Equipment Fair
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
ICEC (Istanbul Lotfi Kirdar Convention & Exhibition Centre)
04/24/2025 4 days |
CNR LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBITIONTurkish International Logistics and Transport Exhibition. Discover new technologies and create new partnerships
once a year |
Mersin (Turkey)
CNR Yenisehir Exhibition Center
04/24/2025 4 days |
CONGRÈS ÂGE 3 - AVIGNONProfessional congress of retirement homes and structures welcoming dependent elderly people
once a year |
Avignon (France)
Parc des expositions - Avignon Sud
04/24/2025 1 day |
COTTMCOTTM focuses on the growing China outbound tourism and travel market, to promote the development of China’s outbound tourism
once a year |
Beijing (China)
China National Agricultural Exhibition Center
04/24/2025 3 days |
CYBER SECURITY EXPO - BRISTOLEvent for networking with the companies recruiting cyber security talent
once a year |
Bristol (UK - United Kingdom)
Ashton Gate Stadium
04/24/2025 1 day |