
Education & Training
Trade shows in February 2025


Education - Training - Employment

Education & Training Employment
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93 Trade Shows related to Education & Training in February 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ACCESS MBA - VANCOUVERACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Vancouver, BC (Canada) Paradox Hotel, Vancouver 02/01/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - ZURICHACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Zurich (Switzerland) Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel 02/01/2025
1 day
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR KOREA - SEOULThe Korea International Education Fair has been organized since 1992 and brings more than 200 schools and associations related to studying abroad from over 20 countries twice a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 02/01/2025
2 days
KOREA STUDY ABROAD FAIR - SEOULStudy Abroad & Language Fair. The largest overseas education/employment/migration consulting exhibition in Korea twice a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 02/01/2025
2 days
LE SALON MASTERS ET MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS, EN FRANCE ET À L'ÉTRANGER DE LYONYou’re thinking of pursuing your studies after a bac +3 and wondering what are the differences between a master, a mastère, an MSc or an MBA ? Find out more about the specific features of each of these degrees and their career opportunities once a year Lyon (France) Palais du Commerce et de la Bourse (CCI Lyon) 02/01/2025
1 day
LONDON HR SUMMITThe HR SUMMIT is an excellent platform for collaboration between those working in the HR industry, and those who provide the latest solutions and services in this sector twice a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Hilton London Canary Wharf Feb. 2025
SALON DE L'APPRENTISSAGE, DE L'ALTERNANCE ET DES MÉTIERS DE RENNESExhibition of apprenticeship, work-study and trades once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport 02/01/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE LYONDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year Lyon (France) La Sucrière Feb. 2025
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE MONTPELLIERDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year Montpellier (France) Le Corum Feb. 2025
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE TOULOUSEDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year Toulouse (France) Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis Feb. 2025
CHANCEThe career fair Chance combines the topics of education, jobs and careers and is the contact point for school children, students and those interested in further education once a year Giessen (Germany) Messe Gießen 02/02/2025
2 days
ACCESS MASTERS - MILANAccess Masters events introduce you to admissions representatives of top Masters programmes from around the world. Find out more about graduate studies in Business, Management, Marketing, Finance... during personalised meetings and small group talks twice a year Milan (Italy) The Westin Palace, Milan 02/03/2025
1 day
STUDENT RECRUITMENT FAIRS NORWAY - BODOHigher education fair in Norway. Take a look at some of the top education fairs in Norway and find one which fits your requirements to make the most of this exciting market once a year Bodø (Norway) Morkvedhallen 02/03/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - MILANOACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organized around the world twice a year Milan (Italy) The Westin Palace, Milan 02/04/2025
1 day
NOLIA CAREER UMEÅSweden Fair for Education and Recruitment. Take the chance to meet tomorrow's students and employees throughout Norrland once a year Umeå (Sweden) Noliahallarna 02/04/2025
1 day
YOUR CHALLENGETrade and training fair in the canton of Valais (Switzerland) every 2 years Martigny (Switzerland) CERM (Centre d'Expositions et de Réunions de Martigny) 02/04/2025
6 days
ACCESS MASTERS - BRUSSELSAccess Masters events introduce you to admissions representatives of top Masters programmes from around the world. Find out more about graduate studies in Business, Management, Marketing, Finance... during personalised meetings and small group talks twice a year Brussels (Belgium) Hilton Brussels Grand Place 02/05/2025
1 day
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - AREZZOStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Arezzo (Italy) Arezzo Fiere e Congressi 02/05/2025
2 days
LES RENCONTRES AMRAEThe AMRAE Annual Conference. It provides companies, organizations, risk managers and insurance specialists with an opportunity to deal frankly with concrete management, risk financing and insurance-related problems once a year Deauville (France) Centre International de Deauville 02/05/2025
3 days
NOLIA CAREER SUNDSVALLSweden Fair for Education and Recruitment. Take the chance to meet tomorrow's students and employees throughout Norrland once a year Sundsvall (Sweden) Sporthallen, Sundsvall 02/05/2025
1 day
PERSONAL & CHEF STOCKHOLMPersonnel & Chef is the meeting place for HR, managers and executives who want to increase their skills and deepen their knowledge on how to retain, engage and attract talent once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Kista Mässan 02/05/2025
2 days
STUDENT RECRUITMENT FAIRS NORWAY - TROMSOHigher education fair in Norway. Take a look at some of the top education fairs in Norway and find one which fits your requirements to make the most of this exciting market once a year Tromsø (Norway) Tromsøhallen 02/05/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - BRUSSELSACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Brussels (Belgium) Hilton Brussels Grand Place 02/06/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - CHICAGOACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Sheraton Grand, Chicago 02/06/2025
1 day
NOLIA CAREER ÖSTERSUNDSweden Fair for Education and Recruitment. Take the chance to meet tomorrow's students and employees throughout Norrland once a year Östersund (Sweden) Sporthallen, Östersund 02/06/2025
1 day
ACCESS MASTERS - PARISAccess Masters events introduce you to admissions representatives of top Masters programmes from around the world. Find out more about graduate studies in Business, Management, Marketing, Finance... during personalised meetings and small group talks twice a year Paris (France) Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center 02/07/2025
1 day
FORUM DE L’ETUDIANT DE LA FORMATION ET DE L’EMPLOI - RABATThe Cross Road for Recruiting, Employment and Jobs in Morocco once a year Rabat (Morocco) Hotel Sofitel Jardin des Roses 02/07/2025
2 days
ACCESS MBA - PARISACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Paris (France) Meliá La Défense 02/08/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - SAN FRANCISCOACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year San Francisco, CA (USA) Hyatt Regency San Francisco 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON DES MASTERS 1 & 2, MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS & MBAStudent Fair Specialized in Masters, Specialized Masters ans MBAs once a year Paris (France) Espace Charenton 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DE LA POURSUITE D’ETUDES ET MASTERS DE LYONPost Bac+2 to Bac+4 studies fair. The Studyrama exhibition for the Continuation of Studies and Masters in Lyon is the event not to be missed to find your training from the Pro License to the Master and succeed in your orientation once a year Lyon (France) La Sucrière 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DE LA POURSUITE D’ETUDES ET MASTERS DE MONTPELLIERMeet establishments offering training in all sectors of activity: Art, Sport, Management, Engineering, Defense, Industry, Logistics, Digital, Commerce, Finance, Law, Human Resources, Marketing, Communication, Management, Luxury, Tourism, Health, Agri-food once a year Montpellier (France) Le Corum 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DE LA POURSUITE D’ÉTUDES ET MASTERS DE TOULOUSEHigher Education Fair. The "Salon Studyrama de la Poursuite d’Etudes et Masters" is the event not to be missed to find your training from the Pro License to the Master and succeed in your orientation once a year Toulouse (France) Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE BORDEAUXThe Studyrama Digital Training Show offers more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphics, visual communication, e-commerce and even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year Bordeaux (France) Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DES MASTERS 2, MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS & MBAStudent Fair Specialized in Masters 2, Specialized Masters ans MBAs once a year Paris (France) Espace Charenton 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA DES MASTERS DE BORDEAUXStudent Fair Specialized in Masters. Exchange with managers of the best Masters, professionals and students. They will advise you as best as possible on your choice of program among more than 500 training courses after a Bac +3/4 once a year Bordeaux (France) Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE BORDEAUXApprenticeship & part-time training expo in Bordeaux. Come and exchange with schools, preparatory schools, high schools and guidance organizations in order to best build your study project, whatever your preferred sector of activity once a year Bordeaux (France) Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE LYONApprenticeship & part-time training expo in Lyon. Come and exchange with schools, preparatory schools, high schools and guidance organizations in order to best build your study project, whatever your preferred sector of activity once a year Lyon (France) La Sucrière 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE MONTPELLIERApprenticeship & part-time training expo in Montpellier. Come and exchange with schools, preparatory schools, high schools and guidance organizations in order to best build your study project, whatever your preferred sector of activity once a year Montpellier (France) Le Corum 02/08/2025
1 day
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE TOULOUSEApprenticeship & part-time training expo. The Sup’Alternance Fair is organized under the high patronage of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research once a year Toulouse (France) Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis 02/08/2025
1 day
STICKS & STONES - KÖLNJob and career festival for LGBTIQ+ and all straight people who celebrate diversity once a year Cologne (Germany) Palladium Köln 02/08/2025
1 day
STUDY IN INDIA EXPO - THAILANDStudy in India Expo is one of the largest Indian Education Shows in the world which showcases India’s most prominent private universities, government institutions and colleges from various parts of India on one platform once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 02/08/2025
2 days
ACCESS MBA - LOS ANGELESACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Santa Monica, CA (USA) Hilton Santa Monica Hotel and Suites 02/09/2025
1 day
ACCESS MASTERS - LONDONAccess Masters events introduce you to admissions representatives of top Masters programmes from around the world. Find out more about graduate studies in Business, Management, Marketing, Finance... during personalised meetings and small group talks twice a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Conrad London St. James 02/10/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - SAN DIEGOACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world once a year San Diego, CA (USA) 02/10/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - LONDONCommunication campaign designed to inform prospective students of MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA London is an unique chance to meet Admissions Directors of prestigious MBA programs from around the world twice a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Conrad London St. James 02/11/2025
1 day
DIDACTA STUTTGARTTrade Fair for Education and Training. Didacta provides a comprehensive insight into the entire education sector, from early education to school and extracurricular education through to vocational training once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 02/11/2025
5 days
MANCHESTER HR SUMMITThe Manchester HR Summit is an excellent platform for collaboration between those working in the HR industry, and those who provide the latest solutions and services in this sector once a year Manchester (UK - United Kingdom) Radisson Blu Hotel Manchester Airport 02/11/2025
1 day
ACCESS MBA - BERLINACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world once a year Berlin (Germany) Radisson BLU Berlin 02/12/2025
1 day
STUDENT RECRUITMENT FAIRS NORWAY - OSLOHigher education fair in Norway. Take a look at some of the top education fairs in Norway and find one which fits your requirements to make the most of this exciting market once a year Oslo (Norway) Oslo Spektrum 02/12/2025
2 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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