SEPEM INDUSTRIES BRETAGNEIndustrial Trade Show dedicated to Service, Equipment, Process and Maintenance |
every 2 years |
Brest (France)
Parc des expositions Penfeld
06/02/2026 2 days |
ASEAN M&E SHOWASEAN Mechanical, Electrical and Engineering show. ASEAN M&E is the prefect venue to introduce new products, generate sales leads, build sales networks, enhance brand image and meet with key customers |
every 2 years |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
06/03/2026 3 days |
INTEC COIMBATOREIndia's international Machine Tools and Industrial Trade Fair |
every 2 years |
Coimbatore (India)
Codissia Trade Fair Complex
06/04/2026 5 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - STRAUBINGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
every 2 years |
Straubing (Germany)
Messehalle Straubing
06/10/2026 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - HAMBURGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen
June 2026 (?) |
ASSEMBLY & AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPOASEAN’s Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Industrial Automation Systems & Solutions and Assembly Technology |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
June 2026 (?) |
ASSEMBLY AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGYThailand’s Only International Automated Manufacturing and Assembly Technology Exhibition |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
June 2026 (?) |
AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURINGASEAN’s Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Automotive Parts Manufacturing |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
June 2026 (?) |
AUTONOMOUS SHIP EXPOAutonomous Ship Expo conveniently brings together the latest autonomous navigation technology and automated onboard systems developers; sensor technology; e-navigation systems; automation software and maritime remote-control technology providers |
once a year |
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre
June 2026 (?) |
CICVInternational Congress of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles Technology |
once a year |
Beijing (China)
June 2026 (?) |
DES - DIGITAL ENTERPRISE SHOW - MADRIDA World's leading Digitization event for companies. By Joining DES, acquire cutting-edge technology, innovative products, and solutions that will help you boost your business |
once a year |
Malaga (Spain)
Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Malaga
June 2026 (?) |
HAPEExhibition of Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Drives. As part of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, the leading exhibition in Poland for Polish and global industrial offerings |
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
June 2026 (?) |
IGIMEGreat International Machinery Exhibition of Iran |
once a year |
Tabriz (Iran)
Permanent Ground For Tabriz International Exhibition Co.
June 2026 (?) |
INDEXPO - MUMBAIIndia's Industrial & Engineering Expo. Indexpo is a networking platform for meeting the manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products with Buyers coming from all over India and international visitors |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
CIDCO Exhibition Centre
June 2026 (?) |
INDUSTRY NEXTINDUSTRY NEXT is an innovative project promoting the the latest technologies and the global development of Industry 4.0 |
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
June 2026 (?) |
IOTE - SHANGHAIChina International Internet of Things Exhibition. Meet professional integrators and end users from around the world. Areas: industry, logistics, infrastructure, smart cities, smart retail... |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
June 2026 (?) |
ISA CALGARY SHOWThe ISA Calgary Show aims to connect the automation industry with the latest ideas and technology. Get up to speed with the products and innovations at the forefront of the industry |
every 2 years |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
BMO Centre
June 2026 (?) |
IVR - INDUSTRIAL VIRTUAL REALITY EXPO / CONFERENCEJapan's Largest Trade Show and Conference of Comprehensive VR Products, Technologies for Industrial Applications |
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
June 2026 (?) |
JIMEXInternational Machines & Electro-Mechanical Exhibition. JIMEX is the only event for machinery, electricity, energy. Renewable energy and water, HVAC & R under one roof in Jordan |
once a year |
Amman (Jordan)
Mecal Mall (Jordan International Exhibition Center)
June 2026 (?) |
JISSO PROTECInternational exhibition of State-of-the-art Technologies of Electronic Component Mounting |
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
June 2026 (?) |
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - HAMBURGAll facets of intralogistics are presented at the regional trade show: From conveyor technologies and sorting systems to storage equipment, automated solutions and e-logistics |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Messe und Congress
June 2026 (?) |
MANUFACTURING EXPOASEAN’s Leading Machinery and Technology Event for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
June 2026 (?) |
METAL STAMPING TECHNOLOGY EXPO - NAGOYAJapan international Metal Stamping Technology Exhibition |
once a year |
Nagoya (Japan)
Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya)
June 2026 (?) |
QINGDAO MACHINE TOOL EXHIBITIONQingdao International Machine Tool Exhibition, as the flagship exhibition of Jinnoc Machine Tool Exhibition, deeply focuses on the forefront of intelligent manufacturing in China, Japan and South Korea |
once a year |
Qingdao (China)
Qingdao International Convention Center
June 2026 (?) |
RETAIL & LOGIS TECH SHOWKorea's largest business exhibition showcasing cutting-edge logistics solutions and the latest trends in the distribution industry, driven by advancements in AI and robotics |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |
ROBOT TECH SHOWRobot Tech Show is an advanced robotics business platform designed to support and drive innovation in the robotics industry. Discover synergy across upstream and downstream industries that drive robot demand |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |
SMART TECH SHOWSmart Tech Show is a leading technology show that bring all together from startups, corporates and VCs (Venture capital) to ignite business transformation for the next generation technology |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |
SUBCONTRACTING POZNANSUBCONTRACTING is a special trade fair for industrial subcontractors that will be held together with the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE industrial fair. Searching subcontracting offers and arranging an appointment is possible on the online platform |
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
June 2026 (?) |
VIMAF - VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY FAIR - BINH DUONGVietnam International Machinery Fair. Metalworking & Machine Tool, Factory Automation & Motion Control, Plant Equipment, Parts, Materials & Industrial Machinery, Construction Machinery Parts & Logistic Equipment, Vietnam Industrial Supporting Products... |
once a year |
Binh Duong New City (Vietnam)
WTC Expo Binh Duong New City
June 2026 (?) |