ABSOLVENTENKONGRESS ESSENCareer fair for students, graduates and young professionals with up to three years of professional experience
once a year |
Essen (Germany)
Congress Center, Essen
June 2026 (?) |
ABSOLVENTENKONGRESS FRANKFURTCareer fair for students, graduates and young professionals with up to three years of professional experience
once a year |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
June 2026 (?) |
ACCESS MBA - AMSTERDAMACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organized around the world
twice a year |
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
June 2026 (?) |
ACCESS MBA - MUNICHACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world
twice a year |
Munich (Germany)
Hilton Munchen City
June 2026 (?) |
ACCESS MBA - PARISACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world
twice a year |
Paris (France)
Meliá La Défense
June 2026 (?) |
BIGTECHBIGTECH aims to be the African hub of technology and business. African Startup Summit, African Developers Expo-Conference, Gaming Expo, Recruitment/Career Development Hub, Tunisian Digital Summit
once a year |
Tunis (Tunisia)
Parc des expositions du Kram
June 2026 (?) |
BRISBANE CAREERS & EMPLOYMENT EXPOBrisbane's largest Careers & Employment Event. The Expo will host over 130 organisations and employers with career opportunities for all ages
once a year |
Brisbane (Australia)
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
June 2026 (?) |
CONGRÈS ASSISTANTES MATERNELLES - NANTESCongress dedicated to childminders. A place for meetings, exchanges, reflections, information but also training, open to all
once a year |
Nantes (France)
Exponantes - La Beaujoire
June 2026 (?) |
EDULEARNAnnual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, one of Europe’s largest and most trusted education conferences for professionals, researchers and technologists around the world
once a year |
Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands) (Spain)
June 2026 (?) |
EDUTECH AUSTRALIAEduTECH is Australia's largest education event, bringing together the entire education ecosystem to discuss, debate, and evaluate the future of education
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
ETCInternational Ukrainian Forum on Seafarers' Education, Training & Crewing
once a year |
Odessa (Ukraine)
Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex
June 2026 (?) |
FOE - THE FUTURE OF EDUCATIONInternational conference dedicated to the future of education. FOE seeks cutting-edge expertise and contributions in the field of educational innovation
once a year |
Florence (Italy)
Lungarno del Tempio, 44
June 2026 (?) |
FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES INSCRIPTIONS DE CASABLANCAThe aim of the fair is to help young people find their place in the best higher education and vocational training institutions according to their respective personal projects
once a year |
Casablanca (Morocco)
Marriott Hotel, Casablanca
June 2026 (?) |
FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES INSCRIPTIONS DE RABATThe aim of the fair is to help young people find their place in the best higher education and vocational training institutions according to their respective personal projects
once a year |
Rabat (Morocco)
Hotel Sofitel Jardin des Roses
June 2026 (?) |
GLOBAL ENERGY SHOW - CALGARYGlobal Energy Show. Join leading oil & gas companies, business partners, media and industry analysts from over 90 countries
once a year |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
BMO Centre
June 2026 (?) |
IMBEX - INDONESIA MATERNITY, BABY & KIDS EXPOIndonesia Maternity, Baby, & Kids Expo. IMBEX is the leading exhibition in Indonesia that showcases the products and services for the maternal & pregnant women, infants, toddlers and children
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
June 2026 (?) |
L&D INNOVATION & TECH FEST - NEW ZELANDLearning & Development event. L&D Innovation & Tech Fest will run alongside HR Innovation & Tech Fest, the fastest growing and most vibrant HR event
once a year |
Auckland (New Zealand)
Cordis Hotel
June 2026 (?) |
PERL SKILLSWEST CAREERS & EMPLOYMENT EXPOPerth's largest Careers & Employment Event. The Expo will host over 160 organisations and employers with career opportunities for all ages
once a year |
Perth (Australia)
Perth Convention Exhibition Centre
June 2026 (?) |
SALON DE L’ALTERNANCE ET DES ÉTUDES SUPÉRIEURES - PARISParis trade fair for work-study training and higher education
once a year |
Paris (France)
Espace Champerret
June 2026 (?) |
SALON DE L'ETUDIANT DE PARISStudent fair. The perfect place to think about your career plans, your future profession, and build your study path
once a year |
Paris (France)
Espace Champerret
June 2026 (?) |
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE PARISApprenticeship & part-time training expo in Paris
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Event Center - La Villette
June 2026 (?) |
SOCIOINT - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES & EDUCATIONInternational Conference on Social Sciences & Education. A multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary international conference that invites academics, independent scholars and researchers from around the world to meet and exchange
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
June 2026 (?) |
STICKS & STONES - BERLINJob and career festival for LGBTIQ+ and all straight people who celebrate diversity
once a year |
Berlin (Germany)
Arena Berlin
June 2026 (?) |
THE KIDS EXPOChina Preschool Education Conference & International Kid's Education Expo
once a year |
Guangzhou (China)
Poly World Trade Expo Center
June 2026 (?) |
TOP DRH - ANNECYBusiness meeting of key account managers and mid-cap companies & Human Resources Experts
once a year |
Annecy (France)
Impérial Palace
June 2026 (?) |
TOP DRH - DEAUVILLEBusiness meeting of key account managers and mid-cap companies & Human Resources Experts
once a year |
Deauville (France)
Centre International de Deauville
June 2026 (?) |
TOSSE - TOTAL SCHOOL SUPPORT SEMINAR & EXHIBITIONAfrica’s education event for the promotion and development of learning and teaching
once a year |
Lagos (Nigeria)
10 Degrees Event centre
June 2026 (?) |
VIETBABY FAIR - HO CHI MINHVietnam International Maternity and Baby & Kids Fair. Products for Children, Products for Newborn Babies, Educational Products
once a year |
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC
June 2026 (?) |
WORLD OF CHILDHOODInternational exhibition in Yerevan specializing in goods and services for children. It covers essential aspects of children's life, development and education
once a year |
Yerevan (Armenia)
Karen Demirchyan Complex
June 2026 (?) |