ELECTRIC & HYBRID VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY EXPO - EUROPEThe Industry's Leading Global Electric, Hybrid & Plugin Hybrid Vehicle Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference in North America. Electrical Powertrains and Components, Battery Management Systems, Materials and Equipment
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
06/02/2026 3 days |
ASEAN SOLAR EXPOASEAN Solar Expo brings together the largest group of green technology and renewable energy developers and supply chain partners seen anywhere in the Southeast Asia
every 2 years |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
06/03/2026 3 days |
VALVE WORLD CALGARY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control
every 2 years |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
Telus Convention Centre
06/03/2026 2 days |
THE BIG 5 SAUDIInternational Exhibition for Building, Water Technology & Environment, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Cleaning & Maintenance, Glass & Metal in Jeddah. THE BIG 5 SAUDI also offers free seminars sessions
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center - RFECC
06/06/2026 13 days |
EUROPEAN MOBILITY EXPOEuropean Mobility Exhibition. The major European professional exhibition for all key players in public transport and sustainable transport solutions
every 2 years |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
06/09/2026 3 days |
FORO DE LAS CIUDADESExhibition dedicated to urban spaces for-wellbeing and sustainability
every 2 years |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
06/09/2026 3 days |
SRRRecycling and Recovery International Trade Fair
every 2 years |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
06/09/2026 3 days |
TECMAEnvironment Techniques and Services Trade Fair
every 2 years |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
06/09/2026 3 days |
WORLD CITIES SUMMITWorld Cities Summit (WCS) is an exclusive and premier platform for government leaders and industry experts to address liveable and sustainable city challenges, share integrated urban solutions, and forge new partnerships
every 2 years |
Singapore (Singapore)
Suntec Singapore
06/14/2026 3 days |
POWERTAGEPowertage, the leading networking event for the Swiss electricity industry, offers the environment in which to chat with experts about current topics along the entire value chain and to learn about intelligent services and sustainable technologies
every 2 years |
Zurich (Switzerland)
Ferienmesse Zürich
06/16/2026 3 days |
JAS LA ROCHELLEThe Food & Health Days (JAS) today represent a benchmark event for agri-food professionals, and one of the most important European business conventions in the sector
every 2 years |
La Rochelle (France)
Espace Encan
06/17/2026 2 days |
KOREA OCEAN EXPOKorea International Shipbuilding Expo & Conference. Shipbuilding Equipment & Technologies, Ship Engines & Parts, Shipyard, Marine Equipment, Eco-Friendly Ship Equipement, Navigation, Communication Device, Safety, Rescue...
every 2 years |
Incheon (Korea South)
Songdo Convensia
06/17/2026 3 days |
VALVE WORLD ASIA EXPO & CONFERENCEPiping and Valve Professionals Conference & Expo in China. Valve World Expo & Conference Asia is a valuable meeting point for valve professionals from all over the world with a special emphasis on recent developments in China
every 2 years |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
06/22/2026 2 days |
KOMMTEC LIVEMunicipal technical services demonstration show. Trade show and conferences dedicated to the themes: road construction and infrastructure, geotechnics, wastewater, waste management, recycling & eMobility. Numerous demonstrations
every 2 years |
Offenburg (Germany)
Messe Offenburg
06/24/2026 2 days |
A&WMA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONAir & Waste Management Association Conference & Exhibition. A&WMA is the environmental industries’ premier education, networking, & solutions event where you will enhance your knowledge & network with environmental professionals from around the world
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
ACEAWWA (American Water Works Association) Annual Conference & Expo. ACE program presents solutions to water sector challenges in grouped sessions. Listen & join the discussion as experts share real-world experiences on today’s hot topics
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
AQUACULTURE TAIWAN EXPO & FORUMInternational Aquaculture Trade Show in Taiwan. The Expo features smart aquaculture, energy saving, sustainability, and eco-friendly technologies
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
ARGENPLÁSArgentinian fair for the plastics industry. The focus is on innovation and the circular economy
every 2 years |
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
La Rural Predio Ferial
June 2026 (?) |
ASEAN SUPER 8Asean's Leading Event for the Built Environment. Incorporating. - Asean M&E Show - Aszan Lif Expo & Forum - Asean Light - Asean Solar Expo - Future Build - Heavy Mach - IFSEC Southast Asia - Revac Expo Forum - Tenagra Expo
every 2 years |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
June 2026 (?) |
ASIA CLIMATE FORUMForum dedicated to climate change & environmental services for Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands
every 2 years |
Singapore (Singapore)
Marina Bay Sands
June 2026 (?) |
ATMOSPHERE AMERICA SUMMITThis event gathers key HVAC&R industry stakeholders & experts, manufacturers, policy makers, end users, contractors... to learn about the latest developments in natural refrigerant-based HVAC&R systems, including those using CO2, hydrocarbons & ammonia
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
BAKU ENERGY WEEKBaku International Energy Exhibition. Understand. - CASPIAN OIL & GAS: Caspian International Oil and Gas Exhibition - CASPIAN POWER: Caspian international exhibition of energy production and green energies - BAKU ENERGY FORUM
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
June 2026 (?) |
BATTERY RECYCLING WORLD CONFERENCE & EXPOThe must-attend event for battery producers, recycling companies, critical raw material suppliers, and the entire battery supply chain to come together to discover the latest innovations and solutions to create a circular economy for used batteries
once a year |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
June 2026 (?) |
BIOTECH FRANCEBiotechnology International Conference and Exhibition. This international event will reflect the full diversity of current biotechnology science advances in research and practice
every 2 years |
Paris (France)
June 2026 (?) |
CARBON CAPTURE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE & EXPO - NORTH AMERICACarbon Capture Technology Expo is dedicated to discussing the increasing role that Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage will play in transition to a net-zero carbon economy
once a year |
Houston, TX (USA)
NRG Park
June 2026 (?) |
CASPIAN POWERCaspian International Power and Alternative Energy Exhibition
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
June 2026 (?) |
CHEMICAL RECYCLING EUROPEForum exploring the potential of chemical or advanced recycling to turn waste plastics into new materials
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
CLEANENVIRO SUMMIT SINGAPORE (CESS)Summit focusing on waste, water and energy issues. CleanEnviro Summit (CESS) gathers the world's top environment leaders from the public and private sectors, international organisations and think-tanks, to discuss global environment issues
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
Marina Bay Sands
June 2026 (?) |
CONFERENCE OF U.S. MAYORSConference of U.S. Mayors. The primary purpose of this meeting is to engage with the White House, the current administration, and Congress and to discuss the priorities of America’s mayors
twice a year |
Tampa, FL (USA)
June 2026 (?) |
CONNECTING GREEN HYDROGEN EUROPEThe largest & most influential Green Hydrogen conference & exhibition in Europe, providing a unique platform for industry leaders, experts & enthusiasts to come together to network, learn and showcase the latest advancements in green hydrogen technology
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
June 2026 (?) |
DRT - DIVING, RESORT AND TRAVEL SHOW - CHINA - SHENZHENThe No.1 Brand Diving Expo in Asia. DRT SHOW aims to provide greater support to business partners and encourage more people to become passionate divers who care about marine ecology
once a year |
Shenzhen (China)
Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |
EGYPT INFRASTRUCTURE & WATER EXPOEgypt Infrastructure & Water Expo will showcase the planning, engineering, systems, communication networks and utilities needed to realise Egypt’s ambitious plan for the country’s infrastructure catering to Egypt’s rapid population growth
once a year |
Cairo (Egypt)
EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center)
June 2026 (?) |
EHP CONGRESSEuroheat & Power is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
June 2026 (?) |
ELECTRIC & HYBRID MARINE EXPO - EUROPEWorld's leading Exhibition for Marine Electrification, Decarbonization, Future Fuels & Low-Carbone Shipping Solutions, Technologies for electrification & hybridization of workboats, ferries, superyachts... + port & harbor infrastructure
once a year |
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre
June 2026 (?) |
ENASEENASE is one of the largest events in the electricity sector and the energy transition in Brazil, distinguished by the quality and variety of the topics covered, as well as the excellence of its speakers
once a year |
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Hotel Windsor Oceânico - RJ
June 2026 (?) |
ENERGY STORAGE GERMANYHeld alongside the Battery Show Europe and Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe in Stuttgart, Energy Storage Summit Germany spotlights Germany’s rapid ascent in the European storage sector
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
June 2026 (?) |
ENVEXInternational Exhibition on Environmental Technology & Green Energy
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |
EU BC&EEuropean Biomass Conference & Exhibition. EU BC&E brings biomass scientist and engineers together with the biomass industry
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
EUBCE - EUROPEAN BIOMASS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONEuropean Biomass Conference & Exhibition. EU BC&E combines one of the largest biomass science and technology conference with a leading Biomass industry and technology exhibition, attracting the entire professional Biomass community from around the globe
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
EVSInternational Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition. One of the greatest event for academic, government and industry professionals involved in electric drive technologies
once a year |
June 2026 (?) |
E-WASTE WORLD CONFERENCE & EXPOE-Waste World Conference & Expo is dedicated to Advanced Technologies, Recycling Systems, Strategies, & Sustainable Materials Solutions To Reduce & Manage The Environmental Impact of E-Waste
once a year |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
June 2026 (?) |
EXPO PAINT & COATINGS - NEW DELHIExpo Paint & Coatings is a comprehensive Paint & Coatings Exhibition providing platform to the needs of every facade of the coating industry right from raw materials, formulation, application, technology, finishing, quality assurance, recycling & disposal
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
Pragati Maidan
June 2026 (?) |
F-CELL CANADACanada's Annual International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Event
once a year |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Vancouver Convention Centre
June 2026 (?) |
FESTIVAL MONDEMAINMaringues Festival (Puy de Dôme). Numerous fun activities, Personal development, creative workshops, round tables on ecological transition, Highlighting local initiatives for a greener, more united, more human, more joyful world
once a year |
Maringues (France)
Place François Seguin
June 2026 (?) |
FIERA DI U PANEThe Corsican village of Lumio welcomes you through its alleys to promote the true taste of bread. Artisanal wood-fired ovens, demonstrations of traditional bread making, use of old bread-making tools, conferences...
once a year |
Lumio (France)
June 2026 (?) |
GAS, LNG & THE FUTURE OF ENERGY CONFERENCEConnect with Wood Mackenzie’s experts and industry professionals to find out more about pathway forward for the future of gas and LNG, North America's domestic dynamics and the implications for global LNG markets
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
June 2026 (?) |
GLOBAL ENERGY SHOWNorth America's Leading Energy Event. North America’s leading B2B energy exhibition and conference bringing technology, innovation and the transfer of knowledge under one roof
once a year |
Calgary, AB (Canada)
BMO Centre
June 2026 (?) |
GLOBAL GREEN PLASTInternational Exhibition & Conferences on Stratégic Green Polymers, Technologies and Circular Economy Services for Sustainable Industry
once a year |
Casablanca (Morocco)
Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC)
June 2026 (?) |
GREEN BUSINESS WEEKWater, Energy, Waste and Environment Expo. As part of "Portugal Smart Cities Summit"
once a year |
Lisbon (Portugal)
Feira Internacional de Lisboa
June 2026 (?) |
GREEN NEW DEAL EXPOInternational Smart Energy & Low Carbon Emission Expo & Conference
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center
June 2026 (?) |