Measurement, Control & Testing
Trade shows in March 2025


Electronics - Electrotechnics

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28 Trade Shows related to Measurement, Control & Testing in March 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
METEOROLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY WORLD EXPO - NORTH AMERICAMeteorological Technology World Expo has firmly established itself as the must-attend event for anyone looking for improved weather forecasting ability, technologies and services unknown Chicago, IL (USA) Donald E. Stephens Convention Center March 2025
PITTCONTechnical Program and Exhibition for all Scientists who utilize Analytical Instrumentation, Equipment and Techniques. Pittcon is the leading showcase for scientific and technical innovation with a singular focus on laboratory science once a year Boston, MA (USA) Boston Convention & Exhibition Center 03/01/2025
5 days
CHINA LABAnalytic & Laboratory Equipment Exhibition & Conference in China once a year Guangzhou (China) Poly World Trade Expo Center 03/05/2025
3 days
AUTOMATION EXPO SOUTHInternational Exhibition & Conference dedicated to Process Automation, Instrumentation & Controls, Factory Automation, Robotics, Power Plant Automation, Drives Automation, Bus & Wireless Technology, Building Automation, Hydraulics & Pneumatics... once a year Chennai (India) Chennai Trade Centre 03/06/2025
3 days
WIE - INDUSTRY EXPO WENZHOUWenzhou International Industry Fair. It is the annual benchmark for the manufacturing industry of southern Zhejiang and northern Fujian once a year Wenzhou (China) Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center 03/07/2025
3 days
ELETTROEXPOMarket - Show for Electronics Radiant Energy Instruments Equipment Computer Science once a year Verona (Italy) Verona Exhibition Centre 03/08/2025
2 days
CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE METROLOGIEInternational Metrology Congress, bringing together all the technological references in the Measurement and Metrology sector every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo 03/11/2025
4 days
AIMEX - AUTOMATION WORLDKorea International Automation Instrumentation & Control System Exhibition once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 03/12/2025
3 days
SPIE SMART STRUCTURES / NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATIONSPIE Smart Structures/NDE is a leading conference on the applied technologies of advanced materials, smart sensor networks, and non-destructive evaluation tools once a year Vancouver, BC (Canada) Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre 03/17/2025
4 days
AUTOMATION. ELECTRONICS. ELECTRO.Systems of Automatic Control. Instrumentation. Computer Engineering and Information Technologies. Electronics. Components, Technologies, Materials, Equipment once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena 03/18/2025
3 days
MRO SUMMIT GUANGZHOUChina's B2B exhibition and conferences for aerospace MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations) industry once a year Guangzhou (China) GADD - Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District 03/18/2025
3 days
JINAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIONJinan International Industrial Automation & Control Technology Exhibition once a year Jinan (China) Jinan International Convention & Exhibition Center 03/24/2025
4 days
CEATI HYDROPOWER CONFERENCEHydropower Industry International Conference. Hydro utilities and dam owners are searching for new and innovative ways to inspect, maintain, operate, and manage their systems once a year Palm Springs, CA (USA) The Westin Rancho Mirage Golf Resort & Spa 03/25/2025
2 days
CONTROL-STOMFair of Industrial Measuring Technology. Innovative measurement methods, destructive testing equipment and analytical instrumentation... once a year Kielce (Poland) Kielce Fairground 03/25/2025
4 days
EMVElectromagnetic Compatibility International Exhibition & Workshops once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 03/25/2025
3 days
SEPFrancophone Congress on separative sciences and linkages of AfSep (French Association of Separative Sciences) every 2 years Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/25/2025
3 days
APS MEETINGSBusiness Convention for additive manufacturing, 3D printing, rapid prototyping and product development once a year Lyon (France) Espace Tête d'Or 03/26/2025
2 days
CHEMLAB KOREAInternational Chemical and Bio Industrial Equipment Expo. Professional B2B exhibition specializing in research and production equipment, measurement and analyzer for innovation in fine chemical, bio & pharmaceutical fields once a year Incheon (Korea South) Songdo Convensia 03/26/2025
3 days
EXPECChina International Explosion Protection Electric Technology & Equipment Exhibition once a year Beijing (China) China International Exhibition Centre (CIEC) 03/26/2025
3 days
M+R ANTWERPExhibition on Measurement and Control Instrumentation in the Process Industry every 2 years Antwerp (Belgium) Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo 03/26/2025
2 days
MAINTENANCE ANTWERPOne of the leading trade events for Industrial Maintenance, Safety & Security. 300 exhibitors and partners welcomed nearly 5, 000 visitors once a year Antwerp (Belgium) Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo 03/26/2025
2 days
MRO SOUTH ASIA SUMMITWith countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan at the forefront, South Asia has become a dynamic hub for MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations)services, catering to b oth domestic and international markets once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre 03/26/2025
2 days
MRO XPO INDIAExplore Innovative MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations) India's Ecosystem. Immerse yourself in the transformation of India’s aerospace landscape. Participate in India’s dynamic evolution firsthand once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre 03/26/2025
2 days
UZCHEMPLASTEXPOInternational Specialized Exhibition for Chemistry, Plastics, Laboratory, Analytics once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 03/26/2025
3 days
CISILEChina International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition once a year Beijing (China) China International Exhibition Centre (CIEC) 03/31/2025
3 days
DATEDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition. DATE is the major international event for design and engineering of Systems-on-Chip, Systems-on-Board and Embedded Systems Software once a year Lyon (France) Palais des Congrès de Lyon 03/31/2025
3 days
EPEEuropean Power Electronics and Applications Conference every 2 years Paris (France) 03/31/2025
5 days
EPE-ECCE EUROPEEuropean Conference on Power Electronics and Application, organized by EPE (European Power Electronics and Drives Association) every 2 years Paris (France) 03/31/2025
5 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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