CYBERSECTH CONFERENCE - THAILANDCyberSecTH is tailored for securit. professionals across various sectors in Thailand. It serves as a pivotal platform for in-depth discussions, addressing challenges & sharing the best practices in the rapidly evolving landscape of the security industry |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Nov. 2026 |
WANENMACHER'S TULSA ARMS SHOW WINTERArms & Ammunition Fair. WANENMACHER'S TULSA ARMS SHOW WINTER showcases comabat knives, shooting rifles, samurai swords, hunting shotgun, collectors firearms, laser sights, war relics, Military Books, Camouflage related Merchandise and self-defense items |
once a year |
Tulsa, OK (USA)
Exchange Center - Expo Square - Tulsa Expo Center
11/14/2026 2 days |
ENGINE FORUM KOBEInternational business convention for the aeronautical engine, turbine and propulsion systems industry |
every 2 years |
Kobe (Japan)
International Convention Center Kobe (ICCK)
11/17/2026 2 days |
IDEASInternational Defense Exhibition & Seminar |
every 2 years |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
11/24/2026 4 days |
ABU DHABI AIR EXPOAbu Dhabi International Aviation Exhibition & Conference. Business & General Aviation. Commercial Aviation, MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations), Aircraft Interiors, Airport Solutions... |
every 2 years |
Abu Dhabi (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Nov. 2026 (?) |
BLUFFS SHOOTERS GUN SHOW NEBRASKAArms & Ammunition Fair. BLUFFS SHOOTERS GUN SHOW NEBRASKA presents all types of firearms, combat knife, hunting rifle, rifle spoke, sharpening tool, cartridges, gun magazines, gun safes, self protection weapons, hi-tech optics and collectibles |
twice a year |
Mitchell, NE (USA)
Scotts Bluff County Fairground
Nov. 2026 (?) |
CANTON GUN SHOWSelf Defense Weapons Fair. CANTON GUN SHOW presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, collectible firearm, hunting gears, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, security alarm, display cases, survival training and gun parts |
twice a year |
Canton, OH (USA)
Stark County Fairgrounds
Nov. 2026 (?) |
EURONAVALInternational Naval Defence & Maritime Exhibition & Conference. EURONAVAL is the international trade show applying high technology to naval defence and maritime security and safety |
every 2 years |
Paris (France)
Paris Nord Villepinte
Nov. 2026 (?) |
G & S KANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms and Ammunition Fair. G & S KANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOW features rifles, handguns, shotguns, combat knives, samurai swords, cartridges, collectibles, antique coins, hunting and fishing accessories, war relics, carbines and self protection items |
once a year |
Dodge City, KS (USA)
Western State Bank Expo Center
Nov. 2026 (?) |
HERITAGE GUN SHOW EAST CANTONArms & Ammunition Fair. HERITAGE GUN SHOW EAST CANTON presents antique pistols, rifles, Military books, combat knives, gun magazines, collectors firearm, hunting gears, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training and gun parts |
twice a year |
Canton, OH (USA)
Stark County Fairgrounds
Nov. 2026 (?) |
IFSEC INTERNATIONAL (ON LINE)Expo bringing together the entire security buying chain. At IFSEC International meet suppliers & clients, learn about the latest technology & industry trends & discover the best solutions to keep your business & clients secure |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Nov. 2026 (?) |
LEBANON GUN SHOW MISSOURIGuns & knife show. LEBANON GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, shooting rifles, collectible guns, all size of knives, war relics, pistols, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, holsters, gun safes, gun cases, survival gears |
twice a year |
Lebanon, MO (USA)
Kenneth E Cowan Civic Center
Nov. 2026 (?) |
PASCAGOULA GUN SHOWGuns & Knives show. PASCAGOULA GUN SHOW presents all types of firearms, knives, militaria of war, fishing gears, antique pistol, hunting accessories, muzzle loading, gun case & safes, self protection weapon, outdoor survival training and hi-tech optics |
once a year |
Pascagoula, MS (USA)
Jackson County Fairgrounds
Nov. 2026 (?) |
SEDALIA GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. SEDALIA GUN SHOW features shooting rifles, antique swords & knives, shotguns, collectible firearm, personal defense weapons, military surplus, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, gun cases and safe, holsters |
twice a year |
Sedalia, MO (USA)
Missouri State Fairgrounds Publicity
Nov. 2026 (?) |