
Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting
Trade shows in October 2026


Decoration - Furniture - Lighting

Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting Textiles - Fabrics for Decoration
Dec 75 Jan 135 2025 Feb 178 Mar 237 Apr 169 May 129 Jun 99 Jul 61 Aug 64 Sep 199 Oct 227 Nov 181 Dec 61 Jan 134 2026 Feb 159 Mar 240 Apr 160 May 119 Jun 93 Jul 60 Aug 61 Sep 201 Oct 210 Nov 177 Dec 58
210 Trade Shows related to Decoration, Home & Office Design, Furniture, Lighting in October 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ABILMENTE MILANODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Milano - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Milan (Italy) Superstudio Group Oct. 2026 (?)
ABILMENTE VICENZA PRIMAVERA / AUTUNNODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Vicenza - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Vicenza (Italy) Fiera di Vicenza Oct. 2026 (?)
ACETECH - BENGALURUExhibition dedicated solely to the Construction Industry. ACETECH is a leading trade fair in Asia for architecture, building materials, innovation and design once a year Bangalore (India) Bengaluru Palace Oct. 2026 (?)
ADANA FURNITURE - DECORATION FAIRHome and Office Furnitures, Decoration, Lighting, Glassware, Carpet, Home textile, Garden, Home Electronics and Accessories Fair once a year Adana (Turkey) Tüyap Adana International Exhibition and Congress Center Oct. 2026 (?)
AMERICAN DREAMAmerican Lifestyle Expo. There is a stainless myth that resists the passage of time: the American Dream, with all its variations in clothing, collecting, food and the most curious vehicles once a year Padua (Italy) PadovaFiere Oct. 2026 (?)
ARCHITECT @ WORK - ITALY - TURINExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils once a year Torino (Italy) Lingotto Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
ARREDAMONTArredamont is the exhibition for mountain furniture par excellence. An unique event in his sector that becomes every year more important and awaited at national level in this specific furniture sector once a year Longarone (Italy) Longaronefiere Oct. 2026 (?)
ART & CRAFT FAIR - FARGO, NDHand Made items you will see at "ART & CRAFT FAIR" are handcrafted wood furniture & decorative pieces, photography, pottery, jewelry, variety of floral arrangements, creative clothing pieces for all ages, hand woven rugs, home sewn quilts... once a year Fargo, ND (USA) Fargodome Oct. 2026 (?)
ART3F HAUTE SAVOIEInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Haute-Savoie. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year La Roche-sur-Foron (France) Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc Oct. 2026 (?)
ART3F LUXEMBOURGInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Luxembourg. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers twice a year Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Parc des Expositions Luxexpo Kirchberg Oct. 2026 (?)
ASIAN FESTIVE, CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL SHOWAsian-made Christmas, festive and seasonal items, at the top of sourcing list of international buyers for the latest in new, magical and memorable decorations, lighting, wrapping, and seasonal novelties known for reliable quality and competitive prices once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ASIAN HOUSEWARES & KITCHEN SHOWThe Asian Housewares & Kitchen Show is the major showcase and sourcing hub for Asian housewares & kitchenware in Hong Kong once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ASIAN SANITARY & BATHROOM ACCESSORIES SHOWAsian Sanitary & Bathroom Accessories Show is a new showcase and sourcing spot for Asian-made sanitary ware and bathroom accessories in Hong Kong once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ASIAN STATIONERY SHOWAsian Stationery Show has become the key showcase and sourcing hub for Asian stationery and office supplies in Hong Kong once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
AUTOMOTIVE INTERIORS EXPO - NORTH AMERICANorth America’s dedicated international trade fair for automotive interior concepts, materials, finishes, fabrics and components once a year Novi, MI (USA) Suburban Collection Showplace Oct. 2026 (?)
BANGLADESH WOODInternational trade show on Woodworking Machinery, Furniture Production Technologies, Tools, Fittings, Accessories, Materials & Allied Products in Bangladesh once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara Oct. 2026 (?)
BATIRENO / ENERGIE & HABITAT NAMURAutumn fair in Wallonia dedicated to housing. Build, renovate, fit out and improve the energy performance of your home. A complete range of products, materials, services and techniques once a year Namur (Belgium) Namur expo Oct. 2026 (?)
BAUMESSE BAD KREUZNACHHome, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo. All owners and those who wish to become one can find out about construction once a year Bad Kreuznach (Germany) Pfingstwiese Oct. 2026 (?)
BAUMESSE KALKARHome, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo. All owners and those who wish to become one can find out about construction once a year Kalkar (Germany) Messe Kalkar Oct. 2026 (?)
BHUTAN CONSTRUCTION & WOOD EXPOBhutan Construction and Wood Trade Show. Towards Growth and Advancement of the Construction and Wood Sector in Bhutan once a year Thimphu (Bhutan) Changlimithang Stadium Parking Oct. 2026 (?)
BIENNALE DE SCULPTURE ANIMALIÈRE DE RAMBOUILLETBiennial Animal Sculpture Expo in Rambouillet. International Animal Sculpture Contest every 2 years Rambouillet (France) Salle R. Patenôtre Oct. 2026 (?)
BIRO-EXPOBureau equipment and supplies (computers, printers, paper and spare parts), equipment for transfer and telecommunications, communications equipment and furniture, office supplies once a year Belgrade (Serbia) Belgrade Fair Grounds Oct. 2026 (?)
BIS, BOUW- & INTERIEURSALONExhibition of (re)construction and interior design. Find high quality distributors, inspiration, professional advice on kitchen, bathroom, interior design, insulation, renewable energies... once a year ? (Belgium) Oct. 2026 (?)
BIS-IMMOSFEERThe major construction, renovation & interior design exhibition in Flanders. Find high-quality professionals, inspiration and sound advice on kitchen, bathroom, interior design, insulation, renewable energies... once a year Ghent (Belgium) Flanders Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
BUILD EXPO USA - CHARLOTTEAmerica's Premier Regional Building & Construction Event, providing a platform for the latest developments and innovations in the construction sector once a year Charlotte, NC (USA) Charlotte Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
CAFÉ & BRASSERIE INDONESIA - CBIInternational Exhibition for the café and brasserie industry in Indonesia. CAFÉ & BRASSERIE INDONESIA features Food & Beverage Ingredients, Food Service Equipment, Restaurant Fittings (Front of House), Ancillary Services/Equipment... once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Oct. 2026 (?)
CANTERBURY HOME SHOWHome and Garden related Products and Services Exhibition twice a year Christchurch (New Zealand) Wolfbrook Arena Addington Oct. 2026 (?)
CASA MODERNAThe leading home and decoration show, both indoor and outdoor, for the North East of Italy. For a safer, more welcoming and more practical home once a year Udine (Italy) Udine e Gorizia Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
CASPIAN CONSTRUCTION WEEKAzerbaijan International Construction Exhibition. Understand. - AQUA-THERM BAKU: Heating, sanitary, climate control and building exhibition
- BAKUBUILD: Azerbaijan Building Exhibition
once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
CASPIAN MEBEL EXPOCaspian International Furniture Manufacturing and Woodworking Exhibition. MebelExpo serves as the only platform in Azerbaijan to showcase new products and innovative solutions in the furniture industry once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
CERAMBATHChina International Ceramic & Sanitaryware. Building Ceramic (wall & floor tile, plaza tile, mosaic, garden ceramic, roof tile...) Sanitary Ware & Accessory (sanitary ceramic, spa, bathtub, shower room, bathroom accessories, faucet and hanger...) Fair twice a year Foshan (China) China Ceramics City Oct. 2026 (?)
CHICAGO BUILD EXPOA Leading & Large-Scale Construction Expo for Chicago & the Midwest. Network with thousands of decision makers from the Midwest's leading contractors, realtors, developers, architects, housebuilders, civil engineers... once a year Chicago, IL (USA) McCormick Place Oct. 2026 (?)
CHINA YIWU COMMODITIES (STANDARDS) FAIRChina Yiwu International Commodities Fair. One of the most influential & effective fairs for daily consumer goods in China once a year Yiwu (China) Yiwu International Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
CHRISTCHURCH HOME SHOWThe Canterbury Home Show offers a plethora of ideas and inspiration for your next home renovation project or new home build, with an array of quality brands and experts at your disposal twice a year Christchurch (New Zealand) Wolfbrook Arena Addington Oct. 2026 (?)
CIE - CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL EXPO - TANZANIATanzania International Construction Expo. Discover the future of construction and connect with a diverse range of professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, developers, industry experts once a year Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Diamond Jubilee Hall Oct. 2026 (?)
CIHS - CHINA INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE SHOWChina International Hardware Show (CIHS) is Asia's top trade fair for the entire hardware and DIY sectors offering specialist traders and buyers a comprehensive category of products and services once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC Oct. 2026 (?)
CIVIL ENGINEERING FAIRMontenegro Civil Engeneering Fair. Achievements and inovative solutions from all construction fields: building construction, civil engineering construction, building maintenance, fittings &joinery, engineering and design, interior & exterior solutions... once a year Budva (Montenegro) Adriatic Fair Oct. 2026 (?)
CRAFT & QUILT FAIR - BRISBANEAustralia's Craft & Quilt Fair. The Brisbane's Craft & Quilt Fair features displays of handmade crafts and workshops so you can learn something new and retail stands selling unique craft supplies once a year Brisbane (Australia) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
CUKUROVA FURNITURE AND DECORATION FAIRCukurova Furniture and Decoration Fair. Home and Office Furniture, Decoration, Lighting, Home Textile, Garden Furniture, Home Electronics and Accessories Fair once a year Adana (Turkey) Tüyap Adana International Exhibition and Congress Center Oct. 2026 (?)
ÇUKUROVA FURNITURE AND DECORATION FAIRFurniture, Kitchen, Home Textile, Carpet, Lighting, Glassware, Home Electronics, Whiteline Goods, Decoration Materials and Equipment Fair once a year Adana (Turkey) Tüyap Adana International Exhibition and Congress Center Oct. 2026 (?)
DAR CONSTRUCTION EXPODar es Salaam International Construction Expo. Dar Construction Expo will showcase products and services from architects, designers, engineers, building contractors, surveyors, cost consultants, project managers, suppliers, service providers... once a year Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Diamond Jubilee Hall Oct. 2026 (?)
DECOR HOTEL - PORTOTrade fair for decoration, textiles, furniture and garden, mise en place and architecture for hotels and similar every 2 years Porto (Portugal) Exponor Oct. 2026 (?)
DESERET NEWS HOME SHOWDeseret, UT NEWS HOME SHOW features trendy furniture, home furnishings, new interior designs, remodelling and revamp once a year Sandy, UT (USA) Mountain America Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
DESIGN CHICAGODesign Chicago is the Midwest’s Largest Residential Design Conference featuring two days of education, product features and design inspiration from the kitchen, bath and home furnishings showrooms once a year Chicago, IL (USA) The Mart Oct. 2026 (?)
DESIGN ISLEInternational Design Fair. DESIGN ISLE, emphasizing on industrial & interior design, architecture & fashion design, is a creative & dynamic meeting place for designers to present their latest achievements to other professionals, customers & fanciers once a year Riga (Latvia) Riga International Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
DESIGN. LIVING TENDENCYInterior Design and Living Space Arrangement Show once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center Oct. 2026 (?)
EAST AFRICA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXHIBITION - EAITEInternational Multisector Products, Equipments & Machinery Trade Fair once a year Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Diamond Jubilee Hall Oct. 2026 (?)
EDMONTON FALL HOME SHOWEdmonton Home & Interior Design Show. Search for home and garden experts for all your projects. Find store and contact information once a year Edmonton, AB (Canada) Edmonton Expo Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ESPRIT MAISON ESPRIT JARDINHome and decoration fair. Housing, exterior design, renovation, real estate, furnishing, decoration, design, craftsmen... once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Oct. 2026 (?)
EUROMINERALEXPOMinerals and Nature Universe International Market Show once a year Torino (Italy) Lingotto Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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