Measurement, Control & Testing
Trade shows in October 2026


Electronics - Electrotechnics

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28 Trade Shows related to Measurement, Control & Testing in October 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ADVANCED ENGINEERING - BIRMINGHAMInternational Exhibition for advanced engineering professionals involved in aero engineering design, development, testing, production, assembly and inspection once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
AEROSPACE TESTING RUSSIA / INDUSTRIAL TESTING & CONTROLInternational Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Oct. 2026 (?)
CAR-ELE JAPAN - NAGOYAThe World's Leading Exhibition Specialized in Automotive Electronics. AS a part of AUTOMOTIVE WORLD, CAR-ELE JAPAN gathers a variety of automotive electronics technologies, components, materials, software, manufacturing equipment & testing technologies once a year Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya) Oct. 2026 (?)
ELECTRONICS. INSTRUMENT-MAKING. AUTOMATIONInternational Exhibition & Forum dedicated to Electronics, Instrument-Making, Automation once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ELECTROTEST JAPAN - NAGOYAAsia's Leading Exhibition specialised in Test, Inspection, Measurement and Analysis for Electronics Manufacturing and R&D once a year Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya) Oct. 2026 (?)
ENERGY EXPOEnergy sources, Consumption Meters and Regulators, Energy-Saving Technologies and Equipment once a year Minsk (Belarus) Football Manege Sport Complex Oct. 2026 (?)
FOOD LONG LIFE JAPANThe "Food Long Life" Fair feature. Shelf life technologies that helps prolong and maintain food taste and quality longer once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) Oct. 2026 (?)
IC & SENSOR PACKAGING EXPO JAPAN - NAGOYAAsia’s Leading Exhibition for IC Final Manufacturing gathering Advanced Equipment, Materials and Services. Assembly Equipment, Packaging Materials / Equipment, Analysis/Simulation Software for IC Packaging... once a year Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya) Oct. 2026 (?)
INDIA CHEMInternational Exhibition & Conference on Chemicals, Petro-Chemicals and Plastics, Pharmaceuticals, Technologies, Process Plant Machinery, Control & Automation Systems Machinery, Control & Automation Systems every 2 years ? (India) Oct. 2026 (?)
INTERGEOTrade Fair and Conference for Geodetic Surveying and Geographic Information once a year ? (Germany) Oct. 2026 (?)
LAB INNOVATIONSTrade Show for Technologies and Services for Laboratories. To share your latest developments in laboratory equipment and processes, explore sustainable lab initiatives, learn new ways to future-proof your lab... once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
LAB MYANMARInternational Exhibition & Conference on Laboratory, Analytical, Biotechnology and Scientifi c Instruments & Technology in Myanmar once a year Yangon (Myanmar (Burma)) Myanmar Expo Hall @ Fortune Plaza Oct. 2026 (?)
MAINTENANCE KRAKOWTrade Fair for Suppliers of Maintenance Products and Services. Maintenance Krakow provides a comprehensive platform where exhibitors can keep visitors abreast of the latest innovations and trends, to jointly devise solutions and do business once a year Krakow (Poland) Expo Krakow Oct. 2026 (?)
MANUFACTURING WORLD OSAKAManufacturing World Osaka is one of the largest manufacturing trade shows in Japan, focusing on DX, AI, IoT solutions, additive manufacturing, factory automation, motion control, mechanical components, factory facilities/equipment... once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka Oct. 2026 (?)
METEOROLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY WORLD EXPO - EUROPEMeteorological Technology World Expo has firmly established itself as the must-attend event for anyone looking for improved weather forecasting ability, technologies and services once a year ? (Europe) Oct. 2026 (?)
METROMEETInternational Conference on Industrial Dimensional Metrology once a year Bilbao (Spain) Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna Oct. 2026 (?)
NDT RUSSIAInternational exhibition of equipment for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Oct. 2026 (?)
PHOTONEX EUROPEPhotonics, Lasers & Optical Instrumentation International Trade Show. Photonex is the UK’s showcase event dedicated to photonics, applied optical equipment, biophotonics, fibre optics, lasers, vision & Light every 2 years ? (UK - United Kingdom) Oct. 2026 (?)
POWER ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRYInternational Trade Fair on Power Engineering for Industry. Electrical and power equipment, electrical substations, power lines, cables and wires, industrial lightning, automation, measurement and control... once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center Oct. 2026 (?)
PRECITECHAn exclusive trade show for the Manufacturing sector in India's Industrial regions. PRECITECH facilitates Industry professionals to interact and exchange ideas to improve technology manufacturing and accuracy & quality while saving the resources once a year Pune (India) Pune International Exhibition and Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
PWB EXPO - PRINTED WIRING BOARDS EXPO - NAGOYAJapanese International Exhibition Featuring all kinds of PCBs/PWBs and technologie. - PCB Materials, Design & Development Services, and Digital Design Tools once a year Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya) Oct. 2026 (?)
PWB EXPO - PRINTED WIRING BOARDS EXPO JAPAN - NAGOYAJapanese International Exhibition Featuring all kinds of PCBs/PWBs and technologie. - PCB Materials, Design & Development Services, and Digital Design Tools once a year Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya) Oct. 2026 (?)
QA&TESTQA&TEST is the International Conference on Testing and Software Quality in Embedded Systems in Bilbao once a year Bilbao (Spain) Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna Oct. 2026 (?)
RADEL: ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATIONInternational Specialized Exhibition of Electronics and Instrumentation. RADEL is an international trade fair for electronic components and parts, materials, technologies, equipment, services, certification, service of electronics and instrumentation once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
SENSORSSensors and sensing technology Technologies International Conference once a year ? (Europe) Oct. 2026 (?)
SYRIA LABInternational Laboratory Technology and Equipment Exhibition. Syria Lab is a unique event that combines scientific and commercial goals in the scientific, medical and industrial laboratory fields once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground Oct. 2026 (?)
TAITRONICS - TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS SHOWTaipei International Electronics Show. Electronics Components & Parts, Meters & Instruments, Industrial Process & Automation Equipment, Consumer Products & Automotive Electronics, Next-G Communication Tech, Green Power... once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Oct. 2026 (?)
TESTING & CONTROLInternational Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment Testing & Control once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Oct. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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