100+ TECHNOBUILD100+ TechnoBuild is an international congress and a professionally oriented exhibition, dedicated to design, construction, financing and operation of buildings and unique structures |
once a year |
Yekaterinburg (Russia)
IEC 'Ekaterinburg-Expo'
Sept. 2026 (?) |
AFRIWOOD EAST AFRICA - TANZANIAInternational Wood & Furniture Manufacturing Exhibition. AFRIWOOD is the foremost exhibition that offers you a chance to meet wood and woodworking professionals and develop ideas for increasing the range and quality of one’s business |
once a year |
Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania)
Diamond Jubilee Hall
Sept. 2026 (?) |
AIA CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTS NETWORKCUSTOM RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTS NETWORK provides a vibrant meeting place for practitioners within the Custom Residential Architectural community to share knowledge, experiences, resources, and events |
twice a year |
Seattle, WA (USA)
Seattle Westin Hotel
Sept. 2026 (?) |
AQUA-THERM ALMATYInternational Trade Fair for Heating, Sanitation, Climate Control, Building Technologies |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ARCHITECT @ WORK - ITALY - MILANExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils |
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
MiCo - Milano Congressi
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ARCHITECT @ WORK - UNITED KINGDOMExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
The Truman Brewery
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ASANSCÖR - EURASIA ELEVATORInternational Elevator, Escalator Industry and Technologies Exhibition |
every 2 years |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
Sept. 2026 (?) |
AUCKLAND HOME SHOWHome improvements & furniture Show. AUCKLAND HOME SHOW features latest interior designs, trendy furniture, sofa, home decors, appliances and remodeling services |
once a year |
Auckland (New Zealand)
ASB Showgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BANGKOK RHVACBangkok Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Trade Show - air-conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Parts, Materials and Services, Tools & Equipment |
every 2 years |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BAUEN & MODERNISIEREN ZÜRICHSwiss exhibition for the construction and modernization of housing. The place to receive one-on-one advice from top-notch exhibitors |
once a year |
Zurich (Switzerland)
Ferienmesse Zürich
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BAUEN & WOHNEN - LINGENBuilding & Living Exhibition. The event presents all topics relating to building, renovation, furnishing and design |
once a year |
Lingen (Germany)
Emslandhallen Lingen
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BAUMESSE HOFHEIMHome, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo. All owners and those who wish to become one can find out about construction |
once a year |
Hofheim (Germany)
Messecenter Rhein-Main
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BAUMESSE PFORZHEIMHome, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo. All owners and those who wish to become one can find out about construction |
once a year |
Pforzheim (Germany)
Messplatz, Pforzheim
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BCT - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TECHOLOGY EXPO"Building Construction Techology Expo" is a platform focused on th. building & construction industry in Thailand and ASEAN. Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Smart Facility Management, Building Information Modeling (BIM), AI & Robotics, Drone... |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Impact Exhibition & Convention Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BEDIC - THE BUILDING ENVELOPE DESIGN AND INSULATION CONFERENCEBEDIC – The Building Envelope Design and Insulation Conference focuses on innovative building envelope designs and solutions that optimize energy efficiency and resident comfort for Saudi Arabia’s unique requirements |
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Hilton Riyadh Hotel & Residences
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BELARUSSIAN CONSTRUCTION WEEKExhibition of Windows, Doors, Roofs, Glass, Ceramics... |
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BELKOMMUNTECHMunicipal Engineering & Road-Building Trade Show |
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BEX ASIABEX Asia is the premier platform for the built environment industry that connects solution providers, distributors and sellers with decision makers, developers, architects, interior designers, landscape architects, consultants and buyers |
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
Marina Bay Sands
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILD EXPO BASRAIraq International Building & Construction Exhibition. Building, Construction and Municipal Equipment Exhibition, the biggest construction fair in Basra |
every 2 years |
Basra (Iraq)
Basrah International Fair Ground
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILD PAKISTAN - KARACHIInternational Building & Construction Technology, Materials, Property, Stone, Interiors & Architecture Exhibition & Conference |
every 2 years |
? (Pakistan)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILDEXPO AFRICA - TANZANIAInternational Building, Construction, Municipal Equipment, Natural Stone, Machinery and Equipment Exhibition |
once a year |
Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania)
Diamond Jubilee Hall
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILD-EXPO YEREVANBUILD EXPO in Yerevan is a major construction and architecture exhibition in Armenia. The most modern construction materials, latest technologies and innovations are presented |
once a year |
Yerevan (Armenia)
Karen Demirchyan Complex
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILDING A COUNTRY HOUSEExhibition of suburban housing construction, building materials and engineering systems |
twice a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILDING INDUSTRY SOLUTIONSPolish international Building Industry Trade Show. Warsaw Construction Machinery Fair is an event that meets the current needs of entrepreneurs operating in the construction industry |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Ptak Warsaw Expo
Sept. 2026 (?) |
BUILDMACEX NIGERIAInternational Building, Construction & Machinery Trade Show |
once a year |
Lagos (Nigeria)
Eko Hotel & Convention Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CAMCONCRETECambodia International Concrete Technology & Supplies Exhibition |
once a year |
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CAMGLASSCambodia International Glass Technology Exhibition |
once a year |
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CEMENT CENTRAL ASIA'Cement Central Asia' is a professional internbational forum for discussing relevant issues of the development of the cement industry in Central Asia, the investment projects in this industry, technical and technological improvement of production |
once a year |
Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Hotel Hilton, Tashkent
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CERSAIEInternational Exhibition of Ceramics for the Building Industry and bathroom Furnishings |
once a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CITYSCAPE EGYPTEgypt's leading real estate event, Cityscape Egypt, brings together thousands of industry professionals, homebuyers, and investors to explore opportunities, trends, and insights in the real estate industry |
once a year |
Cairo (Egypt)
EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CITYSCAPE GLOBAL SAUDISaudi Arabia's leading real estate event, Cityscape Saudi Arabia, brings together thousands of industry professionals, homebuyers, and investors to explore opportunities, trends, and insights in the real estate industry |
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CIVARCambodia International Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Exhibition & Conference |
once a year |
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
COMMERCIAL UAV EXPO AMERICASCommercial UAV Expo is a conference and exhibition focused on high-precision UAS for industrial use Surveying & Mapping; Civil Infrastructure; Process, Power & Utilities; Mining; Construction; Emergency Response & Search & Rescue (SAR); Agriculture... |
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Caesars Palace
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CONCRETE SHOW SOUTH EAST ASIAInternational Concrete & Construction Show. Concrete Show South East Asia provides you with the perfect platform to meet, network and collaborate within the concrete and construction industry in Indonesia and South East Asia Region |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CONSTRUCT IRAQInternational Trade Fair for Construction Industry. Building Materials and Technologies, Contracting Services, Electrical Infrastructure, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC), Pump Systems... |
once a year |
Erbil (Iraq)
Erbil International Fairground
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CWFM EXPO PAKISTAN - KARACHICleaning, Waste and Facilities Management (CWFM) exhibition. The event will delivers a powerful combination of senior decision makers and purchase influencers from across the Pakistan’s industrial, commercial and public sectors |
every 2 years |
? (Pakistan)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CYBERSECVN CONFERENCE - VIETNAMCyberSecVN is tailored for securit. professionals across various sectors in Virtnam. It serves as a pivotal platform for in-depth discussions, addressing challenges & sharing the best practices in the rapidly evolving landscape of the security industry |
once a year |
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
JW Marriott Hotel & Suites, Saigon
Sept. 2026 (?) |
DESTINATION HABITAT - BUGEYBugey housing fair (France). Construction, Renovation, Interior design and decoration, Exterior design |
once a year |
Belley (France)
Bugey Expo
Sept. 2026 (?) |
DESTINATION HABITAT - DOLEDole housing fair (France). Construction, Renovation, Interior design and decoration, Exterior design |
once a year |
Dole (France)
La Commanderie, Dole
Sept. 2026 (?) |
DWF - DOOR WINDOW FACADE INDONESIATrade show dedicated to technologies, equipment, decorative materials and accessories for building construction, industrial, commercial and residential architecture, and interior design with façade and fixture specializations |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
EAST AFRICA BUILDING & CONTRUCTION - RWANDAInternational construction & building technology Expo. East Africa Building & Construction exhibitors will be showing the latest equipment and services in the field of civil engineering construction, building for commercial, industrial & social housing |
once a year |
Kigali (Rwanda)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
EGYPT PROJECTSInternational exhibition for Construction & Building Materials. EGYPT PROJECTS will offer the complete range of products and solutions suited to the construction market in Egypt and the Middle East |
once a year |
Cairo (Egypt)
EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ENGINEER & MARVEXASEAN's key Engineering and ACMV & R (Air-Conditioning, Mechanical Ventilation & Refrigeration) exhibition and conference |
once a year |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
EQUIP'BAIEWindows, Doors, Shutters and Solar Protection International Exhibition |
every 2 years |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Sept. 2026 (?) |
EXO-EXPO KOREAKorea's largest eco-friendly business platform. Government, corporations and consumers gather to spread eco-friendly, consumer life culture and to promote the ecology industry |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
EXPO NACIONAL FERRETERAExpo Nacional Ferretera is dedicated to the hardware, construction, electrical and industrial safety sectors in Mexico, Central & South America. Also a meeting place to create business networks between manufacturers, distributors and buyers |
once a year |
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Expo Guadalajara
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FASTENER FAIR MEXICOInternational Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology. Industrial fastening and fixing products, Fastening products for construction, Manufacturing technologies for fastening products... |
once a year |
? (Mexico)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FIRE INDIAInternational Fire, Rescue and Emergency Expo |
once a year |
? (India)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FLOORING PAKISTAN - KARACHIInternational Exhibition & Conference for Flooring, Carpeting & Tile Industry |
every 2 years |
? (Pakistan)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DU MANSLe Mans Fair. Housing, wines and gastronomy, ingenious products, automobiles, furniture, public works building spaces and agricultural equipment... stock up on ideas for your projects |
once a year |
Le Mans (France)
Centre des expositions du Mans
Sept. 2026 (?) |