
Arts - Entertainment
Trade Shows in September 2026


Arts - Entertainment

Dec 124 Jan 140 2025 Feb 171 Mar 190 Apr 146 May 146 Jun 95 Jul 99 Aug 74 Sep 128 Oct 188 Nov 191 Dec 66 Jan 90 2026 Feb 124 Mar 150 Apr 122 May 131 Jun 75 Jul 88 Aug 66 Sep 123 Oct 184 Nov 179 Dec 62
123 Trade Shows related to Arts - Entertainment
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ABILMENTE ROMADo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Roma - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Rome (Italy) Fiera di Roma Sept. 2026 (?)
ABILMENTE TORINODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Torino - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Torino (Italy) Lingotto Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ACCORDION SHOWThe International Exhibition dedicated to the Accordion World is in Cremona! once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ACOUSTIC GUITAR VILLAGETrade show dedicated to acoustic guitar, classical and modern, and to other plectrum and plucked instruments once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
AFFORDABLE ART FAIR - NEW YORKInternational Art Exhibition. Affordable Art Fair is the leading showcase for affordable, contemporary original art from galleries and dealers twice a year New York, NY (USA) Metropolitan Pavilion Sept. 2026 (?)
ANTIQUE ALLEY AT WHIPP FARMANTIQUE ALLEY AT WHIPP FARM showcases Antiques, Collectables, Food, Crafts and more... twice a year Cleburne, TX (USA) Johnson County Sheriff's Posse Sept. 2026 (?)
ART ATHINAInternational Contemporary Art Fair, One of the oldest in Europe, hosting Greek and international galleries once a year Athens (Greece) Zappeion Megaron Exhibition Hall and Conference Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
ART ON PAPER NEW YORKSome 100 galleries are featuring to. modern and contemporary paper-based art once a year New York, NY (USA) New York Pier 36 Sept. 2026 (?)
ART3F LAUSANNEInternational Contemporary Art Expo in lausanne. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Lausanne (Switzerland) Palais de Beaulieu Sept. 2026 (?)
ART3F MONACOInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Monaco. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Monaco (Monaco) Espace Fontvieille Sept. 2026 (?)
ART3F PARISInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Paris. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers twice a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Sept. 2026 (?)
ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVALAthens Coffee Festival is a large celebration of coffee and its surrounding culture, addressed equally to industry professionals, home baristas and the general public ! once a year Athens (Greece) Technopolis City of Athens Sept. 2026 (?)
BEE - BANGKOK ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONICSHome Appliances, Audio & Visual Appliances, IT and OA, Lighting, Industrial parts and accessories every 2 years Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
BIENAL INTERNACIONAL DO LIVRO DE SÃO PAULOInternational Book Biennial of São Paulo every 2 years São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte Sept. 2026 (?)
BIENNALE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE LYONLyon Contemporary Art Biennale. The event extends over several emblematic places in Lyon, ideal for meeting artists every 2 years Lyon (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
BOKMÄSSAN - GÖTEBORG BOOK FAIRScandinavia's international book fair. One of the largest cultural events in the Nordics once a year Gothenburg (Sweden) Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
BRADERIE DE LILLELa Braderie de Lille is the largest and most famous flea market in Europe. Each year, more than two million visitors of all nationalities roam the streets of the city of Lille in search of bargains! once a year Lille (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
CADEAUX LEIPZIGTrade Fair for Gifts and Ideas for the home. Folk art/arts and crafts from the Erzgebirge region, Floristry/home/gifts/souvenirs, Stationery/handicrafts/creative items, Bathroom/wellness/beauty, Costume jewellery/accessories, Home textiles... twice a year Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig Sept. 2026 (?)
CARREFOUR EUROPÉEN DU PATCHWORKEuropean patchwork crossroads. International meeting between professionals and amateurs of textile art once a year Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (France) Val d'Argent Expo Sept. 2026 (?)
CIOE - CHINA INTERNATIONAL OPTOELECTRONIC EXPOSITIONChina International Optoelectronic Exposition. The event will present the entire optoelectronic sector including information and communication, precision optics, sensing, lasers, infrared and photonics once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
CONTEMPORARY ISTANBUL'Contemporary Istanbul' is the Turkey's leading international contemporary art fair, broughting together works from over 50 contemporary art galleries, over a dozen countries, with foreign collectors and art lovers once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Congress Center Sept. 2026 (?)
CRAFT & QUILT FAIR - MELBOURNEAustralia’s favourite Craft & Quilt Fair. Melbourne Craft & Quilt Fair exhibitors show handmade crafts, workshops & latest products for stamping, scrapbooking, knitting, crochet, cardmaking, embroidery, sewing, quilting, jewellery-making & more once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
CREMONA MONDOMUSICAThe worldwide leading marketplace for violin and plucked instrument making once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
CREMONA WINDSCremona International Wind Instrument Fair once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
EXPO REINCORPORAAt EXPO REINCORPORA, different products made by inmates in the Cochabamba prisons are exhibited and put up for sale: wooden objects and furniture, blacksmithing, metalworking, sewing, embroidery, children's games, decorative items, handicrafts, jewelry... once a year Cochabamba (Bolivia) Recinto Ferial de Alalay Sept. 2026 (?)
FAIR FOR ART VIENNAFAIR FOR ART Vienna is dedicated to modern and contemporary art and is a meeting place for established artists as well as emerging talents of the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition, works of fine art from the 18th and 19th centuries once a year Vienna (Austria) Aula der Wissenschaften Sept. 2026 (?)
FESTA DI U FICUFair dedicated to Fig in Corsica. The work carried out on the various varieties known in Corsica and the origin of the establishment of the fig on the island feed the technical part of the "FESTA DI U FICU" once a year Peri (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL DU MIEUX-ÊTRE DE MELUNThe 'Festival du Mieux-Être' brings together well-being professionals and enthusiasts around workshops, conferences and stands dedicated to the body, the mind, the family and the home once a year Melun (France) Salle de l'Escale Sept. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DE LA CHOUCROUTEThe village of Krautergersheim (near Strasbourg) is the capital of sauerkraut, and owes its fame to its flagship vegetable: cabbage. The internationally renowned sauerkraut festival is: local gastronomy, traditions and a festive atmosphere! once a year Krautergersheim (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DES BERGERS D'ARAMITSA well-established pastoral tradition in the Barétous valley (foothills of the Pyrenees). Come and live for 3 days to the rhythm of songs, dances and sounds of bells, you will appreciate the complicity of the shepherd with his dog once a year Aramits (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MATTEOThe traditional Fiera di San Matteo is dear to the inhabitants of the Metauro Valley and the opportunity for tourists to discover the wealth of places of art, culture and the charm of the surroundings of Fossombrone. Trade fair, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone (Italy) Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MICHELESan Michele de Santarcangelo Fair, known as “fiera degli uccelli”. With a centuries-old tradition, this fall event offers regional products, crafts and foods, a street market, festive and cultural entertainment... once a year Santarcangelo di Romagna (Italy) Piazza Ganganelli Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - MILANOEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... twice a year Busto Arsizio (Italy) Malpensa Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - VICENZAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Vicenza (Italy) Fiera di Vicenza Sept. 2026 (?)
FIRA D'ARTESANIACraft Fair of Igualada. You will find all kinds of local products made in an artisanal way, from food to fashion accessories or clothes twice a year Igualada (Spain) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Sept. 2026 (?)
FIRANOAIAIgualada Multisectorial Fair. The great economic showcase of the Anoia region once a year Igualada (Spain) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE LA LATIÈRECreated since time immemorial, the Latière fair brings together more than 10, 000 people in the middle of hectares of forest. The La Latière fair is an atypical fair where animals, local products, garden centers, vehicles, funfairs... twice a year Saint Aulaye-Puymangou (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE PAUFair of Pau. Gastronomy, Housing, Shopping, Beauty and Well-being, Village of associations, Ephemeral farm, Music festival... once a year Pau (France) Foire Expositions de Pau Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE EXPO DE NEVERSNevers trade fair. The opportunity to demonstrate your know-how, develop your professional network and conquer new markets once a year Nevers (France) Centre des Expositions de Nevers Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE CAENCaen International Fair. 10 days of commerce, entertainment and shows. To meet the new expectations of its visitors, the "Foire internationale de Caen" diversifies and enriches its programming from year to year once a year Caen (France) Parc des expositions de Caen Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE CHATOUSecondhand trade fair, antiques and regional products from Chatou (near Paris) twice a year Chatou (France) Île des Impressionnistes Sept. 2026 (?)
FOIRE-EXPOSITION DE VERDUNVerdun Fair-Exhibition. With more than 40, 000 visitors, the Verdun National Fair is the first family event in the Meuse department once a year Verdun (France) Verdun Expo Meuse Sept. 2026 (?)
GAME EXPO MINSKMinsk Exhibition & Festival of the Game Industry. Developers and publishers of electronic games, gaming computers, tablets, consoles, mobile devices, smartphones and portable devices, Board games, accessories of heroes of computer games... once a year Minsk (Belarus) Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave. Sept. 2026 (?)
GAMESFORUM LONDONB2B Conference about the Business of Games. Join the GAMESFORUM LONDON for an immersive event dedicated to exploring the dynamic landscape of ad monetization in mobile games once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) 155 Bishopsgate, London Sept. 2026 (?)
GIFTEX OSAKAJapan's leading "B-to-B" trade show for variety-gifts gathered from all over the world once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka Sept. 2026 (?)
GREEK JEWELRY SHOWExhibition of Greek jewelry and art reserved for professionals once a year Athens (Greece) MEC - Mediterranian Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
HERBST MESSEExhibition dedicated to Living & Furnishing, House & Crafts, Household & Kitchen, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Lifestyle, Gastronomy & Enjoyment, Family & Information... once a year Dornbirn (Austria) Dornbirner Messe Sept. 2026 (?)
HEXAGONE GRENOBLEGift Show. HEXAGON Grenoble is a tradeshow for gifts, souvenirs, decoration, regional items, fragrances, costume jewelry, ready-to-wear, florists, gourmet gifts and objects from brittany once a year Grenoble (France) Alpexpo Sept. 2026 (?)
HOLY RUSSIA - IRKUTSKChurch Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education once a year Irkutsk (Russia) Sibexpocentre Sept. 2026 (?)
I PRIMI D'ITALIAI Primi d'Italia is four days dedicated to continuous tastings, cooking classes, demonstrations by great chefs, quality food production, moments of entertainment... once a year Foligno (Italy) Piazza della Repubblica, Foligno Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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