SALON DU MARIAGE DE LENSThe Wedding Fairs of Lens, Douai and Arras are the appointments not to be missed to organize your reception. Caterers, reception venues, wedding dresses, costumes and bridal wear, photographers, videographers, entertainers, jewelers, travel agencies...
once a year |
Lens (France)
Salle Bertinchamps
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE DE NÎMESWedding Fair of Nîmes. A complete event around marriage bringing together a diversity of qualified service providers: wedding dresses, hairdressing and beauty, formal wear for men, invitations, photographers, reception venues and caterers, entertainment
once a year |
Nîmes (France)
Parc des expositions de Nîmes
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE DE VALENCEWedding Fair of Valence. The wedding fairs are strategically distributed in time and space to allow you to find all the providers for your wedding with complete peace of mind
once a year |
Valence (France)
Palais des Congrès et des Expositions Jacques Chirac
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU VIN ET DE LA BIÈREFair for Lovers of Wine, Beer and Gastronomy in the Hauts-de-France Region
once a year |
Dunkirk (France)
Le Kursaal
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON INTERNATIONAL DU TOURISME DE LA CÔTE D'AZURInternational Tourism Fair in Cannes. Canne International Tourism Fair attracts travel agencies, luxury accommodation, castles, Ship and Airline companies, spas, golf courses, museums, French & foreign tourist offices, tour operators
once a year |
Cannes (France)
Hotel Canopy Hilton, Cannes
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON VINIFRANCE - BESANÇONBesançon Wine Fair (France). Every year, the Salon des Vins de France welcomes many winegrowers and artisans from the food trades who come together to share their passion and present the best of their production
once a year |
Besancon (France)
Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON VINIFRANCE - ISSOIREIssoire Wine Fair (France). Every year, the Salon des Vins de France welcomes many winegrowers and artisans from the food trades who come together to share their passion and present the best of their production
once a year |
Issoire (France)
Halle aux grains
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON ZENWellness Expo, therapies for body and spirit
once a year |
Paris (France)
Espace Champerret
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON ZEN ET BIO - NANTESWellness, Natural Food & Healthy Home Expo. Organic food and wine, Association, green tourism and gardening, Fashion and crafts, Beauty, health and well-being, Ecological house and healthy living, Well-being...
once a year |
Nantes (France)
Exponantes - La Beaujoire
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SAMSUN AGRICULTURE FAIRSamsun (Turkey) International Agriculture, Stock Breeding and Technologies Fair
once a year |
Samsun (Turkey)
Tüyap Damsun Fair and Congress Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SAUDI AGRICULTUREWater Technology and Agri Industry Exhibition
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SAUDI AGRO FOODInternational Food, Equipment & Catering Show
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SAUDI AGRO-FOODInternational Trade Exhibition for Food Products, Ingredients & Technologies
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SAVONA SPOSI EXPOSavona Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies
once a year |
Savona (Italy)
Fortezza del Priamar
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SEAFOOD SHOW LATIN AMERICAThe Seafood Show is a business meeting between producers, suppliers, packing plants, retailers, wholesalers, food service, distributors, importers, exporters and auxiliary machine manufacturers
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Parque Anhembi
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SIA HOSPITALITY DESIGNSIA Hospitality Design is the trade fair in Italy dedicated exclusively to the hotel industry
once a year |
Rimini (Italy)
Rimini Fiera
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SIAGROSIAGRO attracts agricultural and agri-food sector professionals from the West and Central Africa region, as well as investors, buyers and service providers
every 2 years |
Dakar (Senegal)
CICES (Centre international du Commerce extérieur du Sénégal)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SIATInternational Agricultural Investment and Technology Fair
every 2 years |
Tunis (Tunisia)
Parc des expositions du Kram
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SIBERIAN FOOD WEEKExhibition of Food, Beverages, equipment, packaging and ingrédients for the food industry
once a year |
Novosibirsk (Russia)
Novosibirsk Expocentre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SKIPASSTourism and Winter Sports Exhibition
once a year |
Modena (Italy)
Modena Fiere
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ANNECYFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Annecy (France)
Espace Rencontre, Annecy-le-vieux
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE BORDEAUXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Bordeaux (France)
Le Hangar 14
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE CAGNES-SUR-MERFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Cagnes-Sur-Mer (France)
Hippodrome, Cagnes-Sur-Mer
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE DIJONFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Dijon (France)
Zénith de Dijon
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE MONTPELLIERFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Montpellier (France)
Montpellier - Parc des Expositions
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ORLÉANSFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Orleans (France)
Centre Orléans Métropole (CO'Met)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE PARC ASTÉRIXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Senlis (France)
Parc Astérix
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE RENNESFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Rennes (France)
Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ROUENFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Rouen (France)
Parc des expositions de Rouen
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE STRASBOURGFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Strasbourg (France)
Parc des expositions de Strasbourg
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOMMET DE L'ÉLEVAGEEuropean Exhibition of Livestock Professionals. Located in the center of France, the world cradle of the largest beef breeds, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE is an exceptional showcase of French breeding
once a year |
Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Grande Halle d'Auvergne
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPECIALITY & FINE FOOD ASIASingapore's leading trade show for artisan, gourmet and fine food & drink
once a year |
Singapore (Singapore)
Marina Bay Sands
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A BOLOGNABologna Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals...
twice a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A BRESCIABreshia Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals…
twice a year |
Brescia (Italy)
Museo Mille Miglia
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A TRENTOTrento Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals...
once a year |
Trento (Italy)
Centro Congressi Interbrennero Trento
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A TREVISOTreviso Wedding Fair Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals…
twice a year |
Treviso (Italy)
Villa Braida – Mogliano Veneto
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A VARESEVarese Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals...
once a year |
Varese (Italy)
UNAHOTELS Hotel, Varese
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A VICENZAVicenza Wedding Show Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals…
once a year |
Vicenza (Italy)
Villa Curti, Sovizzo
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ST. PETERSBURG INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY FORUMThe largest annual Business Forum of the Russian Forestry Industrial Complex. The platform for discussing the future of the timber industry and making strategic business decisions
once a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
AirportCity Plaza
Oct. 2026 (?) |
S-TEC JAPAN - SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY JAPANExhibition for Food Safety and Quality Control. S-tec Japan is the only event in Japan that focuses on this highly specialised segment and provides the best opportunity to meet production and R&D professionals from food manufacturing companies
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SUISSE CARAVAN SALONCamping and Caravanning National Expo. SUISSE CARAVAN SALON is a five-day national and international event where exhibitors present a comprehensive overview of latest innovations, trends, technology, accessories and the hotest holiday destinations
once a year |
Bern (Switzerland)
BernExpo AG
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SUN - EN PLEIN AIR - STYLEThe Italian Marketplace for Travel & Hospitality
once a year |
Rimini (Italy)
Rimini Fiera
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SUPPLYSIDE WESTLas Vegas leading ingredients and solutions tradeshow. Connect with more than 250 leading health & nutrition suppliers and service providers
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Mandalay Bay Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SYMASTrade show for transportation and logistics of bulk materials. Presents technologies related to the processing, reloading, transportation, storage, sorting, filtering, separation, crushing and packaging of bulk materials
once a year |
Krakow (Poland)
Expo Krakow
Oct. 2026 (?) |
TEAMS CONFERENCE + EXPOTEAMS Conference + Expo is the world’s leading conference and expo for the sports-event industry
once a year |
Oct. 2026 (?) |
TERNI SPOSI EXPOTerniWedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies
once a year |
Terni (Italy)
Vallantica Resort & SPA
Oct. 2026 (?) |
THE MFCC WEDDINGS EXHIBITIONMalta Wedding Fair. MFCC Weddings Exhibition is a yearly event which brings together all the services and products related to the organisation of a wedding ceremony
once a year |
Naxxar (Malta)
Malta Fairs and Convention Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
THE NATIONAL WEDDING SHOW - BIRMINGHAMNational Wedding Show. National Wedding Show Birmingham is a wedding dress emporium that caters for every bride-to-be. From samples sales, to boutique and designer ranges, with 250+ wedding suppliers and the best names in bridal
twice a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
THE NATIONAL WEDDING SHOW - LONDON - EXCELWedding Show. National Wedding Show London is a wedding dress emporium that caters for every bride-to-be. From samples sales, to boutique and designer ranges, with 250+ wedding suppliers and the best names in bridal
twice a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
THE NATIONAL WOMEN'S SHOW - OTTAWAWomen's Show. Shop ‘til you drop at over 300 exhibits and find everything from food and wine sampling, fashion shows, celebrity guests, free makeovers, health, wellness & beauty secrets, cooking demos, home renovation advice, travel ideas…
once a year |
Ottawa, ON (Canada)
Ernst & Young Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |