A’SAMBENIA’Sambeni is a tourism showcase for sub-Saharan Africa. "A’Sambeni" means “Let’s Travel!” in the Zulu/Ndebele language. It is an invitation to set off on a leisurely mission together – an offer of sunshine, good companionship, and adventure
once a year |
Bulawayo (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre (ZIEC)
April 2025 |
BIO & CO BESANÇONSustainable Construction and Bio Life Expo. Bio & Co Besançon offers: Eco-housing & renewable energies, healthy food & cooking, well-being & health, fair trade & gardening, ethical fashion, children, leisure...
once a year |
Besancon (France)
Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis
April 2025 |
FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE COCHABAMBACochabamba International Fair. Serving Bolivian entrepreneurs from all sectors
once a year |
Cochabamba (Bolivia)
Recinto Ferial de Alalay
April 2025 |
FESTA DI L'OLIU NOVUThe Corsican village of Sainte Lucie de Tallano hosts this craft fair dedicated to olives and olive growing. The opportunity to maintain tradition and establish dialogue between producers and consumers by promoting quality products
once a year |
Sainte Lucie de Tallano (France)
April 2025 |
FIERA DI SANT' ALDEBRANDOFair of Sant'Aldebrando. It is held in Corso Garibaldi, the commercial and social heart of the city, in the typical atmosphere of village festivals. Crafts, wines and typical foods, entertainment...
once a year |
Fossombrone (Italy)
Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi
April 2025 |
FOIRE D'AVIGNONFair of Avignon. More than 350 exhibitors will be gathered around the themes of housing, furnishing, decoration, gastronomy, well-being, automobiles, motorhomes...
once a year |
Avignon (France)
Parc des expositions - Avignon Sud
April 2025 |
GREENHOUSES KAZAKHSTANEurasia's only Greenhouse Fair. Kazakhstan's climatic conditions allied to huge energy reserves create an ideal ground for greenhouse investments
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
04/01/2025 3 days |
KISS95-7 HARTFORD BRIDAL SHOWBridal expo show in Connecticut. Wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, invitations, shoes, venues and literally all other bridal and wedding services imaginable
once a year |
Hartford, CT (USA)
Hartford XL Center
April 2025 |
PIHAPIIRIPihapiiri Gardening Fair brings spring to Lahti Fair Centre. The event offers plenty of fresh ideas for the balconies, patios and gardens at your home or leisure residence. For amateur gardeners and garden designers
once a year |
Lahti (Finland)
Lahti Sports and Trade Fair Centre
April 2025 |
SAN FRANCISCO BAY FLOWER & GARDEN SHOWThe San Francisco Flower & Garden Show features special workshops and hands-on activities, seminars on design and horticulture. Sproutopia will be abuzz with lots of fun for our littlest gardeners
once a year |
Pleasanton, CA (USA)
Alameda County Fairgrounds
April 2025 |
SOLUTIONS CSE ZOOPARC DE BEAUVALFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Saint-Aignan (France)
ZooParc de Beauval
04/01/2025 1 day |
VINEQUIPVinEquip is the meeting place for players in the wine industry in Mâcon, in the heart of Burgundy, a space dedicated to innovation and exchanges
once a year |
Mâcon (France)
Parc des expositions de Mâcon
04/01/2025 3 days |
COFFEE EXPO SEOULTrade exhibition dedicated to Korea’s coffee industry. Coffee Expo Seoul is the perfect platform to expand your coffee business in South Korea
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
04/02/2025 4 days |
HORECA. RETAILTECHInternational Specialized Exhibition of Equipment & technologies for the enterprises of restaurant and hotel business, catering, and trade. Functioning of hotel complexes
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
04/02/2025 3 days |
PARIZZACovering all Italian catering trades (food products, beverages, packaging, equipment, services, technology, etc.), Parizza welcomes all professionals in the sector and the French Pizza Championship
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
04/02/2025 2 days |
SANDWICH & SNACK SHOWSandwich & Snack Show is the benchmark show that brings together out-of-home and nomadic catering professionals who want to develop, premiumize or relaunch their business thanks to new trends and new snacking concepts
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
04/02/2025 2 days |
VENDING PARISInternational exhibition dedicated to automatic vending systems & equipment. Vending PARIS, an international event, attracts all Vending professionals to take stock, discuss, learn, anticipate the future...
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
04/02/2025 2 days |
AITFInternational Travel & Tourism Fair in Azerbajan. AITF will once again bring together the leading players of the tourism market on one site, and will demonstrate a wide range of tourism services and offers
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
04/03/2025 3 days |
BEOPLANT FAIRInternational Horticulture Fair. Medicinal Herbs and Honey Products. Seeds, nursery plants, decorative dendrological material, fresh flowers, artifical flowers made of silk, dried flowers, equipment, devices & horticulture tools, equipment for irrigation
once a year |
Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrade Fair Grounds
04/03/2025 4 days |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE NANTESInternational Fair of Nantes. The Nantes International Fair is organized around four themes and presents the latest trends in home furnishings, landscaping, French and Foreign Crafts, Gastronomy
once a year |
Nantes (France)
Exponantes - La Beaujoire
04/03/2025 5 days |
FOR GARDENTrade Fair of Garden Architecture, Garden Furniture and Tools
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
04/03/2025 4 days |
HORECA SIBERIAExhibition of Drinks, Equipment, Goods and Services for Catering, Hospitality and Trade Industry
once a year |
Novosibirsk (Russia)
Novosibirsk Expocentre
04/03/2025 3 days |
HVAC/R PHILIPPINES - LUZONHeating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Technology Exhibition & Conference
once a year |
Angeles (Philippines)
SMX Convention Center Clark
04/03/2025 3 days |
INTER FODD TECHIndia's International Technology Supplier Fair for the Food & Beverage, Snacks, Bakery and Confectionery Manufacturing Industry
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
04/03/2025 3 days |
SCHAU!Exhibition dedicated to garden, living, leisure, enjoyment and mobility
once a year |
Dornbirn (Austria)
Dornbirner Messe
04/03/2025 4 days |
SNACK & BAKE TECIndia's International trade fair on snacks, bakery and confectionery processing and packaging technology & services
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
04/03/2025 3 days |
SOLUTIONS CSE BORDEAUXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Bordeaux (France)
Le Hangar 14
04/03/2025 2 days |
SOLUTIONS CSE BRESTFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Brest (France)
Ateliers des Capucins
04/03/2025 1 day |
SOLUTIONS CSE REIMSFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Reims (France)
Parc des expositions de Reims
04/03/2025 2 days |
BARBECUE EXPOBarbecue and Outdoor Cooking Show. On the program: exhibition-sale, cooking shows, demonstrations, masterclasses and above all tastings! Accessories, fuels, food, books, wines and spirits
once a year |
Paris (France)
Parc Floral de Paris
04/04/2025 3 days |
BLÜHENDES ÖSTERREICHAustrian Garden, Holiday and Excursion Fair. The great Austrian fair for garden lovers and travel enthusiasts
once a year |
Wels (Austria)
Messe Wels
04/04/2025 3 days |
FÊTE DES PLANTES DE SAINT-JEAN DE BEAUREGARDThis meeting aims to support the work of the best nursery growers and artisans in the garden world and to promote it to the general public. A unique meeting place for all garden enthusiasts, experts and amateurs alike
twice a year |
Saint-Jean de Beauregard (France)
Château de Saint-Jean de Beauregard
04/04/2025 3 days |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE LYONInternational Fair of Lyon. The International Fair of Lyon, a leading trade event for many companies, a recreational place & a world of exhibitors here to help you equip yourselves, feast, with your well bieng & Lifestyle, your Travels, relooking & more
once a year |
Lyon (France)
04/04/2025 11 days |
INTERVINO KLAGENFURTWine fair for southern Austria and the Alps-Adriatic region. Find around 600 wines and spirits from around 55 winemakers and traders from Austria, Slovenia and Italy
once a year |
Klagenfurt (Austria)
Klagenfurter Messe
04/04/2025 3 days |
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - METZThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade
once a year |
Metz (France)
Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions
04/04/2025 3 days |
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - LA ROCHE-SUR-FORONExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de La-Roche-sur-Foron offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize
once a year |
La Roche-sur-Foron (France)
Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc
04/04/2025 3 days |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Espace Champerret
04/04/2025 3 days |
THE FOOD SHOW - CHRISTCHURCHThe Food Show is New Zealand's largest once-a-year foodie affair. It's your destination to stock up on the best food, drink, and kitchen equipment and learn how to cook like a star at home
once a year |
Christchurch (New Zealand)
Wolfbrook Arena Addington
04/04/2025 3 days |
TRAVELLING IN FINLAND'Travelling in Finland' Expo introduces the most fascinating hiking trails, vacation resorts and hidden travel jewels from the archipelago in Southern Finland to the snow capped mountains in Lapland
once a year |
Tampere (Finland)
Tampereen Messu
04/04/2025 3 days |
WELSER VOLKSFESTDas große Welser Volksfest. Bier- und Weinverkostungsfest und kulinarische Spezialitäten, Musikalische Begleitung, Illuminationen, Trachtenabend, Kindernachmittag...
twice a year |
Wels (Austria)
Messe Wels
04/04/2025 3 days |
SALON INTERNATIONAL DES VOAYAGESEvery year, since 2018, the Franco-Swiss Travel Fair offers quality stays, in France and abroad, to residents of Chablais (Haute-Savoie) and Vaudois (French-speaking Switzerland). Coupled with the Books & Heritage Fair
once a year |
Évian-les-Bains (France)
Palais Lumière
04/05/2025 2 days |
BIOWESTGerman organic products trade fair, aimed at a specialist audience including natural food and health food retailers, organic supermarkets, independent/specialty retailers, catering and FMCG
once a year |
Dusseldorf (Germany)
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
04/06/2025 1 day |
ENOLITECHExhibition for Technologies of Viticulture, Enology and of Technologies for Olive Growing Oil Production
once a year |
Verona (Italy)
Verona Exhibition Centre
04/06/2025 4 days |
HOTEL POINTHotelPoint’s platform helps hotel Executives connect with valuable Suppliers in architecture, construction, design, engineering, and renovation
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort
04/06/2025 4 days |
ILTM AFRICAInternational Luxury Travel Market in Africa. ILTM Africa is a specialist invitation-only event, where the very best travel agents and advisors from across the world meet Africa’s most spectacular luxury travel experience providers
once a year |
Cape Town (South Africa)
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
04/06/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL LUXURY TRAVEL MARKET AFRICAInternational trade show for the Luxury Travel Market. ILTM Africa delivers face to face meetings with unique African travel suppliers, providing opportunities to build relations, enrich your knowledge & be inspired to develop new business opportunities
once a year |
Cape Town (South Africa)
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
04/06/2025 3 days |
RESTAURANTSPACES - LOS ANGELES, CAThe restaurant industry is undergoing a radical transformation. RestaurantSpaces brings key leaders together to explore this transformation through the lens of design + technology
twice a year |
Palm Beach, FL (USA)
04/06/2025 3 days |
SOL & AGRIFOODInternational Exhibition of Quality Agro-food & Olive Oil
once a year |
Verona (Italy)
Verona Exhibition Centre
04/06/2025 4 days |
TÎRGUL DE FLORIIChisinau Easter Fair. A space where traditions meet modernity. Fabrics & traditional costumes, crafts, accessories for the home and garden. A festive atmosphere and a rich traditional culinary offering. Workshops dedicated to art and crafts
once a year |
Chisinau (Moldova)
I.E.C. Moldexpo
04/06/2025 4 days |
VINITALYInternational Wine & Spirits Trade Exhibition. Vinitaly is the leading wine & spirits trade fair targeting wine business operators on international markets.​​
once a year |
Verona (Italy)
Verona Exhibition Centre
04/06/2025 4 days |