ELEKTROInternational Exhibition for Electrical Equipment for Power and Electrical Engineering, Automation, Lighting Engineering
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/01/2025 4 days |
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MINSKMetal cutting machines, metalworking centers, control and measuring equipment, tools and instruments
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
04/01/2025 4 days |
METALLWORKINGMetal cutting Machines, Metalworking Centres, Control and Measuring Equipment, tools and instruments
every 2 years |
Minsk (Belarus)
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
04/01/2025 4 days |
PHOTONICS. WORLD OF LASERS AND OPTICSRussian International Specialized Exhibition for Optical, Laser and Optoelectronic Technologies
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/01/2025 4 days |
WELDING AND CUTTING MINSKWelding, cutting and related technologies. Instruments and methods of nondestructive testing
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
04/01/2025 4 days |
ADVANCED ENGINEERING - STOCKHOLMAdvanced Engineering Stockholm covers every phase of the product development process, for every sector of the Benelux manufacturing industry. 250+ exhibitors will bring you their expertise from the design, engineering and prototyping of your product
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
04/02/2025 2 days |
AEROSPACE TECH WEEK - EUROPEInternational exhibition & conference for the aerospace technology community. Aerospace Tech Week Europe covers Connectivity, Avionics, MRO IT, Flight OPS IT, Testing...
once a year |
Munich (Germany)
04/02/2025 2 days |
ANALYTICA VIETNAMInternational Trade Fair and Conference for Analytical Instrumentation, Biotechnology, Laboratory Technology and Services
every 2 years |
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC
04/02/2025 3 days |
ELEKTRONIKMÄSSANAn exhibition that brings together industry professionals, innovators, and electronics enthusiasts. On-site, everything within electronics is showcased, from the latest technology to thousands of electronics products
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
04/02/2025 2 days |
ELEKTRONIKMÄSSAN STOCKHOLMSwedish Electronics trade show. Meet the leading players in the electronics industry and gain an overview of what’s happening in the electronics market. In parallel stands "Embedded Conference Scandinavia"
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
04/02/2025 2 days |
ESEC - EMBEDDED SYSTEMS EXPO & CONFERENCE IN TOKYOEvent dedicated to Embedded Systems Technology and Products, and targeted at Systems Integrators, Hardware Makers System Houses and Dealers
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
04/02/2025 3 days |
FUGITIVE EMISSIONS SUMMIT AMERICASInternational Conference & Exhibition dedicated to Fugitive Emmisions. Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas aims to bring together a community of end users, EPC’s, distributors, manufacturers, and suppliers for an exciting conference and exhibition
every 2 years |
Pasadena, TX (USA)
San Jacinto College Center
04/02/2025 2 days |
SOLAR & STORAGE LIVE - EUROPE - UK - LONDONExhibiton & Congress dedicated to Solar PV, Storage, and Complimentary Systems. The forum brings key stakeholders within the energy value chain together with the innovators & disruptors to showcase their technology service solutions
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
04/02/2025 2 days |
LED EXPO INDIA - MUMBAIIndia's first exhibition on LED Products & Technology. LED Expo Mumbai is your comprehensive platform for the latest in LED technology
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
04/03/2025 3 days |
LED EXPO MUMBAILED Expo is India's only show covering the entire value chain of the LED industry
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
04/03/2025 3 days |
MOLDENERGYEquipment and Technologies for Heating. Energetic and Regeneration Systems. Measure and Control Systems. Power-Saving Technologies
once a year |
Chisinau (Moldova)
I.E.C. Moldexpo
04/03/2025 4 days |
HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING FAIRThe HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair is an excellent trading platform that showcases an extensive array of innovative and top-notch lighting products and solutions, creating bright business opportunities for buyers to explore
twice a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
04/06/2025 4 days |
HPLC CONGRESSInternational Conference and Exhibition on HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and Chromatography Techniques
once a year |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
04/07/2025 2 days |
LIGHTING AT MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITYLargest Lighting Showcase in the Middle East
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
04/07/2025 3 days |
MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITYPower & Electricity Exhibition. A part of Middle East Energy
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
04/07/2025 3 days |
MIDDLE EAST ENERGY - DUBAIThe Middle East and Africa's most comprehensive energy exhibition. Middle East Energy is uniting the world’s foremost energy professionals, innovators, and stakeholders to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and shape the future of energy
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
04/07/2025 3 days |
SPIE OPTICS + OPTOELECTRONICSExhibition, Conference & Workshops on Optics and Optoelectronics. SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics is a meeting that highlights the technologies that drive Europe’s largest optoelectronic infrastructure projects such as HiPER, HiLASE, ELI Beamlines
every 2 years |
Prague (Czech Republic)
Clarion Congress Hotel
04/07/2025 5 days |
AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO INDIAAutomotive Testing Expo is the leading event dedicated to the quality, safety, reliability and durability of vehicles in India
every 2 years |
Chennai (India)
Chennai Trade Centre
04/08/2025 3 days |
EXPOPOWERInternational Power Industry Fair - the latest power engineering and electro technology solutions
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
04/08/2025 3 days |
ICMDInternational Medical Device Manufacturing & Design Show. ICMD is a specialized sourcing event, catering to China's rapidly developing medical device manufacturing industry's needs for components and design services
twice a year |
Shanghai (China)
04/08/2025 4 days |
OCEAN BUSINESSOcean Business is the global meeting place for ocean science and technology professionals. From cutting-edge surveying innovation to the latest marine autonomous systems, you’ll find hundreds of solutions to transform your business
every 2 years |
Southampton (UK - United Kingdom)
National Oceanography Centre
04/08/2025 3 days |
REMATECAutomotive Remanufacturing Trade show. ReMaTec hosts companies supplying to the Passenger cars & LCV, Heavy Duty- and Non Road vehicles industry
every 2 years |
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre
04/08/2025 3 days |
SMART SYSTEMS INTEGRATIONInternational Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MEMS, NEMS, ICs and Electronic Components
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
04/08/2025 3 days |
AUTOMANUFAC - KOREA AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING EXPOKorea Automotive Manufacturing Expo. Automotive Networking, New Technology, Materials, Parts, Accessories, Equipment and Engineering Solution
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center
04/09/2025 3 days |
CEF - CHINA ELECTRONIC FAIR - SHENZENChina Electronic Exhibition. Electronic Components, Testing and Measurement Instruments, Manufacturing Equipment, Tools, Photoelectric Products, Microelectronics, IT Products, Small Household Electronic Appliance…
once a year |
Shenzhen (China)
Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center
04/09/2025 3 days |
COILTECH DEUTSCHLANDInternational trade show for the Coil & Winding industry. Materials and machineries for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and winding systems
once a year |
Augsburg (Germany)
Augsburger Messezentrum
04/09/2025 2 days |
ELEK ENERThe major Tunisian event for professionals in the electrical and renewable energy industries
every 2 years |
Tunis (Tunisia)
Parc des expositions du Kram
04/09/2025 5 days |
MANUFACTURING WORLD NAGOYAManufacturing World Nagoya is one of the largest manufacturing trade shows in Japan, focusing on DX, AI, IoT solutions, additive manufacturing, factory automation, motion control, mechanical components, factory facilities/equipment...
once a year |
Nagoya (Japan)
Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya)
04/09/2025 3 days |
SOLAR + STORAGE ESPAÑASolar Power España is the first exhibition and conference specialized in the energy and solar technology segment
once a year |
Valencia (Spain)
04/09/2025 2 days |
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - MODENAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics
once a year |
Modena (Italy)
Modena Fiere
04/11/2025 3 days |
GLOBAL SOURCES CONSUMER ELECTRONICSFair providing an array of in-demand electronics from OEM/ODM suppliers, presenting the latest products poised to influence global market trends
twice a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
AsiaWorld - Expo
04/11/2025 4 days |
HOMEDEC - PENANGHome Design & Interior Exhibition. HOMEDEC is an annual home show that has become a one stop home solution, a source of ideas, inspiration, latest trends and references for thousands of home owners
twice a year |
Penang (Malaysia)
Spice Convention Centre, Penang
04/11/2025 3 days |
HONG KONG ELECTRONICS FAIRConsumer Electronics, Audio/Visual, Communications, and Multimedia Marketplace
once a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
04/13/2025 4 days |
SPIE DEFENSE + COMMERCIAL SENSINGExhibition & conferences for defense, security, industry and environment. The Defense, Security and Sensing Exhibition is the industry's leading exhibition with 500 top defense, security, and sensing contractors, suppliers, and integrators
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
04/13/2025 5 days |
SPIE DEFENSE + COMMERCIAL SENSING EXPOSpecialized conferences & exhibition dedicated to sensors, optics, imaging, lasers, and related areas for defense, security, industry, and the environment
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
04/13/2025 5 days |
GUANGZHOU SOURCING FAIRGuangzhou Sourcing Fair: Houseware & Hardware will create a high-quality trade platform for 600 exhibitors and 30, 000 sourcing professionals in hardware & houseware industry, helping Chinese enterprises expand overseas markets
twice a year |
Guangzhou (China)
Poly World Trade Expo Center
04/14/2025 4 days |
BATTERY - ENERGY STORAGE INDONESIAIndonesia International Rechargeable Battery, Energy Storage, Technology & Raw Material Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/15/2025 3 days |
CABLE & WIRE INDONESIAIndonesia International Cable & Wire Industry Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
04/15/2025 3 days |
ELECTRON TECHEXPOInternational exhibition of power electronics components and systems
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
ELECTRONICA CHINAInternational Trade Fair for Components, Assemblies, Photonics Technologies with PCIM China & International Trade Fair for Production Technologies
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
EXPOELECTRONICAInternational exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems, Embedded Systems and Turnkey Solutions
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
FORTRONICThe great Italian event dedicated to power electronics
once a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
04/15/2025 2 days |
AMK - AUTOTRONICS MANUFACTURING KOREAAMK encompasses the latest automotive electronics and its manufacturing process
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
04/16/2025 3 days |
AUTOMOTIVE WORLD KOREAAutomotive World Korea is specialized in automobile manufacturing where all the products/technologies that make up automobiles. Automobile parts/processing technologies, lightweight parts/technologies, automobile electronics, EV/HV/FCV, autonomous drivin
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
04/16/2025 3 days |
ELECTRIC & HYBRID VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY EXPO - USA - SOUTHThe Battery Show and Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo launches in the next hub of EV, battery, and clean energy growth - the U.S. Southeast
once a year |
Atlanta, GA (USA)
Georgia World Congress Center
04/16/2025 2 days |