
Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Trade Shows in March 2026


Chemistry - Energy - Materials

Dec 62 Jan 36 2025 Feb 76 Mar 121 Apr 130 May 174 Jun 123 Jul 72 Aug 39 Sep 181 Oct 215 Nov 151 Dec 61 Jan 27 2026 Feb 78 Mar 117 Apr 123 May 161 Jun 128 Jul 65 Aug 43 Sep 187 Oct 194 Nov 149 Dec 54
117 Trade Shows related to Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
DUG GAS+ CONFERENCE AND EXPODUG GAS+ Conference and Expo is the two-day event for all things natural gas, liquid natural gas (LNG), midstream and all related technologies with a focus on the gas-rich shale plays of the U.S once a year Shreveport, LA (USA) Shreveport Convention Center March 2026 (?)
DYE+CHEM SRI LANKA EXPOInternational Exhibition devoted to focus on all kinds of Dyes and Fine & Specialty Chemicals for the Bangladesh Textile Industry in Sri Lanka once a year Colombo (Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre (SLECC) March 2026 (?)
ELECTROTECH. LIGHTBelarusian Energy and Environmental Protection Forum - Lighting Production once a year Minsk (Belarus) Football Manege Sport Complex March 2026 (?)
ELETTROEXPOMarket - Show for Electronics Radiant Energy Instruments Equipment Computer Science once a year Verona (Italy) Verona Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
ENERGETIKA & ELEKTROTECHNIKA - POWER INDUSTRY AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGPower-Generating Plant Equipment, Technologies. Electrical Machines, Devices And Apparatus International Specialized Exhibition once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
ENERGETIKA AND ELEKTROTEKHNIKAInternational Exhibition of Power Industry & Electrical Engineering. One of the best platforms in Russia to demonstrate the latest equipment and technologies of power and electrical industries once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
ENERGY EXPO BUCHARESTRenewable energy trade fair in Southeast Europe. The event where investors and consumers meet to build the future of renewable energy in Romania once a year Bucharest (Romania) Parliament Palace - Bucharest International Conference Centre March 2026 (?)
ESEFInternational Trade Fair for Suppliers, Contractors and Engineers in: Metal working, Industrial Systems and Modules, Engineering & Design, Surface technology, Rubber and Plastics industry, Stamps and Moulds, Electronic Contract Manufacturing… every 2 years Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht March 2026 (?)
EUROSTAMPIEuropean Die & Mold Exhibition and Conference. Injection Machines Exhibition once a year Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
EXPECChina International Explosion Protection Electric Technology & Equipment Exhibition once a year Beijing (China) China International Exhibition Centre (CIEC) March 2026 (?)
EXPO PRODUCCIÓNExpo Producción provides a vital, professional platform for manufacturers, brands, retailers and suppliers to connect, network and learn about the newest trends, products and innovations impacting the industry every 2 years Mexico City (Mexico) Centro Citibanamex March 2026 (?)
EXPOFIMERInternational Renewable Energy Maintenance Exhibition. All technologies will be represented and the equipment necessary for the operation of the plant will also have a leading role: Security, Surveillance Systems, CMMS... once a year Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza March 2026 (?)
FUNCTIONAL TEXTILES - SHANGHAIFUNCTIONAL TEXTILES SHANGHAI is the ideal exhibition for qualified suppliers and decision makers in the functional textiles industry in China to meet in a concentrated and focused atmosphere twice a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center March 2026 (?)
GERMAN-AFRICAN ENERGY FORUMThe German-African Energy Forum is the flagship event of economic cooperation between Germany and the African continent. A popular destination for African government delegations and leading energy businesses from Germany, Europe and Africa once a year ? March 2026 (?)
GLOBAL INDUSTRIEGlobal Industrie is one of the world's leading exhibitions dedicated to industry. Its resolutely modern positioning is oriented both towards the industry of the future and internationally once a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte March 2026 (?)
H2 FORUMForum dedicated to the Hydrogen sector. Energy suppliers, automotive, industrial companies and research institutions make new contacts and discuss with H2 solution providers: electrolyser manufacturers, suppliers, service providers... once a year Berlin (Germany) Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center March 2026 (?)
HANNOVER MESSEHanover Fair - Industrial Techniques Section. Demonstrating the innovative power of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and IT companies once a year Hannover (Germany) Deutsche Messe Hannover March 2026 (?)
HEFEI INTERNATIONAL MACHINE TOOL EXHIBITIONHeifei International Machine Tool Exhibition. Metal Cutting, CNC Machines, Milling, Boring, Sawing & Slotting Machines, Laser Processing, Industrial Automation, Molds, Measurement, Non Destructive Testing... once a year Hefei (China) Anhui International Exhibition & Conference Center March 2026 (?)
HYDROPOWER CONGRESS - CENTRAL ASIA AND CASPIANHydropower Central Asia and Caspian is a professional venue for successful development of investment projects on construction & modernisation of hydropower plants in the region (Tajikistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan...) once a year ? March 2026 (?)
IACE CHINAShanghai International Advanced Ceramics Exhibition & Conference once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center March 2026 (?)
INDEXPO - VIZAG EXPOIndia's Industrial & Engineering Expo. Indexpo is a networking platform for meeting the manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products with Buyers coming from all over India and international visitors once a year Visakhapatnam (India) Gadiraju Palace Convention Center & Hotel March 2026 (?)
INLEGMASHInternational Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies in the light industry, as well as technical textile and nonwovens once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds March 2026 (?)
INTERMOLD KOREAKorea International Die-Mold Related Equipment Exhibition once a year Seoul (Korea South) Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center March 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL LNG CONGRESSInternational LNG Congress covers the hot topics of the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) industry - from liquefaction and LNG Storage and Transportation to the questions of LNG usage as a fuel, developing LNG infrastructure and LNG to end users once a year ? March 2026 (?)
INTERSOLInternational Conference on Analysis, Methodology of Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater once a year ? March 2026 (?)
JEC WORLDJEC World is a leading International Composites Show, activating a global community from the business, manufacturing, research and academic worlds and enabling networking for new ideas and creates growth opportunities once a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte March 2026 (?)
KIMESKorean International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show twice a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center March 2026 (?)
MEDICAL FAIR INDIAInternational Exhibition and Conference on Diagnostic, Medical Equipment and Technology once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) March 2026 (?)
MIDESTInternational Industrial Sub-Contracting Exhibition. MIDEST has a decisive role in sourcing and establishing relationships between principals and subcontractors once a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte March 2026 (?)
NGVS CHINAChina International Natural Gas Vehicle and Ship Refueling Station Equipment Exhibition and Forum. For optimizing the transportation energy structure, promote the application of clean energy in transportation once a year Beijing (China) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center March 2026 (?)
NIGERIA PLASTPRINTPACKNigeria’s International Plastics, Printing and Packaging Trade Show once a year Lagos (Nigeria) The Landmark Events Centre March 2026 (?)
PDAC CONVENTIONPDAC, the World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention is the leading event for people, companies and organizations connected to mineral exploration once a year Toronto, ON (Canada) Metro Toronto Convention Centre March 2026 (?)
PERFORMANCE DAYS - MUNICHTrade fair dedicated to functional fabrics, new fabrics and innovations. Created as a special platform for functional sports- and workwear fabrics to include yarns, finishes, and accessories, PERFORMANCE DAYS has become established as a semi-annual event twice a year Munich (Germany) Fairground Messe München March 2026 (?)
PHARMA WEST AFRICAAfrica’s largest Pharma exhibition. Pharma West Africa will appeal to manufacturers, importers and distributors, pharmacists and other health professionals, health establishments and medicines retailers once a year Lagos (Nigeria) The Landmark Events Centre March 2026 (?)
PM CHINAShanghai International Powder Metallurgy Exhibition & Conference once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center March 2026 (?)
POWER & ELECTRICITY WORLD AFRICAAnnual Congress of Power Industry Professionals once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre March 2026 (?)
QINGDAO INTERNATIONAL METAL WORKING EXPOChina International Metal Processing Equipment & Technology Exhibition, covering the metal processing industry chain including metal cutting, metal forming, automation, industrial robots, new metal materials, aluminum industry, casting and forging once a year Qingdao (China) Qingdao International Convention Center March 2026 (?)
RE+ NORTHERN CALIFORNIARE+ Northern California attracts energy professionals from across the solar and storage markets each year to facilitate business and connections once a year Santa Clara, CA (USA) Santa Clara Convention Center March 2026 (?)
RENEXPO AUSTRIAAustria's international energy trade fair. RENEXPO AUSTRIA covers the entire spectrum of decentralized energy production, intelligent energy distribution and the efficient use of energy once a year Salzburg (Austria) Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) March 2026 (?)
RENEXPO INTERHYDROHydropower Trade Fair & Congress for Austria, Germany, Switzerland and South Tyrol once a year Salzburg (Austria) Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) March 2026 (?)
RIEF - RUSSIAN INTERNATIONAL ENERGY FORUMSt. Petersburg International Energy Forum. The main objective of RIEF is to create a platform for dialogue between all participants in the fuel and energy market and exchange of experience in the creation and implementation of innovative technologies once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
RSD3International exhibition of industrial subcontracting, equipment and agro-food processes, digital solutions every 2 years Valence (France) Palais des Congrès et des Expositions Jacques Chirac March 2026 (?)
SILICONE EXPO EUROPETrade Show bridging Ideas, Materials, and Possibilities for the Silicone Industry. The event will draws attendees from a wide range of end user groups, fostering connections and innovation within the silicone industry once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre March 2026 (?)
SINGLE-SERVE CAPSULES NORTH AMERICACongress dedicated to Single-Serve Capsules. Identifying opportunities and overcoming obstacles once a year Boston, MA (USA) Courtyard by Marriott Boston Downtown March 2026 (?)
SITEMInternational Exhibition of Museological Techniques - Promoting and Equiping Cultural Sites. SITEM is a unique event for the world of museums and cultural tourism once a year Paris (France) Carrousel du Louvre March 2026 (?)
SMART ENERGY INDIA EXPOThe Smart Energy India expo is an instrumental in connecting India’s fast-growing renewable energy sector. The expo is the premier B2B platform to drive your business into the future using sustainable energy solutions once a year New Delhi (India) Pragati Maidan March 2026 (?)
SOLAR & STORAGE LIVE - AFRICASolar & Storage Live is Africa’s largest renewable energy exhibition that celebrates the technologies at the forefront of the transition to a greener, smarter, more decentralised energy system once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre March 2026 (?)
SOLAR & STORAGE LIVE - AUSTRALIAAustralia's Solar & Storage International Trade Show & Conference. Solar, Battery Storage, EV Charging and complimentary technologies for residential, commercial and large-scale utility installations once a year Brisbane (Australia) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre March 2026 (?)
SOLAR & STORAGE MEXICOSolar Power Mexico is the first exhibition and conference specialized in the energy and solar technology segment once a year Guadalajara (Mexico) Expo Guadalajara March 2026 (?)
SOLAR POWER AFRICASolar Power Africa focuses solely on creating an environment that fosters the exchange of ideas, knowledge and expertise for furthering solar energy development in Africa once a year Cape Town (South Africa) Cape Town International Convention Centre March 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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