
ICT - Information & Communications Technologies
Trade Shows in October 2026


ICT - Information & Communications Technologies

Dec 36 Jan 61 2025 Feb 63 Mar 103 Apr 105 May 131 Jun 104 Jul 42 Aug 49 Sep 98 Oct 170 Nov 137 Dec 27 Jan 56 2026 Feb 60 Mar 111 Apr 109 May 125 Jun 99 Jul 40 Aug 43 Sep 98 Oct 169 Nov 133 Dec 24
169 Trade Shows related to ICT - Information & Communications Technologies
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ELMÄSSAN STOCKHOLMElectricity and lighting industry swedish expo. A meeting place that unites thousands of electricians, installers, consultants, project managers & other decision-makers with suppliers in installation, lighting, renewable energy, and fiber once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Kista Mässan Oct. 2026 (?)
E-MOBILITY ASIA - SINGAPOREThe very place for EV enthusiasts to witness all the latest, the most innovative, the most future proofing solutions and business models from next generation cars, EV battery, EV powertrain, autonomous driving, charging solutions... once a year Singapore (Singapore) Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel Oct. 2026 (?)
E-SHOW MADRIDE-commerce & E-Marketing Expo. Digital Marketing, Hosting & Cloud, Mobile, Social Media, Digital Signage once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Oct. 2026 (?)
EXPO ETUDIENTE NACIONALExpo Estudiante Nacional brings together more than 100 universities and higher education institutions for 4 days to advise and guide 10th and 11th grade graduates, parents and the general public interested in Higher Education once a year Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones Oct. 2026 (?)
FOR GAMESTrade Fair of Video Games and Interactive Entertainment once a year Prague (Czech Republic) PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany Oct. 2026 (?)
G&A - CHINA (ZHONGSHAN) GAMES & AMUSEMENT FAIRInternational Games & Amusement Fair once a year Zhongshan (China) Zhongshan Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
G2E - GLOBAL GAMING EXPOGlobal Gaming Expo. As the economy, and the gaming industry continue to evolve and change, G2E continues to keep you at the forefront of the latest trends and insights once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) The Venetian Resort and Hotel Oct. 2026 (?)
GAMEONGAMEON is the largest video game exhibition in the Baltics. It combines the biggest Baltic B2C games expo, a conference, and high-quality B2B events for entertainment industries of the future once a year Vilnius (Lithuania) Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Oct. 2026 (?)
GAMESCOM ASIAGamescom asia is the first satellite event of the world's largest computer and video games festival, Gamescom. Gamescom asia aims to serve as the premier platform for Southeast Asian game developers to explore partnerships globally once a year Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Oct. 2026 (?)
GAMESFORUM SEATTLEB2B Conference about the Business of Games once a year Seattle, WA (USA) Bell Harbor International Conference Center Oct. 2026 (?)
GCAP - GAME CONNECT ASIA PACIFICGCAP (Game Connect Asia Pacific) is the leading Australian conference for the game development, interactive media and screen tech industries once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEKInternational Trade Show for the ICT Industry once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) Oct. 2026 (?)
GLOBAL SOURCES CONSUMER ELECTRONICSFair providing an array of in-demand electronics from OEM/ODM suppliers, presenting the latest products poised to influence global market trends twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
GLOBAL SOURCES MOBILE ELECTRONICSFair showcasing innovative and branded designs in mobile devices, smart wearables, charging products, smart energy, and mobile accessories twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
GOING GLOBAL LIVE - LOS ANGELESGoing Global Live is the number one show in Europe for businesses that are looking to expand internationally, export products or set up overseas operations once a year Los Angeles, CA (USA) Los Angeles Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
HAMEX - HOME APPLIANCES EXPOIran International Exhibition of Home Appliances Manufacturers. The objective is to provide the participants and exhibitors with information on the latest developments of Iran’s Home Appliances producers once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Oct. 2026 (?)
HASHTAG FESTIVALMeeting point for geeks and fans of pop culture. Cosplay area, anime & manga village, gaming area, catering area, hall reserved for shops, numerous stands for associations, artisans, guests, web village & series... once a year Bourg-en-Bresse (France) Ainterexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
HI-FI & HIGH END SHOW - MOSCOWInternational Exhibition of High end Hi-Fi & Home Theatre. HI-FI & High End Show is especially designed for Distributors, dealers, wholesalers of AV equipment and Hi-Fi, High End systems, Purchasing managers of retail chains, salons and trading companies once a year Moscow (Russia) Borodino Hotel Oct. 2026 (?)
HIGHWAYS UKThe Highways UK event brings together the people responsible for planning, developing, managing, maintaining, and future-proofing the nation's roads networks once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
HR INNOVATION & TECH FEST - AUSTRALIAAustralia’s gathering of HR leaders, difference-makers and disruptors. Five days of learning and innovation on HR Tech, Learning, Digital Transformation, Workforce Analytics, Recruitment, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and Employee Engagement... once a year Sydney (Australia) Hyatt Regency, Sydney Oct. 2026 (?)
HRSE - HR SUMMIT & EXPOHRSE is the biggest Middle East event for HR professionals once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) Oct. 2026 (?)
HYPERMOTIONHypermotion brings together providers and users who set new standards for tomorrow‘s mobility and logistics once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt Oct. 2026 (?)
ICEC (INTELLIGENT CITIES EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE)Exhibition & Conference dedicated to Sustainable Development, Real Estate, Smart Cities & Information and Communications Technology (ICT) once a year Cairo (Egypt) Waldorf Astoria Cairo Heliopolis Oct. 2026 (?)
IEAE - VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS & SMART APPLIANCES EXPO - HANOIVietnam International Electronics & Smart Appliances Expo. IEAE offers: Machinery, Electric Devices & Electronics, Technology Products & Components, Smart Appliances & Smart Home, LED Technology & Lighting System, Refrigeration, Household Electricity... once a year Hanoi (Vietnam) I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa) Oct. 2026 (?)
IN.STANDGerman exhibition for industrial maintenance and repair services. Advice and financing, training, services and intelligent software. From maintenance to dismantling and recycling once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
INTERGEOTrade Fair and Conference for Geodetic Surveying and Geographic Information once a year ? Oct. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TRANSPORTATIONIran International Exhibition of Transportation, Commercial Vehicle, Heavy Vehicle, EV, Smart Cities, Comprehensive Urban Management, Machinery & Related Industries once a year Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Oct. 2026 (?)
IOT & 5G SOLUTIONS AUTUMNIOT & 5G SOLUTIONS is a long-awaited special exhibition gathering all kinds of IoT (Internet of Things)/M2M related products and services once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
IP EXPO EUROPEInternational IP Solutions Exhibition & Conference. IP EXPO EUROPE is the UK’s no. 1 Enterprise IT event, bringing you everything you need to know about IT infrastructure, Virtualization & Cloud Computing all under one roof once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Oct. 2026 (?)
ISAF IT SECURITYInformation, Data & Network Security Exhibition & Conference once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
IST - INFORMATION SECURITY EXPO - CHIBAInformation Security Expo & Conference in Chiba once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
ITAP - INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION ASIA PACIFICITAP is the leading Advanced Manufacturing Event in Asia Pacific. It serves as a strategic platform that is shaped by the leaders and experts in support of their transformative initiatives, made possible by the process of digitalisation once a year Singapore (Singapore) Singapore Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
ITCS MÜNCHENThe ITCS is a tech conference, festival & IT job fair in one. Conferences, direct meetings with influential IT companies, festive atmosphere... once a year Munich (Germany) Fairground Messe München Oct. 2026 (?)
IT-SAIT Security Expo and Congress. Whether cloud computing, IT forensics, data security or hosting, the exhibition is a unique platform for IT security officers, developers and providers of products and services for IT security once a year Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg Oct. 2026 (?)
JAPAN IT WEEK AUTUMNJapan IT Week is a B2B exhibition where the latest IT products and solutions gather in one place. Visit the show to implement new IT solutions and engage with optimal business partners once a year Chiba (Japan) Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
L&D INNOVATION & TECH FEST - AUSTRALIALearning & Development event. L&D Innovation & Tech Fest will run alongside HR Innovation & Tech Fest, the fastest growing and most vibrant HR event once a year Sydney (Australia) Hyatt Regency, Sydney Oct. 2026 (?)
LEARNINGThe Learning Leaders Conference. Discover the latest learning technologies and solutions. Leverage informal opportunities to explore the possibilities and identify solutions to advance your organization’s learning strategy once a year Orlando, FL (USA) Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Oct. 2026 (?)
LES ASSISES DE LA SÉCURITÉ ET DES SYSTÈMES D'INFORMATIONTrade Show dedicated to security and information system players once a year Monaco (Monaco) Grimaldi Forum Oct. 2026 (?)
LES SALONS SOLUTIONS CRM + BIExhibition for Customer Relationship Management, Sales Force Management, Decision Making and Business Intelligence once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Oct. 2026 (?)
LES SALONS SOLUTIONS E-ACHATSExhibition of new purchasing solutions for large companies and SMEs once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Oct. 2026 (?)
LES SALONS SOLUTIONS ERP ASPEnterprise Resource Planning, e-Procurement, Customer Relationship Management & Application Service Providers once a year ? Oct. 2026 (?)
LES SALONS SOLUTIONS MVI CRMCustomer Relationship Management Solutions Expo once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Oct. 2026 (?)
LES SALONS SOLUTIONS SERVEURS ET APPLICATIONSERP, CRM & mkg, bi & Big Data, e-shopping, dematerialization and artificial intelligence once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Oct. 2026 (?)
LIGHT + AUDIO TECInternational Trade Fair of Technologies and Services for Entertainment, Integrated Systems and Musical Instruments once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Oct. 2026 (?)
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - MADRIDThe reference meeting place for logistics professionals in Spain once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Oct. 2026 (?)
LOGISTICS SUMMITThe Logistics Summit is the trade fair and conference for digitalisation and innovation in both intralogistics and transport logistics. Top-class speakers, discussion panels with leading experts, workshops with applicable know-how and innovative suppliers once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) Oct. 2026 (?)
LONDON HR SUMMITThe HR SUMMIT is an excellent platform for collaboration between those working in the HR industry, and those who provide the latest solutions and services in this sector twice a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Hilton London Canary Wharf Oct. 2026 (?)
LUCCA COMICS & GAMESEvent dedicated to Strip Cartoons and Role-Playing and Simulation once a year Lucca (Italy) Lucca Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
MADRID TECH SHOWMadrid Tech Show is consolidated as the reference event for managers and professionals in the cloud sector, cyber security, big data, AI, data centers, eCommerce and digital marketing once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Oct. 2026 (?)
MAINTENANCE KRAKOWTrade Fair for Suppliers of Maintenance Products and Services. Maintenance Krakow provides a comprehensive platform where exhibitors can keep visitors abreast of the latest innovations and trends, to jointly devise solutions and do business once a year Krakow (Poland) Expo Krakow Oct. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade shows worldwide