
Trade Shows in Europe
June 2025


Countries in Europe - June 2025

Dec 171 Jan 377 2025 Feb 505 Mar 695 Apr 488 May 463 Jun 337 Jul 96 Aug 85 Sep 612 Oct 860 Nov 718 Dec 164 Jan 383 2026 Feb 499 Mar 693 Apr 487 May 439 Jun 334 Jul 96 Aug 89 Sep 618 Oct 827 Nov 712 Dec 158
337 Trade Shows in Europe in June 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MODERNLOGTrade Fair of Logistics, Transport and Storage once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
MONEY 20/20 EUROPEA Eurocentric catalyst for the growth and development of a Payments & Financial Services Ecosystem increasingly defined by disruptive innovations in ‘anytime, anywhere’ connected commerce once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 06/03/2025
3 days
PORTUGAL SMART CITIES SUMMITThe “Smart Cities” Concept encompasses more than mobility, digital platforms or sustainability. The fundamental objective of a Smart City is the incorporation of all these areas in order to improve the lives of citizens in the world once a year Lisbon (Portugal) Feira Internacional de Lisboa 06/03/2025
3 days
PRODMASH. HOLOD. UPACK.Equipment for food processing industry, equipment for public catering establishments. Ingredients, spices, food additives. Packaging machinery, materials and accessories, manufacturing machinery, packaging industry services. Refrigerating equipment... once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena 06/03/2025
5 days
PUMPS & VALVES BILBAOInternational Trade Show for Pump Systems, Valves and Equipment for Industrial Processes every 2 years Bilbao (Spain) Bilbao Exhibition Centre 06/03/2025
3 days
SALÓN DEL VEHICULO DE OCASIÓN Y SEMINUEVOSThe "Salón VO" brings to Madrid the largest exhibition of used vehicles, thousands of vehicles and a wide variety of models from different automobile brands with great promotions once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 06/03/2025
6 days
SMART WAREHOUSEThe largest event in Poland in the Logistics 4.0 industry once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
STEEL STRUCTURESSteelStructures will bring together building steel products manufacturers, suppliers and end-users. Steel structures manufacturers and steel service centers will exhibit their latest solutions for the construction industry once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 06/03/2025
3 days
SUBCONTRACTING POZNANSUBCONTRACTING is a special trade fair for industrial subcontractors that will be held together with the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE industrial fair. Searching subcontracting offers and arranging an appointment is possible on the online platform once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
SUBCONTRATACIÓNInternational Subcontracting and Inter-Business Cooperation Exhibition every 2 years Bilbao (Spain) Bilbao Exhibition Centre 06/03/2025
3 days
SURFEXExhibition of Surface Treatment Technologies. As part of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, the leading exhibition in Poland for Polish and global industrial offerings once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
THE NATURAL STONE SHOWInternational Natural Stone Fair. Stone slabs, tiling or block, CNC machinery; diamond tooling, fixing systems, sealants, adhesives, cleaning, materials & service every 2 years London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 06/03/2025
3 days
TRANSCASPIAN - TRANSLOGISTICACaspian International Transport, Transit and Logistics exhibition once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center 06/03/2025
3 days
TUBE RUSSIAInternational Trad​ e Fair for Production​ and Processing of Wire, Cable and Hardware Products every 2 years Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 06/03/2025
3 days
UFI EUROPEAN CONFERENCEThe UFI European Conference is the leading European exhibition industry event, a trusted platform to bringing colleagues together from across Europe and beyond every year once a year Thessaloniki (Greece) 06/03/2025
5 days
VICTAM INTERNATIONALThe VICTAM events are the worlds' largest and leading international exhibitions and conferences for the animal feed, pet food and aqua feed industries once a year Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht 06/03/2025
3 days
WARSAW FLOOR EXPOWarsaw International Trade Fair for Floor and Surface Materials once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 06/03/2025
3 days
WELDING POZNANWelding Show. As part of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, the leading exhibition in Poland for Polish and global industrial offerings once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
WINDOW EXPOInternational Trade Fair for Technology and Products of the Window Industry in Poland and the entire Central and Eastern European region twice a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 06/03/2025
3 days
WIRE RUSSIAInternational Trade Fair for Production and Processing of Wire, Cable and Hardware Products every 2 years Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 06/03/2025
3 days
ACCESSECURITYEuro-Mediterranean cybersecurity and security exhibition. One of the major exchange platforms bringing together key players in electronic, physical, cybersecurity, network and state security once a year Marseille (France) Parc Chanot 06/04/2025
2 days
ACCESSECURITY MARSEILLEEuro-Mediterranean exhibition of cybersecurity and safety. Business meetings, symposium led by experts in cybersecurity and safety, workshops to discover solutions and demonstrations by exhibitors... once a year Marseille (France) Parc Chanot 06/04/2025
2 days
AIRTECH UKThe UK’s only dedicated event for the compressed and pneumatics market every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
BAKU ENERGY FORUMDuring the forum, discussions will be held on Azerbaijan's close cooperation with foreign partners, debates on new and promising projects with current and new investors, expert forecasts, development of energy resources in Azerbaijan once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center 06/04/2025
2 days
BIG DATA & AI WORLD FRANKFURTBig Data & AI International Conference. Engage with thousands of experts in technology, data science, and AI innovation. Explore unparalleled opportunities to propel your business into a new era of intelligence once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 06/04/2025
2 days
CHEMSPEC EUROPEChemspec Europe is the place to be for purchasers and agents to meet with manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of fine and speciality chemicals to source specific solutions and bespoke products once a year Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 06/04/2025
2 days
CLOUD & CYBER SECURITY EXPO EUROPE - FRANKFURTEvent dedicated to Data centres, cloud computing, security, blockchain, big data & AI and the Internet of Things once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 06/04/2025
2 days
CLOUD EXPO EUROPE - FRANKFURTEvent dedicated to Data centres, cloud computing, security, blockchain, big data & AI and the Internet of Things once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 06/04/2025
2 days
COSMETIC BUSINESSInternational Trade Fair of the Cosmetics Supplying Industry once a year Munich (Germany) M,O,C, 06/04/2025
2 days
DATA CENTRE WORLD EUROPE - FRANKFURTThe world’s largest gathering of Data Centre World Industry professionals and end-users. Data Centre World is featuring world-renowned speakers and exhibitors. They come together to present the most cutting-edge cloud technologies and high-quality servic once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 06/04/2025
2 days
DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION WEEKDigital Construction Week brings the building community together. Held annually at Excel, London over 150 exhibiting companies showcase the newest technology that is revolutionising building projects once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 06/04/2025
2 days
DRIVES & CONTROLSAutomation, Power Transmission & Motion Engineering Event every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
ECHT - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON HEAT TREATMENT AND SURFACE ENGINEERINGEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering. A program of scientific and industrial conferences + An exhibition of suppliers of equipment, products and services in heat treatments and surface treatments once a year Prague (Czech Republic) Kaiserstein Palace 06/04/2025
3 days
ENGINE LEASING, TRADING AND FINANCE - EUROPE"Engine Leasing, Trading & Finance Europe" is the pre-eminent conference for the engine leasing community, bringing together lessors, airlines, MROs, OEMs, consultancies and financiers to discuss the latest trends and issues in the industry once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Park Plaza Victoria, London 06/04/2025
2 days
FLUID POWER & SYSTEMSFluid Power & Systems, focuses on hydraulic and pneumatic equipment for the industrial and mobile markets showcasing products that facilitate electro-mechanic system design and application for improved process automation, control, monitoring and analytics every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
GEO BUSINESSThe largest geospatial event in the UK. GEO Business is designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information. Exhibition, conference, meetings once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 06/04/2025
2 days
MAINTECMaintec is the UK's premier event for the maintenance engineering and asset management community once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
MES-TECH INNOVATION EXPOMed-Tech Innovation Expo is the UK & Ireland’s leading event for medical device design and manufacturing technology once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
PLANT & ASSET MANAGEMENTPlant & Asset management Trade Show every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
PLASTICS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES EUROPEForum exploring how the shift to electric vehicles is creating new opportunities for the plastics supply chain once a year Cologne (Germany) 06/04/2025
2 days
SUBCONInternational Show for Subcontract Manufacturing. Subcon offers you the best opportunity to source everything from design and prototyping to finishing & testing. Stay up-to-date on the latest manufacturing developments and network with industry peers once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
TCT SHOWEvent focused on solutions for accelerating products to market. The Event for Printing and Additive Manufacturing Intelligence once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 06/04/2025
2 days
TECH SHOW FRANKFURTTECH SHOW FRANKFURT, international cutting-edge technology Expo + conference, regroups. - Cloud Expo Europe
- Cloud & Cyber Security Expo
- Big Data & AI World
- Data Centre World
once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 06/04/2025
2 days
CONGRÈS HANDI 4 - BAYONNEExhibition exclusively reserved for professionals and institutions in the disability sector once a year Bayonne (France) Maison des Associations de Bayonne 06/05/2025
1 day
CONGRÈS PETITE ENFANCE - BAYONNEProfessional congress for staff in early childhood care structures. Conferences, workshops, meetings with exhibitors once a year Bayonne (France) Maison des Associations de Bayonne 06/05/2025
1 day
ELMIA WOODInternational Forestry Trade Fair. Elmia Wood is the leading business arena focusing on the value of swedish forests every 2 years Jönköping (Sweden) Bratteborg Forest 06/05/2025
3 days
FRANCE AIR EXPOInternational Exhibition of General & Business Aviation. One of the major events of general aviation in Europe and a major event for pilots, aero-clubs, professionals, and enthusiasts in the aeronautical sector once a year Lyon (France) Aéroport Lyon Bron 06/05/2025
3 days
NEWARK INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS FAIRInternational Antiques & Collectors Fair. Newark International Antiques and Collectors Fair is the largest event of its kind in Europe. Immerse yourself in the ultimate antiques and vintage experience that must be witnessed to be believed! unknown Newark-on-Trent (UK - United Kingdom) Newark & Notts Showground 06/05/2025
2 days
SEMANA VERDE DE GALICIAInternational Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Food Fair once a year Silleda (Spain) Feira Internacional de Galicia 06/05/2025
4 days
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - ITALYZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering every 2 years Milan (Italy) Meliá Milano 06/05/2025
1 day
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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