Waste Management - Recycling
Trade Shows in America
2025 - 2026

All trade shows in America


Countries in America

20 Trade Shows in America related to Waste Management - Recycling
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ECOMONDO MEXICOEcomondo Mexico, leading international exhibition-conference, brings together all sectors supporting ecological transition: waste, water, reclamation, integrated services, energy efficiency, sustainable cities, mobility, green infrastructure... once a year Guadalajara (Mexico) Expo Guadalajara 03/05/2025
3 days
CHEMICAL RECYCLING NORTH AMERICAForum exploring the potential of chemical or advanced recycling to turn waste plastics into new materials once a year Houston, TX (USA) The Westin Houston, Memorial City 03/11/2025
2 days
AMERICANAThe major multi-sectoral environmental event in North America. Americana is the meeting place for environmental professionals for technical, scientific and commercial exchanges on major environmental issues every 2 years Montreal, QC (Canada) Grand Quai du Port de Montréal 03/12/2025
2 days
SINGLE-SERVE CAPSULES NORTH AMERICACongress dedicated to Single-Serve Capsules. Identifying opportunities and overcoming obstacles once a year Tampa, FL (USA) Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel 03/18/2025
2 days
WASTE EXPOWaste and Recycling Market International Exhibition. WASTE EXPO attracts decision makers representing the private sector, public sector/municipalities and waste generators, waste processors, dealers/distributors, and all other segments of the industry once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Las Vegas Convention Center 05/05/2025
4 days
TECHTEXTIL NORTH AMERICATechtextil North America assembles all vertical aspects of the technical textile industry: from research and development, through raw materials and production processes and finally ending in conversion, further treatment, and recycling once a year Atlanta, GA (USA) 05/06/2025
3 days
THE MAGNETICS SHOW NORTH AMERICASupply Chain Expo & Technical Programme for the Global Magnetics Industry. Encompassing the entire supply chain of the magnetic material and rare earth industries. From energy conversion, aerospace, to the modest refrigerator magnet once a year Pasadena, CA (USA) Pasadena Convention Center 05/14/2025
2 days
ARGENPLÁSArgentinian fair for the plastics industry. The focus is on innovation and the circular economy once a year Buenos Aires (Argentina) La Rural Predio Ferial June 2025 (?)
A&WMA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONAir & Waste Management Association Conference & Exhibition. A&WMA is the environmental industries’ premier education, networking, & solutions event where you will enhance your knowledge & network with environmental professionals from around the world once a year Raleigh, NC (USA) Raleigh Convention Center 06/09/2025
4 days
CONFERENCE OF U.S. MAYORSConference of U.S. Mayors. The primary purpose of this meeting is to engage with the White House, the current administration, and Congress and to discuss the priorities of America’s mayors twice a year Tampa, FL (USA) 06/19/2025
4 days
FIMA - FERIA INTERNACIONAL DEL MEDIO AMBIENTEInternational Environmental Trade Fair. FIMA features all goods and services related to environment care, as well as to enhance the culture of conservation & recovery of natural resources and environment every 2 years Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones 06/19/2025
3 days
IFAT BRASILThe largest environmental technology fair in Brazil, for water, wastewater, drainage and waste recovery once a year São Paulo (Brazil) 06/25/2025
3 days
CONGRESSO ABES / FENASANThe largest event of Environmental Sanitation of the Americas once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte 10/21/2025
3 days
WASTE & RECYCLING EXPO CANADAWaste & Recycling exhibition. The Canadian Waste & Recycling Expo focuses on waste & recycling professionals representing companies in many sectors: Collection, Hauling, Disposal, Construction & Demolition, Facility/Site Operation, Landfill Operations... once a year Toronto, ON (Canada) The International Centre, Toronto Nov. 2025 (?)
PLASTICS RECYCLING WORLD EXPO NORTH AMERICAPlastics Recycling World Exhibition. The exhibition will feature an international array of manufacturers of plastics recycling machinery and equipment, as well as suppliers of materials, additives and related services for plastics recyclers once a year Cleveland, OH (USA) Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland 11/12/2025
2 days
CLEANTECH FORUM - NORTH AMERICACleanTech Forum is a great opportunity to connect and learn from the world’s leading authority on cleantech innovation once a year ? (USA) Jan. 2026 (?)
GLOBE FORUMBiennially, thousands of environmental business leaders and sustainability practitioners come in Vancouver to explore the mutually inclusive goals of corporate sustainability, business growth, energy solutions, responsible investment and urban development every 2 years Vancouver, BC (Canada) Vancouver Convention Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
GLOBAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUMNorth America's #1 technical conference for research and case studies on waste management. Get ready to share ideas and problem solve with your peers and colleagues from around the world and experience... every 2 years Indian Wells, CA (USA) Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells Resort & Spa 02/22/2026
4 days
AUTOMECHANIKA ARGENTINAArgentina’s leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from South America every 2 years Buenos Aires (Argentina) La Rural Predio Ferial 04/08/2026
4 days
LAPET (LATIN AMERICA PET MARKETS)Congress dedicated to Latin America PET Markets: PET resin producers/suppliers - Feedstock suppliers (PX, PTA, MEG) - Polyester Manufacturers - Traders - Convertors - Preform manufacturers - Designers - Technology providers including machinery suppliers every 2 years Mexico City (Mexico) The Westin Santa Fe, Mexico City Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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