STT SHOW EURASIA - SURTECH EURASIAEurasia’s Leading Surface Treatment & Galvanizing Chemicals and Technologies Exhibition |
every 2 years |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
10/01/2025 3 days |
EURO FED LIPID CONGRESSInternational Trade Fair & Congress for Lipids, Fats & Oils and Related Technologies. Its mission is the furthering of lipid science and technology and the cooperation at a European level |
every 2 years |
Leipzig (Germany)
10/12/2025 4 days |
CARBON CAPTURE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE & EXPO - EUROPECarbon Capture Technology Expo is dedicated to discussing the increasing role that Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage will play in transition to a net-zero carbon economy |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Messe und Congress
10/21/2025 3 days |
GASSUFThe Exhibition includes three International Specialized Exhibitions and Conferences: Gas Supply and Effective Use of Gas, Gas in Motors & Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
10/21/2025 3 days |
TPE - THERMOPLASTIC ELASTOMERS WORLD SUMMITThis International Conference concentrates on new Opportunities for Thermoplastic Elastomers and will be especially of use to those involved in any way with the Thermoplastics Industry |
once a year |
? (Europe)
Nov. 2025 (?) |
CHEMMASH-PUMPSInternational Exhibition on Chemical Engineering and Pumps. Chemmash-Pumps showcases processing lines & plants for production & processing of products of the chemical, petrochemical, oil-refining, oil gas producing, metallurgy, coal mining, nonferrous |
every 2 years |
Moscow (Russia)
Timiryazev Engineering Center
11/10/2025 4 days |
KHIMIA - CHEMISTRYInternational Exhibition of Chemistry. Khimia is a meeting place for chemical manufacturers, service providers, suppliers of the latest equipment, materials and technologies, and consumers from all over the world |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Timiryazev Engineering Center
11/10/2025 4 days |
THE GREENER MANUFACTURING SHOWThe International Exhibition For Green Materials, Green Chemicals, and Greener Manufacturing Solutions |
once a year |
Cologne (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Cologne
11/12/2025 2 days |
ERTCThe single largest gathering of refining and petrochemical leadership within Europe |
once a year |
Cannes (France)
11/17/2025 4 days |
FÖRDERPROZESS-FORENIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics |
once a year |
Würzburg (Germany)
Marienberg Fortress
11/18/2025 2 days |
OIL GAS. CHEMISTRY MINING SIBERIAN GEO-FORUMRussian Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Mining Industry Exhibition |
once a year |
Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre
11/19/2025 3 days |
FUTURE BATTERY FORUMForum dedicated to Future Battery Technology. The congress brings together all players in the field, users and manufacturers of battery and cell systems |
once a year |
Berlin (Germany)
Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center
11/25/2025 2 days |
PCH MEETINGSInternational meetings for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petrochemical and Gas industries. Equipment, processes, utilities, energy efficiency, decarbonization and hydrogen... |
once a year |
Lyon (France)
Double Mixte, Lyon
11/25/2025 2 days |
PHARMTECH & INGREDIENTSInternational Specialised Forum & Exhibition for Equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/25/2025 4 days |
PUMPS & VALVES ZURICHSwiss trade fair for pumping systems, valves, industrial valves, joints, sealing systems, filters, filtration systems and pipes |
every 2 years |
Zurich (Switzerland)
Ferienmesse Zürich
11/26/2025 2 days |
PUTECH EURASIAThe Eurasia's leading Polyurethane Industry Exhibition. Putech Eurasia will bring together industry professionals from all around the world. Polyurethane Chemicals, Machinery & Equipment, Polyurethane Coatings and Adhesives, Polyureathane Applications... |
every 2 years |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
11/26/2025 3 days |
CFICExhibition of industrial transitions in Cosmetics. CFIC is a tailor-made BtoB event that brings together a panel of selected suppliers offering innovative and responsible business solutions, given energy and environmental constraints... |
once a year |
? (France)
Dec. 2025 (?) |
NATIONAAL WATERSTOF CONGRES - NATIONAL HYDROGEN CONGRESSCongress dedicated to the transition to green hydrogen. What opportunities does hydrogen offer for different sectors ? |
once a year |
Utrecht (Netherlands)
Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Dec. 2025 (?) |
TÜRKIYE & BLACK SEA OIL AND GASInternational Congress & Exhibition about Türkiye & Black Sea Oil and Gas Industry. Investment projects on oil and gas extraction, gas processing plants & petrochemical facilities, production technologies and world suppliers for the industry... |
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
JW Marriott Hotel Istanbul Marmara Sea
12/10/2025 2 days |
SOLIDS PARMAIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics |
every 2 years |
Parma (Italy)
Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds
02/11/2026 2 days |
PUMPS & VALVES DORTMUNDIndustrial trade show for pumps, valves and processes in Dortmund |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
02/25/2026 2 days |
SOLIDS DORTMUNDIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics |
every 2 years |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
03/18/2026 2 days |
ANALYTICAInternational Trade Fair and Analytica Conference for Analysis, Biotechnology, Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology |
every 2 years |
Munich (Germany)
Fairground Messe München
03/24/2026 4 days |
FORUM LABOLaboratory sector exhibition dedicated to Research, Production and Control |
every 2 years |
Lyon (France)
Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale)
03/25/2026 2 days |
PUMPS & VALVES ANTWERPExhibition on Pumps, Control Valves and Seals in the Process Industry |
every 2 years |
Antwerp (Belgium)
Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo
03/25/2026 2 days |
CHEMBIO FINLANDLaboratory Products, Biotechnology, Chemical Industry |
every 2 years |
Helsinki (Finland)
Helsinki Fair Centre
04/15/2026 2 days |
EXPOQUIMIAChemical Engineering Exhibition in Spain. Connect to a new vision that's driving innovation, sustainability and efficiency in Chemicals in the Processing Industries |
every 3 years |
Barcelona (Spain)
Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via
06/02/2026 4 days |
CISAPInternational Conference on Safety and Environment in Process Industry |
every 2 years |
? (Italy)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
DAThe international conference Distillation & Absorption will showcase the newest and best in distillation & absorption technology and will cover a broad range of fundamental and applied aspects |
every 4 years |
? (Europe)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INDUSTRIAL PROCESSINGTrade Show for the Complete Processing Industry. Industrial Processing will include companies that focus on powder, granulate and bulk material processing industries, as well as companies that focus on liquid and gas-related technologies |
every 2 years |
Utrecht (Netherlands)
Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Sept. 2026 (?) |
NOSEInternational Conference on Environmental Odor Monitoring and Control |
every 2 years |
? (Italy)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ILMAC LAUSANNESwitzerland’s leading trade fair for laboratory and process technology. Life sciences and chemical sectors |
every 2 years |
Lausanne (Switzerland)
Palais de Beaulieu
09/23/2026 2 days |
JADHAdhesion Congress. A unique panorama in France of the basic concepts of adhesion, wetting and bonding |
every 2 years |
? (France)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PROCESS TECHNOLOGYProcess Technology has become Scandinavia’s leading, most comprehensive venue for showing and accessing the latest know-how and technology in the process industry |
every 2 years |
Gothenburg (Sweden)
Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
10/20/2026 3 days |
CHEM SHOW EURASIAInternational Chemical Industry Group Exhibition Chem Show in Eurasia. Chem Show Eurasia is dedicated to Chemical Industry Manufacturing Technologies, Raw Materials, Auxiliary Materials, Semi-Finished Products, Fine & Speciality Chemicals |
every 2 years |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
Nov. 2026 (?) |
SOLIDS ANTWERPIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics |
every 2 years |
Antwerp (Belgium)
Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo
Nov. 2026 (?) |
VALVE WORLD EXPO & CONFERENCEExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control |
every 2 years |
Dusseldorf (Germany)
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
12/01/2026 3 days |
CESIOWorld Surfactant Congress and Business Convention |
every 4 years |
? (Europe)
June 2027 (?) |
ACHEMAInternational Meeting on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology. Exhibition-Congress |
every 3 years |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
06/14/2027 5 days |
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS TECHNOLOGY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGInternational Symposium on High Pressure Process Technology and Chemical Engineering |
every 5 years |
Venice (Italy)
Centro Congressi di Venezia
Sept. 2027 (?) |