SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - LIMOGESWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... |
once a year |
Limoges (France)
Parc des expositions de Limoges
Oct. 2025 (?) |
SALON ZEN ET BIO - NANTESWellness, Natural Food & Healthy Home Expo. Organic food and wine, Association, green tourism and gardening, Fashion and crafts, Beauty, health and well-being, Ecological house and healthy living, Well-being... |
once a year |
Nantes (France)
Exponantes - La Beaujoire
Oct. 2025 (?) |
VEGANA.GALThe Fair is a response to the need of a demanding public involved in the search for all types of products that avoid ingredients of animal origin in their preparation and composition |
once a year |
Vigo (Spain)
Instituto Ferial de Vigo
Oct. 2025 (?) |
BIO EXPO WARSAWInternational Trade Fair for Organic Food abd Non-Food Products |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Ptak Warsaw Expo
10/02/2025 3 days |
NATURE – HEALTH FAIRFair of Products, Activities and Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle |
once a year |
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Ljubljanski sejem - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
10/02/2025 4 days |
NATURE-HEALTH FAIRHealthy Living Fair. The Healthy Lifestyle Fair in Ljubljana will prefer its offer through the thematic stands Nutrition - Health and Wellbeing - Environment and Contact with Nature |
once a year |
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Ljubljanski sejem - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
10/02/2025 4 days |
SALON ZENWellness Expo, therapies for body and spirit |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Espace Champerret
10/02/2025 5 days |
ANUGAWorld's largest International Food Industry Fair in Cologne. ANUGA showcases products from Fine Food, Frozen Food, Meat, Chilled & Fresh Food, Diary, Bread, Bakery, Drinks, Organic Food and Hot Beverages professionnals, all under one roof |
every 2 years |
Cologne (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Cologne
10/04/2025 5 days |
BIONORDGerman Fair for Organic Products. This show is aimed at the natural and health food trade, organic supermarkets, independent & specialized retailers, catering and mass consumption |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Messe und Congress
10/12/2025 1 day |
LE SALON LE PRINTEMPS DU BIEN-ÊTREWellness fair. Head massage to pamper yourself, reflexology, well-being through stones and minerals with lithotherapy, discovery of runes, cartomancy readings and many other holistic and well-being practices will be offered |
once a year |
Albi (France)
Salle événementielle de Pratgraussals
10/18/2025 2 days |
VEGGIEWORLD HAMBURGConsumer show dedicated to vegan lifestyle in Hamburg. You want to know what new vegan products are available? How does vegan nutrition become suitable for everyday use? Or try out how to become vegan and live vegan? |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen
10/18/2025 2 days |
FÊTE DES VINS ET BAPTÈME DU MILLÉSIME CHABLISProfessionals and the general public gather in Chablis to celebrate its new vintage. On the program: tastings of all the appellations and different vintages, local gastronomy stands, concert, brotherhood parade, inductions... |
once a year |
Chablis (France)
10/25/2025 2 days |
BIOSTYLEInternational Trade Fair of Healthy Nutrition and Ecology |
once a year |
Bratislava (Slovakia)
Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Nov. 2025 (?) |
BIOCULTURA MADRIDOrganic Products and Responsible Consumption Fair. The sectors will be: Organic food, Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene, Healthy house, Sustainable fashion, Eco Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing, NGOs... |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
11/06/2025 4 days |
BIOLIFEConscious Lifestyle Show. Biolife offers a 360° experience in which sustainable living and conscious consumption are at the center and the terms "organic", "regional" and "fair trade" receive the attention they deserve |
once a year |
Bolzano (Italy)
Fiera Bolzano
11/06/2025 4 days |
FIERA D'AUTUNNOAt the Autumn Fair you will find many new ideas, products and concrete ideas to reach a new level of well-being in all aspects of your life. How you live, how you spend your free time, how you furnish your home... |
once a year |
Bolzano (Italy)
Fiera Bolzano
11/06/2025 4 days |
ALLT FÖR HÄLSANThe Scandinavia’s largest Health, Wellbeing and Fitness Fair. ALLT FÖR HÄLSAN is the leading fair for everything to do with health. It should inspire and motivate people to a healthier life |
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs
11/07/2025 3 days |
MARJOLAINEMarjolaine is the largest French trade fair dedicated to organic and nature for eco-citizens who are committed to protecting the environment |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Parc Floral de Paris
11/07/2025 5 days |
VEGGIEWORLD MÜNCHENConsumer show dedicated to vegan lifestyle in Munich. You want to know what new vegan products are available? How does vegan nutrition become suitable for everyday use? Or try out how to become vegan and live vegan? |
once a year |
Munich (Germany)
MTC World of Fashion
11/08/2025 2 days |
ECO LIVING SCANDINAVIAEco Life Scandinavia is the largest sustainable B2B trade event in the Nordic countries for trade buyers in the healthy living, nutrition, natural beauty and self-care sectors |
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
11/12/2025 2 days |
NORDIC ORGANIC FOOD FAIRScandinavia’s biggest natural & organic trade event. The Nordic Organic Food Fair is the largest certified organic food and drink trade event in the Nordic region |
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
11/12/2025 2 days |
CONGRÈS CFMTCAnnual Congress of the French Confederation of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
once a year |
Aix-en-Provence (France)
Centre de Congrès d'Aix-en-Provence
11/21/2025 1 day |
VEGGIE & FREI VONThe trade fair duo 'Veggie & frei von' shows diet alternatives - from meat-free enjoyment to allergen-free food without additives |
once a year |
Stuttgart (Germany)
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
11/21/2025 3 days |
NATURISSIMANaturissima is the benchmark organic, environmental and well-being fair in the Grenoble region |
once a year |
Grenoble (France)
11/26/2025 5 days |
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - BORDEAUXExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Bordeaux offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize |
once a year |
Bordeaux (France)
Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux
11/28/2025 3 days |
NATEXPOInternational trade show for organic products |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
11/30/2025 3 days |
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - MONTPELLIERExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Montpellier offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize |
once a year |
Montpellier (France)
Montpellier - Parc des Expositions
Dec. 2025 (?) |
APTEKA MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Pharmaceuticals and Related Products |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Timiryazev Engineering Center
12/02/2025 3 days |
NATURAL INGREDIENTS EUROPENatural Ingredients would like to welcome visitors who are looking to source natural ingredients to use for products: manufacturers of semi- and finished products |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
12/02/2025 3 days |
FOOD & HEALTHY LIVING FAIRSFood and Healthy Living Fair. For sustainable agricultural development, healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle |
once a year |
Zagreb (Croatia)
Zagreb Fair
12/04/2025 4 days |
BIOKENNISWEEKTrade show for entrepreneurs who are guided by the market and opportunities for organic products. For retailers, restaurateurs, caterers, knowledge institutions, consultants, suppliers... Food & Beverages, Cosmetics, home and personal Hygiene |
once a year |
Hertogenbosch (Netherlands)
Brabanthallen’ Exhibition Centre
Jan. 2026 (?) |
RESPIRE LA VIE - VANNESOrganic Lyfestyle Expo. RESPIRE LA VIE is the event for 'consume differently' attitude people and companies involved in Green Tourism, Food & Wine, Well-being, Handicraft, Sustainable Home & Energy |
once a year |
Vannes (France)
Le Chorus, Parc des expositions
Jan. 2026 |
SALON ESSENTIELWell-being and art of living fair. Conviviality, workshops, conferences, catering... |
once a year |
Bourg-en-Bresse (France)
Jan. 2026 (?) |
FOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO - TAMPERE“FOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO TAMPERE” is the leader in the catering industry in Finland. It brings together professionals from the sector for two days to discover, get inspired and network |
once a year |
Tampere (Finland)
Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre
01/21/2026 2 days |
MILLÉSIME BIOBiological Wine Fair. MILLESIME BIO is dedicated to organic wines produced in compliance with the currently applicable European regulations |
once a year |
Montpellier (France)
Montpellier - Parc des Expositions
01/26/2026 3 days |
FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO - STOCKHOLM“FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO STOCKHOLM” is the leader in the catering industry in Sweden. It brings together professionals from the sector for two days to discover, get inspired and network |
once a year |
Stockholm (Sweden)
Kista Mässan
01/28/2026 2 days |
MANTRAEvent dedicated to wellness and the holistic world. There will be essential oils, creams, gemstone jewelry with gemstones, candles, eco-sustainable fashion and ethnic food |
once a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
Feb. 2026 (?) |
RESPIRE LA VIE - RENNESOrganic Lyfestyle Expo. RESPIRE LA VIE is the event for 'consume differently' attitude people and companies involved in Green Tourism, Food & Wine, Well-being, Handicraft, Sustainable Home & Energy |
once a year |
Rennes (France)
Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport
Feb. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - ARCACHONExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies d'Arcachon offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize |
once a year |
Arcachon (France)
Parc des Expositions du Bassin d'Arcachon
Feb. 2026 (?) |
SALON NATURA REZÉProducers, craftsmen and organic enthusiasts offer you their products. Food, Crafts, Well-being, Cosmetics, Housing, Leisure |
once a year |
Nantes (France)
Halle de la Trocardière
Feb. 2026 (?) |
SANA FOODInternational Exhibition dedicated to Organic & Natural Food |
once a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
Feb. 2026 (?) |
BIOFACHSince 1990, BIOFACH has been the can’t-miss destination for pioneers and newcomers who share their passion for organic food and the organic market and want to exchange ideas with like-minded people along the entire value chain |
once a year |
Nuremberg (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
02/10/2026 4 days |
SLOW WINE FAIRSlow Wine Fair is an international event dedicated to good, clean and fair wine. Conferences, masterclasses and a showcase of thousands of labels from Italian and international wineries |
once a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
02/22/2026 3 days |
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - NÎMESExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Nîmes offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize |
once a year |
Nîmes (France)
Parc des expositions de Nîmes
03/06/2026 3 days |
VEGGIEWORLD RHEIN-MAINConsumer show dedicated to vegan lifestyle in Hofheim. You want to know what new vegan products are available? How does vegan nutrition become suitable for everyday use? Or try out how to become vegan and live vegan? |
unknown |
Hofheim (Germany)
Messecenter Rhein-Main
April 2026 |
FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO - GÖTEBORG“FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO GÖTEBORG” is the leader in the catering industry in Sweden. It brings together professionals from the sector for two days to discover, get inspired and network |
every 2 years |
Gothenburg (Sweden)
Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
09/16/2026 2 days |