
Telecommunications, Computers Networks
Trade Shows in Europe
2025 - 2026

(VOIP, telephony, telecommunications, computers, ITC, networks, phone, IP, internet, WiFi)
All trade shows in Europe


Countries in Europe

143 Trade Shows in Europe related to Telecommunications, Computers Networks
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
COMMUNICATION NETWORKS FINLANDTrade Fair for Telecommunication and Information Networks every 2 years Tampere (Finland) Tampereen Messu 01/22/2025
2 days
ELECTRICITY NETWORKSProfessional Trade Fair for Electricity and Information Networks every 2 years Tampere (Finland) Tampereen Messu 01/22/2025
2 days
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE LILLEDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year Lille (France) La Cité des échanges 03/01/2025
1 day
MOBILE WORLD CONGRESSAnnual Conference on Mobile Telephony. Discover the themes and topics around 5G, 6G, immersive technology and fintech, and how they’re shaping our industry and creating a brighter future once a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via 03/03/2025
4 days
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY UNITED KINGDOMCongress on cybercriminality and online-protection. E-Crime congress designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Central Hall Westminster 03/04/2025
2 days
BRITISH APCOPublic Safety Communications & IT Systems Event. BAPCO caters for all platforms & applications, from existing Tetra technologies, to newer providers of LTE, 4G broadband applications & services, smart asset & people management with RFID & more… once a year Coventry (UK - United Kingdom) Ricoh Arena 03/05/2025
2 days
BIG DATA & AI WORLD LONDONBig Data & AI International Conference. Engage with thousands of experts in technology, data science, and AI innovation. Explore unparalleled opportunities to propel your business into a new era of intelligence once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/12/2025
2 days
CLOUD & CYBER SECURITY EXPO EUROPE - LONDONEvent dedicated to Data centres, cloud computing, security, blockchain, big data & AI and the Internet of Things once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/12/2025
2 days
CLOUD EXPO EUROPE - LONDONEvent dedicated to Data centres, cloud computing, security, blockchain, big data & AI and the Internet of Things once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/12/2025
2 days
DATA CENTRE WORLDThe world’s largest gathering of Data Centre World Industry professionals and end-users. Data Center World is featuring world-renowned speakers and exhibitors. They come together to present the most cutting-edge cloud technologies and high-quality servic once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/12/2025
2 days
TECH SHOW LONDONTECH SHOW LONDON, international cutting-edge technology Expo + conference, regroups. - Cloud Expo Europe
- DevOps Live
- Cloud & Cyber Security Expo
- Big Data & AI World
- Data Centre World
once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/12/2025
2 days
EXPO ELETTRONICA - CEREAExpo Elettronica brings together the best exhibitors and a wide range of electronic, computer, energy saving, telephony, hardware and software, satellite reception, accessories and components for all uses once a year Cerea (Italy) Area Exp, Cerea 03/15/2025
2 days
IT& IT SECURITY MEETINGSB2B exhibition for networks, telecom, mobility, cloud computing, data center and security once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes 03/18/2025
3 days
I-EXPOI-Expo & Data Intelligence Forum - The event for professionals in Technology Watch, Information, Knowledge and Data Intelligence once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/19/2025
2 days
SMAU LONDRAInternational Exhibition of Information & Communications Technology once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) 03/19/2025
3 days
HELSO ELECTRICITYThe International Electrotechnical Exhibition “Helso Electricity brings together the Lithuanian electrotechnical community. Building engineering, power grid maintenance, telecommunications, installation, renewable energy... once a year Vilnius (Lithuania) Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) 03/21/2025
1 day
EMVElectromagnetic Compatibility International Exhibition & Workshops once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 03/25/2025
3 days
QUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMITQUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMIT highlights and explains the softwerization, disaggregation and cloudification processes. A valuable event to get a comprehensive overview of where the networking industry is heading to and meet the best experts in the routing area once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrčs de Paris Porte Maillot 03/25/2025
2 days
SASE FORUMThe SASE Forum will delve into the transformative journey from traditional networking to a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture. Experts will explore in particular how AI and machine learning are revolutionizing network automation once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrčs de Paris Porte Maillot 03/26/2025
1 day
HANNOVER MESSEHanover Fair - Industrial Techniques Section. Demonstrating the innovative power of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and IT companies once a year Hannover (Germany) Deutsche Messe Hannover 03/31/2025
5 days
SALON S.O.C. - SYSTČMES ET OBJETS CONNECTÉSS.O.C. - SYSTEMS AND CONNECTED OBJECTS is the crossroads of IoT professions and solutions, platforms, infrastructures and services meeting the needs of companies, associations and communities once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2025
DTX MANCHESTERLearn about and discuss the technologies enabling Digital Transformation at the North's biggest IT event once a year Manchester (UK - United Kingdom) Manchester Central Center 04/02/2025
2 days
ZORG & ICT - HEALTHCARE & ICTInternational exhibition of information technologies and telecommunications applied to the field of health once a year Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht 04/08/2025
3 days
BIG DATA & AI WORLD - BARCELONABig Data & AI International Conference. Engage with thousands of experts in technology, data science, and AI innovation. Explore unparalleled opportunities to propel your business into a new era of intelligence once a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Montjuļc 04/09/2025
2 days
E-SHOW BARCELONAE-commerce & E-Marketing Expo in Spain. Digital Marketing, Hosting & Cloud, Mobile, Social Media, Digital Signage once a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Montjuļc 04/09/2025
2 days
TIBOMeans of Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies, Organizational Aids and Office Supplies, Security Systems once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena 04/15/2025
4 days
MOBILEFESTMobilefest is one of the most influential events in Eurasia focusing on communication and connectivity to create networking opportunities with industry leaders and influencers once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo 04/17/2025
3 days
PROINTEGRATION TECHAudiovisual and Information & Communication Technologies Trade Show. Systems Integration. Digital Signage once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
2 days
SVIAZ/EXPO COMM MOSCOWInternational Telecommunications, Wireless and Broadband Technology Exhibition and Conference once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
4 days
SVIAZ-EXPOCOMMInternational Exhibition for Telecommunications, Control Systems, IT and Communication Services once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
4 days
CONNECTED NORTHConnected North is a dedicated regional forum on connectivity enabling social and economic growth. Technology, regulation, and the investment environment for next generation broadband once a year Manchester (UK - United Kingdom) Manchester Central Center 04/23/2025
2 days
UK CYBER WEEKUK Cyber ​​ Week aims to deliver the latest cutting-edge information and strategies, foster collaboration, bring together world-class experts, share knowledge, tools and skills, particularly in the area of ​​ cybersecurity once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre 04/23/2025
2 days
AUTO MOTOR SPORT I-MOBILITY & KONGRESSExhibition & Congress for intelligent mobility. Auto Motor Sport i-Mobility provides a platform for alternative drive systems, such as electro-mobility, carsharing, ride sharing, e-bikes and pedelecs once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 04/24/2025
4 days
TRANSPORTA TEHNIKAInternational Exhibition and Conference for Transport, Communications and Logistics once a year Riga (Latvia) Riga International Exhibition Centre 04/25/2025
3 days
EXPO ELETTRONICA - FORLIExpo Elettronica brings together the best exhibitors and a wide range of electronic, computer, energy saving, telephony, hardware and software, satellite reception, accessories and components for all uses twice a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlģ 05/03/2025
2 days
AOC EUROPEAOC Europe connects organisations and individuals across government, defence, industry, and academia to promote the exchange of ideas and information, and review the latest advances in electromagnetic- and information-related fields once a year Rome (Italy) 05/06/2025
3 days
OSLO TECH SHOWDive into the epicenter of technological evolution at Oslo Tech Show! Join forces with the most brilliant minds and leading companies as they unveil transformative advancements in AI, cloud solutions, and 6G technology once a year Lillestrųm (Norway) Nova Spektrum, Oslo 05/07/2025
2 days
BIG DATA & AI EXPOThe Nordic countries' leading forum for Big Data and AI. Next-generation AI and Big Data strategies are presented here, the opportunity to explore and discover what AI and Big Data can really achieve once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/14/2025
2 days
DATA CENTER EXPOThe leading data center event in the Nordics. Data centre experts and end-users from various industries come together to share their knowledge and stories of success in the data centre world once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/14/2025
2 days
DEVOPS EXPOTop-tier DevOps experts and industry leaders across diverse sectors converge to exchange insights and narratives of driving workforce empowerment and success once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/14/2025
2 days
NORDIC MOBILE EXPOThe Nordic region’s largest, most important and most influential meeting place for future mobile solutions once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/14/2025
2 days
VITALISExhibition and conference on IT solutions for the health, care and welfare sectors once a year Gothenburg (Sweden) Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre 05/19/2025
4 days
CLOUD & CYBER ​​SECURITY EXPOCloud & Cybersecurity Expo is the most important cybersecurity event for businesses and organizations in the Scandinavian region once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/22/2025
2 days
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORSThe International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) is acknowledged as the world’s leading conference on all the aspects of optical fiber sensors and related photonic technologies every 2 years Porto (Portugal) 05/25/2025
6 days
DIGITALKICT forum gathering of 900+ startup founders, investors, entrepreneurs and business leaders... once a year Sofia (Bulgaria) Sofia Event Center 05/27/2025
1 day
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY FRANCECongress on cybercriminality and online-protection. E-Crime congress designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies once a year Paris (France) The Westin Paris - Vendōme 05/27/2025
1 day
WEB WORLD EXPO - ECDM EXPO GREECE & SE EUROPEWeb Based Technologies Exhibition. The biggest exhibition on eCommerce & Digital Marketing in Southeastern Europe once a year Athens (Greece) Zappeion Megaron Exhibition Hall and Conference Centre 05/29/2025
3 days
ANGA COMANGA COM is Europe’s leading business platform for broadband and audiovisua. content once a year Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 06/03/2025
3 days
DATACLOUD GLOBAL CONGRESSAs premier global event for data centre, cloud, AI, and investment leaders, Datacloud Global Congress continues to set the standard for thought leadership and industry networking once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes 06/03/2025
3 days
INFOSECURITY EUROPEConference & Exhibition dedicated to the Information Security Industry. Infosecurity Europe features over 350 exhibitors, the most diverse range of new products and services, an unrivalled education programme & 12, 000+ unique visitors from every sector once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 06/03/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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