
Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Trade Shows in Europe
2025 - 2026

All trade shows in Europe


Countries in Europe

536 Trade Shows in Europe related to Chemistry - Energy - Materials
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ELECTRO INSTAL EXPOInternational trade fair for the electrical engineering industry. At 'Electro Instal Expo', discover the latest technological solutions related to electrical engineering, including power devices & systems, lighting, automation, renewable energy... once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 11/18/2025
3 days
ENERGETICSENERGETICS is an important meeting of the energy industry in Poland. Presentation of devices, equipment and technologies for the energy industry, exchange of experience between specialists from Poland and abroad once a year Lublin (Poland) Trade and Exhibition Center - Targi Lublin 11/18/2025
3 days
ENLIT EUROPEEnlit Europe: Grid & Renewable, Energy Storage, Smart Homes, end-users & Cities, Smart Water... once a year Bilbao (Spain) 11/18/2025
3 days
FÖRDERPROZESS-FORENIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics once a year Würzburg (Germany) Marienberg Fortress 11/18/2025
2 days
GENERAEnergy and Environment International Trade Fair once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 11/18/2025
3 days
METALWORK AND WELDING SHOWSpecialized exhibition of machines, tools, equipment, units, technologies for all industrial branches. Metallurgy and Metal-work, Welding, Pumps. Compressors, Flow Detection, Composite Materials… every 2 years Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre 11/19/2025
3 days
OIL GAS. CHEMISTRY MINING SIBERIAN GEO-FORUMRussian Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Mining Industry Exhibition once a year Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre 11/19/2025
3 days
SIBERIAN ENERGY FORUMTrade show dedicated to Electrical Engineering, Energy, Thermal Power, Energy- and Rrsource Saving, Automatization, Electronics, Robotechnics, Instrumentation, Lighting Engineering... once a year Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre 11/19/2025
3 days
DENTAL-EXPO UFADental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Ufa once a year Ufa (Russia) VDNH-EXPO 11/22/2025
3 days
BE 4.0 INDUSTRIES DU FUTURThe fair is a tri-national (France, Germany, Switzerland) rendezvous for a successful transformation to the industry of the future once a year Mulhouse (France) Mulhouse - Parc des Expositions 11/25/2025
2 days
FUTURE BATTERY FORUMForum dedicated to Future Battery Technology. The congress brings together all players in the field, users and manufacturers of battery and cell systems once a year Berlin (Germany) Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center 11/25/2025
2 days
HORIZONS HYDROGÈNEProfessional event dedicated to the hydrogen market in France. A complete and unique overview of the perspectives and opportunities linked to developments in this still booming market once a year Paris (France) Verso Victoire 11/25/2025
1 day
PCH MEETINGSInternational meetings for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petrochemical and Gas industries. Equipment, processes, utilities, energy efficiency, decarbonization and hydrogen... once a year Lyon (France) Double Mixte, Lyon 11/25/2025
2 days
PHARMTECH & INGREDIENTSInternational Specialised Forum & Exhibition for Equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 11/25/2025
4 days
WARSAW MEDICAL EXPOInternational Trade Fair of Medical Facilities Equipment in Warsaw. It is a meeting place for producers and distributors of comprehensive equipment for medical facilities, both the smallest and largest multi-specialized clinics once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 11/25/2025
3 days
DENTAL-EXPO EKATERINBURGDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Yekaterinburg once a year Yekaterinburg (Russia) World Trade Center, Yekaterinburg 11/26/2025
3 days
EURASIAN COMPOSITES SHOWTurkish Trade Fair for the Composites Industry. International Composites Raw Materials, Semi-Finished, Final Products and Technologies every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo 11/26/2025
3 days
PUMPS & VALVES ZURICHSwiss trade fair for pumping systems, valves, industrial valves, joints, sealing systems, filters, filtration systems and pipes every 2 years Zurich (Switzerland) Ferienmesse Zürich 11/26/2025
2 days
PUTECH EURASIAThe Eurasia's leading Polyurethane Industry Exhibition. Putech Eurasia will bring together industry professionals from all around the world. Polyurethane Chemicals, Machinery & Equipment, Polyurethane Coatings and Adhesives, Polyureathane Applications... every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo 11/26/2025
3 days
CFICExhibition of industrial transitions in Cosmetics. CFIC is a tailor-made BtoB event that brings together a panel of selected suppliers offering innovative and responsible business solutions, given energy and environmental constraints... once a year ? (France) Dec. 2025 (?)
FIRE RESISTANCE IN PLASTICSConference dedicated to Technical developments and trends in Fire Resistance in Plastics once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) 12/01/2025
3 days
FIRE RESISTANCE IN PLASTICS EUROPEConference dedicated to Fire Resistance in Plastics. Discover the latest developments in fire retardant technologies once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) 12/01/2025
3 days
GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIERS EXPOInternational exhibition of specialist automotive components and automotive supply chain partners once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre Dec. 2025 (?)
MINES AND MONEY LONDONWorld Congress devoted to Mining and Mining Investment. Mines and Money London will bring together 3500+ investors, financiers, brokers and senior mining executives for Europe’s leading mining investment and capital raising event once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Business Design Centre, Islington Dec. 2025 (?)
NATIONAAL WATERSTOF CONGRES - NATIONAL HYDROGEN CONGRESSCongress dedicated to the transition to green hydrogen. What opportunities does hydrogen offer for different sectors ? once a year Utrecht (Netherlands) Jaarbeurs Utrecht Dec. 2025 (?)
OFF-GRID EXPERTS WORKSHOPOFF-GRID Experts Workshop is a three-day program around self-sufficient solar, wind and hydro power systems and the off-grid power supply once a year Augsburg (Germany) Augsburger Messezentrum Dec. 2025 (?)
POLYMERS IN FOOTWEAR EUROPEConference dedicated to connect the polymers and footwear supply chain to explore the latest industry innovations and trends every 2 years Nuremberg (Germany) Le Méridien Grand Hotel, Nuremberg Dec. 2025 (?)
SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT ENERGY STORAGE GERMANYGain crucial insights into the growing and evolving solar energy market. You'll also be able to strengthen your network by meeting the major market players once a year Cologne (Germany) Hotel NH Collection Köln Mediapark Dec. 2025 (?)
WECA - WORLD ENERGY CAPITAL ASSEMBLYEurope's largest gathering of energy executives, finance and investment professionals every 2 years London (UK - United Kingdom) Dec. 2025
POLYOLEFIN ADDITIVES EUROPEInternational industry conference on polyolefin materials, compounding, additives and performance once a year Cologne (Germany) 12/02/2025
2 days
WORLD LNG SUMMIT & AWARDSThe LNG Summit & Awards is providing a platform to reconnect the entire LNG & gas value chain under one roof and evaluate what’s next for the global LNG business once a year Istanbul (Turkey) 12/02/2025
4 days
PLAST EURASIAInternational Istanbul Plastic Industries Fair. Machinery Equipment and Sub-Industry, Mold, Recycling, Heat and Control Devices, Raw Materials and Chemicals, Semi-finished Plastic Products, Related Associations, Sectoral Publications... once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center 12/03/2025
4 days
THE MAGNETICS SHOW EUROPESupply Chain Expo & Technical Programme for the Global Magnetics Industry. Encompassing the entire supply chain of the magnetic material and rare earth industries. From energy conversion, aerospace, to the modest refrigerator magnet once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 12/03/2025
2 days
FESTIVAL BREIZH TRANSITIONEnergy Transition and Sustainable Development Festival every 2 years Quimper (France) Parc des expositions Quimper Cornouaille 12/04/2025
2 days
RUSSIAN HEALTH CARE WEEKRussian Health Care Week is the largest health care project in Russia, which brings together international trade shows, congresses, forums, conferences and other events once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 12/08/2025
4 days
BIOGAS CONVENTION & TRADE FAIRThe high-quality international event of the German Biogas Association once a year Nuremberg (Germany) 12/09/2025
3 days
POLYMERS IN FLOORING EUROPEForum for discovering the latest trends and innovations in polymer flooring, improving materials, production and design to open new markets unknown Berlin (Germany) 12/09/2025
2 days
RECYCLING FLEXIBLE PACKAGING EUROPEConference dedicated to Recycling Flexible Packaging. Creating circularity through increased recovery and recycling of ‘hard to recycle’ flexible packaging once a year Vienna (Austria) 12/09/2025
2 days
WIND TURBINE BLADE MANUFACTUREGlobal conference on MW wind blade design, composites, manufacturing and performance once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) InterContinental Düsseldorf 12/09/2025
3 days
WIND TURBINE BLADE SERVICE & MAINTENANCEForum for increasing asset profitability by decreasing blade downtime: service, inspection, maintenance and repair once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) Maritim Hotel, Düsseldorf 12/09/2025
3 days
ENERGAÏAInternational Renewable Energies Exhibition - with Conference. The EnerGaïa Forum supports the renewable energy sector by offering real environmental solutions for territories, cities and industries once a year Montpellier (France) Montpellier - Parc des Expositions 12/10/2025
2 days
POLYMERS AZERBAIJAN AND CISInternational Congress and Exhibition dedicated to Construction and modernisation of plants. The event brings together producers of basic polymers and synthetic rubbers, initiators of investment projects in the polymer industry... once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Fairmont Baku at the Flame Towers 12/10/2025
3 days
TÜRKIYE & BLACK SEA OIL AND GASInternational Congress & Exhibition about Türkiye & Black Sea Oil and Gas Industry. Investment projects on oil and gas extraction, gas processing plants & petrochemical facilities, production technologies and world suppliers for the industry... once a year Istanbul (Turkey) JW Marriott Hotel Istanbul Marmara Sea 12/10/2025
2 days
DENTAL-REVIEW MOSCOWAll-Russian Dental Equipment, Instruments and materials expo & forum in Moscow. Dental Review includes National Dental Forum, Conference on "Education, research and practice in dentistry" & regional exhibition Dental Review once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Jan. 2026 (?)
EMPACK ZÜRICHTrade Fair for Innovative Packaging Solutions. Empack exhibitors will showcase Packaging Materials, Equipment & Technologies, Labeling and Marking Technology, Creative and Design, Recycling, Services once a year Bern (Switzerland) BernExpo AG Jan. 2026 (?)
SOLAR ENERGY EXPOPolish Renewable Energy Sources Industry Trade Fair. The fair is an opportunity to meet specialists and establish business contacts, as well as enable the promotion and sale of equipment in the field of solar, wind, water, geothermal and biomass energy once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 01/13/2026
3 days
INTERSOLUTIONInterSolution is the leading exhibition for solar energy in the Benelux. Leading suppliers from all over Europe present their latest products in solar panels, energy storage, mounting and control systems, software and monitoring once a year Ghent (Belgium) Flanders Expo 01/14/2026
2 days
RECYCLING SOLUTIONS MOSCOWRECYCLING SOLUTIONS is the russian industry highlighter for innovations and developments into the circular economy: the russian plastics industry and the related waste management market once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 01/27/2026
4 days
RUPLASTICARUPLASTICA is a meeting place that provides a unique opportunity to see the entire polymer industry value chain and discover not only new business and partnership opportunities, but also innovative, sustainable solutions once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 01/27/2026
4 days
SEPEM INDUSTRIES NORDIndustrial Trade Show dedicated to Service, Equipment, Process and Maintenance for the North of France once a year Douai (France) Parc des Expositions du Rivage Gayant 01/27/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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