
Security - Risk Management
Trade Shows in France
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in France


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45 Trade Shows in France related to Security - Risk Management
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
HPP SUMMITBusiness meeting dedicated to Equipment and Solutions for Prevention and Protection of People at Work once a year Biarritz Casino Bellevue 03/17/2025
2 days
IT& IT SECURITY MEETINGSB2B exhibition for networks, telecom, mobility, cloud computing, data center and security once a year Cannes Palais des Festivals de Cannes 03/18/2025
3 days
FOOD HOTEL TECH - PARISTrade show dedicated to new Technologies and digital Solutions for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/19/2025
2 days
CONTAMINEXPOExhibition and conference of products, processes and equipment for the prevention and control of particulate, chemical and biological contaminants. The benchmark event for controlling contamination and clean rooms every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/25/2025
3 days
EUROPROPRE + EUROSERVICES EXPOThe Hygiene, Cleanliness and Multi-Services Exhibition for Businesses, Industries and Communities every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/25/2025
3 days
QUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMITQUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMIT highlights and explains the softwerization, disaggregation and cloudification processes. A valuable event to get a comprehensive overview of where the networking industry is heading to and meet the best experts in the routing area once a year Paris Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 03/25/2025
2 days
WORKSPACE EXPOExhibition of general services and purchases for office fittings and equipment dedicated to companies and communities. WORKSPACE EXPO is a national exhibition dedicated to furniture and the layout of workspaces once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/25/2025
3 days
SASE FORUMThe SASE Forum will delve into the transformative journey from traditional networking to a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture. Experts will explore in particular how AI and machine learning are revolutionizing network automation once a year Paris Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 03/26/2025
1 day
SALON SOLUCUP - TOULOUSEThe Solucop Trade Shows concern all stakeholders in co-ownership, committed to improving the comfort and security of collective housing once a year Toulouse Stade Ernest Wallon,Toulouse 04/02/2025
2 days
ASD ALLIANCEASD Alliance is the one to one international event dedicated to Aeronautics, Space, Defence and Drones once a year Paris Les Salons Hoche 04/03/2025
1 day
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY FRANCECongress on cybercriminality and online-protection. E-Crime congress designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies once a year Paris The Westin Paris - Vendôme 05/27/2025
1 day
PAV CON EUROPE - POLICE AVIATION CONFERENCEPolice Aviation Conference and Exhibition (including other rescue services) once a year Le Castellet Le Castellet International Airport 05/27/2025
2 days
DATACLOUD GLOBAL CONGRESSAs premier global event for data centre, cloud, AI, and investment leaders, Datacloud Global Congress continues to set the standard for thought leadership and industry networking once a year Cannes Palais des Festivals de Cannes 06/03/2025
3 days
ACCESSECURITYEuro-Mediterranean cybersecurity and security exhibition. One of the major exchange platforms bringing together key players in electronic, physical, cybersecurity, network and state security once a year Marseille Parc Chanot 06/04/2025
2 days
ACCESSECURITY MARSEILLEEuro-Mediterranean exhibition of cybersecurity and safety. Business meetings, symposium led by experts in cybersecurity and safety, workshops to discover solutions and demonstrations by exhibitors... once a year Marseille Parc Chanot 06/04/2025
2 days
PREVENTICA PARISTrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 06/10/2025
3 days
PREVENTICA NORD FRANCETrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 4 years ? Sept. 2025 (?)
PREVENTICA TOULOUSETrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions Sept. 2025 (?)
SALON DES PROFESSIONNELS DE L’AMIANTEThis show brings together all the players in the asbestos sector: contractors, project managers, institutions, diagnosticians and even asbestos removers. A cycle of conferences on the issue of asbestos and energy renovation once a year Paris Dock Pullman, Docks de Paris Sept. 2025 (?)
APS - ALARMES PROTECTION SECURITETrade fair for security. APS is a trade show dedicated to bringing together actors (providers, specifiers, buyers and users) involved in the implementation of solutions against malicious acts every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/07/2025
3 days
CLOUD + SECURITY FORUMForum consacré au Cloud et à la Sécurité: Cybersécurité, Cloud Hybride/Public/Privé, Internet des Objets, Intelligence Artificielle, SAAS (Software as a Service), Mobilité, Infrastructure... once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/07/2025
2 days
SALON SOLUCUP - LILLEThe Solucop Trade Shows concern all stakeholders in co-ownership, committed to improving the comfort and security of collective housing once a year Lille Lille Grand Palais 10/09/2025
2 days
WNE - WORLD NUCLEAR EXHIBITIONThe world's leading civil nuclear exhibition. With around 780 actors from all over the world, WNE is covering the whole nuclear supply chain every 2 years Paris Paris Nord Villepinte 11/04/2025
3 days
BIG DATA & AI WORLD - PARISBig Data & AI International Conference. Engage with thousands of experts in technology, data science, and AI innovation. Explore unparalleled opportunities to propel your business into a new era of intelligence once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/05/2025
2 days
CLOUD & CYBER SECURITY EXPO EUROPE - PARISEvent dedicated to Data centres, cloud computing, security, blockchain, big data & AI and the Internet of Things once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/05/2025
2 days
DATA CENTRE WORLD EUROPE - PARISThe world’s largest gathering of Data Centre World Industry professionals and end-users. Data Centre World is featuring world-renowned speakers and exhibitors. They come together to present the most cutting-edge cloud technologies and high-quality servic once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/05/2025
2 days
SALON DE LA COPROPRIÉTÉ ET DE L'HABITATBy combining meetings, business and conviviality, the Co-ownership and Housing Show brings together co-owners and co-ownership professionals. At the same time, the Professional Congress of Co-ownerships is held once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/05/2025
2 days
TECH SHOW PARISTECH SHOW PARIS, international cutting-edge technology Expo + conference, regroups. - Cloud Expo Europe
- Devops Live
- Cloud & Cyber Security Expo
- Big Data & AI World
- Data Centre World
once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/05/2025
2 days
MILIPOL PARISWorldwide Exhibition of Internal State Security. MILIPOL presents the latest technological innovations in the safety and internal security sector of States and allows debate on the present and future of the industry every 2 years Paris Paris Nord Villepinte 11/18/2025
4 days
SALON DES MAIRES ET DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALESExhibition dedicated to Mayors and Local Authorities - the great French meeting for public procurement once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/18/2025
3 days
TECH FOR RETAILEuropean exhibition of Innovative Retail. The entire show is designed and conceived to multiply exchanges between the major players in Retail and the creators of innovation once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/24/2025
2 days
HEALTHCARE MEETINGSFrom logistics to hygiene, including IT protection, cybersecurity and the patient environment, Healthcare Meetings will give you the opportunity to discover all the changes in health, social and medico-social establishments once a year Cannes Palais des Festivals de Cannes 11/25/2025
3 days
LE SALON NUMÉRIQUE, INFORMATIQUE ET CYBER-SÉCURITÉ DE PARISThe perfect place to understand digital, IT and cybersecurity studies, where you can learn about the expectations and future opportunities once a year Paris Espace Champerret Dec. 2025 (?)
TRUSTECHWorld’s leading trade show for Secure Payment, Identification and Mobility once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 12/02/2025
3 days
SALON SOLUCUP - NICEThe Solucop Trade Shows concern all stakeholders in co-ownership, committed to improving the comfort and security of collective housing once a year Nice Palais Nikaïa 12/04/2025
2 days
COSMET'AGORACosmet’Agora, a trade show for cosmetics professionals, is an unmissable event in terms of cosmetic formulation. It offers to discover the latest trends: raw materials, textures, new technologies, toxicological tests... once a year Paris Espace Champerret Jan. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DES FORMATIONS ET METIERS DÉFENSE ET CYBERSÉCURITÉ DE PARISTo help you build your career plans, many professionals and specialists from the defense and cybersecurity sector will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Paris Espace Champerret Jan. 2026 (?)
SECOURS EXPOThe Secours Expo exhibition brings together all categories of professionals and all emergency professions, specialists in rescue, emergency care and prevention every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Jan. 2026
CYBER SHOW PARISForum dedicated to cybersecurity solutions. Led around demonstration areas, exchanges and business meetings around the cyber challenges of organizations, the Cyber ​​ Show Paris is aimed at managers, CISOs and CIOs of mid-sized companies and S once a year Paris Espace Champerret 01/28/2026
2 days
LES RENCONTRES AMRAEThe AMRAE Annual Conference. It provides companies, organizations, risk managers and insurance specialists with an opportunity to deal frankly with concrete management, risk financing and insurance-related problems once a year Deauville Centre International de Deauville Feb. 2026 (?)
EUROSATORYDefense & Security International Exhibition. EUROSATORY is the only International Exhibition Exclusively dedicated to Land Defense Activities and Airland Solutions (Land and Air-land Equipment or Associated Services) every 2 years Paris Paris Nord Villepinte 06/15/2026
5 days
JAS LA ROCHELLEThe Food & Health Days (JAS) today represent a benchmark event for agri-food professionals, and one of the most important European business conventions in the sector every 2 years La Rochelle Espace Encan 06/17/2026
2 days
AD2S - AEROSPACE & DEFENCE SUPPORT AND SERVICESConnect with the MRO and operational support community in the ASD sector through an exhibition, conferences, business meetings and live demos organized and supervised by the armed forces every 2 years Mérignac Base Aérienne 106 - Bordeaux-Mérignac 09/22/2026
3 days
PRÉVENTICA LYONTrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 2 years Lyon Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
EXPOPROTECTIONInternational Safety and Security Exhibition every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/03/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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