Metal Working Industries
Trade shows in April 2026


Techniques & Process Equipment

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30 Trade Shows related to Metal Working Industries in April 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
TUBEInternational Tube and Pipe Trade Fair. Tube shows the entire range - from raw materials to tube production, processing technology, accessories & trading, forming technology as well as machines and systems every 2 years Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 04/13/2026
5 days
WIREInternational Wire and Cable Trade Fair. Meet world market leaders and initiators from the entire process chain - from raw materials to the latest machines for wire production and processing, fastening technology and spring production technology every 2 years Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 04/13/2026
5 days
BIAM & WELDINGZagreb International Machine Tools and Tool Fair, Welding & Anticorrosion Fairs. The fairs are accompanied by a rich professional programme every 2 years Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb Fair 04/14/2026
4 days
PAINTEXPOInternational Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology. PaintExpo takes place every other year in Karlsruhe as a showcase for innovations, applications, future technologies and trends covering all aspects of industrial coating every 2 years Karlsruhe (Germany) Messe Karlsruhe 04/14/2026
4 days
DIEMOULDTrade Show dedicated to Dies & Moulds, Press Tools. Machine Tools for Making Dies & Moulds every 2 years Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 04/21/2026
4 days
INTERTOOL AUSTRIAAustrian International Fair for Machine Tools, Tooling and Manufacturing Technologies every 2 years Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
SCHWEISSENSCHWEISSEN is Austria's innovation show and business platform for the industry and is aimed at industry, trade and SMEs alike. Joining, cutting & coating technology, testing technology, occupational safety... every 2 years Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
SIMEC - SALON INDUSTRIEL DE LA MAURICIE, ESTRIE ET DU CENTRE-DU-QUÉBECIndustrial Expo in the Estrie region. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region every 2 years Drummondville, QC (Canada) Centrexpo Cogeco Drummondville 04/22/2026
2 days
AUTO CHINABeijing International Automotive Industry Exhibition every 2 years Beijing (China) New China International Exhibition Center 04/24/2026
10 days
AMPP ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPOThe largest international corrosion and coatings trade show & congress once a year ? (America) April 2026 (?)
AUTOMANUFAC - KOREA AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING EXPOKorea Automotive Manufacturing Expo. Automotive Networking, New Technology, Materials, Parts, Accessories, Equipment and Engineering Solution once a year Seoul (Korea South) Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center April 2026 (?)
AUTOMOTIVE WORLD KOREAAutomotive World Korea is specialized in automobile manufacturing where all the products/technologies that make up automobiles. Automobile parts/processing technologies, lightweight parts/technologies, automobile electronics, EV/HV/FCV, autonomous drivin once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center April 2026 (?)
CCMT - CHINA CNC MACHINE TOOL FAIRChina CNC Machine Tool Fair. Machine Tool associations and trade promotion organizations from 10 countries and regions, including Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Italy, South Korea etc. gather in the fair pavilions every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC April 2026 (?)
CORROSION PROTECTION. COATINGS MINSKInternational specialized Exhibition on Corrosion Protection. Coatings once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena April 2026 (?)
GLOBAL FOUNDRY SOURCING CONFERENCEFoundry Sourcing Conference. The Global Foundry Sourcing Conference's purpose is to establish a communication and trading platform for global casting purchasers and Global casting suppliers twice a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center April 2026 (?)
GLOBAL FOUNDRY SOURCING CONFERENCE - SHANGHAIForum dedicated for for sourcing diverse castings companies in China. Iron, steel and nonferrous metals castings manufactured with various casting processes such as sand casting, precision casting, die casting... for a wide range of industries once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center April 2026 (?)
HARDWARE EURASIAHardware Eurasia brings together all the components of the industry. Meet & network with the right and reliable suppliers who are the leading hardware manufacturers in the fields of fasteners, hand tools, power tools, furniture accessories & components... once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center April 2026 (?)
INDONESIA CABLE WIRE EXPO - JAKARTAIndonesia International Cable & Wire Trade Show once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) April 2026 (?)
INTERMOLD - TOKYOJapan International Die, Mold & Metal Working Technology Exhibition once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) April 2026 (?)
KAZAKHSTAN INDUSTRY WEEKInternational Exhibition of Manufacturing Industry once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) IEC Expo Astana April 2026 (?)
KAZAKHSTAN MACHINERY FAIRInternational specialized exhibition for mechanical engineering and metalworking once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) IEC Expo Astana April 2026 (?)
KOFASKorea Factory Automation System Show. Automation & Smart Factory, System Control, Motion Control, Manufacturing, Robotics, IT Tech, Test/Measuring, Logistics, Material, Parts... once a year Changwon (Korea South) Changwon Exhibition and Convention Center April 2026 (?)
LITMETEXPO. FOUNDRY & METALLURGYInternational exhibition of foundry and metallurgical technologies once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena April 2026 (?)
MASHEXPO SIBERIAInternational Exhibition for Metalworking and Welding once a year Novosibirsk (Russia) Novosibirsk Expocentre April 2026 (?)
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MINSKMetal cutting machines, metalworking centers, control and measuring equipment, tools and instruments once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena April 2026 (?)
SICTSurfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference. The SICT offers a great opportunity for scientists, researchers, and experts active in the field of surfaces and coatings science and technologies once a year ? (Europe) April 2026 (?)
SURFENTECH EXPOIndia's B2B event on Surface Engineering & Coating Solutions. Surfentech Expo is dedicated to surface and coating, boosting global collaboration, eco-friendly surface engineering alternatives and digital solutions for a dynamic growth once a year Ahmedabad (India) EKA Club April 2026 (?)
TIEXPOInternational Titanium Expo. TIEXPO showcases titanium products used in various industries, titanium production technology and equipment, Alloy materials, technologies and products once a year ? (China) April 2026 (?)
TRIBOLOGYTribology International Conference. Leading university researchers present their latest findings, and representatives of the industry inspire scientists to develop new solutions once a year ? (Europe) April 2026 (?)
WELDING AND CUTTING MINSKWelding, cutting and related technologies. Instruments and methods of nondestructive testing once a year Minsk (Belarus) Minsk-Arena April 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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