
Subcontracting, Suppliers & Partners
Trade shows in September 2026


Techniques & Process Equipment

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98 Trade Shows related to Subcontracting, Suppliers & Partners in September 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MMMM - MINERALS, METALS, METALLURGY & MATERIALSInternational Trade Fair for Minerals, Metals & Metallurgy. MMMM is the ideal platform for technology transfer, business meets and joint ventures for identifying potential investors to boost industrial production, collaboration and international trade every 2 years New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre Sept. 2026
SMM HAMBURGShip Building, Machinery and Marine Technology International Trade Fair. As the world's leading trade fair and conference event for the maritime industry, SMM will serve as a unique platform for business, the exchange of ideas and cooperation every 2 years Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg Messe und Congress 09/01/2026
4 days
LOCAL SOUTHERN AFRICAN MANUFACTURING EXPOSouthern African Manufacturing Expo. Industry, Construction, Agriculture, Power every 2 years Johannesburg (South Africa) Johannesburg Expo Centre 09/07/2026
5 days
AUTOMECHANIKA FRANKFURT DIGITAL PLUSWorld's leading trade fair for the automotive service industry every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 09/08/2026
5 days
INTER DIECASTIndia's International exhibition on die casting technology, supplies & products. All the stake holders of both foundry and die casting industry will meet in the city of Coimbatore, one of the largest manufacturing hubs in India every 2 years Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex 09/10/2026
3 days
INTER FOUNDRYIndia's International Exhibition for Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Foundry Industry. The latest advancements in foundry technologies, equipment, processes, and materials for both Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Castings every 2 years Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex 09/10/2026
3 days
AIREX - ISTANBUL AIR SHOWInternational civil aviation & airports exhibition & aviation industry supply chain platform. An unique opportunity to reach the Eurasian aviation and airport markets every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Atatürk Airport 09/12/2026
3 days
AFRICA AEROSPACE & DEFENCEAerospace & Defense Exhibition. The Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) is Africa's only aerospace and defence expo that combines both a trade exhibition and an air show every 2 years Pretoria (South Africa) Air Force Base, Waterkloof 09/16/2026
5 days
FI ASIA - INDONESIAIndonesia's largest food and beverage ingredients event. Source from the best ingredients, Build a network of trusted connections in the F&B industry, Showcase your innovative products and solutions, Learn about the latest trends in the industry every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 09/16/2026
3 days
THAILAND INTERNATIONAL WOODWORKING AND FURNITURE EXHIBITIONThailand International Woodworking and Furniture Exhibition. Machinery & Technology, Materials & Supplies, Fittings, Hardware & Components, Industry Services once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center 09/16/2026
3 days
FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE BOGOTABogota International Industrial Fair. Event specialized in new technologies applied to all productive industries on the South American continent every 2 years Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones 09/21/2026
5 days
TUBE CHINAInternational Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 09/21/2026
4 days
WIRE CHINAInternational Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 09/21/2026
4 days
SEPEM INDUSTRIES SUD-OUESTIndustrial Trade Show dedicated to Service, Equipment, Process and Maintenance every 2 years Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 09/22/2026
3 days
COMPOUNDING WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational Exhibition for Plastics Additives and Compounding every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) 09/23/2026
2 days
PLASTICS EXTRUSION WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational exhibition for the film, sheet, pipe and profile extrusion industry every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) 09/23/2026
2 days
MICRONORABiennial microtechnology and precision trade fair. Micronora meets a fundamental need expressed by industrialists: a business-led approach, whose common denominator is precision increasingly combined with miniaturisation. Open to nanotechnologies every 2 years Besancon (France) Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis Sept. 2026 (?)
MIRAThailand's Leading Industrial Solutions Event in Eastern Economic Corridor on Maintenance, Industrial Robotics, Automation, and Subcontracting once a year Pattaya (Thailand) Nongnooch Pattaya International Convention & Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
MOD’TISSIMOTrade show dedicated to the Portuguese Textile, Clothing & Accessories Industry. Modtissimo takes place two days, twice a year and is the meeting of the Portuguese textile family twice a year Porto (Portugal) Exponor Sept. 2026 (?)
MOMBASA INTERNATIONAL SHOW (MIS)Mombasa International Show. MOMBASA INTERNATIONAL SHOW (MIS) exhibitors are from the following industries:- Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism related Enterprises, Fishing Industry, Banking sector, Import & Export, Transport and communication once a year Mombasa (Kenya) ASK Jomo Kenyatta Showground Sept. 2026 (?)
MRO ASIA PACIFICMRO Asia Pacific gathers the airline supply chain to network, learn and define the commercial aviation maintenance industry. Conference and Exhibition once a year Singapore (Singapore) Singapore Expo Sept. 2026 (?)
MSPOInternational Polish Defense Industry Exhibition. In 2023 Targi Kielce Defence Industry Expo brought 711 companies from 35 countries, including 350 Polish companies once a year Kielce (Poland) Kielce Fairground Sept. 2026 (?)
PAK INDUSTRIAL EXOPakistan Industrial Fair. B2B Exhibition of Bearings, Agriculture, CNC, Auto parts sectors... It is an important platform for economic and trade exchanges between enterprises in China and Pakistan once a year Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
PREMIÈRE VISION PARISInternational exhibition of textiles for clothing. Discover thousands of products, designs, fabrics, leathers, and accessories to develop your next collections twice a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte Sept. 2026 (?)
PREMIÈRE VISION SHENZHENPremière Vision Shenzhen is one of the biggest Exhibitions dedicated to Clothing OEM/ODM Industry, Sourcing & Textile. Yarns, Fabrics, Leather, Accessories, Designs, Manufacturing twice a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
RAW MAT INDIAIndian's Great Resource & Industry Expo. Heavy Engineering, Light Engineering, Foundries - Iron, Steel, Non Ferrous Manufacturers, Plastic Components, Automobile Components, Wood Products, Chemical Industries, Rubber Products, Machine Tool Builders... once a year Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex Sept. 2026 (?)
READY TO SHOWREADY TO SHOW aims to give international apparel, accessory, textile and leather manufacturers direct access to major European buyers, including importers, private labels, large retailers and all other imported apparel and textiles users twice a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
RI-EXPO - NTERNATIONAL ENERGY EQUIPMENT EXPO RUSSIARussian International Industrial & Energy Equipment Manufacturing Expo once a year Moscow (Russia) Gostiny Dvor - Moscow Sept. 2026 (?)
SALON DES PROFESSIONNELS DE L’AMIANTEThis show brings together all the players in the asbestos sector: contractors, project managers, institutions, diagnosticians and even asbestos removers. A cycle of conferences on the issue of asbestos and energy renovation once a year Paris (France) Dock Pullman, Docks de Paris Sept. 2026 (?)
SAUDI FASHIONTEX EXPOSaudi International Fashion, Textiles and Leather Exhibition. This platform allows national and international companies of different industry sectors to show and promote their skills, meet partners and find international brands from several countries once a year ? (Saudi Arabia) Sept. 2026 (?)
SEMICON TAIWANInternational Exposition and Conference dedicated to Semiconductor Equipment, Materials and Services once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO PHOENIXBusiness Trade Show. Small Business Expo brings together thousands of business owners and decision-makers to network, attend business critical workshops, build new business relationships and shop from vendors that provide unique products & services once a year Phoenix, AZ (USA) Phoenix Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO SAN DIEGOBusiness Trade Show. Small Business Expo brings together thousands of business owners and decision-makers to network, attend business critical workshops, build new business relationships and shop from vendors that provide unique products & services once a year San Diego, CA (USA) Sheraton Hotel & Marina Sept. 2026 (?)
SOURCING AT MAGIC NEW YORKSOURCING at MAGIC New York will address everchanging sourcing needs, and will solve for supply chain challenges facing the fashion industry once a year New York, NY (USA) Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
SUBBCON EECThe First and Only Industrial Subcontracting and Business Matching Event in the Eastern Economic Corridor once a year Pattaya (Thailand) Nongnooch Pattaya International Convention & Exhibition Center Sept. 2026 (?)
SURCAR SHANGHAI CONGRESSInternational Meeting on Automotive Body Finishing every 2 years Shanghai (China) Okura Garden Hotel – Shanghai Sept. 2026 (?)
SURFAIRInternational Conference on Surface Treatments in the Aeronautical and Space Industries every 2 years Biarritz (France) Casino Bellevue Sept. 2026 (?)
SYRIA VIP MACHITEXSyria International Textile Machinery, Technologies and Equipment Exhibition once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground Sept. 2026 (?)
TEXTAILOR EXPOInternational trade fair specializing in textile equipment and products. TexTailor Expo is a representative forum for the Balkan textile, leather and fashion industries, representing them globally and supporting their growth and innovation once a year Plovdiv (Bulgaria) International Fair Plovdiv Sept. 2026 (?)
TEXTECH INTERNATIONAL EXPO - BANGLADESHInternational Exhibition for the Garment & Textile World of Bangladesh once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) Bangladesh China Friendship Exhibition Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
TEXWORLD EVOLUTION PARISInternational Meeting Place for the Textile Industry in Paris: Fabrics, Trims, Accessories... a wide variety of products ranging from basics to the most creative and qualitative twice a year Paris (France) Parc des expositions du Bourget Sept. 2026 (?)
TTM - TÜRKIYE TEXTILE MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONThe Türkiye Textile Machinery (TTM) Exhibition is an international event in the global textile machinery industry, showcasing the latest advancements in textile machinery and technology once a year Istanbul (Turkey) ICEC (Istanbul Lotfi Kirdar Convention & Exhibition Centre) Sept. 2026 (?)
UK METAL EVENTSThe leading UK's event that brings the entire metals supply chain together with engineering, manufacturing & construction. Primary metal manufacturing, design, metal processing, metalworking, machinery, surface finishing, recycling... once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
VIETNAM PLASInternational Rubber & Plastics Industry exhibition. Plastic & Rubber Machinery, Chemical & Raw Materials, Mould, Recycling... once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC Sept. 2026 (?)
WARSAW PRINT-TECH EXPOPolish International trade fair for all graphic industries. Warsaw Print-Tech Expo is a place where innovation meets practical demand, and the potential of the industry is exploited to the maximum once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo Sept. 2026 (?)
WM WERKSTATTMESSE - DORTMUNDTrade fair for car and commercial vehicle parts, workshop equipment, tools, paint, paint accessories and tires once a year Dortmund (Germany) Exhibition Centre Dortmund Sept. 2026 (?)
WOMEN IN MOBILITY LUNCHEON« Women in Mobility Luncheon » gathers every year, decision- makers and female top talents from the mobility industry meet for lunch in an informal setting to exchange views on progress in diversity and to further expand the network once a year Berlin (Germany) Messegelände Berlin Sept. 2026 (?)
YARN EXPO AUTUMNAZt the YARN EXPO, suppliers from Asian and European countries showcase their latest collection of natural and blended yarns including cotton, wool, flax / regenerated flax, man-made fibres and yarns, as well as specialty products including elastic... once a year Shanghai (China) National Exhibition and Convention Center Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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